What do you do when you're stumped?

So, there's a common thing that people who play adventure games do when they start to get stuck, which is to methodically go through and try using everything in their inventory. I'm wondering what else people do when they're out of ideas -- for example, maybe you take your hand off the mouse and think, or you wander around through all the environments but don't click on anything, or you go back and talk to all the people again. (Maybe you immediately go look on the forums for a hint or call your brother-in-law for advice.) What's your approach?
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But unless I've exhausted everything I can think of, I never go looking for help.
I have to give it to you guys, though. You've taken a one-click interface, which removes some of the fun complexity of the game such as the look at verb (you may want to give a good hard thought to bringing it back, please, oh please) and managed to make a fairly complex gaming experience -- moreso with episodes four through six than with the previous three, but I guess it took some jelling and experimentation to figure out the best ways of doing things.
*I'll supply a more thorough answer later.
What can I say, I hate when the story/"flow of jokes" stop :P
Please excuse my horrible english, too tired to correct my worst spelling errors.
Bed here I come!! :rolleyes: (that I for some reason found that sentance funny might imply the fact that I'm really tired and/or insane).
My favourite answer.
Mel in a stressed/tired state:
In the first scenario I'll interchange steps 1 & 2 or do them at the same time thus bypassing Damn.
2. Have I tried EVERY item?
3.How far would I have to backtrack to double-check?
4. Have I clicked every possible conversation branch?
5. Have I blind-typed "plugh", "plover" and "xyzzy"?
6.Did I chortle at my own cleverness for doing so?
7. Is the game alt-tab friendly so I can check online for hints?
8.Was it smart for me to manage to buy the one game that nobody has written a walkthrough for?
9.Do I have a baseball bat and a place to put the CD/floppy shards?
well for adventure games, I very much agree with Mel except the last resort of uninstalling... it can turns out to be a bug! and for Sam & Max, what better place to find or seek help than this lively forum (or maybe asking directly to Emily)?
For instance, a couple days ago while playing Quake 4, I spent almost an hour in a room, simply because I somehow kept not seeing a big honkin' touchscreen that opens the door.
(For those who have played it, it was the medical room where you first encounter the flying acid-spitty Strogg with blades for arms)
And yeah, sometimes getting stuck (like in a dungeon in Zelda or Oblivion) is just due to something that's just not obviously visible. Like in Sam & Max episode 4
2. Revisit all NPC's and scenes. Repeat dialog and look for anything missed.
3. Go to sleep... its 3 am already?
4. Retry steps 1 and 2.
5. Go online. Read walkthrough. Get mad at accidently reading the answer to a puzzle not yet encountered. Get more angry at realising the answer was either obvious or insanely twisted
If all that fails and I'm still stumped... I try to put in disk 21... or disk 52... or disk 98...
Or maybe I'll just skip that part of the game...
I try to find spoiler free ones though.
I get stuck, I walk about for a bit to see if I missed anything, have a think.. find a walkthrough.
Back in the days before widely available internet assistance however, I wandered, thought, asked friends and family for suggestions, walked about a bit more, got bored and left the game for the day. Annoyingly the Lucasarts Sam & Max had me horribly stumped at one point. Took me weeks before a cousin finally pointed out "oh, there's a magnifying lens in the background there, see? it's really hard to make out but it's there"
Bah... I simply hadn't noticed the thing.
I have such fond fond memories of completing so many adventure games without walkthroughs, something i seldom do these days... either games have gotten harder (doubt it) or i've gotten lazier... i'm going with the later.
However... My endless undying respect goes to my cousin Quentin who manged to actually finish KQ7 WITHOUT a walkthrough... my god... that game is frustratingly impossible.
Usually the reason I get stuck in games is when I have actually figured out the answer to the puzzle but I can't figure out how the game designers want me to solve it. Perfect example: in "abe Lincoln must die" I
Hmm ...
It only reminds me of a situasion a have when I visit the bathroom , but....
Well ... Never mind ...
Step Two: Have idea, run back and try it
Step three: Find idea works. Proceed to play game for another 30 minutes
Step Four: Remember tea and go back to find it has gone cold. Drink it anyway and make more.
Optional: Replace all instances of 'Tea' with 'Coffee' depending on the time of day.
Often I do know WHAT I want to do to fix something but don't know HOW I can do that in the game. For example; I did know I wanted
2 Then I start to think in a more logical way.
3 After this I try combine everything with everything and talk with everyone again. Sometimes I go back to previous saved stages to redo the steps.
4 Then I get away from the game, sleep and the next time, try to see the things with a diferent perspective. I can hold this for 2 or 3 days.
5 By now, I considering to look online walktroughs. I really start to walk trough the house, thinking.
6 I look online help.
Usually works on the step 2 or 3.
I'm playing Monkey Island 2 and I got stuck in the governor Phatt book part. I'm on step 5 and had this logical tought. I have to take the book without him noticing. Then come the Indiana Jones idol scene and everything fall into place. There's no better sensation!
But happens situations like the Kate Capsize near-grog puzzle. I had missed the part that the barman say about her having a near-grog bottle. Neither the barman or Kate talk about this anymore later. There's no way I could know how to solve this puzzle. I keep trying to win the grog contest in all of silly ways. I was piss to look for online help and piss to realize that the puzzle was solved that way! It's curse the designer time!!
However, with that being said, when it comes to twiddling puzzles, I will almost invariably seek out walkthroughs.
2.) Cry
3.) Got to GameFAQS
I would have thought you were the manifestation of serenity after the way you sneaked past the sheriff in his office in Simon the Sorcerer 3D. If I had managed to force myself to play that game at all, I probably would have given up on it then.
What now, Darth? No scream of agony over a massively necroed thread?
Wait where was this one going...