Not sure. Thinking back to Gmail, it was over two years between the invite only and open for all release states. Don't think this will be as long but I reckon it'll be at least a year.
Edit: Well that went quickly, I was expecting some things I had to fill in but I guess they could just take that from my Google account... now just to find people to add to my Telltale People circle...
I've been on it for a few days. It's nice, but... I still like my Facebook. I like being able to share what I want with who I want, but I don't like not being able to post on friends' walls (or whatever Google is calling them).
I've been on it for a few days. It's nice, but... I still like my Facebook.
Well of course you do, there isn't a button for anything else.
I like being able to share what I want with who I want, but I don't like not being able to post on friends' walls (or whatever Google is calling them).
You can't post directly into someone else's stream, but by placing + before a name, you can tag someone in a post and they get a notification. It can also be shared with only your target person or with any combination of people you want. What are you missing out on in that regard?
You can't post directly into someone else's stream, but by placing + before a name, you can tag someone in a post and they get a notification.
Oh, I didn't know that.
It can also be shared with only your target person or with any combination of people you want. What are you missing out on in that regard?
...when you put it this way, I don't know, actually. I guess it just feels more personal posting it on someone's wall and it's like "hey, this is specifically for you".
...when you put it this way, I don't know, actually. I guess it just feels more personal posting it on someone's wall and it's like "hey, this is specifically for you".
No, Others can view what you wrote on the person's Wall, While as Rather-Dashing said, You can specify who can view it as well
(Of Course, You know you can make circles with only one person in them, Which makes the whole thing more like private messageing rather than wriing on someone's Wall, Which is better IMO)
Got it, thanks.
It worked! Huzzah!
Convincing you to try it was like pulling teeth, though.
You don't find pulling teeth to be entertaining and amusing?
*grabs pliers* ohhhh yeah, this is going to be fun.
I think you misunderstood me. I said pulling teeth. Not having teeth pulled.
In a completely unrelated note, would you mind strapping yourself to this chair for a moment?
I wonder why you asked me to do this... Oh well! This is going to be so much fun!
OH HEY! ANOTHER VIC-- that is to say, another volunteer! This really will be swell!
Not Thomas the Tank Engine!
He was so young...
Seriously, Google + is the future, though.
Edit: Well that went quickly, I was expecting some things I had to fill in but I guess they could just take that from my Google account... now just to find people to add to my Telltale People circle...
It's the future and I love it.
I said the same thing, at first. But even without the pirate translation, I still end up using it more than facebook.
See, I would have gotten the screencap straight from the DVD. I'm surprised you put out this much effort.
I kinda am too, actually.
You can't post directly into someone else's stream, but by placing + before a name, you can tag someone in a post and they get a notification. It can also be shared with only your target person or with any combination of people you want. What are you missing out on in that regard?
Oh, I didn't know that.
...when you put it this way, I don't know, actually. I guess it just feels more personal posting it on someone's wall and it's like "hey, this is specifically for you".
(Of Course, You know you can make circles with only one person in them, Which makes the whole thing more like private messageing rather than wriing on someone's Wall, Which is better IMO)