Pokeyman!? Pokeyman with the pokey and the man and the thing where the guy comes out of the thing and he likes to glhablhahblha... *fish-flappy gesture*
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Got it cuz it was only $30. Kinda tough to play after Rainbow 6 Vegas and its cover system. I wouldn't mind another Rainbow game.
Can't wait for the next Sam & Max ep... Gonna be playing that next.
I have a sudden urge to go dig out my old copy of Pokemon Blue and see if any of my gameboys (Original, pocket, colour...) actually have any batteries. I seem to remember spending at least 3000 hours on that game (no, really. I played it multiple times through and added up the times on the game clocks!). But somehow, although I enjoyed Pokemon Silver I have failed to really enjoy a Pokemon game since. Rest assured I will buy one of the new ones though because I have enjoyed playing my DS a hell of a lot more than my GBA. Maybe the magic has returned?
For the last 3 days I've been playing Resident Evil 4 (finally, thanks to importing the PC version). The game is frustrating as hell, but never so difficult that I had to resort to walkthroughs or cheats. (yet... this game is loooong.... and then there's the Ada missions after I finish the main story... definitely plenty of content for the money)
My only beef with it is that I had to download patch after patch to get it to run, and it takes more hard drive space than it has a right to.
Forgot about this thread... Beat Resident Evil 4 a couple weeks ago, and started the mini-missions. Now I'm trying to find my Doom 3 discs so I can finally play it through from beginning to end.
I'm currently putting a lot of time into Crackdown, Catan, and Pacman Championship Edition on Xbox 360. Crackdown is fantastic. Being able to leap across rooftops in a big open city environment is all kinds of rad.
On the DS, I'm putting some time into Age of Empires and Picross DS. Both are excellent. I reviewed Picross DS recently, but I'm *still* playing it. Tons of content to be had.
I am currently playing World in Conflict Beta, Fury Pre-Beta (yay for non-retail games), and Tomb Raider Anniversary (a surprisingly fresh and attractive remake of the first game). Other than that, I should sometime finish Oblivion (but I got bored) and Fahrenheit (I finally got the UK version of Indigo Prophesy, woohoo!).
I am currently playing World in Conflict Beta, Fury Pre-Beta (yay for non-retail games), and Tomb Raider Anniversary (a surprisingly fresh and attractive remake of the first game). Other than that, I should sometime finish Oblivion (but I got bored) and Fahrenheit (I finally got the UK version of Indigo Prophesy, woohoo!).
I like how they revamped the look of Lara Croft. Never liked the blocky, oversized-big breasted, polygon-lookin lips of Core's Lara. Mind my non Telltale forums behavior, but man, if she was real, single, willing, and interested, I would um...be willing to let her "rub my unicorn."
God I am pathetic.:D
Btw, I heard the uk version of Indigo is uncensored. Is it better than the U.S. release? i might have to find myself an import copy
Lately i am mostly busy participating in scummvm's pre-release testing which has provided me a great excuse to go back and play all those great games again (like i even needed a reason )
Currently i am playing or have recently completed: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (PC, 16 color EGA) LOOM Fm-Towns and Full Throttle. Somebody had beat me to the monkey island games
On the console front i have been playing POTC: At Worlds End (not very much as i dont want to spoil the plot for myself) and Mortal Kombat Armageddon, both on the Nintendo Wii (plus a few VC games: Actraiser, Starfox 64, Toejam and Earl 2 and Punch Out).
I like how they revamped the look of Lara Croft. Never liked the blocky, oversized-big breasted, polygon-lookin lips of Core's Lara. Mind my non Telltale forums behavior, but man, if she was real, single, willing, and interested, I would um...be willing to let her "rub my unicorn."
God I am pathetic.:D
Btw, I heard the uk version of Indigo is uncensored. Is it better than the U.S. release? i might have to find myself an import copy
You may be pathetic, but so am I Especially after she goes for a swim...
The UK version has one more scene... although I haven't finished the game, so I do not know all the details... wait, I just looked up the differences between the versions, and I now feel like an absolute pervert in specifically seeking out the UK version. Apparently, the US version censors all sexual related content... meaning that naked character models now wear underwear, and there is apparently an interactive love scene in the UK version.
Oh currently i'm revisting an oldie. Playing PLanescape: Torment for about the billionth time. I love the game, it's the greatest rpg ever made imo, mostly because there's a lot more talk and intrigue than just killing monsters. One of the only rpgs i've ever found where you need high charisma, intelligance and Wisdom and can just dump strength. hahahah.
I decided to give Frets On Fire another go after the Psychonauts dissapointment.... and holy hell, I don't know why I hated it the first time around! All night I was hopping around like a madman while holding my keyboard like a guitar, playing song after song after song :P
After my legs and wrists stop throbbing, I'm going in for more
Oh I have already used ScummVM as well... and yes, it worked very well for the older LucasArts games.
For Feeble Files, you have to convert all the video files, and considering doing one CD's worth took over 12 hours, I went "bugger it" and gave up....
Running the game under VMWare works just as well and wasn't too much hassle to set up.
This past weekend I replayed Fahrenheit. I sat down to play it Friday night at about 8:30 and played through all the way to the end. (Otherwise known as 3:00 in the morning...)
I have replayed the beginning of this game several times, but this was only the second time I played through to the end. The game takes a turn about 2/3 of the way through that I really don't like, and the story goes from being awesome to terrible. I still felt that way this time. But I had a few glasses of wine while playing so by the time I got to the bad part, it just seemed funny.
This is a really great game (the beginning is, anyway) and I encourage anyone who likes story driven games and who hasn't played it to do so. It's known as Indigo Prophecy in the US and is slightly censored to get an M rating rather than AO, but to be honest, the stuff that was censored (one sex scene in particular) was somewhat gratuitious/tasteless and I think Indigo Prophecy has a better presentation because of it. But Fahrenheit is a cooler title.
So... that's my current answer to "what are you playing right now?" I'm also close to the end of Mario and Luigi Partners in Time on the DS, and about halfway through King's Quest 6, which I started a couple weeks ago when my new King's Quest Collection arrived in the mail. Also Psychonauts, but as mentioned elsewhere I'm stuck in the dance party level...
I just bought Runaway 2 off of Steam, because even though I suspect it might be mediocre, I kind of enjoyed the first one, so why not? Also, I bought Geometry Wars because a) it's awesome and b) $2.50
I'm maybe a bit over half way through Hotel Dusk on the DS... and not enjoying it anymore, but trying to power through to the end.
Nothing is less exciting to me than an adventure game that only lets you do one thing at a time, despite encouraging you to do otherwise.
I was in the middle of a totally unrelated task when a character walked up to me and said something like "Remember when the bellhop delivered my package to your room by mistake? Well, I think a bookmark of mine might still be in there... can you take a look for me?" Great, sounds good, another little mini-thing I can do in between my horrible stuckness on the current task. So, I go back up to my room and click on the empty box. What does my character say? "It's an empty box." Okaaayy... So, I ignore that and go back to completing the A-level task I was in the middle of. When I finish that, what does my character say, now, when I click on the exact same box I clicked on 10 minutes earlier, now that my totally unrelated other task is done? He says "Hey now that that's done, that reminds me: didn't that guy I talked to earlier say there was a bookmark in that box? I should go look for it!" Now, suddenly, woosh, I get zoomed into an interactive 3D view where I can spin the box around and have fun tapping at it with the stylus to make the bookmark fall out from between some flaps. Why the hell couldn't I do that 10 minutes earlier? The game is full of these things. Bah.
Fortunately the art is great, and it's got a lot of atmosphere for a DS game, so that's keeping me going I guess, and I just want to get to the end so I can ... see the end... but man is it frustrating sometimes.
I got Runaway 2 a few months ago because Eriq gave me a gift certificate to Amazon for my birthday, which was awesome of him. Haven't started playing it yet. I feel like I should finish Murder on the Orient Express first, but then I play it a little and it annoys me, so I stop. I'm sad about that, because I really enjoyed the first Agatha Christie game. Maybe I'm just not in the mood.
Regarding Hotel Dusk - you haven't reached the best part yet. The best part being when you're in a time sensitive situation that's just begging for you to use the built-in notebook, but the game won't let you use the built-in notebook. Yeah, that's the best part. Um, I mean the worst part.
Still, it's worth finishing. Just give yourself permission to be annoyed at it, and everything will be fine...
I just finished SiN Episodes: Emergence a few minutes ago... I really don't know if I liked it or not. The physics felt a bit dumbed down from HL2, even glitchy at parts... the acting was horrendous... the weapon and enemy variety was almost non-existent...
But on the bright side, it was too short to get repetitive, the mutagen gas was a nice touch, and it had the Dopefish in it.
I am at chapter 5 of Phoenix Wright(first game) and man, this ep is long. I had to start start over twice; the first time I ran out of ! and the second is because I choose the wrong option, which ended the game. I am gettin addicted to the game and I am thinkin of getting the import for the 3rd game (Gyakuten Saiban 3) mainly because it will be roughly the same price when it comes out to the US (28 dollars +free shipping), it is region free, has the english option, and is comming out a month before the domestic version.
Also playing Phoenix Wright... Bought it a few days ago, and I'm already at the end of the 4.th case.
It's the first game in a while that I got this engaged in, can't wait to buy the next one when I got money.
Same here. I seen the 2nd game for 30 at Target yesterday, but I may either get the import or buy the domestic version it from Capcom.com (if you guy it there, the game includes a free Phoenix Wright Stylus). However, because of money, I may just purchase the import of the 3rd one first and then get the 2nd one
Sounds like Hotel Dusk has the same sort of problems as Trace Memory, which is what I was afraid of.
It really took me out of the game when they do that swirly transition into every puzzle. It's like "HEY! HERE'S A PUZZLLLLLE! IT USES THE DS'S UNIQUE FEEEEATURES!" How am I supposed to be immersed in the story when the puzzles are so jarring?
Speaking of Phoenix Wright, I have seen a lot of (new) copies of the first one selling for $20 at GameStop stores as part of some big sale they're having. If anyone is still looking to pick up a copy, go to GameStop.
Ironic, since it was impossible to find for so long...
Elite Beat Agents
Advance Wars (original)
Waiting in the mail:
Ouendan 2
Can't wait for the next Sam & Max ep... Gonna be playing that next.
My only beef with it is that I had to download patch after patch to get it to run, and it takes more hard drive space than it has a right to.
If you whould like more info for sam & max you're in the right place.
If you whould like more info 4 POP LIFE search for MONTE CRISTO GAMES.
I also got Sonic and the Secret Rings which is okay, but the music sort of ruins the game =/. And with the volume turned down, it doesn't feel right.
Ouendan 2 (ds)
Guilty Gear X Dust Strikers(ds)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney(ds)
I'm currently putting a lot of time into Crackdown, Catan, and Pacman Championship Edition on Xbox 360. Crackdown is fantastic. Being able to leap across rooftops in a big open city environment is all kinds of rad.
On the DS, I'm putting some time into Age of Empires and Picross DS. Both are excellent. I reviewed Picross DS recently, but I'm *still* playing it. Tons of content to be had.
I am currently playing World in Conflict Beta, Fury Pre-Beta (yay for non-retail games), and Tomb Raider Anniversary (a surprisingly fresh and attractive remake of the first game). Other than that, I should sometime finish Oblivion (but I got bored) and Fahrenheit (I finally got the UK version of Indigo Prophesy, woohoo!).
I like how they revamped the look of Lara Croft. Never liked the blocky, oversized-big breasted, polygon-lookin lips of Core's Lara. Mind my non Telltale forums behavior, but man, if she was real, single, willing, and interested, I would um...be willing to let her "rub my unicorn."
God I am pathetic.:D
Btw, I heard the uk version of Indigo is uncensored. Is it better than the U.S. release? i might have to find myself an import copy
Currently i am playing or have recently completed: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (PC, 16 color EGA) LOOM Fm-Towns and Full Throttle. Somebody had beat me to the monkey island games
On the console front i have been playing POTC: At Worlds End (not very much as i dont want to spoil the plot for myself) and Mortal Kombat Armageddon, both on the Nintendo Wii (plus a few VC games: Actraiser, Starfox 64, Toejam and Earl 2 and Punch Out).
You may be pathetic, but so am I
The UK version has one more scene... although I haven't finished the game, so I do not know all the details... wait, I just looked up the differences between the versions, and I now feel like an absolute pervert in specifically seeking out the UK version. Apparently, the US version censors all sexual related content... meaning that naked character models now wear underwear, and there is apparently an interactive love scene in the UK version.
Some are working OK under a Win98 Virtual Machine with VMWare, others kinda work on WinXP but not very well...
Currently partway through:
- The Feeble Files
- The Dig
- Grim Fandango
- Monkey Island 4
Recently finished
- Monkey Island 3
I also, of course, played SnM:HtR and Day of the Tentacle late last year as the first few episodes were coming out...
While it wont help you with grim or monkey 4, it currently supports the rest of the titles on your list, even feeble files
check it out at http://www.scummvm.org if you havent already
After my legs and wrists stop throbbing, I'm going in for more
Oh I have already used ScummVM as well... and yes, it worked very well for the older LucasArts games.
For Feeble Files, you have to convert all the video files, and considering doing one CD's worth took over 12 hours, I went "bugger it" and gave up....
Running the game under VMWare works just as well and wasn't too much hassle to set up.
I have replayed the beginning of this game several times, but this was only the second time I played through to the end. The game takes a turn about 2/3 of the way through that I really don't like, and the story goes from being awesome to terrible. I still felt that way this time. But I had a few glasses of wine while playing so by the time I got to the bad part, it just seemed funny.
This is a really great game (the beginning is, anyway) and I encourage anyone who likes story driven games and who hasn't played it to do so. It's known as Indigo Prophecy in the US and is slightly censored to get an M rating rather than AO, but to be honest, the stuff that was censored (one sex scene in particular) was somewhat gratuitious/tasteless and I think Indigo Prophecy has a better presentation because of it. But Fahrenheit is a cooler title.
So... that's my current answer to "what are you playing right now?" I'm also close to the end of Mario and Luigi Partners in Time on the DS, and about halfway through King's Quest 6, which I started a couple weeks ago when my new King's Quest Collection arrived in the mail. Also Psychonauts, but as mentioned elsewhere I'm stuck in the dance party level...
Nothing is less exciting to me than an adventure game that only lets you do one thing at a time, despite encouraging you to do otherwise.
I was in the middle of a totally unrelated task when a character walked up to me and said something like "Remember when the bellhop delivered my package to your room by mistake? Well, I think a bookmark of mine might still be in there... can you take a look for me?" Great, sounds good, another little mini-thing I can do in between my horrible stuckness on the current task. So, I go back up to my room and click on the empty box. What does my character say? "It's an empty box." Okaaayy... So, I ignore that and go back to completing the A-level task I was in the middle of. When I finish that, what does my character say, now, when I click on the exact same box I clicked on 10 minutes earlier, now that my totally unrelated other task is done? He says "Hey now that that's done, that reminds me: didn't that guy I talked to earlier say there was a bookmark in that box? I should go look for it!" Now, suddenly, woosh, I get zoomed into an interactive 3D view where I can spin the box around and have fun tapping at it with the stylus to make the bookmark fall out from between some flaps. Why the hell couldn't I do that 10 minutes earlier? The game is full of these things. Bah.
Fortunately the art is great, and it's got a lot of atmosphere for a DS game, so that's keeping me going I guess, and I just want to get to the end so I can ... see the end... but man is it frustrating sometimes.
Regarding Hotel Dusk - you haven't reached the best part yet. The best part being when you're in a time sensitive situation that's just begging for you to use the built-in notebook, but the game won't let you use the built-in notebook. Yeah, that's the best part. Um, I mean the worst part.
Still, it's worth finishing. Just give yourself permission to be annoyed at it, and everything will be fine...
Runaway rocks too...
Sadly I dont own a ds :O
Currently playing
System shock 1 &
Atelier Iris 3
But on the bright side, it was too short to get repetitive, the mutagen gas was a nice touch, and it had the Dopefish in it.
It's the first game in a while that I got this engaged in, can't wait to buy the next one when I got money.
Still* got Zelda on hold
(*) see previous post
It really took me out of the game when they do that swirly transition into every puzzle. It's like "HEY! HERE'S A PUZZLLLLLE! IT USES THE DS'S UNIQUE FEEEEATURES!" How am I supposed to be immersed in the story when the puzzles are so jarring?
The games that I had to pay around 70$ for here in Sweden, I can as well import from the US/Canada for just about 30$
It feels great to get games for practically nothing, why can't every console be region free
If you own an ebay account and don't mind about used items, you can buy a broken hindge DS and buy a replacement shell for a few dollars more
It is cheaper that way, though I didn't do this yet; l might when I buy a 2nd one
Ironic, since it was impossible to find for so long...