Copyright claim from IDG Germany on my let's play?

edited February 2013 in The Walking Dead
Hello guys,

Im doing a let's play of this awesome game. View it here!

An employee of Telltame games said it was fine to do a let's play of The walking dead right here on the forums.
The problem is i got a copyright claim from IDG Germany on my vids.
Does that company actually do anything for Telltale Games?
IDG seems to send out random claims, just wanted to let you all know.

So if IDG is somehow connected to Telltale games and they are in their right let me know, i will act accordingly. If not, it may be wise for Telltale games to let youtube know about this.


  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    All right, not sure if I can help you here, but you'll get my two cents.

    IDG Germany distributes the German gaming magazine GameStar. That is the connection to gaming, but absolutely the only one I can see here.

    I'm pretty sure there is no connection to Telltale at all - but with licenses such as this, there might be other connections, for example Kirkman. Do you have any means of asking them what they actually think is "theirs"?

    If not, maybe drop me a PM with the e-mail/info you received on the matter. The GameStar guys are normally rather cool, I might drop them an e-mail asking what is going on here.
  • edited April 2012
    As a rule of thumb. If a company making the copyright claim only has 3 letters dispute it. I have had hundreds, I am not kidding, of copyright claims from 3 letter long companies. All of which were bogus.
  • edited April 2012
    IDG isn't just Gamestar, IDG itself is a bad company, selling(or giving out to partners without permission) private data...
  • edited April 2012
    edit: oops DP sry.
  • edited April 2012
    I wouldnt worry too much unless your tryin to turn a profit or something with someones said product or under some sorta NDA i really dont see much they can really do if its not their product to begin with no harm no foul.
  • edited April 2012
    Do you have any means of asking them what they actually think is "theirs"?

    Nope, all you get is a claim notification and the qonsequences are effective inmediatly, wich are eiter the vids become unavailable or advertisements get slapped over the vid. Guess who gets the revenue for those ads.
    Exactly, the company doing the claim. I don't make money doing the vids and i don't want ads on them.

    All i can do is counter te claim via an annoying process that seems a bit biased towards the claimers.

    IDG claimed only 3 videos of my let's play, wich is strange. Either they own it or not. I'm not worried anymore really, it does take the fun out of the let's plays a bit though.
    As always, it seems to be about money. Sigh...

    Thanks for the replies guys!
  • edited April 2012
    Well I just got hit today for my part 5 of The walking dead. Nothing else was marked. I am intending to dispute this claim as I feel it is wrong. But I am checking up on this first before I dispute.
  • edited April 2012
    Hey guys, i got the same thing, 4 of my videos were rejected for monetization but only 1 was "Matched with third-party content" which was from this IDG Germany company, ill look into this and update if I find anything out.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    That is interesting. I'm not sure what the protocol is here. They don't say what they think of as their protected material, but they can sack you anyway? What if the material they claim actually belongs to Telltale, and Telltale feels that these people actually illegally prohibit a means of advertisement for their games in your let's play videos?

    IDG seems to be on a slippery slope here. Here's hoping these guys break their necks.

    Youtube has recently suffered a desastrous defeat in a German court concerning copyright issues and might be more than careful regarding any claims made from that country, however rightful they may be. That is a little tidbit that might also come into play here.
  • edited April 2012

    I don't understand, every sound effect I use I got from, apart from The Walking Dead blood splatter logo in the intro I don't see ANYTHING that could be copy-written or belong to IDG and I can't find an address to e-mail them :/
  • edited April 2012
    I just got smacked with this also!

    I am in a middle of a TGN partnership and I can't have copy righted videos! but its not copy righted material!

  • edited April 2012
    Well I was hoping mike could have helped with this issue in some way, but no reply
  • edited April 2012
    Someone talked about this on YouTube, apparently happened to someone who did a let's play on Modern Warfare. I'd say it's bogus but who knows...
  • edited April 2012
    Well another one of mine just got hit. Part 7 now. :S WTF. I just do not know how to dispute it as the have options and am clueless. They say Audiovisual content. So am kinda huh???
  • edited April 2012
    This is total bogus. I have to delete this video because, Youtube is about to view my partnership application between 1-3 weeks and I can't be a partner if I got copy righted material on my channel.

    This disupute can take a month to resolve....
  • edited April 2012
    NukemDukem wrote: »
    This is total bogus. I have to delete this video because, Youtube is about to view my partnership application between 1-3 weeks and I can't be a partner if I got copy righted material on my channel.

    This disupute can take a month to resolve....
    Meanwhile this IDG company gets to advertise on your stuff? That is so lame.
  • edited April 2012
    It is indeed total bogus. It seems to me it's how some companies try and get some free adverts. If it happens to someone who is partner (or trying to become one like NukemDukem) it sucks. You can't monetize the video untill the dispute has been resolved. All because of what seems to be a way for shady companies to make a quick buck/euro.
    They are basically stealing income from youtube partners.

    I am not claiming IDG is a shady company, but recent activities sure suggest it.
  • edited April 2012
    You will find IDG hits any gameplay video. Another one is Sanoma something. can't remember the name. They are both publish foreign gaming magazines. You'll find they hit any let's play that gets put up there usually. Just dispute it and you'll win.
  • edited April 2012
    You will find IDG hits any gameplay video. Another one is Sanoma something. can't remember the name. They are both publish foreign gaming magazines. You'll find they hit any let's play that gets put up there usually. Just dispute it and you'll win.

    Thanks I know I will win, but will I win in the appropriate amount of time?
    I am having my account reviewed by two different partnership and will get a reply 1-3 weeks I already submitted it yesterday
  • edited April 2012
    Shouldn't take long. Most people say it's removed almost right away. So I'd expect a day or two maybe a little longer.
  • edited April 2012
    I got hit too. I used nothing but gameplay footage. No extra music or images or anything else.
  • edited April 2012
    If some one disputes it successfully let use know what you did. I know its not really doing anything as in blocking the video's I just rather not that the wrong lies attached to my videos along with anyone else.
  • edited April 2012
    I just talked to a designer of tell tale. He said he will bring it up in a meeting with the other developers on Monday and hopefully they can resolve this issue soon
  • edited April 2012

    Germany and Youtube, a sad story for people who enjoy the internet...
  • edited April 2012
    I'm disappointed with the lack of an official tellale response on this issue. I'm surprised telltale isn't a bit more pissed off with some random German company claiming ownership of their hard work.
  • edited April 2012
    The lack of official response is due to the fact that Telltale is not like EA. it's a weekend, and their offices are closed.
  • edited April 2012
    The lack of official response is due to the fact that Telltale is not like EA. it's a weekend, and their offices are closed.
    You tell 'em, Div! hehehe :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Hey, that's my line. And she's right again. They really earned that weekend too. :)
  • edited April 2012
    I am surprised someone hasn't sued them for this. Apparently they are notorious for this shenanigan
  • edited April 2012
    Oh I'm sure someone will get sick of it eventually and sue. It's only a matter of time. They do need to be taken out though. Youtube needs to refine their policies and make these people prove they have a rightful claim. As it is they don't do that and leave it up to the person who's having the claim on them to do all the work disputing it.
  • edited April 2012
    I also have a Let's Play of The Walking Dead and IDG has filed a false claim against me as well. I filed a dispute a few days ago, but Youtube doesn't seem to be in a huge rush to do anything about it.


    Unless TellTale games used Angry Birds music in their game, I'm being trolled by CBS too.
  • edited April 2012
    i got hit with cbs also in part 1 of the video. I re-uploaded and didnt get matched
  • edited April 2012
    NukemDukem wrote: »
    I just sent this message to every single e-mail listed on IDG Germany Global Website
    If you want to send the same e-mail here is the US PR Contacts:



    While what they are doing is wrong threatening them isn't the best way to handle it.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    While what they are doing is wrong threatening them isn't the best way to handle it.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Don't get me wrong, I wasn't explicitly opposed to aggressiveness.

    Being treated unjustly demands a strong response. But you will hardly be able to muster up a real shitstorm for IDG here, so your present course of action is primarily ineffective. I don't assume you can really present "evidence from thousands of gamers" concerning false claims (If you can, congrats! ;) ).

    A single e-mail or call from Telltale might achieve more here.
    I hope it comes to pass.
  • edited April 2012
    Don't get me wrong, I wasn't explicitly opposed to aggressiveness.

    Being treated unjustly demands a strong response. But you will hardly be able to muster up a real shitstorm for IDG here, so your present course of action is primarily ineffective. I don't assume you can really present "evidence from thousands of gamers" concerning false claims (If you can, congrats! ;) ).

    A single e-mail or call from Telltale might achieve more here.
    I hope it comes to pass.

    Exactly. And threatening to email and call every one there you can over and over only serves to annoy them and make things worse. Between Telltale and going through Youtube's dispute process you will be more effective.
  • edited April 2012
    Whats done is done hopefully it all gets sorted out soon.
  • edited April 2012
    Hi all,

    Well, got the same problem. My videos have not been deleted yet, however, they have been marked with the copyright claim right away after upload.

    I have called the IDG Germany office as I wanted to know what copyright they are actually claiming, but the nice lady told me that since tomorrow's national holiday in Germany, all the important persons took a day off today.

    She did tell me the mail address of the person who seems to can explain what is going on, but as he is "just" an online editor I don't know if he's really the right person to turn to. On the other hand, maybe he knows where to accquire the informations from...

    EDIT: Actually, he's director of Content Management & Social Media - my bad.

    I've sent them this subtle request (german, sry) - maybe there will be a informative answer if nothing else happens the next few days:
    wie besprochen sende ich Ihnen per Mail meine Anfrage.

    Es geht um folgende Sache: Am heutigen Montag (30.04.2012) habe ich auf der Videoplattform „YouTube“ ein sog. „Let’s Play“ Video des Computerspieles

    „The Walking Dead“

    hochgeladen. Direkt nach dem Upload wurde das Video von Google Inc. mit folgender Urheberrechtsmitteilung versehen:

    Audiovisueller Content Verwaltet von:
    IDG Germany

    In den Internetforen des Entwicklers von „The Walking Dead“, Telltale Games, wird bereits heiß über dieses Thema diskutiert, da es sich hierbei anscheinend um keinen Einzelfall handelt, und bereits dutzende Videos mit vergleichbarem Inhalt entfernt wurden:

    Da anscheinend niemandem ganz klar ist, woran IDG Germany konkret Rechte an „The Walking Dead“, bzw. an dem Vertrieb von audiovisuellem Inhalt inne hat, bitte ich Sie freundlich darum, den Sachverhalt kurz zu erläutern. Von dem Sichtpunkt aller betroffenen besteht keinerlei Urheberrechtsanspruch der IDG Germany – aber leider fällt da der Informationsfluss durch Google auch etwas mau aus…

    Ich hoffe Sie können hier etwas Licht ins Dunkeln bringen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Let's see.


    P.S: I couldn't post this text until now, due to some forum database error. By the time of writing, two of my four videos were marked with the copyright claim notice. Now both notices are gone and videos are still up.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Nicely put, PuerNoctis. Wish you guys all the best.
  • edited April 2012

    The copyright claim was invalid. This reply to my mail came from IDG just now:
    Hallo Herr *****,

    dieser Hinweis wurde angezeigt, weil ein Youtube-Kanal im IDG-Netzwerk versehentlich ein Video global beansprucht hat.

    Ich habe diesen Anspruch heute Morgen zurückgezogen und der Urheberrechts-Hinweis sollte dann im Laufe des Tages bei Ihrem Video verschwinden.

    Viele Grüße,

    Hello Mr. ******,

    The copyright notice was displayed because a YouTube channel in the IDG network globally claimed another video by accident.

    I have removed the claim this morning and the copyright notice should vanish sometime today.

    Best regards,
This discussion has been closed.