Why do they make us play Lee as a good guy? Spoilers

edited June 2012 in The Walking Dead
Possible spoilers 4 comic/show/game/

Granted we don't know what happened to his wife, but so far it just seems like a crime of passion at worst. It seems like he's just a normal guy trying to deal with a horrible situation, and even if we try to play him bad, he just seems more grumpy than bad. I mean this is the Walking Dead (Lee should lose a arm or leg) were talking about, and the series has always had great bad guys like the Governor, or Chris.

I'd like to think I'm only keeping with the group to use them as I see fit, and even Clementine I'd throw her to a herd of zombies if it keeps my ass safe. The Governor even played Lilly to get her to do something horrible to Ricks family, and got a fairly big settlement to follow him even though he was a nut job. I get that if Lee was a complete jerk nobody would want to follow him, but he could still be useful, fairly well liked, and completely evil.


  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Because it's an Adventure Game but not an RPG. Have you played KOTOR? or Alpha Protocol?
  • edited June 2012
    , and even Clementine I'd throw her to a herd of zombies if it keeps my ass safe.

    great so on top of the larry lovers we now have a few more clem haters

    you types make me sick..
  • edited June 2012
    I haven't played KOTOR, no X-Box, and how good is Alpha Protocol? I've played Infamous, and a few other adventure games where you get to play as a bad guy. I kinda figured the choices this game gave us were going to be Good guy choice, and bad guy choice but instead it's like choosing apples n bananas. Both have strong points, and there isn't really a bad guy choice.

    Also to be clear I don't hate Clementine, but it goes Lee>Clementine>Kennys Wife>Kenny, but if it comes down between Lee, and anyone surviving. It's going to be lee
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    great so on top of the larry lovers we now have a few more clem haters

    you types make me sick..

    *rests hand on milos shoulder* It's people like this why the K.I.Q.C.S. Must be Ever Vigilant. Remember the Motto

    "We exist to Protect the Queen from all threats"
    "If we must die for the Queen we shall die with a smile upon our face."
    "For every knight that falls in the name of the Queen two more shall appear."
    "Let the Storms Rage, Let the Walkers pound the walls, Let the Bandit's lay Siege We may fall But the Queen Lives on"
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    *rests hand on milos shoulder* It's people like this why the K.I.Q.C.S. Must be Ever Vigilant. Remember the Motto

    "We exist to Protect the Queen from all threats"
    "If we must die for the Queen we shall die with a smile upon our face."
    "For every knight that falls in the name of the Queen two more shall appear."
    "Let the Storms Rage, Let the Walkers pound the walls, Let the Bandit's lay Siege We may fall But the Queen Lives on"

    nicely put man almost brings a tear to my eye

    i was sorta being sarcastic.... because anyone who even thinks of allowing a child fictional or real to be hurt killed /turned is sick....

    but larry is the usurper and the devils advocate and undermines our queens right hand (lee)
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    nicely put man almost brings a tear to my eye

    i was sorta being sarcastic.... because anyone who even thinks of allowing a child fictional or real to be hurt killed /turned is sick....

    but larry is the usurper and the devils advocate and undermines our queens right hand (lee)

    Larry will pay for his sins rest assured.
  • edited June 2012
    How do you feel about Lilly knowing she blasted Lori and her infant?

    I don't care for Larry either because he knows about Lee's past, and basically threatens the safety of the group. Just because I'd want to play evil doesn't mean I wouldn't help children, I mean if Duck got changed I think Kenny's family would be worthless to the group, and I wouldn't just throw Clementine away first chance I got since she's been helpful at least 3 times, the group would hate me, and not follow me.

    It's a fictional kid, and they get hurt all the time in TWD. Sophia, The Twin Boys, and Girls, Lori's baby, Chris admits to eating children when the hunters got hungry and basically bad things happen to them all the time in TWD. I really don't expect Duck to make it at all with TWD history of killing kids. TWD always seemed to represent the harsh reality of what would happen if something like this happened.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    The banality of evil is not to be underestimated. Personally, I'd find playing the "bad guy" boring - and it has been done to death in Bioware products anyway. I'm thankful that this kind of "choice" is not what the WD game is about. Just like in real life, Lee like everyone else tries to be his personal hero. The Walking Dead game tries to give you choices you can really think about, not some binary system that predetermines your every move once you've settled on the "good" or "bad" path.
  • edited June 2012
    Okay I agree I like having options that aren't straight good, or evil. Carly vs Doug is a good example of this, but the good, and evil options wouldn't need to be as straight forward as most Bioware products. InFamous 2 for example leads you along what would be either the good, or evil path then switches it up at the end. The path to hell after all is paved with good intentions. Rick's had to do some horrible things to survive, and from the sound of the screaming in the preview I'm think Lee will too.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    So your saying

    "Lee must amputate this mans bitten leg"

    Press A to look disgusted but do it
    Press B. to enjoy it
    Press X. to apologize and do it
    Press Y. To get the wrong leg
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    The path to hell after all is paved with good intentions. Rick's had to do some horrible things to survive, and from the sound of the screaming in the preview I'm think Lee will too.

    Yeah, I think the first proverb is in TTG's dev team's heads as well. Lee WILL do bad stuff because he has too, and he will cause bad stuff he didn't intend to do. If that was your original idea, I think the game has great chances to still satisfy what you're after. ;)
  • edited June 2012
    People followed the Governor because he saved their town and entertained them. But he became more and more corrupt as he lost who he was and embraced who he aspired to be. Read the book!
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    So your saying

    "Lee must amputate this mans bitten leg"

    Press A to look disgusted but do it
    Press B. to enjoy it
    Press X. to apologize and do it
    Press Y. To get the wrong leg

    the way i see this game (nips to the loo) panning out is the choices we make should mean:

    we can be nice to people and honest so they trust lee and therefore are more likely to help him (good ending )

    lee can choose to be nice but lie to certain people who may or may not realise and thus not help him directly but will chip in if others do. (average/neutral ending)

    and if lee lies all the time and isn't nice and thus alienates everyone he will have to do everything himself, because no one really trusts or likes him, and thus won't defend him or give up savng him thus meaning more deaths cos lee is only one guy (bad ending)

    of course that may be wishfull thinking and we don't get more than two set endings but there will be differences with who survived.
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah, I think the first proverb is in TTG's dev team's heads as well. Lee WILL do bad stuff because he has too, and he will cause bad stuff he didn't intend to do. If that was your original idea, I think the game has great chances to still satisfy what you're after. ;)

    Yay, I just started reading Rise of the Governor, but absolute power does corrupt, and right now at least it seems like we're our leader. Sometimes that title includes doing horrible things like sawing off a leg like Rick did, and he still gets called out by Tyreese for being eager. Seems like, in this situation we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't. I'm wondering how long it will take Lee to slowly change into an animal, full on survivor mode?

    BTW, I'd love to be able to choose the wrong leg option. The way I think of it as long as you aren't a complete jerk to the majority of the group, and manage to keep them safe, most of the group would go along with you. It could bite you in the ass, but so could telling everyone you murdered a couple of living people. Being the nice guy could come back to haunt Lee.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    I'd like to see Queen Clem have to make choices and her choices are based on How Lee acts.
  • edited June 2012
    I don't want some grand ending. That doesn't fit the realistic world Kirkman has created at all, in my opinion. People die. They don't always go out in grand ways. Sometimes, they are shot in cold blood. Such is the way things have always worked in the comic series. On topic, I don't want good/bad guy choices simply because Lee isn't a bad person. At least not from what I've seen. The reason the choices are limited is because they are developing a character, and you get to choose how he would react in certain situations. This isn't an rpg, nor should it be. In Mass Effect, you could sit there till the cows come home deciding what decision would make you "good" or "bad" or perhaps even neutral. In this game, you are forced to think on your feet. You do not choose between bad and good. You choose between life and death. You choose who is most important to your group's survival and who isn't.

    This, to me, is what TWD is all about, and I hope they don't ditch it in favor of the Bioware-like good and bad guy approaches. In the world of TWD, you certainly have bad and good guys, but they are not always what they appear to be. If you left Shawn to die in order to preserve Duck, you will be viewed as the bad guy by Hershel. That doesn't make the decision an evil one, it simply makes it seem that way. In the end, you could have been doing it because you realize 2 able-bodied adults (Katjaa and Kenny) are better than one young adult. (Shawn. I don't actually know how old he is.) By the way, I don't dislike Bioware games, or the way they approach decisions. I simply think the world of TWD is and should continue to be very different than the world of ME, or KOTOR.

    Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my 2 cents.
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    I'd like to see Queen Clem have to make choices and her choices are based on How Lee acts.

    That could be cool, it kinda seems like they do give her that up to a point. I mean she reacts to what you do, and remembers your actions. Even little stuff like if you say Hershels Barn smells like manure, or **** I'd like to imagine will have some influence on her, and we influence the entire group, and our actions change what they do in the future episodes.

    4 endings would make me extremely happy, but that's probably not a realistic number. The Bad ending would be your group cast you out, you lost Clem and you wander lost in the wasteland alone looking for her. The next ending would be the average ending, you played dirty, but still were more good than bad. The game would have a Good Bad ending, and a Good Good ending. The Good ending you find Clem's parents, and you make it to Kenny's boat. The Good Bad ending, you reach a safe haven with the group, and manage to fortify it, but you've both grown more corrupt, and in the bodies your drag out you see Clems parents.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Gamers generally expect a decent ending. If it ends with Lee being eaten by walkers , Kenny and Kaatja Gunned down, The Store Survivor stabbed to death and the Queen , Duck , and Varsity guy in chains in a Semi Truck on a way to some Corrupt Officials compound to be Slaves NOONE will ever buy another TTG game. Probably because The Media , The Fcc, and Jack Thompson will tear down the HQ and TTG will be forced to dissolve and reform as a new company.obviously the ending isn't going to be an incredibly dark ending thats as true to the series as the comics. It's going to have to juggle expectations of the fans {and not just TWD fans I've learned more about TWD from these forums then the shows i havent watched or the comics i havent read] and the source material. It all depends really on what the message is . "Humanity Survives" "Live for Today" etc
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    That could be cool, it kinda seems like they do give her that up to a point. I mean she reacts to what you do, and remembers your actions. Even little stuff like if you say Hershels Barn smells like manure, or **** I'd like to imagine will have some influence on her, and we influence the entire group, and our actions change what they do in the future episodes.

    4 endings would make me extremely happy, but that's probably not a realistic number. The Bad ending would be your group cast you out, you lost Clem and you wander lost in the wasteland alone looking for her. The next ending would be the average ending, you played dirty, but still were more good than bad. The game would have a Good Bad ending, and a Good Good ending. The Good ending you find Clem's parents, and you make it to Kenny's boat. The Good Bad ending, you reach a safe haven with the group, and manage to fortify it, but you've both grown more corrupt, and in the bodies your drag out you see Clems parents.

    Clems mom more like. since her dad was "attacked by some crazy guy"
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    Gamers generally expect a decent ending. If it ends with Lee being eaten by walkers , Kenny and Kaatja Gunned down, The Store Survivor stabbed to death and the Queen , Duck , and Varsity guy in chains in a Semi Truck on a way to some Corrupt Officials compound to be Slaves NOONE will ever buy another TTG game. Probably because The Media , The Fcc, and Jack Thompson will tear down the HQ and TTG will be forced to dissolve and reform as a new company.obviously the ending isn't going to be an incredibly dark ending thats as true to the series as the comics. It's going to have to juggle expectations of the fans {and not just TWD fans I've learned more about TWD from these forums then the shows i havent watched or the comics i havent read] and the source material. It all depends really on what the message is . "Humanity Survives" "Live for Today" etc

    Actually, I agree with you. I didn't mean it the way it perhaps sounded. I meant I don't want an ending where everybody lives happily ever after in a perfect little farmhouse with plenty of cattle, food, and all the walkers are chained up a million miles away in a safe location.

    I personally don't think even TTG wants that, even if they had the freedom to do so. They have done a brilliant job bringing the world of TWD alive, and I have no doubts that they won't disappoint further along the series. My previous message was more directed to other players.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Actually, I agree with you. I didn't mean it the way it perhaps sounded. I meant I don't want an ending where everybody lives happily ever after in a perfect little farmhouse with plenty of cattle, food, and all the walkers are chained up a million miles away in a safe location.

    I personally don't think even TTG wants that, even if they had the freedom to do so. They have done a brilliant job bringing the world of TWD alive, and I have no doubts that they won't disappoint further along the series. My previous message was more directed to other players.

    So would you rather have a Dimmish ending like the ending of episode 1 minus the lights going out or and ending that seems uplifting like the gangs living off the sea on Kennys fishing boat until you realize how hard of a life that is but since we ended before seeing the hardships we can imagine its an easy life.

    Or whats your Ideal ending?
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    So would you rather have a Dimmish ending like the ending of episode 1 minus the lights going out or and ending that seems uplifting like the gangs living off the sea on Kennys fishing boat until you realize how hard of a life that is but since we ended before seeing the hardships we can imagine its an easy life.

    Or whats your Ideal ending?

    I'd think a cliffhanger of some sort. I'm going under the assumption that TTG are making more than one season, although that may be unlikely. An ending similar to the first one you described would be my ideal ending. (Couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or not.) We wouldn't know what was going to happen. All I'm saying is it should feel realistic, and not too over-the top. Think giant explosion from some sort of crazy planetary collision in a different galaxy killing all the bad guys, and leaving the good guys untouched, and you'd see what I don't want. ;) As silly as that sounds, endings where the good guys conveniently survive somehow (For the most part.) and all the bad guys conveniently die are all too common now. :P

    Also, I'm not saying anyone else's ideas are wrong, I'm just saying what I'd like to see.
  • edited June 2012
    I'd think a cliffhanger of some sort. I'm going under the assumption that TTG are making more than one season, although that may be unlikely. An ending similar to the first one you described would be my ideal ending. (Couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or not.) We wouldn't know what was going to happen. All I'm saying is it should feel realistic, and not too over-the top. Think giant explosion from some sort of crazy planetary collision in a different galaxy killing all the bad guys, and leaving the good guys untouched, and you'd see what I don't want. ;) As silly as that sounds, endings where the good guys conveniently survive somehow (For the most part.) and all the bad guys conveniently die are all too common now. :P

    Also, I'm not saying anyone else's ideas are wrong, I'm just saying what I'd like to see.

    i would say a fitting end would be have the remaining survivors 'safe' and to have lee make conversations with them to sum up their experience and their feelings on what happened then after that lee may sit with clem and say something appropriate..

    Then the final cut scene starts with the camera hovering over them panning wide shot to reveal a zombie horde or some other creature moving closer or vehicle driving down a road towards them or both or a gang approaching on foot then the camera fades out with appropriate noises and then a scream that sounds like clem / lee...credits roll...
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Then the final cut scene starts with the camera hovering over them panning wide shot to reveal a zombie horde or some other creature moving closer or vehicle driving down a road towards them or both or a gang approaching on foot then the camera fades out with appropriate noises and then queen clem says "Oh shit!" and Lee says "Clementine watch your mou... OH SHIT"!!

  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »

    Lol i MAY have to put you in the skin suit and unleash the wildebeest and the soapy frogs if you correct my post again...;)
  • edited June 2012
    I'd be ok with that idea, but maybe without the wrap up at the end, and as long as Season 2 was previewed at the end.
  • edited June 2012
    I'd be ok with that idea, but maybe without the wrap up at the end, and as long as Season 2 was previewed at the end.

    how would they preview season 2 if they ain't made it / plan on it till they get enough positive feed back on a complete season 1 ? ;) hmmm?
  • edited June 2012
    I lol'd at Capn's fix. That was pretty funny. I actually just said "Manure" as my option at the beginning (Not really a spoiler, no specifics.) because of her funny reply.
  • edited June 2012
    I lol'd at Capn's fix. That was pretty funny. I actually just said "Manure" as my option at the beginning (Not really a spoiler, no specifics.) because of her funny reply.

    indeedie doodie :D
  • edited June 2012
    how would they preview season 2 if they ain't made it / plan on it till they get enough positive feed back on a complete season 1 ? ;) hmmm?

    You'd figure if it's already sold 1 million copys that would be enough positive response to get a sequel of some kind. Granted, I don't know how many copies TTG wants to sell, but 1 million seems like a good start. It kinda makes waiting for the rest TWD content easier, and keeps my interest on TWD.
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    "Lee must amputate this mans bitten leg"

    Press A to look disgusted but do it
    Press B. to enjoy it
    Press X. to apologize and do it
    Press Y. To get the wrong leg

    Press Y! Press Y!!! :D
  • HazlHazl Banned
    edited June 2012
    How do you feel about Lilly knowing she blasted Lori and her infant?

    Makes me love her, god Lori was a pain in the arse.
  • edited June 2012
    Long live the queen!!
  • edited June 2012
    Long live the queen!!

    welcome young sir to the KIQCS

    you must first be initiated in to our clan to prove you worthiness

    i believe capn should tell you what awaits you!

    good luck and may the orange be with you.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    You must fetch us a Shrubbery... Wait wrong handbook Lemme check
  • edited June 2012
    What would you have me do? Must protect precious (gollum voice)
  • edited June 2012
    Well capn i say Ni !

    want a job doing diy.....lol

    bunch of bloomin shambles...

    Right first i want ducks mouth taped shut, possibly sewn up if you can find a needle and thread.

    A few zombie heads as the queen needs some new skull candle holders, she smashes them in her tantrums (don't tell her i said that please)

    firewood to keep the fire pit going.

    then we'll talk ;)
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    What would you have me do? Must protect precious (gollum voice)

    Step 1 . Spread the word about how awesome TWDG is. with the addendum only episode 1 has been released yet and the defense that ttg has made a trend of skipping one month from the first episode but then releasing monthly. unless they're delayed by getting a big name celeb to voice. [when episode 2 you dont need to clarify that ep2 isnt out]

    Step 2. Find your comedy niche for defusing tense situations. Currently i'm using British Comedy including Monty Python , Red Dwarf, and Doctor Who.

    Step 3. Always defend the name of Queen Clem. If someone is insulting determine if you want to become a Templar with a repetoire of insults to cut them to pieces, an Wizard who will handle any possible arguement against the Queen with a counter arguement , an Cleric to convert others, or a mixture.

    Step 4. Patrol deviant art and google images for new images of the Queen to share.

    Step 5. if you spot any inappropriate art involving the Queen . Do not share it but carry the knowlledge that there are those who would wish to sully the queens reputation.

    Step 6. If your of Creative ilk use your skills for the good of the queen.

    Step 7. Contribute to positive discussions involving the queen.
  • edited June 2012
    For the Queen!
  • edited June 2012
    she still needs the zombie heads though..

    if you pass any rampant wildebeest, soapy frogs and comfy chairs send them our way!

    Also we have a screen shot meme thread that i have taken on with little (but much appreciated) help if you see anything that you think is/can be amusing but not in anyway reflects badly on our queen post it up :)

    Mr flibble accepts credit cards or paypal for donations to help fund our crusades.

    if you prove your self i will bestow upon you the orange or peach crown pic :)
This discussion has been closed.