Collaborative Comic: Torpedo Rock: Detective for Hire
Basic rules, been done in most forums; I make a page of a comic, and then the next poster makes the next one continuing it. GO.
Oh, right. Here's the first one.
Yeah, yeah. I suck at art. GO.
Oh, right. Here's the first one.
Yeah, yeah. I suck at art. GO.
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You may want to restate your "sucking" at art sentence.
Here's an example on how to suck at art!
Hope I didn't ruien the art style much ^^; Also I really like drawing this character so I hope this continues.
Panel 1: Wide panel closeup of Torpedo face. Annoyed eyes. White text saying, "Don't say this is ANOTHER trap..."
Panel 2: Wide panel of the back of Torpedo looking at the whole view of the truck
There is a black puddle at the back with black ooze all over the walls and floor.
Panel 3: Torpedo crouches down and ponders the puddle.
Saying "Hmmm... this puddle looks deeper than what it should be"
Panel 4: Close up of Torpedo about to poke puddle with his finger
Panel 5: Puddle latches onto Torpedo's hand
Panel 6: In a panic Torpedo tries to pull his arm out
Panel 7: The puddle latches onto his leg and pulls him in even more
Panel 8, 9 and 10: begins sinking in a dramatic fashion, with finally his other hand poking out from the puddle.
Whaat? Are you kidding? It's awesome! Also, it's pretty fast! What software do you use?
EDIT: I drew a page based on your suggestion, but if you feel like drawing it yourself feel free. I kinda want to see your art style.
(Though if I had done it, it would have been a pencil doodle! XD (Not very good at drawing, plus I can't draw all too well on my laptop!)
Excellent follow up too, I'm already drawn in, and I really want to know what happens next!
(Once I get a few things sorted, I might give it a go later on at least)
WOW! This page REALLY sucks. I'll go slower next time Oh! And I just noticed you asked what software I use. I use Photoshop CS5 with a graphics tablet.
Also, this comic needs a title. What do you guys think it should be?
(Well, its a start...)
Also, we need a full page of those head guys launching Torpedo towards the "screen" incredibly fast, with Torpedo clutching to the edges of his bubble, screaming something like.
I like it I'll leave the next page to someone else as I don't wanna feel like I'm taking over but if I see the thread getting burried I'll get right to it.
Couldn't help my self ^^;
Aaugh. Sorry it's so sloppy. I'm using a smaller laptop which made it hard to draw. Also, I love your character design on Zachary Zaffius! What accent is that?
Oh god, theres a small blank space underneath, please please please don't tell me my browser glitched and you actaully made an awesome page I can't see If so I'll delete this
Hundred points for the person who can figure out where I got the Zaffius' middle names!
Anyway, I'm finding myself tweaking the image every few seconds. The more I stare at it, the more things I see that kinda bothers me. Also, I suck at writing German accents.
After you figure one out, I think it's pretty easy to figure out the others.
I post no page. I just *squee!*... Now if you'll excuse me...
I tried drawing the Fancy Man Club, but it didn't turn out well.
When I'm writing Goodeve's dialogue, I hear Cave Johnson's voice.
Every time he came over we had free toast!!
Lovely man. Silent type.
Shame he overheated a few years ago.
He will be missed.
Aww man. Okay, then. Though I kinda wish more people would participate.
Are you doing this stuff in paint, Tred ._.?
Yeah, I wish I have a tablet.