Sacrifice one TV show or game to save another

If you could sacrifice one tv series or game you enjoy to renew a series or get a sequel what would you choose?
I'd Sacrifice Dexter for Terra Nova
I'd Sacrifice Assassins Creed for a Rule of Rose 2
I'd Sacrifice Dexter for Terra Nova
I'd Sacrifice Assassins Creed for a Rule of Rose 2
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Jesus, that's the worst title for a thread I've seen in ages.
I'd gladly give up "Mythbusters", "Bizarre Foods" and "Restaurant Impossible" for another season of "Feasting On Asphalt/Waves".
I'd trade "Grimm" for another season of "Eureka"
I'd swap a future "Trine" for another game set in the "Grim Fandango" universe.
How about giving up "The Big Bang Theory" for half an hour of not watching television?
I never really 'got' thief. I bought "Thief: The dark project" 10 years or so ago, and found it boring. Took me ages to get out of the tutorial, if I remember rightly.
I like you.
I think they'd be exactly the same as the current executives, personally.
I'd sacrifice any cartoon show I watch now for a new Sam and Max cartoon series, and Earthworm Jim for good measure.
And I know this last one is weird for me, but I'd sacrifice Power Rangers for more Who Wants to be a Superhero.
I mean, I love The Looney Tunes Show, but the thought of there not being any more Mystery Incorporated after the second season (which is bound to happen, it's confirmed the second season wraps up the entire planospheric disk arc), just as it's about to get fun...
Also, I could never sacrifice Adventure Time, although Phineas and Ferb are also tradeable to me.
...bazinga right?
I would hate you forever..... Terra Nova was so disappointing, the show had everything it needed to be awesome.. if only they wrote it a little more seriously.
Why do people like this show? Every time I watch it, I get bored and wonder why the show is popular.
I never stated anything as fact interesting enough.
you are a pretty awesome guy
just so you know
I'd still have to listen to other people talk about how great it supposedly is, no dice.
You may eat those words. The current Batman movies are ending and it sounds like The Crow remake is back on. Personally, I would rather watch anything Batman than see The Crow remake.
Say no all you want. It already happened. Check your Steam account.
That is how bad I want Megas XLR to come back! :X#
EDIT: I'd sacrifice Adventure Time to do it as well!
EDIT 2: And I'd sacrifice everything for resurrection of Classic Twilight Zone...
Now you know how I feel with Adventure Time...
But if MI is an adventure game, and you'd sacrifice the industry for it, then you sacrificed tomi2 as well!
I'd sacrifice Simon Cowell for pretty much anything. Seriously, just give me an excuse and I'll ritually sacrifice him, candles and circles and symbols and everything. Man bugs me.
Honestly, the current Batman films bug me a bit. They take themselves a bit too seriously. I have no problem with darkness in the Batman series, but at some point in The Dark Knight it stopped feeling like a superhero movie.
Would sacrifice any future Half-Life games for more SiN.
(Also, I noticed this earlier, but a big thanks to whoever fixed the thread title. That was really bugging me!)