Epic Fail
Epic fail!
Gah, it infuriates me when someone uses this term. It's waaaaaaaaay too overused and is horribly stupid. The simple "FAIL!" is around the same level, for me.
It wasn't THAT bad when it was only used on the internet occasionally, but now it's often used both on the internet and in the real world. I die a little bit inside when I hear one of my mates say that, or just random people on the street... horrible.
Anyway, any terms that you feel are overused and annoy the living shit out of you?
Gah, it infuriates me when someone uses this term. It's waaaaaaaaay too overused and is horribly stupid. The simple "FAIL!" is around the same level, for me.
It wasn't THAT bad when it was only used on the internet occasionally, but now it's often used both on the internet and in the real world. I die a little bit inside when I hear one of my mates say that, or just random people on the street... horrible.
Anyway, any terms that you feel are overused and annoy the living shit out of you?
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I hate it when people use it incorrectly. Most of the time, they mean arbitrary.
I gave off about this before. Short version is that it makes my toes curl and my blood pressure rise.
Edit: JINX!
As in 'I think that's disgusting' when they actually mean one of a multitude of other things. No, a tax rise is not disgusting, it's annoying. No, someone swearing at you is not disgusting, it's rude. And no, me not being particularly friendly to you on the till when the queue is 5 meters long is not disgusting, it's just me despising everything in the universe and actually showing great restraint in not telling you all to fuck off.
I hate it when people say "lol jk".
lol jk its fine.
Actually, I hate it when they misuse "literally."
It's like the laziest way ever to say that something is mildly amusing.
Couldn't agree more. One of my friends has actually started using 'lolololol'. I wouldn't mind as much if she only did it once in a while; instead, she starts off every text message with it, even if nothing funny was said in the first place.
I'm also starting to get agitated with 'legit'; some people are using it far too often.
"lol" only gets funny when my brother says it in real life conversations in a complete deadpan. Which is how I imagine everyone on the internet uses it, yet wants to be taken seriously.
Eh, whatever. As long as you typed it with a deadpan, I'm sure it's okay.
There is a type of person who just likes using the word because they think it makes them sound smart. Seriously, when somebody uses that word in a questionable manner ask them why what they are talking about is ironic. More often than not the person will fall into a gibbering mess upon the realisation that the ruse that they are actually intelligent has been once and forever broken. Drool will form out of the edges of their mouth and then they will collapse, their own brain having just preformed an emergency lobotomy on itself as a final failsafe measure. But here's the real irony, there is no such thing as intelligent, just varying degrees of painfully stupid!
Niiice :cool:
...ah, forget it, not today. Just watch this before you continue this thread.
And try digging out the "Grammar Nazi" thread.
RvB do ironic. Some of the definitions are better than others.
Quite frankly, anyone who continues to post grammar complaints after viewing that is forever bound to come across as a bit of a nincompoop! God bless Stephen Fry and his indisputable logic.
Just casually doing this... blah blah
It's basically the only thing that comes up on my facebook news feed