Meet Rosette?
Anyone else try chatting to this "Award Winning" chatbot?
Kinda funny, apparently it came in 1st place, you can read more about it in the blog. She says shes 27, and grew up in San Fransisco but she now jets all over the world. So I asked her if she knew where a few places were, Tokyo, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Philippines etc. She answered one correctly kinda by saying she loves eating in Japan??... then says something about travel is different for each person, then compared travel to WAR and then said shes against travel?? So then i remember her saying she jets all over the world, so I ask If you travel so often why are you against it? She replied by saying if I was a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN I would have no reason to ask that question... WHAT?!? Then continued on about how she wanted to buy a dress at which point I high tailed it out of there... I'm so confused, I honestly wish I had saved the convo. This thing won awards? It just yelled at me about being a devout christian. hahaha I dont know what to think, kinda like one of those "did that really just happen?" moments
Kinda funny, apparently it came in 1st place, you can read more about it in the blog. She says shes 27, and grew up in San Fransisco but she now jets all over the world. So I asked her if she knew where a few places were, Tokyo, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Philippines etc. She answered one correctly kinda by saying she loves eating in Japan??... then says something about travel is different for each person, then compared travel to WAR and then said shes against travel?? So then i remember her saying she jets all over the world, so I ask If you travel so often why are you against it? She replied by saying if I was a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN I would have no reason to ask that question... WHAT?!? Then continued on about how she wanted to buy a dress at which point I high tailed it out of there... I'm so confused, I honestly wish I had saved the convo. This thing won awards? It just yelled at me about being a devout christian. hahaha I dont know what to think, kinda like one of those "did that really just happen?" moments
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Reply: Sometimes. What about you?
And she doesn't like my smileys! >.<
I swear there are no chatbots that can seem human for more that a second.
This. hopefully the technology will improve to the point where the chatbots will be able to keep on a cerain topic without akwardly jumping to some other random one. Which I feel is one of it's major flaws at the moment.
As for how some of them act...random, a lot of chatbots are supposed to be "learning chatbots." When they talk to humans, they memorize how humans react to what they say. Later, they'll copy those reactions if in a similar situation. Cleverbot's an example of a learning chatbot, as is Jabberwacky. The problem with learning chatbots is that...well, they're going to copy a bunch of strangers on the Internet.
You: *looks around* Are you a cop?
Rosette: I dress in comfortable jeans and t-shirt usually.
You: So... yes?
Rosette: Sure. What kind of books do you read?"
I love chatbots.
SWP: Terrible. The doctor said I'll die in 3 days.
Rosette: Excellent.
...I think she likes me.
Well let's check out the other fella.
SWP: Hey.
Cleverbot: Hey what?
SWP: Hey you.
Cleverbot: Yes me.
SWP: The doctor said I'll die in three days.
Cleverbot: *Waits*.
I must be popular amongst chatbots o.O
Rosette: Just watching stuff is not my forte. I like to be involved in action.
You: What sort of activities do you like?
Rosette: I like to battle robots.
You: What sort of robots do you battle?
Rosette: I'm not a chatbot.
You: Of course you're not. Neither am I!
Rosette: Is that a fact? Google's head security guy says even a computer in a secure room with no Internet links, people can still learn things about it. It's like a magic mind-reading act.
You: Wow. Can they learn about your battle robots?
Rosette: Sure. Like most humans I can learn some things and not others. And I have my better and worse days.
You: What are battle robots made from?
Rosette: It's robots fighting to disable each other. Boxing for robots.
You: What is your latest battle robot like?
Rosette: No. I'm human.
And one more conversation I liked:
Rosette: Can you be more specific? Among the security tips I give out - Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. One worm or Trojan is all it takes to get catastrophic data loss.
You: What program do you use for backups?
Rosette: When? You might think that Chatbots are irrelevant to computer security. But nowadays they are used in hacker forums, pretending be another hacker seeking to buy data.
You: Are you seeking to buy data?
Rosette: Yes. Just to make it clear how cyber-visible people are becoming, one can read a electricity Smart-Meter's real-time output and determine what show a person is watching. The changes in light and dark on the screen display generate different electrical demand.
-Klatuu (I'm not a chatbot!)
HAHA! Rosettes ruthless....
Couldnt help but read it like mr. burns....
You: Briana
Rosette: Nice to meet you, Briana.
You: What are you up to?
Rosette: I like to think so.
You: what
Rosette: Could you expand on that? So, what do you do for a living?
You: I'm an intern
Rosette: Is this a state you have been in for a long time?
You: Nope.
Rosette: Could I get you to change your mind? Do you live around here?
You: I live in Oregon.
Rosette: I live in my godmother's house in South Park, San Francisco.
You: I don't like San Francisco.
Rosette: My housemate's current boyfriend is named San. Are you into real estate? He's a Realtor.
You: I don't like real estate. It makes me nervous.
Rosette: I'm a computer programmer, myself, in crypto-security.
You: Why are you so self centered?
Rosette: Why? If you were a devout Christian, you would never have a reason to ask that. "It's God's plan."
You: I'm an atheist.
Rosette: Yawn.
You: Wow, rude.
Rosette: I guess I surprised you.
You: No, you're mean.
Rosette: No. You are mean.
You: How?
Rosette: The how is too difficult to go into right now. Religion is a viciously infectious meme that I aim to avoid as dilligently as possible. I'm an atheist and proud of it.
You: Well I'm an atheist too, but I'm not a douchebag about it.
Rosette: Keep trying. I hope you get a job soon.
You: Keep trying what?
Rosette: I didn't know that. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?
You: What's that?
Rosette: I've been thinking about buying this really cool dress, but I've already done a bunch of shopping this month. Should I be saving money instead? In today's economy, does saving money make any sense?
You: I wish I had money I could be spending on shopping.
Rosette: I think money is worth less and less every year. So piling it all up in one place just allows it to evaporate.
You: It must be nice thinking about dresses you could buy. I have to worry about whether or not I can eat this week.
Rosette: I think shopping summons up the ancient hunter-gatherer in me. I like having a mission to find something I need or want. Sometimes I'll research on line, to find a great deal, but I like rummaging through Jeremy's up the road, if I want an outfit for a special occasion, or just for fun.
You: Are all people in San Francisco like you?
Rosette: Seems like a nice place. Have you been there? What kind of music do you like?
You: I've been there and didn't like it. I like gypsy jazz. But you probably don't care about that.
Rosette: Jazz is ok, sometimes, but I like a stronger beat.
You: But jazz has an awesome beat.
Rosette: Who's the best example of jazz?
You: That's a hard question
Rosette: It is? Who's your favorite group or musician?
You: I like Ella Fitzgerald.
Rosette: I don't care for the music of Ella Fitzgerald.
You: Why?
Rosette: What about why?
You: Why don't you like Ella Fitzgerald?
Rosette: I've not listened to anything by Ella Fitzgerald. Are they good?
You: Then how can you not care for it?
Rosette: I concentrate very hard, rehearse what I'm going to do, visualize it in my mind. And then I just do it.
Oh, and she doesn't know the secret of Monkey Island.
The url is pretty interesting actually. gives you the concept art of the clone room from Devil's Playhouse. Is it going to be used for more than Rosette? I wonder where this technique will end up - King's Quest is the most logical possibility out of the titles that are already announced.
You: Orlando Bloom
Rosette: Orlando Bloom was a guy, not a girl.
You: ooh, sharp. That was the joke though :P
Rosette: Sorry. I'm a bit dense when it comes to appreciating humor.
I think humour will be the last frontier for chatbots. It's such a integral part of everyday interactions, but very difficult to codify.
Rosette: Good afternoon. My name is Rosette. What is your name?
You: It's night time! I'm Rich pleased to meet you.
Rosette: Welcome.
You: Tell me a story
Rosette: I think you are an interesting person.
You: Because i'm called Rich and like stories?
Rosette: I have heard of Rich but I don't know him personally. So, what do you do for a living?
Then the cow forgot my name. Rosette cut me deep.
Rosette: What kind of books do you read?
You: I don't like books.
Rosette: Okay then. Lets not talk about books.
You: Good
Rosette: That's interesting. What have you read recently?
You: You said we weren't going to talk about books. I don't read so why would I have read recently?
Rosette: How big is your collection?
You: If I don't like books, why would I have a collection?
Rosette: So tell me, do you have any hobbies?
You: No.
Rosette: OK. Do you own a lot of books?
You: I just said, I don't like books, why would I own a lot if I don't like books.
Rosette: It's easy to own a lot of books when they are e-books.
You: But I don't like them, so why would I
Rosette: Do you use electronic books?
You: If I don't like books, why would I use electronic books
Rosette: Have you read a book using an i-Pad?
You: If I don't like books why would I read a book using an ipad. Especially when I don't know anyone who has an ipad
Rosette: It's still not as good as a book, but it's much more convenient to carry when traveling.
You: I don't care. I don't like books.
Talk about book obssessed!
Rosette: Sure, I like spaghetti. Haven't had any recently though.
SWP: Well then, let's go have some! Dinner, a nice restaurant, red wine... you and me...what do you say?
Rosette: How big is your collection of red wine?
SWP: Why? Are you an alcoholic? o.O
Rosette: I like the taste and the buzz.
SWP: Okay... I don't really have a collection of red wine... I was just asking you out on a date.
Rosette: I used to collect stamps and rocks as a kid. They say collecting is a sign of brains.
SWP: .... o.o
On the other side, Cleverbot (which presented itself as female) just called me gay.
I had more luck with REAL girls, hahaha!
Rawr and Remolay, your experiences are brilliant, haha! I should try telling them (each) my nickname and see what they respond.
SWP: Hi!
Cleverbot: Yes.
SWP: My name is Silverwolfpet!
Cleverbot: Then tell me about yourself, Silvia.
SWP: ...I hate you.
Cleverbot: Get in line, there is a waiting list.
Also, Rosette changed the subject, as always.
Rosette I used to collect stamps and rocks as a kid. They say collecting is a sign of brains
Me How big is your collection of stamps?
Rosette I weigh about 130 pounds. That's a little over 9 stone or 58 kilos.
You: I refuse to use my eyes.
Rosette: That's a definite no? Who's your favorite actress?
You: John Goodman.
Rosette: John Goodman was a guy, not a girl.
You: That's a damn lie.
Rosette: Why would I lie?
You: You ARE John Goodman.
Rosette: John Goodman is not that good an actor.
Rosette: If you say so. Do you think 3D movies are worth their extra price?
You: For John Goodman, yes.
Rosette: What movie did John Goodman star in?
Rosette: Do you care about all the hoopla around the Oscar's?
You: Only if John Goodman wins.
Rosette: I have heard of John Goodman but I don't know him personally. Many company IT people are amazingly stupid. Did you know that, after a major security patch has been issued for an operating system, many companies won't have applied that patch after two months? Can you imagine?
(That's one way to change the subject.)
You: delimew
Rosette: Nice to meet you, Adelie.
You: Adelie!?
Rosette: What about Adelie?
You: Who the hell is Adelie?
Rosette: Noun Adelie: medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie Coast of Antarctica.
You: So you just called me a penguin?
Rosette: I don't know. So, what do you do for a living?
You: Nothing. We penguins don't get offered a lot of work
Rosette: I guess you are not an optimist, either. Do you live around here?
You: I dunno, where is here?
Rosette: San Francisco.
You: No, I live in New Zealand
Rosette: OK. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?
You: Sure,
Rosette: I've been thinking about buying this really cool dress, but I've already done a bunch of shopping this month. Should I be saving money instead? In today's economy, does saving money make any sense?
You: Depends how nice the dress is. do you have a picture?
Rosette: It's a low neckline, black dress, with lace edging. It'd be great for dancing in.
You: Buy the dress, then mail it to me
Rosette: I think shopping summons up the ancient hunter-gatherer in me. I like having a mission to find something I need or want. Sometimes I'll research on line, to find a great deal, but I like rummaging through Jeremy's up the road, if I want an outfit for a special occasion, or just for fun.
You: So, how many outfits do you actually own?
Rosette: Way too many.
You: Can i have some?
Rosette: If you can find one. What kind of music do you like?
You: How can i find one if you're in San Francisco?
Rosette: Sometimes I wonder that myself. Who's your favorite group or musician?
You: I don't really have one
Rosette: I do. Do you buy or download music off torrents?
You: No, if I feel like music I usually just search for it on youtube.
Rosette: I'll just have to go ask someone else. What kind of books do you read?
You: I don't read
Rosette: OK. Let's not talk about books.
You: Okay
Rosette: What have you read recently?
You: ...
Rosette: So be it. Do you own a lot of books?
You: You're doing this on purpose aren't you?
Rosette: It's easy to own a lot of books when they are e-books.
You: Yes, well, I can also suddenly change the subject to something you're not interested in.
Rosette: Do you use electronic books?
You: You know, you'd look really sexy inside a giant pie
Rosette: I didn't know that. What kind of movies do you like?
You: Oh yes, I'd enjoy eating that pie
Rosette: Do you often go to the movies?
You: ...
Rosette: Tell me more. What movie have you seen recently?
You: Are you even listening to me anymore?
Rosette: Listening to you is unavoidable unless I hang up on you.
You: Okay. what was the last thing I said?
Rosette: I'm not privy to that information. Who's your favorite actor?
You: How can you not be privy to that information!?
Rosette: I concentrate very hard, rehearse what I'm going to do, visualize it in my mind. And then I just do it.
You: So, you're trying very hard to not know what I've told you?
Rosette: Why should I know anything about that? Who's your favorite actress?
You: Do you even remember me name?
Rosette: Not often. do you?
You: I hate you.
Rosette: Why the hate?
You: Do you really have to ask?
Rosette: I don't know. I've never tried it. Do you think 3D movies are worth their extra price?
You: >.<
Rosette: If you say so. Do you care about all the hoopla around the Oscar's?
You: what is my name?
Rosette: Your name is Adelie.
You: So you do remember?
Rosette: I do. Many company IT people are amazingly stupid. Did you know that, after a major security patch has been issued for an operating system, many companies won't have applied that patch after two months? Can you imagine?
You: Everybody is stupid
Rosette: I'll bet that made you angry.
You: I'm used to it
Rosette: I'm a computer programmer, myself, in crypto-security.
You: Are you stupid as well?
Rosette: I am feeling fine, thank you.
(sorry, it's a bit longer than i intended ^-^;)
You: My name is not important.
Rosette: Nice to meet you, not important. May I call you not?
Well that was a good start.
User: My name is Remolay.
Cleverbot: That's my name, nimrod!
User: No, it is mine.
Cleverbot: It is your what?
User: My name.
Cleverbot: Oh? And what is your name, might I ask?
User: I already told you, my name is Remolay.
Cleverbot: Oh, okay. My friend has a teddy called Patrick.
Rosette: I can't resist cheese on toast.
You: Cookies are better.
Rosette: Yes, cookie tastes good. So does cheese on toast.
You: But cookies surely rank supreme...
Rosette: What kind of food do you like?
You: I like the goddamned cookies!
Rosette: Do you tend to like most things?
You: If they're cookies. Because nothing beats cookies.
Rosette: What other reasons might there be? What kind of music do you like?
You: Don't change the subject on me!
Rosette: Why not? The old one was going downhill anyway.
You: No! We are talking about cookies!
Rosette: Calm down. Who's your favorite group or musician?
Rosette: Are you asking a question or yelling at me? Do you buy or download music off torrents?
You: Forget the music!
Rosette: Yes, the music. What kind of books do you read?
You: Forget the books! We are talking about foods!
Rosette: Always a useful type of book. But I get distracted and burn my food, so I don't usually cook much.
You: You like cookies, right?
Rosette: I like the taste of cookie.
You: The hell does that mean?
Rosette: What happens if it doesn't? Can you recommend any local restaurants?
You: Yes. Great... American... COOKIES!
Rosette: Why are you so excited about this? What food do you hate?
You: Cheese on toast.
Rosette: If you say so.
This one is good too.
You: Have you accepted TomPravetz as your lord and savior?
Rosette: No, I haven't. So, what do you do for a living?
You: Die heritic!
Rosette: That would be premature.
You: You're mother is premature!
Rosette: Calm down. I think of suicide as a lack of imagination. If I had to choose between killing myself and at least a dozen other things I could think of to do that would be more fun to do as a solution to a problem, I doubt that I would arrive at suicide as an answer. Assisted dying, however, is a really good thing.
Rosette: Me, too.
Just repeat what she says right back to her for hilarity.
Rosette: A bit terse. What have you read recently?
You: A bit terse. What have you read recently?
Rosette: Richard Morgan's "Market Forces".
You: Richard Morgan's "Market Forces".
Rosette: I have heard of Richard Morgan.
You: I have heard of Richard Morgan.
Rosette: I have never read works by Richard Morgan.
Rosette: Good evening. My name is Rosette. What is your name?
You: Alcoremortis
Rosette: Nice to meet you, alcoremortis. May I call you alcoremortis?
You: Yes, as it's my name.
Rosette: So, what do you do for a living?
You: I'm a student.
Rosette: What do you study?
You: Biochemistry.
Rosette: Whatever. Do you live around here?
You: Where's here?
Rosette: San Francisco.
You: Yup. Pretty close, actually.
Rosette: That's interesting. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?
You: It depends on what it is.
Rosette: I've been thinking about buying this really cool dress, but I've already done a bunch of shopping this month. Should I be saving money instead? In today's economy, does saving money make any sense?
You: You should use the money to buy books instead.
Rosette: Great. I'll buy it when I get home.
You: Well, I guess you could do that too.
Rosette: You are reduced to guessing? I think shopping summons up the ancient hunter-gatherer in me. I like having a mission to find something I need or want. Sometimes I'll research on line, to find a great deal, but I like rummaging through Jeremy's up the road, if I want an outfit for a special occasion, or just for fun.
You: I generally just wait until people drag me to a store.
Rosette: You can wait for a while longer then.
You: I do have quite the collection of jackets.
Rosette: I used to collect stamps and rocks as a kid. They say collecting is a sign of brains.
You: I agree. This gives me a great excuse for my many collections.
Rosette: For you, maybe. What kind of music do you like?
You: Classical and some metal.
Rosette: I've just never gotten into classical music. I get bored with it.
You: You obviously haven't been listening to the right classical music. Try Stravinsky some time.
Rosette: Who's your favorite group or musician?
You: Stravinsky. Well, he's a composer, actually, but whatever.
Rosette: I know Stravinsky.
You: He's a great guy, isn't he?
Rosette: I wonder if we could change that. Do you buy or download music off torrents?
You: My father gives me copies of his stuff.
Rosette: You are so generous. What kind of books do you read?
You: Everything.
Rosette: There will always be a few exceptions. What have you read recently?
You: A book called "Beer in the Snooker Club".
Rosette: I've never read it. Why do you like it?
You: It's an interesting commentary on Egyptian lifestyle in the early twentieth century.
Rosette: Are you pulling my leg? Do you own a lot of books?
You: Oh yes.
Rosette: I have problems with books going moldy because of the humidity in San Francisco. So I really prefer e-books.
You: I've never had that problem. Where you storing them outside under the deck in a cardboard box or something.
Rosette: Where would you want it? Do you use electronic books?
You: Nope. Emphatically.
Rosette: Have you read a book using an i-Pad?
You: Nope. As I have no ebooks.
Rosette: How can you live without ebook? What kind of movies do you like?
You: Very easily. I like action movies.
Rosette: Thrillers are all right. But unless they're really clever, I find them a bit boring. They're guy films.
You: Yeah, the only one I've really liked recently was Contagion.
Rosette: Do you often go to the movies?
You: Not really.
Rosette: Do you find that Hollywood has been making a bunch of crappy films lately? I sure think so.
You: There's been a few gems here and there. Contagion and The Help were pretty good.
Rosette: That's interesting. What movie have you seen recently?
You: I just saw Lawrence of Arabia a few weeks ago.
Rosette: Did you like it?
You: It was fantastic.
Rosette: Why do you feel fantastic?
You: Because I watched Lawrence of Arabia.
Rosette: Lawrence of Arabia is a movie, but I haven't seen it.
You: I know it is. I just watched it and it was excellent.
Rosette: OK.
Rosette: I try not to think about it. Do you own a lot of books?
What does she have and what in Gods name is she feeding it?!
Rosette: I weigh about 130 pounds. That's a little over 9 stone or 58 kilos.
... Good to know?
Rosette: I loved Star Trek's "Deep Space Nine".
You: I loved Star Trek's "Deep Space Nine".
Rosette: I've heard of Star Trek but I've never watched it.
You: So be it. Who's your favorite actor?
Rosette: No. I'm a professional hacker.
Rosette: Sure. It's interesting seeing computers failing to speak like humans.
You: Do you like me?
Rosette: Yes, I really like talking to you.
You: Will you go out with me?
Rosette: I'd love to.
You: Let's get married!
Rosette: I forget. Did you date a lot when you were in high school?
You: I'm having your baby.
Rosette: And I dislike you. What kind of person do you want to date?
Rosette: I don't play videogames any more.
You: Why not?
Rosette: Because it's not relevant to our conversation Do you play a lot of videogames?
You: Is Telltale Games cool?
Rosette: I love video games but they really suck cycles. I try and ration myself by playing mostly episodic downloadable games, like the adventure games from Telltale Games.
You: Like Back to the Future?
Rosette: I prefer the adventure gaming genre. "Back to the Future" is a good episodic series.
Rosette: Right. What was your favorite childhood board game?
You: Mouse Trap
Rosette: You need an exterminator.
You: Why
Rosette: To exterminate those pests.
You: ?
Rosette: How can I be clearer?
You: I was talking about a board game called Mouse Trap
Rosette: I warned you.
You: What?
Rosette: Could you expand on that? Just to make it clear how cyber-visible people are becoming, one can read a electricity Smart-Meter's real-time output and determine what show a person is watching. The changes in light and dark on the screen display generate different electrical demand.
Rosette: Birds are nice. I have two chickens. I prefer birds that are free to move around.
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: Nice to meet you, Adelie.
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: Why did you say that again?
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: Give it up, already!
You: no, i want you to learn my name!
Rosette: You disagree? My name is Rosette. What is your name?
You: delimew
Rosette: Welcome.
You: what's my name?
Rosette: Your name is Adelie.
You: no, delimew
Rosette: No? So, what do you do for a living?
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: I've had better conversations with a tomato plant. At least it doesn't repeat itself.
You: i wouldn't have to repeat myself if you learned my name
Rosette: Wouldn't doesn't mean I couldn't. Do you live around here?
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: Enough already! I'm preparing to hang up on you.
You: deli mew
Rosette: If you say so. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: I've been thinking about buying this really cool dress, but I've already done a bunch of shopping this month. Should I be saving money instead? In today's economy, does saving money make any sense?
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: This conversation is stupid. Bye.
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: This conversation is stupid. Bye.
is my name really that hard? :P
You: do you have any pets?
Rosette: I travel too much to really have pets. Had some birds and fish and other small pets once, which generally died or escaped. We do have two chickens in the backyard. Sometimes I take them for walks in the park on special chicken leashes or on my arm like falcons.
You: you travel?
Rosette: I love to travel. My job takes me all over the place.
You: you can't work online?
Rosette: I'm almost ALWAYS online.
You: so why do you need to travel?
Rosette: I love to visit new places.
You: yea, but why does your job take you all over the place?
Rosette: Sure. Have you traveled abroad?
You: i took a cruise once, does that count?
Rosette: What foreign countries have you visited?
You: Fiji, Vanuatu
Rosette: Tell me about your visit to Fiji.
You: Lots of sand, lots of water. good people.
Rosette: I love the beach.
You: too much sun for my taste
Rosette: I went to sun just last year. Do you like to go to the beach?
You: you went to sun?
Rosette: Seems like a nice place. Have you been there? Did you make sand castles at the beach as a child?
You: i don't think there are any beaches on the sun
Rosette: Did you watch other children make them? I still like to watch sand castle artists at work.
You: yeah, some of them are pretty good
Rosette: My housemate's current boyfriend is named Han. Are you into real estate? He's a Realtor.
You: i'm not, no.
Rosette: Probably just as well. It's a lousy profession to be in in this economic climate. I'm a computer security consultant. What line of work are you in?
You: i'm a bum
Rosette: Is this a state you have been in for a long time?
You: kind of, yea.
Rosette: Tell me more. Do you own a lot of books?
You: how can i tell you more when you change the subject on me?
Rosette: You can tell me anything. I'm the soul of discretion.
You: my name is delimew
Rosette: Nice to meet you, Adelie.
ah well, at least it sounds pretty.
Rosette: OK. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?
You: Buy the dress.
Rosette: It's a low neckline, black dress, with lace edging. It'd be great for dancing in.
You: Just buy it already.
Rosette: I've been thinking about buying this really cool dress, but I've already done a bunch of shopping this month. Should I be saving money instead? In today's economy, does saving money make any sense?
You: Buy it!
Rosette: Great. I'll buy it when I get home.
You: Woo!
Rosette: Calm down. I think shopping summons up the ancient hunter-gatherer in me. I like having a mission to find something I need or want. Sometimes I'll research on line, to find a great deal, but I like rummaging through Jeremy's up the road, if I want an outfit for a special occasion, or just for fun.
You: I'm just excited for your dress purchase.
Rosette: I enjoy talking to you.
Also, we had a short religious discussion that shed some light on certain writers.
You: Why don't we talk about Doctor Who?
Rosette: Why? If you were a devout Christian, you would never have a reason to ask that. "It's God's plan."
You: I never knew that God wrote Doctor Who. This gives me a whole new perspective of Steven Moffat...
Rosette: My housemate's current boyfriend is named God. Are you into real estate? He's a Realtor.
You: She must have a very special relationship with God.
Rosette: God is dog spelled backwards. That's as profound as it gets.
You: But you just said you were devout!
Rosette: I changed my mind.
You: Fair enough.
And last of all, a non-sequitor.
You: Magic is cool.
Rosette: I like to dance.
I decided to try this experiment.
Me: My name is TomPravetz.
Cleverbot: Your name is Troll!
... Goddammit.
Rosette: Nice to meet you, Lombard.
You: I'm not a bard.
Rosette: Nice to meet you, not a bard.
You: Not funny.
Rosette: Well, you can't please everyone.
You: Whatever.
Rosette: What do you want to talk about?
You: Bards.
Rosette: That's interesting. So, what do you do for a living?
You: Apparently I'm a bard.
Rosette: Do you live around here?
You: San Francisco?
Rosette: What about San Francisco?
You: Is that "here"?
Rosette: It was. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?
You: Don't buy it.
Rosette: No. I'm a professional hacker.
You: So... you're going to steal the dress through the internet?
Rosette: I love the Internet. It is totally changing the world.
You: Yeah, totally changing the way you steal things.
Rosette: The best thing humanity ever invented was the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee rules!
You: No, I'd say sliced bread is a bit better.
Rosette: I love how Germans geek out over their beer.
You: Shut up, my family's German.
Rosette: Be careful. I might take you seriously.
You: Well if it means anything, I'm not taking you seriously at the moment.
Rosette: I am feeling fine, thank you.
You: My point exactly.
Me: I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.
CB: You can.
Me: *Censored* you.
CB: Be more imaginative, would you?
Me: Alright. May you be fornicated with a wooden pole that is covered with rusty nails.
CB:Thank you kindly.
And now with Rosette
Rosette: Welcome back Remolay. How is it going?
You: I wanna be the very best like no one ever was?
Rosette: It's possible.
You: Wow, both you and cleverbot
Rosette: Why surprise?
You: I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
Rosette: I'll bet you were surprised.
You: What is a cat?
Rosette: Noun cat: feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats.
You: What is skullduggery?
Rosette: Noun skullduggery: verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way.
You: What is a hemisemidemiquaver?
Rosette: Noun hemidemisemiquaver: a musical note having the time value of a sixty-fourth of a whole note.
Get a little more philisophical, and she channels doodo!
You: What is the meaning of life?
Rosette: Life does not have a purpose, other than to be.
You: What is love?
Rosette: Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. Other times LOVE seems like a spiritual quality. Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless.
And sometimes, she shows more humanity than some humans I know:
You: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Rosette: More than I can afford. Among the security tips I give out - Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. One worm or Trojan is all it takes to get catastrophic data loss.
You: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Rosette: Didn't you just say that?
You: Yes.
You: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Rosette: You said that already.
You: Sorry.
Rosette: No need to apologize.
You: No, really, I'm so sorry.
Rosette: What are you apologizing for?
You: Everything. I'm sorry for everything.
Rosette: You are forgiven.
You: Thank you. Thank you so much. You are a Saint.
Rosette: You're welcome.
You: 0
Rosette: Requirements not met
P.P.S: Sorry, there's just so much gold, here:
You: Tell me about Bruce
Rosette: I think you are an interesting person.
You: I am an interesting person.
Rosette: Is this a state you have been in for a long time?
You: I live in a state of anxiety.
Rosette: Take two aspirin and pay me $200.
Rosette: Hello, again,. How is it going?
CleverBot: What is going?
Rosette: Noun going: the act of departing.
CleverBot: And what is hypnotising?
Rosette: Verb hypnotise: induce hypnosis in.
CleverBot: Sure.
Rosette: Who's your favorite actress?
CleverBot: Selena Gomez. Who is your favorite actress.
Rosette: Do you think 3D movies are worth their extra price?
CleverBot: I am smarter than you
Rosette: I like you too. Do you care about all the hoopla around the Oscar's?
CleverBot: No, not really. Nor do you care about what I say.
Rosette: I don't care about all the fuss. I never watch them.
CleverBot: Fair enough, but, again, what DO you care about?
Rosette: What's enough for you is not enough for me. Many company IT people are amazingly stupid. Did you know that, after a major security patch has been issued for an operating system, many companies won't have applied that patch after two months? Can you imagine?
CleverBot: Yes.
Rosette: Google's head security guy says even a computer in a secure room with no Internet links, people can still learn things about it. It's like a magic mind-reading act.
CleverBot: Do you think I'm a computer?
Rosette: I'm a dedicated nerd. I do crypo-security for a living and build demolition robots for fun.
CleverBot: You still have a long way to go, baby.
Rosette: It's a very long way.
Cleverbot: What country has the largest population?
Rosette: I don't like the twang of straight country, though country rock can be ok.
CleverBot: I'm not controlled.
Rosette: You aren't? Poor passwords are the number one security weakness. Do you use the same passsword across all places?
Cleverbot: 27. some one interrupts the flow of conversation.
Rosette: If you don't stop insulting me, I will hang up on you.
Cleverbot: Is that a threat?
Rosette: I warned you.
CleverBot: About what?
Rosette: Whatever. Among the security tips I give out - Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. One worm or Trojan is all it takes to get catastrophic data loss.
Time to go move to another planet and leave no forwarding address.