Anybody like a copy of Binding Of Isaac? I feel like buying a second copy and gifting it.
(for content reasons, unless you can prove to me that your innocence is already shredded to begin with, Disturbing Subject Matter 18+ please)
First person to PM me gets it.
Edit: Heck, I'll put a Breath Of Death VII/ Cthulhu Saves The World Steam Duo Pack up as well.
(This can be redeemed by anybody)
Edit #2: Binding Of Isaac claimed.
Still have Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves The World available.
WANT. Also, I've still got a spare Gish and Introversion pack. Any takers?
I don't have a game to give away, just a coupon for 20% off The Book of Unwritten Tales but I thought this would still be the best place to put it. So if anyone wants it, let me know. This coupon makes a game which is already on sale at 20% off a further 20% cheaper!
A. i like sam and max and i like it B. yes it is a adventure game like monkey island.....well monkey island 1-4 have a different layout for picking up stuff but still its the same controls
I don't have a game to give away, just a coupon for 20% off The Book of Unwritten Tales but I thought this would still be the best place to put it. So if anyone wants it, let me know. This coupon makes a game which is already on sale at 20% off a further 20% cheaper!
EDIT: And it's gone!
Thanks to corruptbiggins, I'm now able to offer someone my own 20% coupon for The Book of Unwritten Tales (no, I'm not re-gifting his coupon... I bought the game and got a coupon myself!).
PM me if interested.
EDIT: And just like that, it was gone...
Thanks to corruptbiggins, I'm now able to offer someone my own 20% coupon for The Book of Unwritten Tales (no, I'm not re-gifting his coupon... I bought the game and got a coupon myself!).
PM me if interested.
EDIT: And just like that, it was gone...
It would be cool if there's a chain of coupon giving...
Anyway, while I'm here (and thinking about where the best place to put this is, and here I feel is best as it relates) I was just wondering if there was going to be another Telltale Secret Santa thingy this year as I think it was a great thing, and I presume there will be a Steam Christmas (or just plain Holiday) sale. Also I'm not really offering to run it but as I'd prefer not to have that responsibility but will if no one else wants to.
Anyway, while I'm here (and thinking about where the best place to put this is, and here I feel is best as it relates) I was just wondering if there was going to be another Telltale Secret Santa thingy this year as I think it was a great thing, and I presume there will be a Steam Christmas (or just plain Holiday) sale. Also I'm not really offering to run it but as I'd prefer not to have that responsibility but will if no one else wants to.
If there is, I'd quite like to be part of it this year. Just sayin'.
Actually, how did it work again? Did we all agree to a price limit of (for example) $10 and then just bought whoever's name we 'drew' something from their wishlist?
I like that your signature quote no longer has either of our current usernames in it.
Actually, I changed SHODANFreeman to Pale Man even though you had already changed your name at the time of that post because you will always be Pale Man in my heart.
You could be waiting a while. The bundle has two Steam keys, one for BIT.TRIP RUNNER, Meat Boy, Jamestown, Shank, and NightSky, and a key for Cave Story+ and Gratuitous Space Battles. Keys are only going to start turning up here if there's anyone who buys the bundle despite having all five games or beats the average despite having both games.
Also, if there's anyone who beat the average despite having both games, I'd recommend hanging onto your BTA key until after the bundle ends. I gave mine away early last time and had to buy a second Introversion Bundle when they added Dungeons of Dredmor. Which is why I'm still sitting on a key for the rest of the Introversion Bundle, if anyone wants it.
WANT. Also, I've still got a spare Gish and Introversion pack. Any takers?
I'd be right interested in your Gish!!!
Edit: And they're gone.
EDIT: Gotta go to work now, so it might be a while before I respond. I'll get there though.
EDIT: And it's gone!
i just wanted 2 know if it was still there
EDIT: And now it's not.
thanks for monkey island
I don't know about him, but this guy is serious:
Yeah, I am serious. Never played it before. Wondered if fans of Sam and Max would like it.
edit: given to lovetodo22
PM me if interested.
EDIT: And just like that, it was gone...
It would be cool if there's a chain of coupon giving...
Anyway, while I'm here (and thinking about where the best place to put this is, and here I feel is best as it relates) I was just wondering if there was going to be another Telltale Secret Santa thingy this year as I think it was a great thing, and I presume there will be a Steam Christmas (or just plain Holiday) sale. Also I'm not really offering to run it but as I'd prefer not to have that responsibility but will if no one else wants to.
I'm interested in this!
Actually, how did it work again? Did we all agree to a price limit of (for example) $10 and then just bought whoever's name we 'drew' something from their wishlist?
Start it soon, as the Steam sale will be starting in a week or so and the earlier in the sale it can open the better.
I like that your signature quote no longer has either of our current usernames in it.
Actually, I changed SHODANFreeman to Pale Man even though you had already changed your name at the time of that post because you will always be Pale Man in my heart.
Anyone who wants it, PM me.
EDIT: Claimed. Blimey, you people are fast.
EDIT: Claimed. Really, It'd Be Smart not tell you who took it, though.
It was Hayden, wasn't it?!?
wow i wonder who it could sure it coulden't be RIBS
Reverend Ivan Bupstein Stoyevsky? How dare he!
yeah because im sure RIBS could not have claimed it
This should be on a T-Shirt!
I think I woke up my neighbors!
Also, if there's anyone who beat the average despite having both games, I'd recommend hanging onto your BTA key until after the bundle ends. I gave mine away early last time and had to buy a second Introversion Bundle when they added Dungeons of Dredmor. Which is why I'm still sitting on a key for the rest of the Introversion Bundle, if anyone wants it.