CDP RED announcing CYBERPUNK as new IP

edited May 2013 in General Chat

For those who don't know, this is the company behind The Witcher series. Get hype.


  • edited May 2012
    CDP Red

  • edited May 2012

    I am interested in this!

    Its been far too long since we have had a good cyper-punk game.
    If anyone can pull it off its CDP! :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    I am "get hype". They'd better put this on their own distribution site though like they did with the Witchah 2. :D

    Damn! I shouldn't have backed Shadowrun Returns when CD Project delivers first! :D :D

    If they're doing a Mass-Effecty-third person RPG shooter in a Shadowrunny setting, consider my ears and eyes sharpened!
  • edited May 2012
    Well color me interested. Though I still haven't played Witcher 2 yet...
  • edited May 2012
    I guess this will be announced in the summer conference?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    For once, I seem to be on the right side of the globe to see that live. I'll have to hurry home after work though. ;)

    I hope Secret Fawful doesn't mind when I change the thread title with CDP's actual game name when they announce it...
  • edited May 2012
    There were a few people speculating that it might be System Shock 3, because that's the only way that insurance company is going to give up the IP rights to the series. This has the double bonus of giving GOG a major playing card in negotiations with EA to get System Shock 1 and 2 on their service, as well. Frankly, I highly doubt it, because I doubt anyone wants to play a System Shock game that wasn't made by the original studio.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    For obvious reasons, I'd rather CDP stays away from EA properties... :o
  • edited May 2012
    There were a few people speculating that it might be System Shock 3, because that's the only way that insurance company is going to give up the IP rights to the series.
    What do you mean, "the only way"? Could you elaborate on that bit, it's confusing me.
  • edited May 2012
    For obvious reasons, I'd rather CDP stays away from EA properties... :o

    Come on. The Witcher 3 exclusively on Origin. That would be awesome!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Come on. The Witcher 3 exclusively on Origin. That would be awesome!

    You come on. I mean, you WANT me to ban people for saying stuff like this. :D
  • edited May 2012
    You come on. I mean, you WANT me to ban people for saying stuff like this. :D

    I do and I would accept that ban actually in this case.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Half an hour till the press conference... I'll shower later. Got my popcorn ready. :)

    Let's live blog here a little.

    5 minutes in... show hasn't started. Whatever release date they announce, add two months.

    8 minutes in Incredible. 10,000+ viewers stare at nothing!

    9 minutes in They started, but are now reviewing The Witcher 2 enhanced edition. Isn't that yesterday's news??

    10 minutes That speaker sure looks terrified. Too much pressure?

    12 minutes in NO DRM, they said it ALOUD!!!!

    14 minutes Witcher 2 now 30% off for a week.

    17 minutes. Huh, they're giving presents to their reviewers.

    They're going Mac now by porting TW2EE.

    22 minutes The new IP is [highlight]CYBERPUNK[/highlight]. I knew it. ;)

    Non-linear story. Different character classes to chose from, customization possible. Lots of upgrades and toys. Not a single screenshot. This will take a while to finish.

    28 minutes They've invited Mike Pondsmith, the creator of the Cyberpunk P&P. I must say, he's quite a good speaker.

    30 minutes Mike talks a lot about "one man armies". Won't there be teams in the Cyberpunk game?

    32 minutes oops, now they're hiring via the press conference?!?

    33 minutes Cyberpunk presentation is OVER. Now to the "new" classics on GOG.
    Sid Meier's Colonisation, Tomb Raider 1-2-3 bundle are now online.

    35 minutes New game announced is "Retro City Rampage". Seems a bit like GTA in retro-style. Second one is the "Tiny and Big" game. Strange 3D graphics in comic style.

    44 minutes now they're re-announcing "Resonance". Old news all that stuff, don't they think? All right, they also announce a demo available to pre-orderers. And 10% off right now.

    47 minutes Legend of Grimrock sold 20,000 units on in the last two months. They see it as a big success.

    49 minutes "DRM free revolution". I like the sound of this. But he's making a slow jam out of it right now. Only rapping would be more embarrassing.

    53 minutes All right, and it's over.
  • edited May 2012
    What do you mean, "the only way"? Could you elaborate on that bit, it's confusing me.

    There's an insurance company somewhere that holds the IP rights to System Shock. They're willing to part with the rights, but it sounds like only if the purchaser agrees to use the rights to make a new game and give some of the profits to them.
  • edited May 2012
    There's an insurance company somewhere that holds the IP rights to System Shock. They're willing to part with the rights, but it sounds like only if the purchaser agrees to use the rights to make a new game and give some of the profits to them.
    Ah. Thanks.
    22 minutes The new IP is CYBERPUNK. I knew it. ;)

    Non-linear story. Different character classes to chose from, customization possible. Lots of upgrades and toys.
    Kotaku got on that pretty damn quick.
  • edited May 2012
    I need to have this game. I have decided this.
  • edited May 2012

    I hope Secret Fawful doesn't mind when I change the thread title with CDP's actual game name when they announce it...

    That's fine. I want this game- it looks and sounds like it will be amazing. Wish I knew more about the universe they're playing with.
  • edited May 2012

    I suggest one of us gets hold of some materials for this P&P rpg, and we could then "research" it. ;P
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012

    I suggest one of us gets hold of some materials for this P&P rpg, and we could then "research" it. ;P

    Huh, I played that when it FIRST CAME OUT IN GERMANY. Yup, I'm that old.

    /edit: And here's the "pics or it didn't happen" photo of my very first Cyberpunk character. OH GOD THAT WAS 1993.

  • edited May 2012
    Weren't the dinosaurs still walking the earth back then?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    In fact, some of them ended up being my teachers.

    /edit: Yes, wikipedia has a comprehensive Cyberpunk timeline overview. In the game, they will alter the timeline a lot of course, as 22 years of that "future" history have already passed. ;)
  • edited May 2012
    Bioplagues, net wars, men walking on Mars, cyberpunk pirates, clone research, cyber-mercenaries, virtual reality tech, nanotech, African cyber-warlords, orbital colonies, nomad nations named [the Snake Nation, the Blood Nation, the Folk Nation, the Jodes, the Thelas Nation, the Aldecaldos, and MetaCorp], mechs, cybernetics, space transportation, nanoviruses, just to name some awesome shit.

    Mass Effect, eat your heart out. This is badass.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    Not much news in a following Gameswelt interview (beware! German!).

    Everything they say could be a translation mistake ( :rolleyes: ), and I'm not so sure what has already been said in the Summer conference, so take this with a grain of salt:

    - the new system is less about levels and more about skills
    - the game world will be more open than in the Witcher games
    - the game supposedly is about "moral decisions in an immoral world"
    - they have no idea when this game will come out

    I'm trying to still remember why we took up playing Cyberpunk instead of Shadowrun. Possibly because elements like magic and the lot of tolkienesque creatures were missing. I love the Shadowrun universe, but Cyberpunk had the uglier, more down-to-earth future.

    edit: Some more official words in a Gamasutra interview.

    Not much said besides that - opposed to the first Witcher game - they want to make Cyberpunk more accessible to those new to the story. And they seem to be great Game of Thrones fans. :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    I hereby declare this thread my personal live blog. Where's my flag... urghhh...
    This post will be updated.

    For those who still want to tune in, here's the direct link:

    Show should start in two minutes. Or ten if they're late like last time. :D

    09 minutes They're going Mac. Seems like I was following the wrong stream these last 10 minutes. :(

    11 minutes The Witcher on Mac seems to be among the starting range. Or was that available before??

    13 minutes 50 games from the start, 28 of which for the first time on Mac, DRM-free, you buy both versions (PC/Mac) with one purchase.

    15 minutes new games, new games!! Puddle looks a bit uber with its 2D physics engine. You control drops. It's out NOW. And on discount.

    17 minutes Second game, Giana sisters. A German game like the following. Huh, I own that one already from the Kickstarter. Out on October 23rd. It's good old Jump'N'Run fun. Oh boy, with the discount, it's cheaper than what I paid for it.

    19 minutes THEY'VE GOT CARSTEN FICHTELMANN from Daedalic over there in Poland!! He has to work on his th. Lisp, guy, JUST LISP!!! It's Deponia 2, and they're obviously getting this out in English in Fall (update: November 6th). At 13.99 for pre-orderers. OH GOD I PAID 30€ for it last fucking Saturday. Don't anyone ever criticize Telltale for discounts.

    22 minutes Interplay? I haven't heard from these guys in 10 years. It's a "pay what you want" offer with the usual catch-22 if you want all of them.

    29 minutes Errrr.... golly, it's a trailer for the Witcher 2. Not very exiting, CDP. Yeah, you'll get it out for Mac. Today. Very nice. But do we really need to have another explanation what this game is about??

    35 minutes The Redkit looks REALLY cool. Like Populous on speed. I want to make RPGs with that. Get that stuff out for Cyberpunk too pleeeease. Showing off with the speed of the tool. Not without reason it seems. And it will be free, free, free for "Witcher fans", whatever that means. ;)

    39 minutes FINALLY Cyberpunk. More facts about the game and the title: Cyberpunk 2077. Mike Pondsmith is back, which I love because I dig his voice and rhetoric skillz. ;)

    42 minutes The year 2077 is fairly far off for Cyberpunk, which always was in the very very near future before. Multi-tread story, sandbox environment, Night City.

    47 minutes Urghhh, they're using the P&P RPG system mostly. MISTAAAAAAKEEEEE.

    48 minutes They're creating a Cyberpunk blog. High time.

    50 minutes Waaaaalllpapperrrrrrsssss. The first one doesn't seem that excellent though.

    52 minutes OVER. New music? Is this chanting stuff already for Cyberpunk??
  • edited October 2012
    I gotta give props to the guy who decided he NEEDED to get a photograph of that wallpaper.
  • edited October 2012
    I hereby declare this thread my personal live blog. Where's my flag... urghhh...
    Here are ours (flags may actually be missing in the image):
  • edited October 2012
    47 minutes Urghhh, they're using the P&P RPG system mostly. MISTAAAAAAKEEEEE.


    Oh good, CDProjekt Red are advertising their new game with scantily-clad women in a shamelessly exploitative way. For a while there I was worried that space aliens with a more refined sense of tact and/or shame had been inhabiting their hollowed-out bodies like fleshy husks for the past few months.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    :IOh good, CDProjekt Red are advertising their new game with scantily-clad women in a shamelessly exploitative way.

    I have nothing against scantily-clad women in principle, as the admiration of the female form is in my artist blood. But this girl is a dud. :cool:

    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Here are ours (flags may actually be missing in the image):

    "Oh, Heathcliffe" ... "Oh, oh, Catherine"...
  • edited October 2012

    47 minutes Urghhh, they're using the P&P RPG system mostly. MISTAAAAAAKEEEEE.

    Hey! Some of my favorite games are based off of P&P!


    Oh good, CDProjekt Red are advertising their new game with scantily-clad women in a shamelessly exploitative way. For a while there I was worried that space aliens with a more refined sense of tact and/or shame had been inhabiting their hollowed-out bodies like fleshy husks for the past few months.

    And The Witcher was different how?

    I mean, you got collectible cards for each woman you slept with in the first one like you were building some sort of porn deck. I don't think this is a huge departure from that. She's wearing far more than the card women were, in any case.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    I mean, you got collectible cards for each woman you slept with in the first one like you were building some sort of porn deck. .

    Some of those cards actually had some subtle erotic... taste if you wish. It was the process of collecting them as a prize for the women you slept with which was the intolerable thing. The game forces you to accept as your goal in the game to sleep with as many women as possible. That's a no.

    Geralt of Riva is a very sexist character in the books, so somehow that first game fit. The game could have found a better way of representing this character trait though.

    Hey! Some of my favorite games are based off of P&P!

    It's the game systems that don't transfer well into the game world. KotoR with its ludicrous implementation of the AD&D rules (!) was about the worst thing I've seen in that respect. Those level up systems must always be tailor made to the specific PC experience.
  • edited October 2012
    OHGAWD that first Witcher game was even more sexist than the books. :eek:

    I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that Cyberpunk isn't significantly more exploitative than other CD Projekt games.

    Also, I never read the books.
    It's the game systems that don't transfer well into the game world. KotoR with its ludicrous implementation of the AD&D rules (!) was about the worst thing I've seen in that respect. Those level up systems must always be tailor made to the specific PC experience.

    I think it depends a lot on how those rules are implemented. I've been playing Temple of Elemental Evil recently and while there are plenty of problems with the game (mainly in plot) the combat is pretty much perfect. And that draws its rules almost entirely from DnD 3.5.

    Baldur's Gate II, which used AD&D rules, I also feel had an excellent combat system that really forced me to strategize. And not only that but there were an almost unlimited number of ways of passing through various challenges, that could work with any party combination. Which I love because so many games seem to have tons of options but only a few that really work.

    Perhaps this is the RTS player in me, but I always like to find new ways of using abilities in concert.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    You quote too fast. ;)
  • edited October 2012
    You quote too fast. ;)

    Yes. Yes I do.

    In regards to your edited post, in my playthrough, I made Geralt an equal opportunities sexist and also hit on all the little old ladies. Surprisingly, none of them went for it. And I also gave all the hookers the drowner brains and severed tongues I picked up.

    I might have been a little bored with the myriad of "kill things in the swamp" quests.
  • edited October 2012
    I see nothing here to turn me off to this game in any way.
  • edited October 2012
    I love the artwork.
  • edited October 2012
    And The Witcher was different how?
    It wasn't.

    That was the point.

    I think you were misreading me there.
  • edited October 2012
    It wasn't.

    That was the point.

    I think you were misreading me there.

    Ah, read too fast and I missed the "last few months" bit.
  • edited October 2012
    Also I was kind of hoping they were improving. Witcher 2 deals with it better in the sense that they at least did away with the boobie cards.

    One the other hand, they found it necessary to update their boobie calendar for 2013, so...
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Well, seeing that Triss Merrigold actually was in the Polish Playboy thanks to CDP... at least that can't be beat.
  • edited October 2012
    Well, seeing that Triss Merrigold actually was in the Polish Playboy thanks to CDP... at least that can't be beat.
    Challenge Accepted!

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