


  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    God flooded my house.
    That was seriously the funniest thing I ever did.

    Oh a protip: Meteorite armor is worthless if you already have a complete shadow set. Get a hammax (freeing one slot because it is hammer & axe) and a lightsabre in your favourite colour. They are cool.
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    That was seriously the funniest thing I ever did.

    Oh a protip: Meteorite armor is worthless if you already have a complete shadow set. Get a hammax (freeing one slot because it is hammer & axe) and a lightsabre in your favourite colour. They are cool.

    I hope I have enough for both.

    What all do I need for a hammax?
  • edited June 2011
    New update for Terraria is out. Biggest changes: You can now change the resolution in-game, new monsters & items, a dedicated server application and a new look for most armor (at leastz in the inventory).

    The ne resolutions work quite well. Here is the max statue from the TTG-server in full size. Quite impressive what Falanca created there...

  • edited June 2011
    Ok me and Falanca had the most beast rescue ever.
    We set are spawn at the dungeon which leads to a very long walk in the middle of corruption(for those that dont know, they are infested with so many monsters and bottemless pits it isnt funny) so using a new weapon I found, and Falanca's lightsaber, we freaking own the entire way through them all. WE FREAKING KICKED THEIR BUTS!!! This was a beast moment and I didnt think about screenshots until toward the end:(
  • edited June 2011
    It was also blood moon, which means all monster spawns are doubled. We did fine though!
  • edited June 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    It was also blood moon, which means all monster spawns are doubled. We did fine though!

    It was? didnt notice that.
    EDIT:Feel free to look at my screenshots at the top of this page, like I said it was toward the end but they are still from it.
  • edited June 2011
    So what loot did you guys get from the dungeon
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    So what loot did you guys get from the dungeon

    Mainly magic throwing stuff and a Cobalt shield, which I love to death.
  • edited June 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Mainly magic throwing stuff and a Cobalt shield, which I love to death.

    I adore mine too. It's almost like cheating.
  • edited June 2011
    I got the blue moon which has better power than the lightsaber, and has great range:D
    Today me and Falanca searched the underground jungles and it made clearing out the maneaters(they were called that?) very easy, its a shame they barely dropped the vines for me:(
    But in the end me and Falanca got the materials for 3 vine grapple thingies, but then Falanca used the flowers up for Guys hook, so sorry Guy, you get nothing, but blame Falanca.
  • edited June 2011
    the only item I still need is the grass greeves from the jungle. But the set looks so horrible it is not really worth it.
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I got the blue moon which has better power than the lightsaber, and has great range:D
    Today me and Falanca searched the underground jungles and it made clearing out the maneaters(they were called that?) very easy, its a shame they barely dropped the vines for me:(
    But in the end me and Falanca got the materials for 3 vine grapple thingies, but then Falanca used the flowers up for Guys hook, so sorry Guy, you get nothing, but blame Falanca.

    >_> Jeezus, flowers are the easy part!
  • edited June 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    >_> Jeezus, flowers are the easy part!

    True, we were getting them in bunches, but you still screwed up:D
    As for my solo adventures, Ive found 3 hellforges, one for my single world, one for my telltale house, and the other... Who knows.
  • edited June 2011
    Updates to Terraria have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

    Added Feature! - Social Slots. All normal armor and vanity items can be placed here to use their graphical appearance in place of equipped gear without overriding their stat gains.
    New Vanity Items - Tuxedo Shirt and Pants
    New Vanity Items - Plumber Outfit and Hat
    New Vanity Items - Hero Outfit and Hat
    New Vanity Item - Bunny Hood
    New Vanity Item - Fish Bowl
    New Vanity Item - Top Hat
    New Vanity Items - Archaeologist's Outfit and Hat
    New Vanity Item - Ninja Outfit.
    New Vanity Item - Red Hat.
    New Vanity Item - Summer Hat
    New Vanity Item - Robe
    New Vanity Item - Robot Hat
    New Vanity Item - Gold Crown
    New Item - Leather
    New Item - Green Dye
    New Item - Black Dye
    You can now wear the Jungle Rose in your hair
    The Water Candle’s enemy spawn rate increase effect now works correctly when held
    Some items that were missing ‘lore text’ in their tool-tips now have them.(Breathing Reed,Grappling Hook Jungle Rose.)
    Ammo items are now listed as Ammo in their tool-tip and Equipable Items that offer no stat bonus list as Vanity Items in their tool-tip. Items used in any recipe now list as Materials, in their tool-tip.
    The Magic Hat now offers 2 Defense to its wearer and the Empty Bucket now offers 1 Defense to its wearer.
    Dungeon Blocks now require at least a Nightmare Pick to mine, unless they are near the spawn location, where they can be mined by any pick.
    Phoenix Blaster has had a reduction of stats to balance better with other items of its tier.
    Gem, Mushroom and Bottle sell values have been reduced.
    Hell Forges above the rock layer can be moved with any hammer, but below require a 60% power hammer or stronger.
    Angel Statues are now more rare of a find.

    New NPC - Bunny
    New NPC - Goldfish (Is also an Item)
    New Enemy - Corrupt Bunny
    New Enemy - Corrupt Goldfish
    New Enemy - Piranha
    New Enemy - Harpy
    New Random Mini- Boss - King Slime
    New Enemy - Bat
    New Enemy - Jungle Bat
    New Enemy - Jungle Slime
    New Enemy - Snatcher
    New Rare Enemy - Dr. Bones
    New Rare Enemy - The Groom
    New NPC - A Clothier will now move into your town when the conditions are met.
    Enemy spawn distance has been pushed back to the maximum resolution to ensure that they will never spawn on the screen.
    Enemy spawn rates have been adjusted to account for the increased spawn distance.
    Enemy projectiles no longer drop hearts or stars when killed by the player.
    The Eater of Worlds now has Higher HP, Def and Dmg, making battling him more difficult.
    Hornets no longer appear as if they are about to flip over while flying.
    The Dead Miner is now a bit stronger.
    Tim’s spawn chance has been reduced.

    Players now have 1 second of invulnerability after they spawn.
    The eat/drink animation now plays correctly.

    Surface Jungle’s are now possible on mud that is on the surface. Jungle trees will auto-grow on their own, as acorns are not usable on the jungle grass.
    Chasms are now less frequent to appear, but always have an orb.
    Mud now ‘blends’ graphically with dirt, rather than stone to add for a more crisp look in Jungles.
    Jungle plants now grow underwater.

    Increased client side security.
    Selecting summon items will no longer cause monsters to summon.
    Players with a name over 20 characters will now get booted from the server.
    Added some minor anti-grief protection.
    Fixed a bug that would cause the client to attempt to summon an NPC during a multiplayer game and crash.
    Added the -host command line parameter to the client.

    Improved server timing, which should help reduce lag.
    Added several new command line and config options. These are listed in serverconfig.txt
    Servers will now output to crashlog.txt before crashing, allowing for more specific bug reporting.
    Clients will now output to client-crashlog.txt before crashing, allowing for more specific bug reporting.

    Screen resolutions now have limits of 800x600 minimum and 1920x1200 maximum.
    Added an option that will pause the game while talking to an NPC or opening your inventory in single player. It defaults to off.
    Added an option to automatically save the world every 10 minutes. Defaults to on.
    Added a prompt to load a world backup if the current world is corrupt.
    Added a check to determine if a world file was loaded successfully.
    Attempting to Launch the game from the Terraria.exe, will now inform you to launch via Steam rather then doing nothing at all with no indication of why.
    Backing out of the port selection screen now plays the correct sound.
    Setting options now correctly align with the center of the screen in all resolutions.
    The settings menu has been reorganized. All video related options have their own menu
    The “Tink” sound now has a more dull sound.
    The Re-Logic splash screen, now scales correctly in other resolutions.
    EDIT:It is unkown if this is true or not, but according to the clothiers dialoge, he may or may not be the old man that skeletron is summoned from, making one of the requirements killing the skeletron. If that is the case then we need to make another house in telltaleria next time. There is no way Ill be able to get him in my world.
  • edited June 2011
    Why are there bunnies in my house? I demand an answer and a way to kill them brutally.
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Why are there bunnies in my house? I demand an answer and a way to kill them brutally.

    Bunnies are part of the new update.
    I guess you can sprinkle corrupt seeds on them and turn them into corrupt bunnies and kill them.
    As for me. Im mixing and matching armor to create a decent look for my character.
    So far its
    Dark Armor
    Meteorite legs.
    I also need access to the jungle because it is very possible to create a outfit similar to Links from Zelda. I just need a few seeds from there and Ill have it:D
  • edited June 2011
    UGH I hate Skeletron. I spend all day preparing for the fight, and then when I summon him right when night ends, he freaking leaves. Why does he just fly off? Its the middle of night and I didnt fly off screen?
    Its going to take me forever to kill him and get the clothier.
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Its going to take me forever to kill him and get the clothier.

    Just go to the TTG-server. We defeated him ;).
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Just go to the TTG-server. We defeated him ;).

    Falanca hasnt been online for me to get there
    I want to make a house for him, but I'll have to wait until then.
  • edited June 2011
    I killed my Guide and he moved in instead of the "new guide". So now I have no more guide and I'm loving it.
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    I killed my Guide and he moved in instead of the "new guide". So now I have no more guide and I'm loving it.

    As for the telltale server, that is still clothierless and has a guide.
    Same with my server:(
    But I was able to craft a crown without him so Im good:D
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    But I was able to craft a crown without him so Im good:D
    Unless you want the mario items (or black paint) he is useless anyways.
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Unless you want the mario items (or black paint) he is useless anyways.

    Well there are Zelda items(a Link costume to be exact) which you need materials from the jungle to use and I have yet to find mine. So I guess I dont need him.
  • edited June 2011
    I haven't spent any time in my singleplayer world. Multiplayer w/ you guys is that much fun!
  • edited June 2011
    ted12 wrote: »
    I haven't spent any time in my singleplayer world. Multiplayer w/ you guys is that much fun!

    If you ever want to play sp then use a new character. You progress much too fast in multiplayer (and I am to blame a lot for this...).
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    If you ever want to play sp then use a new character. You progress much too fast in multiplayer (and I am to blame a lot for this...).

    That reminds me. Thanks for the hellforge so early on so I could make all those rare weapons so fast.
    And the lightsaber.
    And the orb of light.
  • edited June 2011
    Hey. I seem to have problems hosting a server. We are on a Hamachi server I made and he has typed my IP address right, but he wont connect.
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Hey. I seem to have problems hosting a server. We are on a Hamachi server I made and he has typed my IP address right, but he wont connect.

    Don't forget to click Host & Play option instead of just trying to join your own IP. But I doubt the answer is THAT obvious.

    Try making a new Hamachi server yourself and invite him (that way the main host of the Hamachi server will be you).
  • edited June 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Don't forget to click Host & Play option instead of just trying to join your own IP. But I doubt the answer is THAT obvious.

    Try making a new Hamachi server yourself and invite him (that way the main host of the Hamachi server will be you).

    Thats what I did.
    I clicked host, and created a new Hamachi server.
    But I think it may be a problem with his because it wouldnt even let him host his own server.
    Basicaly what happened was I was able to host a server, but he was stuck on an endless "searching for IP" screen, and then he tried hosting, and he got an endless "creating server" or whatever message.
    So yeah, Ill have to check out his computer a bit more.
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Thats what I did.
    I clicked host, and created a new Hamachi server.
    But I think it may be a problem with his because it wouldnt even let him host his own server.
    Basicaly what happened was I was able to host a server, but he was stuck on an endless "searching for IP" screen, and then he tried hosting, and he got an endless "creating server" or whatever message.
    So yeah, Ill have to check out his computer a bit more.

    That sounds like an antivirus/firewall issue. He might've accidentally changed his settings in the mean time.
  • edited June 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    That sounds like an antivirus/firewall issue. He might've accidentally changed his settings in the mean time.

    Yeah Ill look into that later.
  • edited June 2011
    Massive new update, full of new monsters, and stats 'n stuff.
    3 things I took note of
    Potions that add new stats(obsidion potion, regeneration potion)
    slimes now float
    Blue Moons stats are loward, which I dont like because I love my Blue Moon.
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited June 2011
    I'll start playing once again after a few more updates, it feels weird to come back just for a few additions and be done in an hour or so.

    Anyone else feels that way ._.?
  • edited June 2011
    Profanity wrote: »
    I'll start playing once again after a few more updates, it feels weird to come back just for a few additions and be done in an hour or so.

    Anyone else feels that way ._.?

    Not really considering Im still struggling on the original content:D
    Also, Im trying to make these new potions, but dont know the recipies and the wiki hasnt updated yet. Anyone know any of the new potion recipies yet?
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Not really considering Im still struggling on the original content:D
    Also, Im trying to make these new potions, but dont know the recipies and the wiki hasnt updated yet. Anyone know any of the new potion recipies yet?

    Are you sure that the update with the new potions is out? From the developers twitter, it seems that it's still in the making with only available previews.
  • edited June 2011
    Profanity wrote: »
    Are you sure that the update with the new potions is out? From the developers twitter, it seems that it's still in the making with only available previews.

    Its on my steam news, and previous downloads are shown of the game.
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Its on my steam news, and previous downloads are shown of the game.

    Ah, yes, yes it is out.

    Sorry :D

    Offtopic: When will they give us the day 4! DAMMIT!
  • edited June 2011
    Profanity wrote: »
    Anyone else feels that way ._.?

  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Im trying to make these new potions, but dont know the recipies and the wiki hasnt updated yet. Anyone know any of the new potion recipies yet?

    stand near some water (or lava) and you should be able to craft an empty bottle into a bottle of water. show this to the guide and he'll tell how to make the potions.

    also, part 9 of Jesse and TBs terraria vids was uploaded about an hour ago.
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