Episode release dates

Episode 2: Starved for Help - May 30th, 2012
Episode 3: Long Road Ahead - June 25th, 2012
Episode 4: Around Every Corner - July 27th, 2012
Episode 5: No Time Left - August 29th, 2012

These are the release dates from the official walking dead wiki

However i am not to pleased with one coming out every month i would much prefer one every 2 weeks what are your thoughts ?


  • edited April 2012
    Can´t come soon enough!

    I love the new things TTG has implemented in their games and now story effective choices, that's absolutely brilliant!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Please note that there are no official release dates for the episodes until you've heard them from a Telltale official... although Steam's "guesses" seem to be rather accurate these last games. The Walking Dead wiki, however, is not a good source for this kind of info (not that I wasn't impressed with how fast these guys incorporated detailed game info after release. Stunning, I say).

    Long-term fans of Telltale have argued for a LONGER period between episodes actually. They often felt that some episodes of former games felt "rushed" and they really wanted to give Telltale the time to finish and perfect their releases.
  • edited April 2012
    Telltale never announced these dates. Don't believe a date unless it is said from Telltale themselves.
  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Telltale never announced these dates. Don't believe a date unless it is said from Telltale themselves.

    And take that with a pinch of salt ;)
  • edited April 2012
    However i am not to pleased with one coming out every month i would much prefer one every 2 weeks what are your thoughts ?

    Since the next episode will not be finished in two weeks I'd rather wait then playing an unfinished game ;)

    Seriously: one month wait is absolutely normal when ordering a TTG season. I like it that way and hagve no problems with waiting a little (every end of the month is like christmas that way :)).
  • edited April 2012
    And take that with a pinch of salt ;)

    Well it was because of their build failing, we have the build right now.

    That's not to say the website won't crash for 3 days:p
  • edited April 2012
    However i am not to pleased with one coming out every month i would much prefer one every 2 weeks what are your thoughts ?

    People complain about episodes being too rushed out as it is. I don't even want to think of what an episode made in two weeks would look like.
  • edited April 2012
    Wow you people realise that the whole series is complete already.... games are completed 3 or 4 maybe more months before they are released because they have to be tested and the age verification has to be put on. i know this because i took a 2 year games course in college. So the game is complete which means they good bring them out every 2 weeks and everybody would be happy :D and those release dates are on a number on websites so they are pretty much correct
  • edited April 2012
    Wow you people realise that the whole series is complete already.... games are completed 3 or 4 maybe more months before they are released because they have to be tested and the age verification has to be put on. i know this because i took a 2 year games course in college. So the game is complete which means they good bring them out every 2 weeks and everybody would be happy :D and those release dates are on a number on websites so they are pretty much correct

    Telltale don't do things traditionally. There games usually aren't completed until the day OF release(see Puzzle Agent).

    And the release date thing has happened loads of times with many websites, unless telltale themselves say it, don't believe it.
  • edited April 2012
    lol wow, im sorry friend you are wrong, you think a gaming company would finish a game a day before the release.... are you mad, they have to do it months in advance trust me
  • edited April 2012
    lol wow, im sorry friend you are wrong, you think a gaming company would finish a game a day before the release.... are you mad, they have to do it months in advance trust me

    I'm saying they HAVE done that. Again, Puzzle agent. It wasn't done until release.
  • edited April 2012
    Okay fair enough :D But its 2012 things are different now and there are so many things a game has to pass and be checked on. ANYWAY!!! the whole point of this is i wanted to think if people thought once a month was good or not, not argue about the game being completed lol We all love the walking dead and i just want the whole series right now!!!! lol
  • edited April 2012
    and back to the future was 'delayed' at one point by about a week..

    ttg will have made most of the game but each month they will playtest and check for bugs and polish the episode before release i could be wrong but thats how i see it
  • edited April 2012
    We know that the one question many of you want answered is "When exactly is this game coming out?!"

    Well, the answer is - soon! Episode one is currently in submission with Microsoft and Sony.

    If you're unfamiliar with the process, here's how it goes...

    We have to submit games to MS and Sony for testing. After the game goes through our own stringent QA process, they need to make sure that the game meets with their various standards. Once the game is approved, we'll have our release date.

    We continue to target "late April", but as soon as we hear from MS and Sony, we'll update you and confirm when you'll be able to enter the world of The Walking Dead!

    This was written play telltale on their facebook account at the start of April :D
  • edited April 2012
    Wow you people realise that the whole series is complete already.... games are completed 3 or 4 maybe more months before they are released because they have to be tested. i know this because i took a 2 year games course in college. So the game is complete which means they good bring them out every 2 weeks and everybody would be happy :D

    So arbitrarily doing half as much testing will make everyone happy?
    Is this college called the duck school of quality assurance?

    I'm the foreman! Put your back into it! Ship it!
    Oh sorry about your legs and neck man, darn bugs...

    We appreciate your enthusiasm, but that's dumber than a sack of hammers
  • edited April 2012
    Okay fair enough :D But its 2012 things are different now and there are so many things a game has to pass and be checked on. ANYWAY!!! the whole point of this is i wanted to think if people thought once a month was good or not, not argue about the game being completed lol We all love the walking dead and i just want the whole series right now!!!! lol

    Exactly, I would think everyone understands and wants complete-bug free episodes. I can't see why anyone would actually WANT to wait a month for each episode, lol. Especially if they are already completed.
  • edited April 2012
    Exactly ha :D
  • edited April 2012
    thats how ttg rolls deal with it....

    they only make episodic games...
  • edited April 2012
    I get that its in episodic format but i cant see longer than a month between each releases, as the game was in development for a LONG time, and i would think most of the builds are complete and tested already.. i just think its time for tweaks.. plus i think this is the biggest TTG release as far as exposure as twd is extremely popular right now and people ar efiending for content
  • edited April 2012
    I read somewhere that 9 Episodes were planned or are coming...
  • edited April 2012
    Wow you people realise that the whole series is complete already.... games are completed 3 or 4 maybe more months before they are released because they have to be tested and the age verification has to be put on. i know this because i took a 2 year games course in college. So the game is complete which means they good bring them out every 2 weeks and everybody would be happy :D and those release dates are on a number on websites so they are pretty much correct

    Alot of the hard work is done.. conceptually fleshed out.. the story is probably completely set (they have changed things based on what people like here I.E. Winslow further involvement in MI) But the episodes themselves are not finished, episode 2 may be or pretty close to it.. but not the entire series.
  • edited April 2012
    Episode 2: Starved for Help - May 30th, 2012
    Episode 3: Long Road Ahead - June 25th, 2012
    Episode 4: Around Every Corner - July 27th, 2012
    Episode 5: No Time Left - August 29th, 2012

    These are the release dates from the official walking dead wiki

    However i am not to pleased with one coming out every month i would much prefer one every 2 weeks what are your thoughts ?

    Don't trusts wikipedia. TT never gives out release dates.
  • edited April 2012
    TTG liketh their forum cup to runeth over between episodes. :D
  • edited April 2012
    Zhombre wrote: »
    I get that its in episodic format but i cant see longer than a month between each releases, as the game was in development for a LONG time, and i would think most of the builds are complete and tested already.. i just think its time for tweaks.. plus i think this is the biggest TTG release as far as exposure as twd is extremely popular right now and people ar efiending for content

    I THINK Back To the Future was a bigger release.

    And the episodes are normally monthly.
  • edited April 2012
    Wow you people realise that the whole series is complete already.... games are completed 3 or 4 maybe more months before they are released because they have to be tested and the age verification has to be put on. i know this because i took a 2 year games course in college. So the game is complete which means they good bring them out every 2 weeks and everybody would be happy :D and those release dates are on a number on websites so they are pretty much correct
    Nope, the zombie competition has only just ended and the winner will be in episode 4. That suggests they haven't even started on episode 4 yet.
    Trust me, they are still working on episode 2. Telltale only give an exact date, when they are sure they can make it. Even then, they don't give an exact time. This is because they work on it to the last minute, tweaking and bug fixing it. They upload it when it's ready
  • edited April 2012
    The story is already done because the achievements have all been released, you can see the list by looking at the PS3 trophies.
  • edited April 2012
    Is that mean they can release next episode in a years ?

    i buy this game to fast, seriously, 20$ to play 40min, and the next episode, maybe for ...let's says, .... humm....we whant to give you the best so.... maybe in ...... summer..... for a big , 30min of paying....

    I really hope you guy working to give a lot more....

    Advise for future buyer.... wait when all episode are out....and you probably will pay the game 5$ at this moment...

    A good comment in all that, i liked pretty much the way of playing a story follow...choice do not really matter but it's like whatching a movie and with your decision you choose the actor that will finish the movie....
  • edited April 2012
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Nope, the zombie competition has only just ended and the winner will be in episode 4. That suggests they haven't even started on episode 4 yet.
    Trust me, they are still working on episode 2. Telltale only give an exact date, when they are sure they can make it. Even then, they don't give an exact time. This is because they work on it to the last minute, tweaking and bug fixing it. They upload it when it's ready

    They could easily have the game complete and use this time to tweak the upcoming episodes: what worked in Ep1; where there any glitches; does this story arc plan out; etc. I seriously doubt they are coding the game right now for a release in a few weeks. Refining? Sure.

    As far as the contest, they probably have blank or generic characters in the game that they can easily fill in with the winner. Your not going to speak any lines, and they will use a voice actor to record your death scream and zombie moan. You'll send in a picture and be transplanted into the game.
  • edited April 2012
    Doucet wrote: »
    Is that mean they can release next episode in a years ?

    i buy this game to fast, seriously, 20$ to play 40min, and the next episode, maybe for ...let's says, .... humm....we whant to give you the best so.... maybe in ...... summer..... for a big , 30min of paying....

    I really hope you guy working to give a lot more....

    Advise for future buyer.... wait when all episode are out....and you probably will pay the game 5$ at this moment...

    A good comment in all that, i liked pretty much the way of playing a story follow...choice do not really matter but it's like whatching a movie and with your decision you choose the actor that will finish the movie....

    Telltale episodes are monthly. BTW, what's with people saying the games are 30 min long, knowing all the puzzles/choices to make, and skipping all the little dialog, it still took me an hour and a half to beat. What fast forward mode are you guys using.
  • edited April 2012
    probably playing the demo... and being too stupid to realise the demo and the real game are seperate... or they been scammed lol...

    or even it's the mobile device app version..
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Sandman77 wrote: »
    I read somewhere that 9 Episodes were planned or are coming...

    Must have been SOME place. ;)
    5 episodes. Not 4, not 6. Exac-tly FIVE.
    Roughly monthly released.
  • edited April 2012
    is this a zombie forum.........dhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu haaaaaauuuuuuur blup blup......haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa urrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... No it a indvasion............... KILL THEM ALL, for one who can still answer, there a guns..... do it now, you dont whant to be like that..... is that remember you something....?
  • edited April 2012
    Don't mean to offend you but english doesn't seem to be your strong suit ;)

    there are guns,
    don't want to be like that,
  • edited April 2012
    The whole five episodes will more then likely be out before we get the first episode on ipad. True story.
  • edited April 2012
    it would really be much nicer to make us wayt a little less between each episodes.2 weeks wayt between episodes is long enough for episodes tath can be done in about 3 or 4 hours. thanks if you guys take notice & do the changes.vry good game though,tath why i cant wayt to play .
  • edited May 2012
    These release dates could be close one every month.. My reasoning behind it is what telltalegames said in there FAQ..

    Why is this game episodic? What does that mean?

    Telltale has a strong history of releasing episodic games but more importantly, we wanted this game to offer an experience analogous to the comic books and TV show, which are also episodic in nature. We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    Dear TTG My birthday is on August 29th So can I have an Episode 5 code when time comes XBLA version please? Much Love The Capn
  • edited May 2012
    Okay fair enough :D But its 2012 things are different now and there are so many things a game has to pass and be checked on. ANYWAY!!! the whole point of this is i wanted to think if people thought once a month was good or not, not argue about the game being completed lol We all love the walking dead and i just want the whole series right now!!!! lol

    Well, then you'd only be getting the full episode 1 and a yet-to-be-completed episode 2..nothing else. That's like saying you'd want the entire season of a TV show right after it aired..you'd only get a certain, small number of episodes, the last one most likely not even completed.
    Zhombre wrote: »
    I get that its in episodic format but i cant see longer than a month between each releases, as the game was in development for a LONG time, and i would think most of the builds are complete and tested already.. i just think its time for tweaks.. plus i think this is the biggest TTG release as far as exposure as twd is extremely popular right now and people ar efiending for content

    Well, as someone said, the concept art and storyboarding is all done, but it isn't set in stone. They have the base structure for it, but the "tweaking" you speak of would come from player experience and their choices. And then incorporate those choices into a myriad different scenarios..for example: choose nighttime > meet Andre and find Chet as a zombie > possibly meet Andre in episode 2 or something. Vice versa for Chet and daytime.
  • edited May 2012
    I think they have already made it clear that there will be one episode a month, so I expect episode 2 during the last week of May. That's all I need to know really. I've bought games from Telltale before and I know that they are reliable and usually on time.

    I know the walking dead is bringing in many customers who are new to episodic gaming. Please be patient. I love hanging out on telltales forums between episodes. Less than 20 days to go until episode 2 .... Probably.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Rasher wrote: »
    I've bought games from Telltale before

    You're too modest. I mean, your register date almost can't be beat. You've been here a LONG time to find out how things are working.
This discussion has been closed.