Oh sweet ggeeeezus I havn't worked on this in awhile! The lineart for this page has been gathering dust for awhile. I guess it took me some time to do it because I didn't really like the direction I was going with the page. I sketched some others but they were worse! Anyway real sorry.
Torpedo: .... And then that client came with a case and I had to cancel our date and...
Bug: That Ivy sure can be poisonous.
Larynx: Could you hanlde your personal problems later???!!! This is an important mission!!!
Larynx: There we are. Watch out we have to find her before the enemy does.
Shh.... Hello? OK guys, lets go!
All: Jewel?! Where are you?!
Torpedo: Jewe- Huh? Hey, look at this! What's that?!
Larynx: No idea, but Jewel isn't here anymore. We should take this to the HQ.
Just spotted the "bring"-mistake in the last picture. Typical german mistake.
And really awesome pages, all of you
Wow, I haven't really posted at all in the forums for a while now. I just started watching Adventure Time, Regular Show, various sitcoms, been reading MS Paint adventures, etc., so I've been kind of distracted. Also, @lizbethlizard, awesome page.
Anyway, here's my turn:
Also, I totally get why the Futurama guys keep using the alien language font; it's fun to do.
I didn't want to butcher that awesome robot design with my clumsy MS Paint cursor lines, so I dug up my old scanner and tried something new. Is it good? Or does it look kinda messy?
I say it isn't "official" until tredlow posts another page. I'm joking, it's nice to see this thread is back! Shame a few of the pages seem to be missing.
There are a couple of pages that are really small and hard to read. Which is a shame. "Torpedo J. Rock, Detective for Hire" is actually pretty interesting.
Hey, it's me, Tredlow, the guy who started this thread. I haven't been in the forums since around the time Back to the Future ended, and I almost forgot about this thread, which is kind of dead now, I guess.
Anyway, I was just gonna say that if people like doing comic collaborations like this, there's a website called wedrawcomics.com that's basically made for that purpose. I've been making comics there, and maybe people here are interested as well.
Torpedo: (Frantically) What!? Where are you taking me!? Why don't I have a gun!?
Killum: I'm taking you to my otherworldly goo processing plant, you could say it's a world of goo.
Torpedo: (Calmer) I'm surprised in you.
Killum: That I actually told you?
Torpedo: No, That you made that awful joke.
(Killum points his gun at torpedo, Torpedo puts his hands up)
Killum: (enraged) If I didn't need you alive for this process I would shoot you right where you stand!
Torpedo: Damn, I need some sort of diversion, and fast!
(Hovercar back doors slam open, revealing a Torpedo shaped silhouette)
RoboTorpedo: Why are you turning people into goo!?
Alright. And I'm putting my page in the same page as well.
Also thanks MediEvil 2 soundtrack for the inspiration for the page.
Another thing I always love, as you can see, are silhouettes.
I think I'm getting the hang of MS Painting.
Torpedo: .... And then that client came with a case and I had to cancel our date and...
Bug: That Ivy sure can be poisonous.
Larynx: Could you hanlde your personal problems later???!!! This is an important mission!!!
Larynx: There we are. Watch out we have to find her before the enemy does.
Shh.... Hello? OK guys, lets go!
All: Jewel?! Where are you?!
Torpedo: Jewe- Huh? Hey, look at this! What's that?!
Larynx: No idea, but Jewel isn't here anymore. We should take this to the HQ.
Just spotted the "bring"-mistake in the last picture. Typical german mistake.
And really awesome pages, all of you
Anyway, here's my turn:
Also, I totally get why the Futurama guys keep using the alien language font; it's fun to do.
Man, I actually have a means to participate in drawing now (Pencil and paper, mind you) I should really contribute something.
Almost forgot about this guy. Sorry.
I didn't want to butcher that awesome robot design with my clumsy MS Paint cursor lines, so I dug up my old scanner and tried something new. Is it good? Or does it look kinda messy?
Thanks! Though, I'm not sure whether I'll be using it all the time, since it's super complicated.
I was planning on making a whole page... maybe later.
Decided to stick to Paint... It's faster.
EDIT: The second panel was bugging me, so I had another go.
I am feeling good now
To bad I am so bad at drawing. I won't make anything. But I will still enjoy reading this
Hey, it's me, Tredlow, the guy who started this thread. I haven't been in the forums since around the time Back to the Future ended, and I almost forgot about this thread, which is kind of dead now, I guess.
Anyway, I was just gonna say that if people like doing comic collaborations like this, there's a website called wedrawcomics.com that's basically made for that purpose. I've been making comics there, and maybe people here are interested as well.
So... bye.