Your Own Personal Death

I sometimes wonder what would be the perfect way for my days to end.
And I came up with something fairly weird, I guess if the end of the world occurs in my time, I'd like to see how it happens, as in, not to die instantly without knowing that everything is ending. That'd be cool
Any of you ever came up with something spectacular for your end game?
I sometimes wonder what would be the perfect way for my days to end.
And I came up with something fairly weird, I guess if the end of the world occurs in my time, I'd like to see how it happens, as in, not to die instantly without knowing that everything is ending. That'd be cool

Any of you ever came up with something spectacular for your end game?
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Well, for me, it may sound stupid but i hope I die helping someone else. I don't want to die of old age or in some hospital bed. I'd rather my death serve another. But I know that's a pretty tall order since none of us really ever see it coming, do we?
^ NSFW definately.
That sounds gruesome
And, uhm, I'd prefer dying in my sleep. I guess?
What I'm afraid of is being incapacitated or in agonizing pain for an extended period of time. That being said, I won't wish for myself to die instantly from such as a car accident, because that would suggest dying sooner rather than later in life.
Dying in my sleep sounds good. Of course, I also want Christ to come back before I die so I don't have to worry about it.
I lost my father 5 years ago and ever since, I've felt the same way as you.
Well I want to die of old age, and I want my last words to be something along the lines of Mission Accomplished.
Mine will be Rosebud..
'Ha! You fools never found out... where... I hid... the...'
'Always remember...'
I leave everything to....
'The antidote... for the virus I infected you with... is... in the... klargh...'
I do love in movies where the killer tries to attack teh person, and the person kills the killer, and the killer should be saying 'I was going to kill you all!', but they make it all emotional instead despite that he was going to kill them all.
Also; my favorite set of last words:
Either the curtains go or I do. - Oscar Wilde
That was beautiful. Truly the most honorable way to die. Godspeed, ShaggE.
It's time to kick ass and emancipate the slaves... and I'm all out of emancipation proclamations.
*pulls out knife* Hail to the chief, baby.
Either that or have a zombie apocalypse start without my knowledge. So I'd end up mistaking the hordes of zombies for a metal concert, and try to crowd surf only to meet my timely demise. Heck even if it weren’t the zombie apocalypse I'd probably still meet my end in the crowd.
Hush! It's my imaginary deaths they can go anyway I want, but in reality I'll probably have a boring death. XD
Anyway, I would die by the time I'm a rich old guy playing cricket while riding my personal velociraptor. My loyal servant and crime-fighting sidekick, Bill Gates, comes up to me and ask "Master, the mayor just called. He says that your private island collection had just won another award!".
Then I would dramatically take off my shades. (made out of solid gold and moon rocks)
"I have finally won every award known to man", I'll say. "Including 'Best President of Earth Ever' and 'First Time-Traveller Ever'."
"Indeed, Master" said Bill, who is wearing a suit made out of every endangered species ever, which I made with genetic engineering, in my garage, which is all of the South Pole. "But it seems there is one more award you have not received. The most prestigious award of all!"
"More prestigious than all the Oscars I won for directing the animated adaptation of my award winning high-five?" I asked.
"Yes, oh great one." said Bill. "It is the 'Best Dead Person Award'".
"Oh, is that it? That's easy!" I said. Then I won.
I'd like something different than this.
What about the president's closet? You'd make all of the papers then.
I think you mean death by snu-snu.
I imagine that it would be something like this
I heartily disagree.
Never a truer word spoken...or, rather, collection of words. You get the idea.
And old chemists never die, they just fail to react.
Would you accidentally start Genocide against a set of people and forget your one of the target group.