Will Lee die at the end?
The Walking Dead game seems to be part of the comic series canon. At least in the sense that it is explaining certain things (how Shawn got into the barn for instance) that happened in the comics, along with some character background. So I got to thinking...the comics are going to continue on with not a single ending in sight, but The Walking Dead game has a definitive ending. Right? I mean TTG has said that they have plans for five episodes.
I suppose they could have a kind of ambiguous ending, but I'm wondering if it would be a more emotional and closing factor to just simply kill off Lee in a kind of heroic sacrifice (or perhaps not if you play him as a jerk).
We know that Kirkman has said that the series would still continue if he killed Rick off. Is it possible that ultimately Lee is going to meet his demise by the end of the 5th episode?
Be interesting to hear your thoughts.
Although I guess you could always have Lee die permanently in the first 5/10 minutes of the game and never restart it. LOL.
I suppose they could have a kind of ambiguous ending, but I'm wondering if it would be a more emotional and closing factor to just simply kill off Lee in a kind of heroic sacrifice (or perhaps not if you play him as a jerk).
We know that Kirkman has said that the series would still continue if he killed Rick off. Is it possible that ultimately Lee is going to meet his demise by the end of the 5th episode?
Be interesting to hear your thoughts.

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I'm honestly hoping a slight range of ending. Perhaps Lee dies as a hero. Perhaps he sacrifices everyone and gets away alone.
I am using when you talk to Kenny and he says something about that boat. Lee does remember that. Perhaps that is a clue to where the ending may be headed?( Location wise anyways)
Perhaps he steals the boat and him and Clem get away, pushing Kenny and his family into the water lol. The possibilities are entertaining to the mind.
So to answer your question... No idea on if Lee Dies or not BUT... there will likely be a second season, so there is no definitive end yet.
This....and then..
Fades to black
hears gun shot...
If they don't kill Lee...it might be intriguing to see him explore a totally different part of the United States entirely in a season 2.
Course I wonder if the Governor kills him...could explain how Lilly joins the Governor. Hmm.
or lee kills larry and she leaves in a big huff/ hissy fit...
if they dead they won't wake up
zombies are not awake...
Now this could lead to her breakdown and her running for her parents. I personally think it'd be interesting to see her run for her mother, even if she knows she's a zombie, then Lee trying to pull her away only to be bitten by Clem's mom.
And if things revert... Did it really happen? *Cue Twilight Zone introduction*
Dun dun dun.
Would be interesting then to see if Lee follows suit with what he did with that religious girl in Episode 1...and commits suicide. Kind of a twisted sort of version of "family" if you can choose to have Lee become a zombie and kind of stay with Clem in this weird undead sort of mother/daughter relationship.
But that's probably just going overboard.
I can see Lee dying though. But I also agree that if he does...it would probably be in some sort of dramatic, heroic manner that provides closure to his overall troubled storyline.
And also the option to have him kind of do something selfish and rather ridiculous that would ultimately cause the downfall of others as well. It would be interesting to play the role of a Lee that has been bitten and is growing sicker and sicker, perhaps trying to hide it from Clem and others (factoring in how much the survivors trust you?) as you try to establish the conclusion of the plot.
It would be right up the zombie genre conventions. But a bit cheap and predictable, don't you think? If Lee has to choose his life or Clem's at the end, isn't this just another Jurassic Park ending?
But it's decided already anyway. Lee dies at the end of episode 4 and we'll control Clementine in episode 5.
Careful, TTG might end up funneling us into 3 convoluted choices where Lee dies in all of them... except for the 3rd ending where you sacrifice Duck and Clem, but at the end you can see Lee take a breath before the screen goes black.
ttg will be working on ep5 and while looking at the story arc's and choice tree's:
they'll take a marker pen and cross out most of them so what all we could be left with is
lee channeling rick or hershal good ending
lee channeling shane / the guvnor bad ending
even then i'd say lee/clem/kenny/duck carly or doug will be left all the new extras will of been killed or eaten or leave (lilly/glenn)
i hope they don't but thats what i'm expecting
Rewriting the ending to be this.
lol i knew it !!
or maybe they'll show clem and lee sitting side by side overlooking a sunset with Lee badly Injured
Clementine: Lee We did it.
Lee: Yes we did.. we both did.. it's quite a view
Clementine: Best seats in the house
Lee: God feels like years since i last set down
Clementine: I think you've earned a rest.
Lee: You ever think how our lives would be diffrent if this hadn't happened?.
Clementine: I'd be in second grade now.
Lee: I never had a family never had children. Your the closest thing i've ever had to a daughter Clem. If I ever had a daughter I'd hope she'd be just like you.
Clementine: I'm not that special Lee i've made mistakes.
Lee: Your parents would be proud of you. I'm Proud of you. You did good Clem. You did good.
Clementine: Lee?
Clementine: Lee?!
*Clementine looks over and sees Lees dead and starts crying. then gets up and steps a few feet away before Lee reanimates and shoots him in the head.*
My sides are splitting from that. Take notes tell tale!
It was victorious and uplifting.
Suddenly gun fire.
Suddenly engines.
The army appears over the ridge and is cutting through the zombies like a ligtsabre throug an ewok, you are saved! Life can return to normal! The smile drops from your face and you slowly turn to see the lifeless body of the girl you could not save before you.
Fade to black.
Yeah, I've seen The Mist.
Mind.... blown. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
oh feck, andrea is in it as well, so thats 3
I'ts not weird. It's well known that Frank Darabont's friends usually works on the projects which Darabont it's involved.
Do you think Dale's death on the show was an idea from the show writers and producers? They fired Frank and the actor playing Dale said he didn't want to stay in this project anymore for what they did to his friend Frank.
Oh good, there will be a moral at the end.
Man...I keep having these weird endings in my head.
You have the Neon Genesis Evangelion ending:
Congratulations, Lee! You did it!
Yeah! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Lee!
Zomg! Congrats! It was totally worth it!
And you have the Metal Gear Solid Ending where you die/become a zombie.
Also, that water thing. Is a great idea. I makes me want to replay the first episode to make a " drink the water" and a " not drink the water" story set ups. Just in case.
I do have a feeling that Lee is going to end up alone whenever his story is finished (first five or perhaps in a second season).
Or at least that will probably be one playthrough. Whether it be a sacrifice or because no one can stand you and you are exiled from the group...I think Lee will end up alone by the end of the story to accept his "destiny."
However...to play the flip-side...
What about if he lives. How should he survive the ending? Does he find a happy little island somewhere? Does he end up on some kind of sea barge?
It would be kind of interesting if he ended up in some community...safe (temporarily?) and ended up as a character in the comic books. Kirkman could have already planned this out. And it makes a bit more sense to me if he isn't going to be killed off.
thought you'd played ep1 already ?
I did. A few times. I just honestly didn't pay any attention to the water. Never crossed my mind. I got him to drink it every time because he says he is thirsty. But now I see that is how they get you. I'm one of those people who play games and do stuff for no reason. IE. Flush all the toliets, turn on all the sinks. I usually want something cool to come from those things, but it never does. Therefore I just thought drinking the water was just something extra.
but they fact that a) lee mentions he's thirsty and thus makes the player seek out refreshment
c)spoiler ish lee doesn't mention being thirsty again if you DON'T drink it..
Searching the captains desk 50 times in the police station that type of thing?
lol or pressing the button cole trains cereal box advert ?
And yeah Cap. I really suck at playing games like Fallout or anything that has a lot of stuff to pick up. I'm a video game hoarder. I gather allllll the items. I swear when I play Diablo I have to go to town every five minutes lol.
It's like a really awful, time consuming, habit.