Great new villain: Spoilers
Now that the series is done, what did everyone think of Edna as the main villain? I thought she was such a compelling and fresh villain, especially since Back to Future villains were always some version of Biff or his relatives. Edna was a villain that I literally went from hating her to feeling sorry for multiple times throughout the game.
There were moments where I truly felt sorry for her and almost understood her actions, but also hated her for all the horrible things she did that were just evil in way not even Biff showed. Running Doc over with the car and Doc realizing that Edna was always warped were the most powerful scenes to show just how evil can Edna go. Great villain and I think the way her story ends was the perfect balance for people who wanted her to be punished for her crimes and people who felt really sorry for her.
There were moments where I truly felt sorry for her and almost understood her actions, but also hated her for all the horrible things she did that were just evil in way not even Biff showed. Running Doc over with the car and Doc realizing that Edna was always warped were the most powerful scenes to show just how evil can Edna go. Great villain and I think the way her story ends was the perfect balance for people who wanted her to be punished for her crimes and people who felt really sorry for her.
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She is hipocrit claiming to do bad things for the good sake of Hill Valley and that's was another great hit point for her.
She is totally different from the the Tannen which are usually clumsy and stupid, she was smart! A very hard villian to go against!
The writing and voice acting for her character gave the game a fantastic story.
Even better in my opinion was the elderly Edna seen in Episode 5, simply because her insanity was a great look at what made her tick and what went wrong with her. Yet, she still thought she was doing good, insisting that is was really Doc and "Yakov"'s fault (loved that Smirnoff bit, by the way
No doubt I hated her guts, but it was only because she was so obviously trying to cover it up.
How Edna and Kid hooked up:
While stuck in jail with Kid as they awaited their respective trials, his personality probably rubbed off on her, but at first she probably just made it her life's goal to reform him, thus leading Kid to "run" into the arms of Biff's mother(don't really have another analogy for it), and when he was recaptured, Edna probably went after him hard. I'd think that eventually some of her righteousness rubbed off on Kid and some of Kid's joie de vive rubbed off on Edna, bringing them to a good middle ground as we saw. And somehow Edna got over her hatred of dogs, which is good news for Einstein. Odds are, after a time, they simply blocked out the memory of the time machine, or they couldn't mention it to Biff in the first place, which is why Biff would still be clueless about it in both 1955 and 1985.
Yeah there's a bit when Matches I think it was says I found dynamite all over this building, and that's when Kid finds Edna planting it and she lies and says she was undercover reporting. I guess not!
I look at old Edna as character development. The first time we see her she's a cranky lonely old woman, and the fact she accuses you of attacking her when you leave her room also shows us that she's sneaky. Which kind of sets the scene for young Edna but she's completely different or so we think!
I feel sorry for Hill Valley myself, it's been altered for better and for worse and now it's been burnt down!
I am not sure, is she a better villain that Biff? Quite possibly.
And Alstom, she refers to Biff as her stepson, so yes. She would be Edna Tannen.
Oh lord, I just realized. Poor Mr. Strickland would be related to Biff.
Biff and his family,being a bully,forceing george to do his work,trying to act tough (cowboy tannen from bttf 3) and his griff trying to steal money from a bank but the timeline was changed to griff and his gang smashing into a clock tower and kid tannen for tax stuff and as danny parker puts it smelling like a piece of crap
Edna,burned down hill valley,framed doc,didnt care if kid tannen killed doc,being a complete nutcase and shes just plain crazy ,tricked herself into thinking that she was helping hill valley,tried to kill doc and marty with a shotgun in ep 5,smashing a car into the police station,escaped police capture,turned hill valley into a police state,tried to brain wash everyone into becoming her zombies, tried to brain wash doc, and as danny parker said she was a overall pain in the ass
so the biggest villan in bttf is EDNA
That's really only the start though; legalizing gambling, keeping Nixon in office and prolonging Vietnam, blackmailing Lorraine into marrying and staying with him, abusing her, forcing her to get breast implants, and having Doc committed. This incarnation of Biff was truly pure evil personified; even the directors make note of that in the commentary. So while Edna is a great villain who is incredibly evil and misguided, I don't think anyone can really stand up to the amount of horror, abuse, and tragedy that Biff did in 1985A that not only affected Hill Valley, but the entire world. And he did it all with just a book.
This is quite true. Alt Biff was incredibly evil. And he was the only incarnation of Biff that actually scared me a bit. Well, that and the insane look on '55 Biff's face as he tried to run down Marty. At least Edna had good intentions...
yes but biff only turned hill valley into a run down piece of crap while edna ACTALLY DESTORYED hill valley
Well... if it's any credit to Edna... she WAS exporting Citizen Valley's practices to cities across America and to Singapore, now Hill Valley's sister city.
You could say that Edna's a good example of a road to Hell being paved with good intentions. Citizen Valley is the perfect counter to Hell Valley. for Biff and Edna themselves... well...:
- Biff, on his own power, managed to ruin the lives of George McFly and his family...
- Biff is powered by his selfishness.
- Managed to bring more anarchy into the world with a book.
- Edna, just managed to ruin her own... and whoever owned all of those speakeasies.
- Edna's powered by a perverted sense of selflessness.
- Managed to bring more authoritarian rule to the world with her husband's intellect.
edit: Or... with a kiss... depending on where you think this all started.
Personally I think they're perfect foils to for each other.
Doc said it best; she is, without a doubt, "batshit crazy".
Yes indeed.