Rock Band DLC. Lady Gaga. Poker Face. This song will only be played on vocals, with the vocal track muted, sung in my best Joey Wheeler voice with the words to Brooklyn Rage.
Since I'm on a bit of a mod kick, I've just downloaded the Unreal Tournament 1999 mod 'Return to Na Pali: Ultimate Version', since I'd actually like to be able to play the sodding thing with dual pistols.
Am currently in the middle of downloading the Marathon: Resurrection mod (for UT99 as well), and I'll be going for Unreality: Episode I next. Like I say, bit of a mod phase. You can thank the ModDB Mod of the year awards for that.
The sound effect of Mario collecting a coin. It's a great little 'ding' noise I can use in my reviews.
And no, I won't stop mentioning my reviews. 'cause I do video reviews now. I'm a video reviewer. This automatically makes me 300% more awesome than you. And combined with the fact I have a ponytail, that makes me about a bazillion times cooler than everyone except Coolsome.
The sound effect of Mario collecting a coin. It's a great little 'ding' noise I can use in my reviews.
And no, I won't stop mentioning my reviews. 'cause I do video reviews now. I'm a video reviewer. This automatically makes me 300% more awesome than you. And combined with the fact I have a ponytail, that makes me about a bazillion times cooler than everyone except Coolsome.
Wait, what if I started making video reviews? Would that make me catch up to that extra 300%, trailing only by the Ponytail Percentage?
I've finally done it. After about a month of hesitation and stalling, I've finally done it. I have officially downloaded the first season of MLP: FiM from iTunes. I couldn't take it any longer. (Watch this, now the DVDs of the first season will come out any second now.)
Wait, what if I started making video reviews? Would that make me catch up to that extra 300%, trailing only by the Ponytail Percentage?
The 300% would be there, but lacking the Ponytail Percentage (that's such an awesome phrase, I'll have to use that in a video) you trail by an almost infinite amount. All praise to the Ponytail Percentage.
Last thing I downloaded was the latest version of VideoLAN. Still rebuilding my PC. Bleh.
Just finished with my exams at my school, so now I am back to work for 6 more weeks before my contract ends. So I thought the bus would leave at is usual time, but no they changed it to way earlier.
So I have downloaded a new bus plan, so I don't have to wait an hour for the bus again tomorrow...
The sound effect of Mario collecting a coin. It's a great little 'ding' noise I can use in my reviews.
And no, I won't stop mentioning my reviews. 'cause I do video reviews now. I'm a video reviewer. This automatically makes me 300% more awesome than you. And combined with the fact I have a ponytail, that makes me about a bazillion times cooler than everyone except Coolsome.
Wait. I have a ponytail. I think I get a cut on the take of this Ponytail Percentage. And I don't do reviews...but I have a badass trenchcoat and a skull. Actually, make that two skulls (not including my own).
This mod for Baldur's Gate II that I can't figure out how to make work. I have this sneaking suspicion that it will only be applied to a clean install and frankly, that sounds like too much effort for an xp evener (especially since I'm about half-way through the game). I mean, it installed perfectly but whenever I try to use it, nothing happens.
Handbrake and DVD43. To rip all my DVDs to my computer.
I guess I could just download them all from a dodgy website, which would be quicker and easier, but that just feels wrong. And I'd feel the temptation to download more than what I own, if you get my drift.
Handbrake and DVD43. To rip all my DVDs to my computer.
I guess I could just download them all from a dodgy website, which would be quicker and easier, but that just feels wrong. And I'd feel the temptation to download more than what I own, if you get my drift.
I get you. I've been ripping my PSP games personally, so that once I get my memory card adapter, I can put all the games I own on the card, then I don't have to worry about carrying loads of UMDs, (and faster loading times! ).
That is awesome. Downloaded that too, and maybe a few other skins I like. No harm since you can switch back to the default one pretty easily:D
Uchu KITA!!!!
Am currently in the middle of downloading the Marathon: Resurrection mod (for UT99 as well), and I'll be going for Unreality: Episode I next. Like I say, bit of a mod phase. You can thank the ModDB Mod of the year awards for that.
I believe in a thing called love - The Darkness
Stranger by the day - Shades Apart
Simple & Clean - Utada Hikaru
then the rest are some stuffs from Robert Shemin and Dan Kennedy.
I need someone to agree that this band is awesome.
And no, I won't stop mentioning my reviews. 'cause I do video reviews now. I'm a video reviewer. This automatically makes me 300% more awesome than you. And combined with the fact I have a ponytail, that makes me about a bazillion times cooler than everyone except Coolsome.
Last thing I downloaded was the latest version of VideoLAN. Still rebuilding my PC. Bleh.
It's been a very long time since I last played it, so I figured I'd try it again.
So I have downloaded a new bus plan, so I don't have to wait an hour for the bus again tomorrow...
Wait. I have a ponytail. I think I get a cut on the take of this Ponytail Percentage. And I don't do reviews...but I have a badass trenchcoat and a skull. Actually, make that two skulls (not including my own).
How to Stop a Time Lord. Good until the end, which features cool stuff including a cat and doesn't cut off.
Think Top Gear crossed with Miss Marple. In Spaaaaaaace.
The Avengers: United They Stand. Episode 6. For the love of god, do not follow my example.
I guess I could just download them all from a dodgy website, which would be quicker and easier, but that just feels wrong. And I'd feel the temptation to download more than what I own, if you get my drift.
I get you. I've been ripping my PSP games personally, so that once I get my memory card adapter, I can put all the games I own on the card, then I don't have to worry about carrying loads of UMDs, (and faster loading times!
Also, the new Age of Decadence demo.
SO many memories. I'd forgotten how awesome this one was, for example. It's more Chuck Norris than the Karate Kommandos! That's right - I went there.