Look it's not just about comedy it's also about the gameplay. Look i like Jurassic Park The Game but as a Telltale game.
It's very disapointing look i know Telltale would like to move on to serious stuff but my point is that im not interested in any of their games coming out.
If The Walking Dead looks good and if it is coming out for ps3 ill get it.
Even Jurassic Park The Game was the first Jurassic Park thing i even played or watched because Telltale made it.
But i hear that Law & Order (which im really not interested in) is just asking people questions.
Everyone what i am saying is not just about comedy. I am talking about it seems that Telltale's Games have changed. Like i said in the older post conpare old Telltale To New Telltale.
We went from Sam & Max (Hard adventure game. i really enjoyed it) to Back to the Future (Easy Adventure game still really enjoyed) and finally Jurassic Park (Quick Time Events, I Enjoyed It but it disapointed me since it was made by Telltale)
I know what you mean. It's hard to get excited about any of Telltale's future games myself. Not because of the names attached (though that is admittedly a factor), but because after BttF and JP I pretty much have to approach everything Telltale does with skepticism from now on.
I mean, I am interested in King's Quest, if only because I'm a fan of the series, but the chances of Telltale messing things up are admittedly pretty high. Not that it matters, since KQ's about a year away and we probably won't hear anything about it until Fables is done.
The Walking Dead could be good, but then again, it could be terrible too. From what little has been said about the gameplay (a question they've been dancing around for over a year now), it seems like it's another "interactive movie." It sounds like it'll at least be better than Jurassic Park, but that's such a low bar that I might as well say it'll be better than Superman 64. Still, I'll reserve judgment for when they show gameplay. Which is half an hour from now.
Fables...I'll keep an open mind on that one. I've never read the comics, but the premise is interesting. I definitely want to read them. I won't bother making hasty opinions on the game since Telltale's said nothing about it yet.
Another reason why i think Telltale is starting to go downhill is that they left cliffhangers in 3 of their games. Tales Of Monkey Island and Sam and Max Season 3 (it may not seem like a cliffhanger but the way the ending goes while they talk about their new adventure) and Back To The Future The Game
A cliffhanger or cliffhanger ending is a plot device in fiction which features a main character in a precarious or difficult dilemma, or confronted with a shocking revelation at the end of an episode of serialized fiction. A cliffhanger is hoped to ensure the audience will return to see how the characters resolve the dilemma.
The ending of S&M 3 is just an "and the adventure's continue" ending.
Tales' ending was more "the adventure continues" as well. I feel like Telltale left it that way in the unlikely impossible event LucasArts made a Monkey Island 6 to follow Tales.
I guess you could call BttF's ending a cliffhanger, but it was clearly meant more as a joke than anything else.
Tales' ending was more "the adventure continues" as well. I feel like Telltale left it that way in the unlikely impossible event LucasArts made a Monkey Island 6 to follow Tales.
I guess you could call BttF's ending a cliffhanger, but it was clearly meant more as a joke than anything else.
Thats one of my problems with Bttf is that while yes Bttf could get crazy sometimes. It never got as crazy as the ending
Thats one of my problems with Bttf is that while yes Bttf could get crazy sometimes. It never got as crazy as the ending
Even BttF's ending wasn't much of a cliffhanger. It's the same thing with ToMI's ending: The story was resolved but they left a bit at the end hinting at more to come just in case they got to make another season.
The things you're complaining about aren't cliffhangers, they're sequel hooks.
I don't think so because the story was not resolved. It seems like one problem was fixed and a new problem comes the second the old problem is fixed...will Marty ever get a break?
It seems like one problem was fixed and a new problem comes the second the old problem is fixed
That's usually what sequel hooks are. The original conflict was resolved, but a new potential conflict is revealed for the sequel, if one is ever made, to work off of. A cliffhanger would have been if BttF, ToMI, or whatever ended on episode 4 and the story was never resolved.
yeah but still im worried about Telltale after Jurassic Park it seems Telltale has been going down hill. I mean conpare Old Teltale to New Telltale. Old Telltale. Sam and Max = Funny, Hard, Full of Gameplay,Is a long game,Fun. Now New Telltale. Jurassic Park = Serious,Hardly any Gameplay, is not that long because of quick time events,Easy,Not As Fun As Other Games. Telltale let me get one thing clear here. I think it's good your trying new things but guys you need to take our advice and start getting back to your roots. Telltale's games have gotten me into Adventure games Like Sam and Max, Monkey Island and Shown me Strong Bad. They Made a Game out of 2 of my favourite movie characters Wallace & Gromit. They made a good Back to the Future game which many people tried to do and failed. but now Telltale has me worried. They are making games which im completely not interested in. Telltale please Like i said its good your trying new things but you guys are known for Awesome Funny Adventure Games Not Serious games. Now Don't get me wrong i did enjoy Jurrassic Park but conpared to your other games its disapointing.
I don't think so because the story was not resolved. It seems like one problem was fixed and a new problem comes the second the old problem is fixed...will Marty ever get a break?
Well, it's the same thing as with the first Back to the Future movie... back in 1985, there were no sequels planned at all (the original BttF didn't have the 'To be continued' line). The bit with Doc, Jennifer and Marty at the end was there mostly because of the 'cool factor'. It's not even an INTENTIONAL sequel hook as far as I know, because Bob Gale/Zemeckis said that if they'd actually plan for a sequel, they wouldn't take Jeniffer to the future. Anyway...
BttF1 movie: main plot - Marty accidentally travels back in time and thwarts his parents meeting, he has to fix what he has done and get back to his own time. Resolved. The bit with kids at the last ten minutes? Sequel hook, some new plotline that doesn't really have anything to do with anything that happened before and just tells us that 'adventure continues'.
BttF game: main plot - Cluster%#$# with Edna (that's the only way I can explain the plot of the game in one sentence...). Resolved. Cluster$#$% with Marties at the end doesn't have anything to do with the main plot and wasn't even mentioned or hinted at before, ergo - sequel hook.
Ok i got a question for everyone but has Telltale given up on comedy in their games? it seems to me that all the games after Jurrassic Park is just going to be serious games.
Dramatic stuff just happens to be what we're working on at the moment. It's actually been super refreshing to work on things with dramatic consequence, trying to get some more dynamic performance out of our characters, and focusing on the human element of the story (both the characters inside the game, and what it means to be authoring an interactive story that is played by a thinking, feeling human ... assuming suspension of disbelief is present when they're engaged, will they have emotional responses to the content, will it impact what they choose to do? Will people just be pragmatic, empathetic, apathetic?). Walking Dead in particular is also a chance to scratch the "show gross stuff" itch that any horror fan has. That said, I personally can't wait to get back to doing more comedy. We all love doing it and I think we're pretty good at it. I'm especially excited to take on a comedy property now that we've made the leaps in presentation/style that are present in the Walking Dead. (Unrelated to that: I can't wait until some Fables materials start coming out... that game looks sweet.)
Old Telltale. Sam and Max = Funny, Hard, Full of Gameplay,Is a long game,Fun.
I at first thought this was sarcasm, because our forums since the day the studio put out Sam & Max Season One has had its share of complainers almost literally saying the opposite of what you just said -- "these games aren't funny, are easy, have no gameplay, are short, aren't fun." Hindsight does a lot, I guess! I love hearing every positive adjective you just wrote applied to Telltale's Sam & Max games, written on these forums! It actually warms my heart.
I think it was a naming mistake on anyone complicit's part to refer to today's Walking Dead trailer as a "gameplay trailer." We'd internally been calling it a teaser trailer or a launch trailer. The next Playing Dead episode (the one with Robert Kirkman on) will have more extended gameplay show. What will be shown is as much a mystery to me as it is to you, but I think we'll be showing more than a few quick trailer-cut snippets this time.
It just happens to be what we're working on. I can't wait to get back to doing some comedy stuff.
I at first thought this was sarcasm, because our forums since the day the studio put out Sam & Max Season One has had its share of complainers almost literally saying the opposite of what you just said -- "these games aren't funny, are easy, have no gameplay, are short, aren't fun." Hindsight does a lot, I guess! I love hearing every positive adjective you just wrote applied to Telltale's Sam & Max games, written on these forums! It actually warms my heart.
I think it was a naming mistake on anyone complicit's part to refer to today's Walking Dead trailer as a "gameplay trailer." We'd internally been calling it a teaser trailer or a launch trailer. The next Playing Dead episode (the one with Robert Kirkman on) will have more extended gameplay show. What will be shown is as much a mystery to me as it is to you, but I think we'll be showing more than a few quick trailer-cut snippets this time.
Ok im surprised that anyone would say that about Telltale's Sam & Max games because they are one of my favourite game series. i think all the Sam and Max episodes are great in their own way (but i think Moai Better Blues is the weakest episode it is still funny and i will still replay it during playthroughs of seasons. To tell everyone the truth i enjoyed all of Telltale's games but i think Jurassic Park was the weakest and most disappointing (but then again This was the first Jurrassic Park thing i ever played or watched and i got it just because Telltale made it. Anyway i might not be interested in The Walking Dead but if it looks good i will get it.
I at first thought this was sarcasm, because our forums since the day the studio put out Sam & Max Season One has had its share of complainers almost literally saying the opposite of what you just said -- "these games aren't funny, are easy, have no gameplay, are short, aren't fun." Hindsight does a lot, I guess!
I would call that one of the biggest ironies of the gamer/fan culture... For example, Max Payne 2 a long time ago has received a lot of flak from fans. Not everybody of course, but, you know, all the usual fan-division in the community. Now those same people LOVE both Max Payne and Max Payne 2 and now are bombarding Max Payne 3.
Ok im surprised that anyone would say that about Telltale's Sam & Max games because they are one of my favourite game series. i think all the Sam and Max episodes are great in their own way (but i think Moai Better Blues is the weakest episode it is still funny and i will still replay it during playthroughs of seasons. To tell everyone the truth i enjoyed all of Telltale's games but i think Jurassic Park was the weakest and most disappointing (but then again This was the first Jurrassic Park thing i ever played or watched and i got it just because Telltale made it. Anyway i might not be interested in The Walking Dead but if it looks good i will get it.
I would call that one of the biggest ironies of the gamer/fan culture... For example, Max Payne 2 a long time ago has received a lot of flak from fans. Not everybody of course, but, you know, all the usual fan-division in the community. Now those same people LOVE both Max Payne and Max Payne 2 and now are bombarding Max Payne 3.
Yeah people say crazy stuff. There was a "complaint megathread" on here at some point where someone listed out every single complaint they could remember from the history of the Telltale forums. It was very complete and very hilarious in its contradictions and general insanity. We have that post printed up in the kitchen on the bulletin board due to its quality.
Yeah people say crazy stuff. There was a "complaint megathread" on here at some point where someone listed out every single complaint they could remember from the history of the Telltale forums. It was very complete and very hilarious in its contradictions and general insanity. We have that post printed up in the kitchen on the bulletin board due to its quality.
Is it like when people conplained that in Sam and Max season 3 in the ps3 version that you got a new toy after beating the episode that the pc version didnt get?
Is it like when people conplained that in Sam and Max season 3 in the ps3 version that you got a new toy after beating the episode that the pc version didnt get?
No I think that's a legit complaint. We really dropped the ball on PC nutrispecs.
I at first thought this was sarcasm, because our forums since the day the studio put out Sam & Max Season One has had its share of complainers almost literally saying the opposite of what you just said -- "these games aren't funny, are easy, have no gameplay, are short, aren't fun." Hindsight does a lot, I guess!
Nostalgia does that to you. Most people carry the mentality that old is always better than new (even when that's not the case). I think a big reason why Telltale's Sam and Max games were so criticized in the beginning was simply because it wasn't Hit the Road. Then, as time passed and Sam and Max started to enter "old" territory, they started being better-received. Hell, I'll admit that as time passes I've been softening up to Back to the Future.
Hell, I'll admit that as time passes I've been softening up to Back to the Future.
For me it goes the other way around. Despite the gripes I had with the BttF episodes, I was super-hyped and super-excited, so generally I had a very positive impression. And time has passed, and I tried to replay the first episode. ... No. Just... no. I'm sorry. Without the hype, I'm turning into Rather Dashing.
But, at least I still love S&M and ToMI (And ToMI is actually my most favourite MI game, it stole the spot from MI2)
Yeah people say crazy stuff. There was a "complaint megathread" on here at some point where someone listed out every single complaint they could remember from the history of the Telltale forums. It was very complete and very hilarious in its contradictions and general insanity. We have that post printed up in the kitchen on the bulletin board due to its quality.
Was the post written by me, or by Dashing? It had to have been one of us.
I don't really get why so many are talking like Telltale hasn't done anything comedic in ages. It's been less than a year since Back to the Future wrapped up. Complain all you want about how easy it is and all, but otherwise it plays pretty identically to Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island.
I don't really get why so many are talking like Telltale hasn't done anything comedic in ages. It's been less than a year since Back to the Future wrapped up. Complain all you want about how easy it is and all, but otherwise it plays pretty identically to Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island.
I think people are talking about how most of their games they have lined up has no comedy since the last 2 games they made have no comedy and The Walking Dead has no comedy and since i don't know any thing about Walking Dead, Fables or King's Quest so im guessing Fables and King's Quest is not comedy.
I don't really get why so many are talking like Telltale hasn't done anything comedic in ages. It's been less than a year since Back to the Future wrapped up. Complain all you want about how easy it is and all, but otherwise it plays pretty identically to Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island.
I think people are talking about how most of their games they have lined up has no comedy since the last 2 games they made have no comedy and The Walking Dead has no comedy and since i don't know any thing about Walking Dead, Fables or King's Quest so im guessing Fables and King's Quest is not comedy.
Not even close. More like because the games have been pretty easy and tended for casual audiences for a while now, not at all because of comedy. And I have zero clue on whether Fables or King's Quest are comedies or not, but I'm not going to just guess either.
Darn right it was.(Joined telltale because of it.)
Not even close. More like because the games have been pretty easy and tended for casual audiences for a while now, not at all because of comedy. And I have zero clue on whether Fables or King's Quest are comedies or not, but I'm not going to just guess either.
I ment when he said he does not know why people are conplaining about there being no comedy in Telltale's games
If games were men, there'd be no contest.
It's very disapointing look i know Telltale would like to move on to serious stuff but my point is that im not interested in any of their games coming out.
If The Walking Dead looks good and if it is coming out for ps3 ill get it.
Even Jurassic Park The Game was the first Jurassic Park thing i even played or watched because Telltale made it.
But i hear that Law & Order (which im really not interested in) is just asking people questions.
Everyone what i am saying is not just about comedy. I am talking about it seems that Telltale's Games have changed. Like i said in the older post conpare old Telltale To New Telltale.
We went from Sam & Max (Hard adventure game. i really enjoyed it) to Back to the Future (Easy Adventure game still really enjoyed) and finally Jurassic Park (Quick Time Events, I Enjoyed It but it disapointed me since it was made by Telltale)
I mean, I am interested in King's Quest, if only because I'm a fan of the series, but the chances of Telltale messing things up are admittedly pretty high. Not that it matters, since KQ's about a year away and we probably won't hear anything about it until Fables is done.
The Walking Dead could be good, but then again, it could be terrible too. From what little has been said about the gameplay (a question they've been dancing around for over a year now), it seems like it's another "interactive movie." It sounds like it'll at least be better than Jurassic Park, but that's such a low bar that I might as well say it'll be better than Superman 64. Still, I'll reserve judgment for when they show gameplay. Which is half an hour from now.
Fables...I'll keep an open mind on that one. I've never read the comics, but the premise is interesting. I definitely want to read them. I won't bother making hasty opinions on the game since Telltale's said nothing about it yet.
That was more of an open ending so It can be picked up but if it was the last one there isnt any gaping cliffhanger that needs to be filled.
No it isn't a cliffhanger.
The ending of S&M 3 is just an "and the adventure's continue" ending.
I guess you could call BttF's ending a cliffhanger, but it was clearly meant more as a joke than anything else.
Thats one of my problems with Bttf is that while yes Bttf could get crazy sometimes. It never got as crazy as the ending
Even BttF's ending wasn't much of a cliffhanger. It's the same thing with ToMI's ending: The story was resolved but they left a bit at the end hinting at more to come just in case they got to make another season.
The things you're complaining about aren't cliffhangers, they're sequel hooks.
That's usually what sequel hooks are. The original conflict was resolved, but a new potential conflict is revealed for the sequel, if one is ever made, to work off of. A cliffhanger would have been if BttF, ToMI, or whatever ended on episode 4 and the story was never resolved.
Well, it's the same thing as with the first Back to the Future movie... back in 1985, there were no sequels planned at all (the original BttF didn't have the 'To be continued' line). The bit with Doc, Jennifer and Marty at the end was there mostly because of the 'cool factor'. It's not even an INTENTIONAL sequel hook as far as I know, because Bob Gale/Zemeckis said that if they'd actually plan for a sequel, they wouldn't take Jeniffer to the future. Anyway...
BttF1 movie: main plot - Marty accidentally travels back in time and thwarts his parents meeting, he has to fix what he has done and get back to his own time. Resolved. The bit with kids at the last ten minutes? Sequel hook, some new plotline that doesn't really have anything to do with anything that happened before and just tells us that 'adventure continues'.
BttF game: main plot - Cluster%#$# with Edna (that's the only way I can explain the plot of the game in one sentence...). Resolved. Cluster$#$% with Marties at the end doesn't have anything to do with the main plot and wasn't even mentioned or hinted at before, ergo - sequel hook.
I at first thought this was sarcasm, because our forums since the day the studio put out Sam & Max Season One has had its share of complainers almost literally saying the opposite of what you just said -- "these games aren't funny, are easy, have no gameplay, are short, aren't fun." Hindsight does a lot, I guess! I love hearing every positive adjective you just wrote applied to Telltale's Sam & Max games, written on these forums! It actually warms my heart.
I think it was a naming mistake on anyone complicit's part to refer to today's Walking Dead trailer as a "gameplay trailer." We'd internally been calling it a teaser trailer or a launch trailer. The next Playing Dead episode (the one with Robert Kirkman on) will have more extended gameplay show. What will be shown is as much a mystery to me as it is to you, but I think we'll be showing more than a few quick trailer-cut snippets this time.
Ok im surprised that anyone would say that about Telltale's Sam & Max games because they are one of my favourite game series. i think all the Sam and Max episodes are great in their own way (but i think Moai Better Blues is the weakest episode it is still funny and i will still replay it during playthroughs of seasons. To tell everyone the truth i enjoyed all of Telltale's games but i think Jurassic Park was the weakest and most disappointing (but then again This was the first Jurrassic Park thing i ever played or watched and i got it just because Telltale made it. Anyway i might not be interested in The Walking Dead but if it looks good i will get it.
I would call that one of the biggest ironies of the gamer/fan culture... For example, Max Payne 2 a long time ago has received a lot of flak from fans. Not everybody of course, but, you know, all the usual fan-division in the community. Now those same people LOVE both Max Payne and Max Payne 2 and now are bombarding Max Payne 3.
Yeah people say crazy stuff. There was a "complaint megathread" on here at some point where someone listed out every single complaint they could remember from the history of the Telltale forums. It was very complete and very hilarious in its contradictions and general insanity. We have that post printed up in the kitchen on the bulletin board due to its quality.
Is it like when people conplained that in Sam and Max season 3 in the ps3 version that you got a new toy after beating the episode that the pc version didnt get?
No I think that's a legit complaint. We really dropped the ball on PC nutrispecs.
I don't get why people conplain so much about that
Always says something good when a company can openly admit mistakes they made.
Nostalgia does that to you. Most people carry the mentality that old is always better than new (even when that's not the case). I think a big reason why Telltale's Sam and Max games were so criticized in the beginning was simply because it wasn't Hit the Road. Then, as time passed and Sam and Max started to enter "old" territory, they started being better-received. Hell, I'll admit that as time passes I've been softening up to Back to the Future.
For me it goes the other way around. Despite the gripes I had with the BttF episodes, I was super-hyped and super-excited, so generally I had a very positive impression. And time has passed, and I tried to replay the first episode. ... No. Just... no. I'm sorry. Without the hype, I'm turning into Rather Dashing.
But, at least I still love S&M and ToMI
What about the Earl Boen-voiced ToMI:Ep.1 download?
Nature abhors a vacuum. It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it.
(ie. RD reportedly left after a ban, so feel free to fill the void.
The Dutchman must always have a captain, huh? ... Well, crud...
Was the post written by me, or by Dashing? It had to have been one of us.
He's probably referring to this thread started by Secret Fawful.
There was apparently nothing to complain about in Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. I can vouch for that. :cool:
Nope. Best TTG-season ever.
I think people are talking about how most of their games they have lined up has no comedy since the last 2 games they made have no comedy and The Walking Dead has no comedy and since i don't know any thing about Walking Dead, Fables or King's Quest so im guessing Fables and King's Quest is not comedy.
Darn right it was.(Joined telltale because of it.)
Not even close. More like because the games have been pretty easy and tended for casual audiences for a while now, not at all because of comedy. And I have zero clue on whether Fables or King's Quest are comedies or not, but I'm not going to just guess either.
I ment when he said he does not know why people are conplaining about there being no comedy in Telltale's games