I suddenly have this urge to find an image with a rubber-chicken-with-a-pulley-in-the-middle and make it my new avatar. Either that or devise an aviator avatar. More thought shall have to be given to this.
That you like to ruin the childhoods of people everywhere?
Ironically, you're looking at the guy who gets squeamish at the thought that Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell canonically had sex with each other. EWWWWWWWW. It means any hentai existing of the same subject are all canonically correct! Gross!
Ironically, you're looking at the guy who gets squeamish at the thought that Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell canonically had sex with each other. EWWWWWWWW. It means any hentai existing of the same subject are all canonically correct! Gross!
...I must have closed my eyes when I was reading that part.
...I must have closed my eyes when I was reading that part.
The final image of Ed, Al, Winry, and Mei in the manga shows children resembling all of them, and show them much older. They all had torrid nasty sex with each other. (shudder)
Actually, I guess I just didn't really read very carefully...or I just didn't remember that scene. I shall have to look into it and see for myself.
Here is the Brotherhood version of the image. Just look at those smiles! (pukes) Ed shoved his tall automail into Winry's oil can. (barf) IT'S HORRIBLE!
Here is the Brotherhood version of the image. Just look at those smiles! (pukes) Ed shoved his tall automail into Winry's oil can. (barf) IT'S HORRIBLE!
Poor, poor Fawful...tormented with the same images that he torments other people with daily. I have to say, though, you've only got your own mind to blame for this. Most people (ie. me) would just look at this and see an epilogue, but you see a hentai fanfiction! Truly an admirable feat.
Poor, poor Fawful...tormented with the same images that he torments other people with daily. I have to say, though, you've only got your own mind to blame for this. Most people (ie. me) would just look at this and see an epilogue, but you see a hentai fanfiction! Truly an admirable feat.
You missed out on the extreme quantity of EdxWin fangirls who were going "SQUEE! Ed and Winry finally did the deed! Oh, I am so excited and happy!" on the interwebz when the final manga chapter came out.
You missed out on the extreme quantity of EdxWin fangirls who were going "SQUEE! Ed and Winry finally did the deed! Oh, I am so excited and happy!" on the interwebz when the final manga chapter came out.
And I am forever grateful for that. Though, I did not miss all of the EdxRoy fanfiction that I stumbled upon during a ill-fated venture through fanfiction.net, Pit of Voles.
See, it's weird. I grew up with these characters, yet I love this comic and the idea behind it. Maybe Calvin and Suzie just feels right to me, whereas Winry and Edward DON'T.
See, it's weird. I grew up with these characters, yet I love this comic and the idea behind it. Maybe Calvin and Suzie just feels right to me...
Dammit, we agree yet again.
...whereas Winry and Edward DON'T.
Except that I've never watched or read enough FMA to have an opinion on this. Which isn't to say I harbor any dislike towards it. It's entirely possible I'd like it if I did watch/read it.
Also, after all the tricks that sly bastard Hobbes dished out to Calvin, including hanging out with Suzie all the time for tea, it's just fitting that Hobbes should be forced to sit and watch them, in torment, have sloshy, wet sex.
Also, after all the tricks that sly bastard Hobbes dished out to Calvin, including hanging out with Suzie all the time for tea, it's just fitting that Hobbes should be forced to sit and watch them, in torment, have sloshy, wet sex.
I know Bill Watterson would never, ever allow it, but I'd love to see an officially sanctioned run of Hobbes and Bacon. It's absolutely perfect as a continuation.
On April Fool's Day, Giant Tope pretended to be banned and deleted her avatar, but never put it back afterward, so I made her avatar the bunny with a pancake on its head.
Also, I'm the reason that Klatuu has a bunny avatar, because he never changed it back to Blinky when I changed all the Blinkies to bunnies on April Fool's.
That you like to ruin the childhoods of people everywhere?
Ironically, you're looking at the guy who gets squeamish at the thought that Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell canonically had sex with each other. EWWWWWWWW. It means any hentai existing of the same subject are all canonically correct! Gross!
...I must have closed my eyes when I was reading that part.
The final image of Ed, Al, Winry, and Mei in the manga shows children resembling all of them, and show them much older. They all had torrid nasty sex with each other. (shudder)
I thought the stork brought them!
Actually, I guess I just didn't really read very carefully...or I just didn't remember that scene. I shall have to look into it and see for myself.
Here is the Brotherhood version of the image. Just look at those smiles! (pukes) Ed shoved his tall automail into Winry's oil can. (barf) IT'S HORRIBLE!
Nut'in mo.
Poor, poor Fawful...tormented with the same images that he torments other people with daily. I have to say, though, you've only got your own mind to blame for this. Most people (ie. me) would just look at this and see an epilogue, but you see a hentai fanfiction! Truly an admirable feat.
You missed out on the extreme quantity of EdxWin fangirls who were going "SQUEE! Ed and Winry finally did the deed! Oh, I am so excited and happy!" on the interwebz when the final manga chapter came out.
And I am forever grateful for that. Though, I did not miss all of the EdxRoy fanfiction that I stumbled upon during a ill-fated venture through fanfiction.net, Pit of Voles.
What are you going to do now?
See, it's weird. I grew up with these characters, yet I love this comic and the idea behind it. Maybe Calvin and Suzie just feels right to me, whereas Winry and Edward DON'T.
Dammit, we agree yet again.
Except that I've never watched or read enough FMA to have an opinion on this. Which isn't to say I harbor any dislike towards it. It's entirely possible I'd like it if I did watch/read it.
...I love Hobbes. I want a Hobbes plush.
It doesn't have to be gross, right?
Seen that too. There's more in that series I think.
Wooo! Cockerel's back! *Leaves out some corn*
It was worth it solely for that picture.
a little bag of chips in bosco's store
not only does it support sam and max, but the monkey on the front is cute!
...and drew that Doc m'self.
I suppose I should explain my avatar a bit beyond just
In case you didn't know that this fellow had a name, this is Guru-Guru. This is how he appeared in Oracle of Seasons:
I did the recolor and changed his face to match his appearance in Ocarina of Time.
Now I know how to defeat you! (plays the Song of Storms on my ocarina)
I knew who your AV was... but I never realized the re-color you did on it... interesting.
Just because I'm Blue doesn't mean I liked that movie! Don't generalize! Don't be racist!
You Blue people make me sick! With your black clothes, your bizarre musical instruments and your awesome, hypnotizing music!
Not so much
On April Fool's Day, Giant Tope pretended to be banned and deleted her avatar, but never put it back afterward, so I made her avatar the bunny with a pancake on its head.
Also, I'm the reason that Klatuu has a bunny avatar, because he never changed it back to Blinky when I changed all the Blinkies to bunnies on April Fool's.
Don't make me report you to the mods. I WILL do it!
On the other, I don't think Strongbrush is that kind of blue person.
So as a moderator, I say you guys are on your own.