Places to Go in Sam & Max: Season 2



  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    Very cool idea. A museum!
    With all the paintings and stuff the jokes will be awesome.
  • edited May 2007
    They should go back to Bumpusville, or the Bermuda Triangle, or El Dorado, or to a monster truck show.
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, a museum would be cool. Even better, instead of famous works, all the "paintings" would be fan art and concept art!
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
  • edited May 2007
    Mel wrote: »

    Forget it.
  • edited May 2007
    I love that subtle humor, chuck. very masterful.

    As for locations, a Planet of the Apes parody? Bigfoot is the obvious thought, but I keep thinking Planet of the Grapes/Crepes.

    I agree about Historic locations. A Lagomorph in King Arthur's Court, How the West was Misplaced, Stratford Upon Avon-Calling, etc.
  • edited May 2007
    All those short Sam and Max parodies in the Adventurer I loved I wonder if they could do a whole episode like that..
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    Chuck wrote: »
    Forget it.

  • edited May 2007
    What about Dayton, Ohio? It's truly the happiest place on earth :D
  • edited May 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    It's a reference! It's a movie quote! It's a reference and a movie quote!
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    Chuck wrote: »
    It's a reference! It's a movie quote! It's a reference and a movie quote!

    Oooooohhhh. I see now. :D

    I haven't seen that movie but now I'll need to watch it.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    At least one of the things mentioned in this thread will happen in season 2.

    What are you guys, psychic or something? :p
  • edited May 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    What are you guys, psychic or something? :p

    Maybe. :p ;) :D
  • edited May 2007
    I'd like to see a whole season of parody based episodes.
    Jurassic Park
    The Terminator\Future War era (work well to bring back the C.O.P.S.)
    The Davinci Code
    James Bond
    Akira\anime (good for 2D sections and super powers)
    Lord Of The Rings
    Star Trek\Star Wars
    The Matrix series (good for slow mo and plenty of gunplay, and it's a nice extension of Reality 2.0:D)

    And for those Red Dwarf fans a take on Rimmerworld, only instead of a neurotic supercilious jerk we see a world populated by our favorite psychotic lagomorph.:p

    Ialso like the Heaven and Hell idea. Maybe Max makes his way to Hell, sans Sam, and overthrows Satan. All of the other minions get tired of his leadership and Sam must team up with Belsebub to return his furry buddy to semi-sanity and the right side of the law.

    I also like the idea of getting involved with the Dakotas conflict and I really really really want to see Max as a usuable item\tool\whatever you want to call it.
  • edited May 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    At least one of the things mentioned in this thread will happen in season 2.
    Wha? Does the first person who said/suggested it get a special thanks credit?
  • edited May 2007
    If they credited everyone with ideas they got, there would probably be an awful big list. :p
  • edited May 2007
    Not everyone... just the person that said it first.:p
  • edited May 2007
    A football stadium, with S&M getting involved in a big rush and Max expressing his violence at all.
  • edited May 2007
    A football stadium, with S&M getting involved in a big rush and Max expressing his violence at all.

    Sam: You're suppose to only tackle the opposing team.
    Max: There's teams in this game? I thought it was just a bunch of mindless headbutting and grabbing of the lower extreminties in a way that would make Richard Simons cry in jelousy.
    Sam: It is, but you weren't suppose to do that to your own side. And especially with the pointy-end of the First Down Marker.
    Max: So that's what that is! I thought it was a lawn dart!
  • edited May 2007
    How about an episode with a bunch of fans chasing Sam & Max to get their autographs? :p It's going to take awhile though to
    knock out the entire population of the planet.
  • edited May 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Sam: You're suppose to only tackle the opposing team.
    Max: There's teams in this game? I thought it was just a bunch of mindless headbutting and grabbing of the lower extreminties in a way that would make Richard Simons cry in jelousy.
    Sam: It is, but you weren't suppose to do that to your own side. And especially with the pointy-end of the First Down Marker.
    Max: So that's what that is! I thought it was a lawn dart!

  • edited May 2007
    Not wishing to rain on anyone's parade, but I hope Telltale are going to be careful if they consider using any of the ideas here. It might be easy to please a crowd by taking their suggestions, but we'd be robbing professional writers of the chance to do what they're best at and create something much more workable, entertaining and original.

    Just a word of caution, but some of the ideas here do sound quite good :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    There's this big piece of butcher paper I wish I could tell you about.... The one thing I can say is that it already had a lot written on it well before this thread turned up, so don't worry :)

    I think the designers like reading these threads to see the general sort of things people like to see, to ponder the ideas and chuckle at the funny parts, etc, and I wouldn't be surprised if certain ideas they had were slightly more affirmed or ... defirmed ... based on the tides of the fanbase, but rest assured that they're very much doing their own thing with Season 2. The fact that some things in this thread may be similar to concepts already on the books for season 2 is pretty awesome, and helps affirm peoples decisions to do what they're doing with season 2 stories, but the designers are spending too much time locked in the romper room laughing at each other's crazy concepts to spend all day sitting here burglarizing everything verbatim from the boards. :)
  • edited May 2007
    @jake: would it be possible to get a tap inside that room? :)
  • edited May 2007
    Or, dare I say it...a bug?
  • edited May 2007
    "I can't listen to that, think boy!" :p
  • edited May 2007
    Gee, I hope none of the Bone fanatics are reading this thread and saying outloud to their monitors "DAMMIT!! Looks like Episode 3 won't be coming out after all!"
  • edited May 2007
    great minds think alike!
  • edited May 2007
    how about Sam & Max gets to go further down the road, say past the dinner :D lmao
  • edited May 2007
    Erm I think that after that political thing in Abe Lincoln must die it would be pretty nice to see sam and max go to Mount Rushmore.Who knows,maybe someone will think of bringing Lincoln back to life from the mountain.
  • edited May 2007
    Erm I think that after that political thing in Abe Lincoln must die it would be pretty nice to see sam and max go to Mount Rushmore.Who knows,maybe someone will think of bringing Lincoln back to life from the mountain.

    If TT does do the mount Rushmore scene like Lucasarts, it would be cool to see a head of Max on the mountain.
  • edited May 2007
    A delorean would be awesome!
  • edited April 2008
    OnCallDoc wrote: »
    In terms of other places I wouldn't mind seeing them do a tour of the world. A country per episode. Make it heavily stereotypical too. They can go to:
    -Even Canada as mentioned.
    -Perhaps Mexico

    I'm bringing this up because I really liked this post and I do believe it has some extremely interesting possibilities.

  • edited April 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    At least one of the things mentioned in this thread will happen in season 2.

    What are you guys, psychic or something? :p

    well, lets see, what we got.
    Hero1 wrote: »
    1. into the forest to meet some bigfoots!
    2. max has a #1 hit and they have to maneuver through the music industry!
    3. somewhere near a volcano

    4. in a space ship!
    5. some lost tribe
    6. they travel back to the past[16th century or something]
    7. to prison! sam and max must pose as criminals

    Here are two more ideas for where Sam & Max should go in Season 2.

    1. Heaven & Hell: The two places on Earth that Sam & Max have not been to yet. And it would be cool to see Max get into a Fight with the Devil. :D
    (Max fought with a demon, does that count?)

    They should go to the distent future

    OnCallDoc wrote: »
    Playing Sam in a Max body would be too much of a tease. I really hope for a Max that is controllable for a short time in one of the episodes.
    Bringing back Max as a usable item would be cool too.

    The Beginning of the Universe: This could work out as the last place they go to in season 2, they would go back in time to see The Beginning of the Universe only to find out that they had something to do with it's creation. Can you say Max + Flameing Fart = The Big Bang. :D

    ghostgurl wrote: »
    They should go back to Bumpusville, or the Bermuda Triangle, or El Dorado, or to a monster truck show.

    Col_Shaggy wrote: »
    Ialso like the Heaven and Hell idea. Maybe Max makes his way to Hell, sans Sam, and overthrows Satan. All of the other minions get tired of his leadership and Sam must team up with Belsebub to return his furry buddy to semi-sanity and the right side of the law.

    it's actually quite cool reading back. some people were spot on with some of it, while others were certainly in the right direction.
    YAY for psychics!
  • edited April 2008
    While I am happy to see that some of the ideas that me and the others had made it into season two, I would still like to see them goto Heaven, The Sun (they already been to the Moon), and an Alternate Universe.
  • edited April 2008
    actally i bet ttg got inspired from these posts. i mean, c'mon people, what is hero1, an 8ball guy?:D
    lets make a thread for S3.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Actually, surprisingly, the butcher paper went up in June or July of last summer, so the design team beat many of you to the punch! But its always extremely encouraging to know you're on the right track when the stories you're making are (frequently) crazier iterations of what your audience is hoping to see.
  • edited April 2008
    unsilviu wrote: »
    what is hero1, an 8ball guy?:D

    he's actually a TTG member in disguise :rolleyes:
  • edited December 2008
    Just thought I bring this thread back to life just to see what places fans of Sam & Max might like to see in Season 3? I am still hopeing hoping to see Heaven, The Sun, and an Alternate Universe. :)
  • edited December 2008
    There really needs to be a rule against Necrothreading...

    There is a S+M S3 thread already, but no I dont have a direct link on me.

    To keep this post on-topic:
    I would also like to reaffirm that it's amazing how dead-on some of the suggestions were. I am suspicious that TTG *is* drawing inspiration at times from the forums, especially in the form of minor plots/gimmicks they can just stick in for the fun of it w/o messing up the storyline.
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