
edited November 2011 in Jurassic Park
Does this game have wallpapers the way that Back to the Future did? If so, where can I find them?


  • edited November 2011
    Ashki wrote: »
    Does this game have wallpapers the way that Back to the Future did? If so, where can I find them?
    I've taken the liberty of modifying the background from the game page of Jurassic Park and attempted to create ultimate versions without the unnecessary parts (IE: Wood background, Island Tour text, graphical issues from the original like misplacement of Barbosol can and the right flame on the gate being not uniform), there are some that I couldn't fix without the original files because of the artist errors (IE: Lower left hand of the gate and the image inside the gate because of constant modification of adding the Jeep/Removing the Jeep by Telltale, etc.)

    I'm personally using the clean version as my Log-In Screen on Windows 7! =)

    So here it is (As-Is):
    Version 1 (Clean):

    Version 2 (Items - Jeep + Pteradons):

    Please note the second one does not include the Barbosol can next to the sign, I accidentally left it out but seeing as it seemed out of place positioned as it was I'll keep it off here unless the demand is there for it.

    I also have all 4 variants thus far of that background from the game page and another modified version if anyone wants to try to do this better than me, I'm only an amateur and utilized Paint.Net.

  • edited November 2011
    For some reason, the first one was giving me a 404, but the second one works and it looks pretty good!

    There we go, the first one is showing now, and those look pretty good, thanks!
  • edited November 2011
    Cool, thanks! I too hope Telltale makes some more wallpapers and downloads for us.
  • edited November 2011
    Cool, thanks! I too hope Telltale makes some more wallpapers and downloads for us.
    Well they've got a little more than a week to do so. I'm content with the image I posted though.
  • edited November 2011
    Here's the previous background they had for the site. I had this as my wallpaper for a while.


    Also, here's another wallpaper from a different site (mantia.me):

  • edited November 2011
    There's only been two different game page backgrounds correct?
  • edited November 2011

    Also, here's another wallpaper from a different site (mantia.me):


    AMAZING! Thank you dude!
  • edited November 2011
    Yay, thanks very much, now I have more wallpapers for my PC. I usually kept the BTTF ones up while playing that game, now I can do the same for this game as well.
  • edited November 2011
    Hello everyone! And welcome to an overload of wallpaper stuff. :cool:

    I just found this new one on the front page of Telltale's site.


    Also, for the record, here all the variations for the gate background.


    They've also got a new version up without the gate completely.


    And, I composited the gate from the film onto my favorite combination of the gate backgrounds.


    Finally, here's two screenshots of the gate from the film. I tried to up-res the quality of the images, which is why they're so big (should look better when they shrink down to the monitor size, although they're still a bit pixely).



    If anyone is interested, I could go through the film and collect a bunch of wallpaper-potential shots. Although, I would only give you the standard size of each image, because it's a pain to up-res them and I don't even know if it's worth it.

    Well, there it is everyone. Enjoy! :D
  • edited November 2011
    I found a few other wallpapers, which I posted about a few days ago but for some reason my post hasn't come online yet. I think it had to be reviewed by moderators or something. But I guess when it does come on this paragraph will become pointless. I wanted to wait till the message did come online before I posted again, but it hasn't so yeah...

    BUT... on the off chance that the message never comes on, here's another wallpaper I found from the fan art forum.


    EDIT: Hm... well this post came up instantly so maybe I'll try to repost those other wallpapers I found.
  • edited November 2011
    First, for those of you who prefer the gate closed, I added the gate from the film in.


    Here's also another wallpaper from Telltale's front page:


    Finally, some stills from the film:


  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2011
    Yup, the TTG are often too late to get some wallpapers out. But when they finally release them... they normally are fabulous, as the BTTF ones were. :D
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