If you vote on this poll...
...I'll release an exclusive clip from the upcoming "Making Of LOTR Parody", just for you awesome people. That means that I'll post it here, in this thread, and nowhere else.
I just need about 100 votes on this poll, to know what to prepare for you guys in 2012.
In case you don't know what this is about, Hi! I'm Wolfy! I make movies and stuff for your enjoyment!
Blablabla, site, etc.
I made a similar poll many months ago, in which you asked for a SciFi Comedy/Epic thing. I was planning for a series, but it seems you liked it better as a Doctor Who Tribute (which itself might turn into something more, if you like it).
So you guys know the Doctor Who Tribute is coming up, and three new Kauff episodes with a super special Guest Star (not Majus, but he might be there too, dunno, surprise, shut up).
Also, we have that secret project which we will reveal later on.
What else would you like me to focus on this year? What stuff would you like to see?
Once I get 100 votes, I'll show that cool little clip from the Making Of.
I just need about 100 votes on this poll, to know what to prepare for you guys in 2012.
In case you don't know what this is about, Hi! I'm Wolfy! I make movies and stuff for your enjoyment!
Blablabla, site, etc.
I made a similar poll many months ago, in which you asked for a SciFi Comedy/Epic thing. I was planning for a series, but it seems you liked it better as a Doctor Who Tribute (which itself might turn into something more, if you like it).
So you guys know the Doctor Who Tribute is coming up, and three new Kauff episodes with a super special Guest Star (not Majus, but he might be there too, dunno, surprise, shut up).
Also, we have that secret project which we will reveal later on.
What else would you like me to focus on this year? What stuff would you like to see?
Once I get 100 votes, I'll show that cool little clip from the Making Of.
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What did you expect?
A wierd thought popped into my head. Ever thought of doing something with puppets? Like a story told with you as a narrator/story-teller to a romanian fairy-tale or something?
Yeah, I suck at explaining things.
We can ADD options later?
Cool, haha!
Sea For Two, haven't forgotten about it... it's just become really difficult to make since I lost my 3D artist.
What did you like more about C42? The characters or the actual setting?
I can easily change the setting making it easier to work with in 2D.
Sorry, I just never expected to remain without a 3D dude. Gimme one of those and I'll gladly continue the series. We even had scripts for the next 12 episodes!
Greedy is good, multiple votes are encouraged.
Puppets, hm... I love Muppets, but they had something I don't have: a big budget and many many many hands behind the scenes.
I was planning on having a show like that, but I really want to avoid starting something that I won't finish.
Speaking of that, C42 was started with big plans in my head, and everything fell flat when the team broke.
Thanks for voting, guys!
Well, on Friar. Vainamoinen is in a trolly mood today apparently, hmpf! :rolleyes:
Also, Plustard is perhaps the most significant of all of them.
Did you check down the side of the sofa? Aw, that's a shame. I'd love to see romanian fairy/folk tales done that way. There used to be a man who would come to our school and do small plays like that, but I completely forgot until this morning. I think he used marionette dolls to get round the people issue (there were 3/4 people I think.) But I can imagine that it would indeed be costly, especially if they're only going to be used for one episode or whatever. Which has the same effect of voting for nothing.
Worst. Voter. Ever.
But funniest one too.
So you win a role in my next movie: The Bachelor Party.
...are you comfortable in tiny dark cake-like spaces?
There's so much to chose from, and still your latest blog posts indicate that you won't have much time for those things this year because of that major two-season secret project. But the fact that you even name Indiana Jones as one of the choices is intriguing. Sea for Two doesn't really need 3D, just a bit of greenscreen.
Sooo... do you really need all of us to decide what you're doing next?
/edit: Did you change this into a non-open poll??
/edit2: Duh. Just needed to click on the numbers.
Oh how nice of you. ^^
I worked on LOTR Parody for four years, yet you guys still enjoyed the Monkey Island Tributes, IWWH (well, Majus did most of the work there, but the game we made afterwards was quite a take on our photoshop skills), not to mention Kauff and other tiny stuff we launched.
The cool thing about big projects is that you NEED small projects to have around, otherwise you can go nuts working on just one thing.
It's an old idea that I never developed... but now seems to be a good time. Besides, I'm a big Indy fan ^^
And what, pray tell, do I put back there? Hehe, you have to put a ship, a beach, a background, something!
The greenscreen is easy... no wait, the greenscreen is the less-hard part. Making it all fit together is much more difficult. If you don't have the 3D flexibility of multiple angles, you can end up with a VERY boring one-shot scene.
Well, I'm aiming for 100 votes... and since you guys are cool, yes, I want you to decide what's next.
...It's not like I'm getting bored over here and have no ideas, hahaha! I have TOO MANY ideas and I want to sort them out. My bro is in the other room, working on the costume for "Something truly surprising and unexpected", since that seems to be winning now.
Speaking of votes, I almost have 200 views on this one and just NINE votes??
...if I show you glimpses of the Making of, will you vote more? Haha!
And NO mod cheating, I can see if you change the vote numbers, Mr. Vainamoinen. Yes, I am reading your mind now.
Errr,nope. I can see everybody who voted. o.o
No, you really don't.
I'm not the intrigue type. If I want Sea for Two so badly, open revolution would be the only option.
Also, if it's an open poll, you could just count to find out what's going on.
But in fact, I don't see the voters any more. Something wrong with my account? Because these are displayed neither from my workplace nor from home...
/edit: Put PHOTOGRAPHS in the background!!
It's Magic. Shut up. You're too young to understand.
...I has magic eyes.
O.o I see.
Of course, because I have a lot of free time on my hands. Just yesterday, as I was relaxing on a green field filled with flowers of all sorts, I thought to myself: Hmmm, I should start doing some tedious work...like counting votes!
Haha! :-D
Umm... I have absolutely no idea.
I can send you screenshots if you want, but we should be able to fix this problem somehow.
Try making another account maybe and see if it's from that.
Where would I find photographs of a ship, from 20 different angles??
Not to mention the bloody sea needs to move, or else it ruins the effect!
...I did think of actually going somewhere and take real pictures of stuff... but I don't really have a ship museum nearby.
Hey, what are you doing reading this message? Vote first!
Ah, screw it. I'll just order everything I like.
*looks at what people voted*
Aha, so they want more Monkey Island stuff... okay..
*starts composing on the piano*
*finished composition, quite pleased with it*
Yeah, I'll have to film this now. I'll think about it. Maybe something along the lines of Sea For Two, but something related to MI. Good, Vainamoinen will be happy.
*looks at the Telltale-related votes*
Oh, so they want more Telltale stuff. Hmm... I'll have to think about that one. Hmmm...
*looks at the "Ponies" votes*
Uh... that was a joke.
o.O I never composed anything pony-ish...
I...I should get right on it, I think....
*sits down at piano and stares at the keys*
Note to self: Never underestimate the "cruel" humor of your fans.
Someone add glue as an option!
Nah, I'm just surprised of the results. You know I love a good challenge!
Besides, I actually started working on it... so YOU guys asked for it.
Why would I want to make glue? o.o
Ahem, since you managed to reach 25 votes (thank you very much), I was thinking of rewarding you with a clip from the Doctor Who Tribute. Just to show you how nice of a guy I am.
When you reach 50, I'll show you something else. The same goes for 75 and 100.
The cool thing is that the clip is private, so only people with the link can see it. I won't even post it on my site. Not yet anyway. You get exclusive stuff, as promised.
Click on the image to see the hidden youtube clip!
Or click here, same thing.
Wanna see more cool stuff? VOTE!
ANYWAY, that clip was awesome. More than awesome. Splendiferous. And tell Mihai he's nailed Matts walk. Especially when entering the school. And you're facial expressions were spot on. Can't wait to see the rest!
If we're hitting 40, I'll try to explain why I didn't vote for "truly surprising and unexpected".
Oh, 32 votes so far! Sweeeet!
*starts humming the tune to the new Monkey Island song he composed*
People will LOVE this!
...if they vote.
I hope you weren't expecting that.
Is it your tax return?
Hm, still 36 votes... Can't we reach 40? At least?
*GASP* Or maybe you awesome people don't like my movies anymore! :-S
Also, Derpy is best pony.