You can both stop right now. I am by far the weirdest of all humans and also the destroyer of forums.
So there.
So... what you're saying is that ShaggE and I have to work together to make you normal-ish and thus overthrow your position so that we can then fight over it?
It's the energizer bunny that you have to catch in Space Quest 4 . Also related to my signature. I chose it because I found it to be one of the funnier moments in the game, and I was re-playing the Space Quest series at the time.
So... what you're saying is that ShaggE and I have to work together to make you normal-ish and thus overthrow your position so that we can then fight over it?
Ah yes, with our powers combined, we shall become: S.H.A.G.G.E! (ShaggE Helping Alcoremortis Get Gdavies Ex-abnormalized)
You guys do realize that 'weird' is not a good thing, right?
STRANGE, however, is a different story.
Whatever. I happen to take pride in my weirdness and you saying that it's not a good thing leads me to believe that you're a conformist. Let it be said that...
Whatever. I happen to take pride in my weirdness and you saying that it's not a good thing leads me to believe that you're a conformist. Let it be said that...
Clearly, it is a pixelated rendition of a thin John Goodman with a pageboy hairdo.
Let me guess: It's from the trailer for the failed Peasant's Quest Movie.
Looks like a rejected Ninja Turtle to me.
Friggin' pixelated hipsters...
I seem to recall there being some sort of religion formed around it...
Ah yes....Dashtafarianism...
Best. Religion. Ever.
No wait...the best religion is Tarvuism. That's the one where you get to learn how to speak to an octopus.
It's from that adventure game in, Bioshock.
Hebbo fellow Tarvuist.
Hebbo! I learned how to speak to an octopus!
You are the weirdest female I have ever known.
It's so easy.
Damn. I was trying for the title of "Weirdest Sentient".
Now that truly would be an accomplishment and I would require a prize for achieving what so many have failed at gaining.
Also, this.
I will fight tooth and nail for that title. Tooth and nail.
I sense competition. And also a downturn in the quality of the forums.
So there.
So... what you're saying is that ShaggE and I have to work together to make you normal-ish and thus overthrow your position so that we can then fight over it?
STRANGE, however, is a different story.
Ah yes, with our powers combined, we shall become: S.H.A.G.G.E! (ShaggE Helping Alcoremortis Get Gdavies Ex-abnormalized)
Whatever. I happen to take pride in my weirdness and you saying that it's not a good thing leads me to believe that you're a conformist. Let it be said that...
'Normal' is not a good thing, okay?
Gdavies? Is that, like, Australian or something? Like G'day mate and all that?
Having six thousand twins must be very confusing.
"Hey, Rather Dashing! Good to see you!"
"You too, Rather Dashing!"
"Huh? Why are you responding? He was talking to ME!"
"No, he was talking to me!"
This has the makings of a brilliant April Fool's prank for the forums, actually. You heard it here, folks!
When I said...
...I meant that strange is a good thing. How is that conformist?
[derailing] Soooo ... What do you guys believe in?
Nurture or Nature ... or somewhere in the middle?
How about having all humans as twins?
Thank ya, senor Davies!
Pokemon card artwork makes for an amazing avatar. :cool:
I believe it's a Dolphin term, actually. It's a synonym for "bubblesplash".
Ah. All is well then. Dolphin is a perfectly sensible choice to mingle with English.