i have a Rome: Total War gold edition steam code i got free with PC gamer magazine, but i already own it on steam, so the first person that sends me a private message requesting the code can have it
Anyone want a copy of Serious Sam 3? Usual rules apply - PM me if you've got a post count over 50.
Gone. That was quick. Someone must have really wanted it.
EDIT: I've also got Shad'O, which I just don't want. PM me if you've over 50 posts, yadda yadda yadda.
I got DotA 2 as a gift on Steam the other day and from looking at it it doesn't look like the sort of game I'm interested in, or if I did play it it would be for just 5 mins and never again. So if someone else would rather have it then let me know.
- Eschalon: Book II
- Fieldrunners
- iBomber Defence Pacific
- Men of War: Assault Squad
- Planets Under Attack
- PuzzleBots
- Snapshot - The Blackwell Bundle
- The Blackwell Deception
Usual rules apply - if your post count's over 50, PM me if you want one of 'em.
The exception is the Blackwell games - you can have both the trilogy and the fourth game, but you'll have to ask really, REALLY nicely. I mean, like, SUPER nice and stuff. AND someone went and asked super nice like.
Why doesn't anyone want PuzzleBots? It's really a quite enjoyable game. I think it was the first Wadjet Eye Games game I played.
Maybe we all own it already? I do. Oh Darths list is only one item I'd be interested in but I already got too much stuff for free from this thread. I don't want to become the new Ribs.:D
Dude, if you want something, then go for it. I'd rather the codes go to someone who'd actually use them than just sit around doing diddly squat (which is totally what they're doing at the moment). Ask away!
Easy: Waking Mars. (I'm only posting to save you the embarrassment of triple posting the next time you buy a bundle since noone seems interested in your keys.)
So you didnt get any of the gazillion current bundles which includes The Journey Down? Me neither since the rest seemed pretty awful. Except I've been thinking about getting that call center game.
I've got one for BIT.TRIP RUNNER 2 (25% off), three for Duke Nukem 3D (50% off) and one for Serious Sam 3:BFE (75% off).
PM me if you want one - they'll just sit in my inventory and go out of date otherwise.
Also, anyone want a copy of Chivalry: Medieval Warrior? I've got one in my inventory and I don't know why, but I don't want it, so first come, first served.
Also, anyone want a copy of Chivalry: Medieval Warrior? I've got one in my inventory and I don't know why, but I don't want it, so first come, first served.
Because I am an absolute freakin' moron, I've just bought Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing, not realizing that I already own it. Like I said, complete moron. At least I didn't spend a fortune on it, and I managed to confirm that I can now actually buy downloadable games from Amazon. Yay me.
So yeah, Steam code for Sonic All-Star Racing is up for grabs. PM me. GONE! Sorry, should have said that earlier.
I haven't used this thread before, but the current Humble Indie Bundle 8 gave me individual Steam keys, so I can give away the ones I already owned, Little Inferno and Dear Esther. Send me a PM if you want one.
Edit: Dear Esther is taken. Little Inferno still available
Edit 2: Little Inferno taken. That took a while. Hope it's because everybody already had them
Can't be bothered with PMs, so here's some Steam keys.
One per person please. Don't be a dick and grab all of them because if you do I will know, I will find you and I will kill a dozen cute innocent puppies and leave their bloody lifeless corpses in your bed.
I've also got Unmechanical now, if anyone wants that.
Can I have it? Looks really cool!
Edit: its gone now
Gone. That was quick. Someone must have really wanted it.
EDIT: I've also got Shad'O, which I just don't want. PM me if you've over 50 posts, yadda yadda yadda.
- Dungeons: The Dark Lord
- Eschalon: Book II
- iBomber Defence Pacific
- Men of War: Assault Squad
- Planets Under Attack
- Shad'O
- Two Worlds II
Usual rules apply - if your post count's over 50, PM me if you want one of 'em.
Not my kind of game and I don't have the patience nor intelligence to get in this stuff.
If I don't respond fast enough on here, drop me a line on Steam. My accountname is jordylicht (surprise!)
Blackwell Bundle -
Blackwell Deception -
- Eschalon: Book II
- Fieldrunners
- iBomber Defence Pacific
- Men of War: Assault Squad
- Planets Under Attack
- PuzzleBots
- Snapshot
- The Blackwell Bundle
- The Blackwell Deception
Usual rules apply - if your post count's over 50, PM me if you want one of 'em.
The exception is the Blackwell games - you can have both the trilogy and the fourth game, but you'll have to ask really, REALLY nicely. I mean, like, SUPER nice and stuff. AND someone went and asked super nice like.
(Don't mind the things in brackets - it's so I remember which bundle had which game)
- Cognition: Episode I - The Hangman (BiaB)
- Eschalon: Book II (G-BMAn)
- Fieldrunners (IR-T)
- iBomber Defence Pacific (G-BMAn)
- Men of War: Assault Squad (G-BMAn)
- Planets Under Attack (G-BMAn)
- PuzzleBots (G-WE)
- Snapshot (IR-T)
Usual rules apply - if your post count's over 50, PM me if you want one of 'em.
- Airport Control Simulator (DS)
- Armada 2526 (DS)
- Cognition: Episode I - The Hangman (BiaB)
- The Journey Down: Episode I (IB)
- Adam's Venture trilogy (BS)
- Eschalon: Book II (G-BMAn)
- Fieldrunners (IR-T)
- iBomber Defence Pacific (G-BMAn)
- Men of War: Assault Squad (G-BMAn)
- Planets Under Attack (G-BMAn)
- PuzzleBots (G-WE)
- The Journey Down: Episode I (IB)
Usual rules apply - if your post count's over 50, PM me if you want one of 'em.
Also, don't worry about the things in brackets. It's just so I can tell which game's in which bundle.
Maybe we all own it already? I do. Oh Darths list is only one item I'd be interested in but I already got too much stuff for free from this thread. I don't want to become the new Ribs.:D
- Airport Control Simulator (DS)
- Armada 2526 (DS)
- Cognition: Episode I - The Hangman (BiaB)
- Waking Mars (IGB)
- Waking Mars (IGB)
- Eschalon: Book II (G-BMAn)
- Fieldrunners (IR-T)
- iBomber Defence Pacific (G-BMAn)
- Men of War: Assault Squad (G-BMAn)
- Planets Under Attack (G-BMAn)
Usual rules apply - if your post count's over 50, PM me if you want one of 'em.
Again, don't worry about the things in brackets. It's just so I can tell which game's in which bundle.
So you didnt get any of the gazillion current bundles which includes The Journey Down? Me neither since the rest seemed pretty awful. Except I've been thinking about getting that call center game.
I've got one for BIT.TRIP RUNNER 2 (25% off), three for Duke Nukem 3D (50% off) and one for Serious Sam 3:BFE (75% off).
PM me if you want one - they'll just sit in my inventory and go out of date otherwise.
Also, anyone want a copy of Chivalry: Medieval Warrior? I've got one in my inventory and I don't know why, but I don't want it, so first come, first served.
I'll take it!
...thank you?
Dungeon Hearts
Cargo Commander
Send me a PM if you are interested in one of those.
Desura and Steam keys up for grabs.
So yeah, Steam code for Sonic All-Star Racing is up for grabs. PM me. GONE! Sorry, should have said that earlier.
(Also still got Defcon but would imagine that there's less interest in that)
Blades of Time (Limited Edition)
Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition
Patrician IV + the Rise of a Dynasty DLC
Slam Bolt Scrappers
One title each. As always, PM me for one.
I'm a fucking idiot and bought an indie game when I already own it. *sigh* At least I'm not spending too much.
It's Alan Wake this time, so the keys are up for grabs along with the ones in the previous post.
Alan Wake
Alan Wake: American Nightmare
Blades of Time (Limited Edition)
Patrician IV + the Rise of a Dynasty DLC
Slam Bolt Scrappers
As may be apparent from that screenshot, I have an android phone, so I don't need iTunes movies (as they're not compatible with it).
I do also have an iPad, but I'd rather rip a DVD/Bluray with Handbrake than to have DRM on my video files.
Awesomenauts (with Cluck Costume DLC) [Steam keys]
Dota 2 [Steam gift]
Defcon [Steam gift]
PM me if interested.
Edit: Dear Esther is taken. Little Inferno still available
Edit 2: Little Inferno taken. That took a while. Hope it's because everybody already had them
One per person please. Don't be a dick and grab all of them because if you do I will know, I will find you and I will kill a dozen cute innocent puppies and leave their bloody lifeless corpses in your bed.
Seriously, don't be a dick.