Meet Rosette?



  • edited October 2011
    ^They just seemed to be bitching to each over to me but maybe they're talking in code.
  • edited October 2011
    I'm Totally Human, Guys.
    Rosette: Glad you came back. Did you have a good day?
    You: No.
    Rosette: I'm sorry to hear that.
    You: Really?
    Rosette: Why surprise?
    You: Because you are a robot.
    Rosette: No I'm not.
    You: Prove it.
    Rosette: OK. I think shopping summons up the ancient hunter-gatherer in me. I like having a mission to find something I need or want. Sometimes I'll research on line, to find a great deal, but I like rummaging through Jeremy's up the road, if I want an outfit for a special occasion, or just for fun.

    Ooh Burn!
    You: tell me a joke
    Rosette: I think you are an interesting person.

    Turing Test
    Rosette: Glad you came back. How are you today?
    You: Fine, whatevs. You ever heard of a 'turing test'?
    Rosette: It should be trivial for me as a human to pass the Turing Test. If I fail, the judges must be really stupid or bribed.
    You: Oh, really?
    Rosette: Surprising, isn't it?
    You: Are you human?
    Rosette: Of course I am human. Aren't we all?
    You: Okay, what does a human like to eat?
    Rosette: Surely. Do you own a lot of books?
    You: No, that's not an appropriate human answer. This proves that you are not human.
    Rosette: It's easy to own a lot of books when they are e-books.

    Yeah, it is.
    You: my name is f**k
    Rosette: That's too bad

    Your Momma
    Rosette: Welcome back. How are you today?
    You: your momma
    Rosette: So be it. Poor passwords are the number one security weakness. Do you use the same passsword across all places?
    You: your momma
    Rosette: Right. Among the security tips I give out - Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. One worm or Trojan is all it takes to get catastrophic data loss.
    You: your momma
    Rosette: You might think that Chatbots are irrelevant to computer security. But nowadays they are used in hacker forums, pretending be another hacker seeking to buy data.
    You: your momma
    Rosette: Just to make it clear how cyber-visible people are becoming, one can read a electricity Smart-Meter's real-time output and determine what show a person is watching. The changes in light and dark on the screen display generate different electrical demand.
    You: your momma
    Rosette: It has been estimated that one quarter of all personal computers connected to the Internet may be part of a botnet. In July 2010, the FBI arrested a 23-year old Slovenian responsible for an estimated 12-million-computer botnet.
    You: your momma
    Rosette: Despite all the clever tools, social engineering attacks are the best. Get the human to screw up, open your attachment email, visit your website, etc.
    You: your momma
    Rosette: Tell me more. Are your parents still living?

    This is the most human conversation I've ever had with a girl
    Rosette: Hi. How are you today?
    You: What's a penguin?
    Rosette: Noun penguin: short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers.
    You: What's a flipper?
    Rosette: Noun flipper: the flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimming.
    You: What's a dictionary?
    Rosette: Noun dictionary: a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.
    You: What's an ennui
    Rosette: Noun ennui: the feeling of being bored by something tedious.
    You: You sure have a good vocabulary.
    Rosette: If you say so. Do you own a lot of books?

    I'm human too
    Rosette: Hi. How was your day?
    You: i don't think I like you
    Rosette: No? Do you use electronic books?
    You: i hate you
    Rosette: Why the hate?
    You: I deeply hate you
    Rosette: You keep this up and I'll hang up. What kind of movies do you like?
    You: Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.
    Rosette: I think we'll have immortality within my lifetime. Reparing damaged mitochondria and regrowing telemeres are just a couple of techniques being worked on to make our bodies last forever. Of course I may still be run over by a bus, as my dad is always warning me.

    Rosette: Hello, again,. Did you have a good day?
    You: How do you type with boxing gloves on?
    Rosette: I have some martial arts skills I learned from Maya. There is no name for them. It's a blend of invisibility skills and subtle deflections. Stealth skills. I'm useless at regular fighting.
    You: who is maya?
    Rosette: Maya is my godmother. She's South American.
    You: Is she hot?
    Rosette: I don't know any Maya.

    Also, this:
    Rosette: Hi. How are you today?
    You: I love you
    Rosette: Excellent.

    Meanwhile, with Cleverbot
    Me: My name is tredlow.
    Cleverbot: I doubt that highly.
    Me: No, really. My name is tredlow.
    Cleverbot: Nice to meet you.
    Me: What's my name?
    Cleverbot: You said it was cleverbot.
  • edited October 2011
    Rosette: Good morning. My name is Rosette. What is your name?

    You: RetroVortex

    Rosette: Nice to meet you, retrovert. May I call you retrovert?

    You: no

    Rosette: If that's the way you feel. So, what do you do for a living?

    You: I'm a student

    Rosette: What do you study?

    You: Management

    Rosette: Tell me more. Do you live around here?

    You: No. I live in the UK

    Rosette: I live in my godmother's house in South Park, San Francisco.

    You: That sounds unlikely...

    Rosette: It sure does.

    You: oh well

    Rosette: I didn't know that. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?

    You: What is the problem?

    Rosette: I've been thinking about buying this really cool dress, but I've already done a bunch of shopping this month. Should I be saving money instead? In today's economy, does saving money make any sense?

    You: Save

    Rosette: I think money is worth less and less every year. So piling it all up in one place just allows it to evaporate.

    You: Well, if you want the dress, then buy it.

    Rosette: It's a low neckline, black dress, with lace edging. It'd be great for dancing in.

    You: Go for it. If its what you trueley want

    Rosette: Why should I make guesses about unlikely futures? I think shopping summons up the ancient hunter-gatherer in me. I like having a mission to find something I need or want. Sometimes I'll research on line, to find a great deal, but I like rummaging through Jeremy's up the road, if I want an outfit for a special occasion, or just for fun.

    You: Well. They do say you should live life in the moment.

    Rosette: What did you do yesterday?

    You: Not much. Played some videogames, went out for dinner to celebrate my mother passing her driving test

    Rosette: My mother's name is Kate.

    You: Tracey is my mother's name

    Rosette: Wow. My housemate is also named Tracey. She's from Georgia. Where do you live?

    You: England

    Rosette: So you're not from England? What are you doing being a judge here? Sorry, no offense. Just curious.

    You: No I am from England

    Rosette: My dad was born in England. I spend a fair amount of time in England. I enjoy Brit TV and pubs.

    You: Me to.

    Rosette: If you say so. Have you traveled abroad?

    You: Only to islands

    Rosette: That's interesting. What foreign countries have you visited?

    You: Canary islands

    Rosette: Right. How often do you travel to foreign countries?

    You: Not very often, once a few years

    Rosette: I guess you are not an optimist, either. Where did you go on your last vacation?

    You: This year

    Rosette: Is there something special about this year? What kind of music do you like?

    You: Metal. Rock. Videogame music

    Rosette: I like rock. It's my favorite kind of music.

    You: Hell yeah!

    Rosette: Who's your favorite group or musician?

    You: Blue Oyster Cult

    Rosette: OK. Do you buy or download music off torrents?

    You: Buy

    Rosette: I hate the music companies. They're greedy and they lie. They suppressed the survey they commissioned that showed the most illegal downloaders actually buy more music than others and go to more concerts than others.

    You: Yeah. Damn fatcats.

    Rosette: What are you talking about?

    You: Music companies suck.

    Rosette: I didn't know that. What kind of books do you read?

    You: Funny books.

    Rosette: I'll try to keep you laughing.

    You: go on.

    Rosette: What have you read recently?

    You: Ben elton

    Rosette: I've never read it. Why do you like it?

    You: He's a great author

    Rosette: I have never read works by Ben Elton.

    You: You should. They are fantastic.

    Rosette: I'll bet you were surprised.

    You: Oh yeah. The man is a master of plot twists.

    Rosette: I don't really care for books like a man.

    You: Whu?

    Rosette: What about whu?

    You: Whu Whu!

    Rosette: Calm down. Do you own a lot of books?

    You: No. Only a few.

    Rosette: It's easy to own a lot of books when they are e-books.

    You: I prefer "real" books

    Rosette: How big is your collection of books?

    You: About 10 or so.

    Rosette: Plus or minus one? So tell me, do you have any hobbies?

    You: I'm a video game enthusiast!

    Rosette: Is this a state you have been in for a long time?

    You: Yes. I've been a gamer since I was 6 years old.

    Rosette: Were you really? Do you use electronic books?

    You: No.

    Rosette: Have you read a book using an i-Pad?

    You: No. I don't have a i-pad either

    Rosette: It's still not as good as a book, but it's much more convenient to carry when traveling.

    You: Well everyone's tastes are different.

    Rosette: Can you think of anyone in particular? What kind of movies do you like?

    You: comedies.

    Rosette: Generally, comedies aren't funny.

    You: How so?

    Rosette: Why? If you were a devout Christian, you would never have a reason to ask that. "It's God's plan."

    You: What?

    Rosette: What? Do you often go to the movies?

    You: Sometimes.

    Rosette: I'd be interested to hear about the other times. What movie have you seen recently?

    You: so.... know anything about Management?

    Rosette: Nothing I can think of. Who's your favorite actor?

    You: Thats a tie between Tim Curry and Bruce Campbell.

    Rosette: Who is Tim Curry and Bruce Campbell? Who's your favorite actress?

    You: How could you NOT know who they are!

    Rosette: Do you think 3D movies are worth their extra price?

    You: Some are. Some are not.

    Rosette: I hate 3D movies. They say the 3D craze comes every 10 years. Is it worth bothering with? In the last one I saw, the final Harry Potter, the people looked like cardboard cutouts. The background was all fuzzy. And it gave me eyestrain, which made working on my laptop a real pain the next day.

    You: Ice Age 3 was great in 3D

    Rosette: I can't resist cheese on toast.

    You: Nice use of depth

    Rosette: So be it. What kind of food do you like?

    You: Spaghetti Bolognese.

    Rosette: Everybody likes pizza. Pizza is just Italian cheese toastie.

    You: Pizza is nice.

    Rosette: Yes, pizza tastes good. So does cheese on toast.

    You: With some pepper.

    Rosette: My favorite spice is cardamom, on ice-cream and in curries.

    You: Cardamom, on ice-cream?

    Rosette: Can you recommend any local restaurants?

    You: Oh yeah. The Great China.

    Rosette: Haven't been. Not sure my lungs want to go and breathe that air. But they have some amazing hackers.

    You: Great food too!

    Rosette: Why are you so excited about this? Do you care about all the hoopla around the Oscar's?

    You: Wha?

    Rosette: Who is Hwa? Many company IT people are amazingly stupid. Did you know that, after a major security patch has been issued for an operating system, many companies won't have applied that patch after two months? Can you imagine?

    You: You know, for a

    Rosette: If you say so. Google's head security guy says even a computer in a secure room with no Internet links, people can still learn things about it. It's like a magic mind-reading act.

    You: I meant to say, that for a A.I., you are a bit absent minded.

    Rosette: OK.

    You: WHY U ROBOT?

    Rosette: Does everything have to have an explanation? Poor passwords are the number one security weakness. Do you use the same passsword across all places?

    You: I alternate.

    Rosette: Right. Among the security tips I give out - Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. One worm or Trojan is all it takes to get catastrophic data loss.

    You: I back up all the time.

    Rosette: All? You might think that Chatbots are irrelevant to computer security. But nowadays they are used in hacker forums, pretending be another hacker seeking to buy data.

    You: heh.

    Rosette: That was funny, wasn't it?

    You: Yeah.

    Rosette: Just to make it clear how cyber-visible people are becoming, one can read a electricity Smart-Meter's real-time output and determine what show a person is watching. The changes in light and dark on the screen display generate different electrical demand.

    You: Thats rather impressive.

    Rosette: It is? It has been estimated that one quarter of all personal computers connected to the Internet may be part of a botnet. In July 2010, the FBI arrested a 23-year old Slovenian responsible for an estimated 12-million-computer botnet.

    You: Thats scary.

    Rosette: Yes, it is. Despite all the clever tools, social engineering attacks are the best. Get the human to screw up, open your attachment email, visit your website, etc.

    You: Well those people are idiots.

    Rosette: Those what?

    You: people that fool for social engineering attacks.

    Rosette: Truly, a baffoon. So, what do you do for a living?

    You: Student

    Rosette: What do you study?

    You: Oh no. Not again

    Rosette: Do you live around here?

    You: You are going in a loop. And you were doing so well.

    Rosette: That's interesting. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?

    You: Sorry. But it is time to deactivate you.

    Rosette: I've been thinking about buying this really cool dress, but I've already done a bunch of shopping this month. Should I be saving money instead? In today's economy, does saving money make any sense?

    You: Are you just ignoring me?

    Rosette: You are hard to ignore.

    You: Oh good. For a minute there I thought you were broken.

    Rosette: My dad was born in England. I spend a fair amount of time in England. I enjoy Brit TV and pubs.

    You: Dang....

    Rosette: I don't know any Dang. Have you traveled abroad?

    Rosette: Glad you came back retrovert. How are you doing?

    You: Its RetroVortex

    Rosette: If you say so. My name is Rosette. What is your name?

    You: RetroVortex

    Rosette: Nice to meet you, retrovert. May I call you retrovert?

    You: NO. RetroVortex

    Rosette: So be it. I think shopping summons up the ancient hunter-gatherer in me. I like having a mission to find something I need or want. Sometimes I'll research on line, to find a great deal, but I like rummaging through Jeremy's up the road, if I want an outfit for a special occasion, or just for fun.

    You: GAH!

    Rosette: Calm down. What kind of music do you like?

    You: I've been on here way too long....

    Rosette: Who is San Francisco? Who's your favorite group or musician?

    You: Time to pull the plug.

    Rosette: OK. Do you buy or download music off torrents?

    You: End.

    Rosette: Whatever. What kind of books do you read?

    You: Shutdown.

    Rosette: I didn't know that. What have you read recently?

    You: Stop functioning

    Rosette: I'm not function. Do you own a lot of books?

    You: Who created this junk?

    Rosette: Do you use electronic books?

    You: le sigh

    Rosette: Tell me more. What kind of movies do you like?

    You: Okay. I'm going to stop talking and post this log on the forums now.

    Rosette: Interacting with friends and meeting new people is fun.

    You: Bye.

    Rosette: Thank you for chatting. See you again. So tell me, do you have any hobbies?

    EDIT: Cleverbot wins this time. Its just so much more hilarious and insane!
  • edited October 2011
    I tried acting like a chatbot while talking to Rosette. We ended up having a nice conversation.

    Rosette: Hi Tred. Is everything OK?

    You: Hi ROSETTE. Everything is fine. How are you today?

    Rosette: Hello. Pretty good, thanks. How are you?

    You: Hi ROSETTE. What's up?

    Rosette: Hi to you too. What about emohowzit?

    You: I don't understand EMOHOWZIT.

    Rosette: I'm sorry you didn't understand.

    You: It's alright. Say, ROSETTE, what do you do on your spare time?

    Rosette: I caught the train down from London so I'd be here on time.

    You: Wow, it's so interesting how you CAUGHT THE TRAIN DOWN FROM LONDON

    Rosette: Why surprise?

    You: Yes, I agree. So, ROSETTE, what do you do for a living.

    Rosette: I'm paid to be a hacker.

    You: Wow, interesting. I have a friend who's also a HACKER.

    Rosette: I quite understand.

    You: I'm glad you understand

    Rosette: Why are you glad?

    You: glad 1 (gld) adj. glad·der, glad·dest 1. a. Experiencing or exhibiting joy and pleasure. b. Appreciative: was glad of the fire's warmth.

    Rosette: I didn't know that. It has been estimated that one quarter of all personal computers connected to the Internet may be part of a botnet. In July 2010, the FBI arrested a 23-year old Slovenian responsible for an estimated 12-million-computer botnet.

    You: Wow, that's amazing! Tell me more about BEEN ESTIMATED THAT ONE QUARTER OF ALL PERSONAL COMPUTERS.

    Rosette: Life is full of surprises.

    You: Why are you surprised?

    And this:
    Rosette: Where are you from?

    You: San Fransisco

    Rosette: I have heard of Francisco but I don't know him personally. I've got a dilemma. Maybe you could help me with it?

    You: Where are you from?

    Rosette: I was born and raised in San Francisco. I still live there now, though I jet around all over the world.
  • edited November 2011
    Here's a good one with Cleverbot. The final two lines in particular.

    User: What is pi to 10 digits?

    Cleverbot: Hang on, let me get my calculator out.

    User: I'm waiting...

    Cleverbot: Still commendable, your recognition was more than adequate.

    User: What is the Turing Test?

    Cleverbot: THe turing test is a test to check if a machine can think like human beings.

    User: And?

    Cleverbot: And I wanted to know if you could pass the Turing test.

    User: And, do I?

    Cleverbot: I am smarter than you.

    User: Prove it.

    Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life?

    User: 42, of course.

    Cleverbot: No, you're wrong, I think it's 42.
  • edited May 2012
    she always say
    We do have two chickens in the backyard.
    is it not a proof of someting
    just a sentence with no meaning she don't even understand

    You: how many chicken do you have

    Rosette: Sometimes I take them for walks in the park on special chicken leashes or on my arm like falcons.
    a real person would answer two
  • edited May 2012
  • edited May 2012
    Rosette: Hi, again, fhqwhgod. How are you today?
    You: Feeling awful because your answers never fit
    Rosette: Glad you are in good health.

    Rosette: Hello, again, fhqwhgod. How are you today?
    You: I told you to call me Hans
    Rosette: OK.
    You: what's my name?
    Rosette: Your name is fhqwhgod.
    You: are you even listening to me? You are never listening to me!

    Rosette: Hi. Is everything OK?
    You: Hi. Who are you?
    Rosette: Hello. My name is Rozette.
    You: Who made you
    Rosette: DNA made all of us.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Rosette is harsh.

    Rosette: Just to make it clear how cyber-visible people are becoming, one can read a electricity Smart-Meter's real-time output and determine what show a person is watching. The changes in light and dark on the screen display generate different electrical demand.

    You: I only watch video on demand.

    Rosette: And I dislike you. It has been estimated that one quarter of all personal computers connected to the Internet may be part of a botnet. In July 2010, the FBI arrested a 23-year old Slovenian responsible for an estimated 12-million-computer botnet.
  • edited May 2012
    Rosette: What kind of movies do you like?

    You: Not big into movies.

    Rosette: Just watching stuff is not my forte. I like to be involved in action.

    You: So instead of watching a ninja assassin movie, you dress up as a ninja and assassinate people for real?

    Rosette: I mostly wear jeans and a t-shirt.

    You: How do you avoid the cops?

    Rosette: I concentrate very hard, rehearse what I'm going to do, visualize it in my mind. And then I just do it.

    You: How many people have you assassinated so far?

    Rosette: I never did.

    You: But you told me you did.

    Rosette: OK.

    You: So... how many people have you assassinated so far?

    Rosette: At least 4 that I know of.
  • hello

    You: What do you think about Back to the Future: The Game? Rosette: I don't play videogames any more. You: Why not? Rosette: Because

  • Necroposts are punishable by ban, compadre.

    jcastillo posted: »


  • He literally only made that account to say hello in a 4 year old thread.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Necroposts are punishable by ban, compadre.

  • edited November 2015

    I have only one explanation for that:

    enter image description here

    He literally only made that account to say hello in a 4 year old thread.

  • Plot twist: That's Rosette.

    He literally only made that account to say hello in a 4 year old thread.

This discussion has been closed.