Go see this! It's a great movie. It's great for kids, and adults will still have a good time, especially as you pick out the different game characters floating around. It's got just the right mix of comedy with a touching story, and the last scene, oh gods. I think I shed a tear there at the end.
This is basically what I've been telling everyone since I got back from seeing it last week. It's right up there as one of my favourite movies ever, and I'm insanely picky, not liking a lot of movies that come out. It's a rare case where I see a movie that I want to turn around and watch a second time right afterwards, but this I'd love to if money weren't so scarce.
Nearly every videogame movie I've seen has been disappointing or just awful. This took that and broke it to smithereens, exceeding all my expectations. The amount of cameos was awesome and I'm sure I missed some despite trying to see everything going on. It's a movie where you're going to miss stuff in the background the first time through, like some other movies I've loved.
I really like the soundtrack of this film. I really like how they got Buckner and Garcia, the duo that made Pac-Man Fever in the 80's, to make a song for this too. The song is called Wreck-It, Wreck-It Ralph, and it's actually pretty catchy.
I also really like the J-Pop theme to Sugar Rush by AKB48, and the original orchestrated theme by Henry Jackman is really good too. There's some fun chip-tune style songs, and some orchestration with electronic sounds, it's really neat to listen to.
I am not going to read in this thread at all, because I wan't to avoid possible spoilers.
But I am in the sad predicament of living in Europe, so I won't get to see this movie in a long time and that makes me a sad panda. And when it finally get's here it might suffer from the same curse that Rise of the Guardians has right now. Every showing in every cinema is only on Danish... If there is one thing I don't want anymore, is watching animated movies translated to danish. I wan't to watch them in their native language.
But when it finally does get here, I will hunt down the even most obscure cinema to get an English showing. I can't wait as it looks really good.
It was...okay? The movie is great for the first....fourth or so. If you've watched the movie trailers, you've seen pretty much all of the major cameos, the movie itself actually spends the vast majority of its run in the "Sugar Rush" setting, which is supposed to be designed like a Japanese kart racer but honestly just feels like somebody picked up a CandyLand board, said "Do that, but with these American brand candies we've licensed", and called it a day. Once the movie hits there, it gets stuck, and goes through some obnoxiously predictable storylines.
Ralph becomes friends with a character with the intent of fulfilling some selfish goal. How do you think this will go? That's how it goes, complete with the "stop the movie for 20 minutes while we watch characters sulk for awhile" moment. Other than one well-done plot point which SHOULD be obvious but is integrated well enough that I didn't see it coming, every plotline in the entire film can be called as of a quarter of the way in, and the ride stops being fun. Silverman's character is one of those sidekicks that is supposed to grate on the main hero but ends up grating on the audience, the whole Sugar Rush world is as saccharine and lifeless as its premise, and the movie spends far too much time retreading old ground and explaining its rules so it can use them half a minute later to fulfill predictable by-committee plotlines, down to the big setpiece finale.
The movie does some cute things but also does them somewhat inconsistently. Characters in the "Fix-It Felix" universe have limited animation frames, as though they're still sprites, but Ralph and Felix seem to fade in and out of it without much reason behind it.
Agree with most of this. I thought it got boring as soon as they went to the Halo world. And those story beats of "big dumb protagonist can't do anything right and screws absolutely everything up before finally turning things around at the end thanks to love" are so damn annoying.
I really like the soundtrack of this film. I really like how they got Buckner and Garcia, the duo that made Pac-Man Fever in the 80's, to make a song for this too. The song is called Wreck-It, Wreck-It Ralph, and it's actually pretty catchy.
I also really like the J-Pop theme to Sugar Rush by AKB48, and the original orchestrated theme by Henry Jackman is really good too. There's some fun chip-tune style songs, and some orchestration with electronic sounds, it's really neat to listen to.
The soundtrack was good enough that I got it the minute I got back from the theater.
Interesting to note the lack of Epic Mickey and Kingdom Hearts characters. I mean those would have been the easiest of cameos to license.
It was rumored that Sora did get a cameo in it. I read it on the KH Wiki and the cameo is hard to see but the wiki said its during the Tapper scene when Ralph is talking to Tapper and he says he has to serve someone and it goes into the 8-bit screen showing the arcade machine, it says Sora is one of the people to walk in. But it was proven to just be a cowboy that looks like Sora.
Well finally got to see it now its out on DVD & Blu Ray here in the UK and my basic thoughts
I'm serious. It is my favourite Disney film. Not Pixar but just normal Disney. I enjoyed the cameos and actually did come back a few times and noticed ones i didn't notice like when Ralph
and the cy-bug is in the ship in Game central station,
and when they fly into Sugar Rush the ship hits Sonic and he loses his rings which i thought was a cool little joke. I also didn't feel the film was dragged down by the Sugar Rush part because this is where i felt a lot of good moments are shown. Also Dashing in a previous comment said that they moped for 20 minutes. It was around 10 minutes or less.
King Candy tricks Ralph, he destroys Vanellope's kart because he thought if gamers seen her glitching the game would be unplugged and Vanellope would be destroyed with the game. Then Ralph heads back to Fix It Felix and finds everyone gone and then sees Vanellope on Sugar Rush and he goes back to redeem himself, This all lasts about 10 minutes.
Also its not like it happened over some stupid misunderstanding and they think they hate each other, its done well, Ralph flat out admits his reasons why he did why he did and Vanellope got angry most likely knowing that King Candy was telling Ralph bullcrap.
There was actually one moment i hated about this movie and it was the nicelanders and Felix being so stupid until the last 20 minutes of the movie or so.
The reason why is because they treat Ralph like crap. I know its a main driving point of the film but my problem is even after Ralph acts and talks nicely to them and has manners everyone still treats him like dirt. Then when Ralph goes to prove the biggest asshole of the lot of them wrong, of course its his fault, not the nicelanders who treated him like shit. Then the biggest part was finally when Ralph goes back to his game and everyone other than Gene has left, of course Gene is an asshole. Ralph flat out explains he was sick of living in the dump and no one being nice to him but of course Gene just acts like a asshole and blames Ralph. HERE'S A CRAZY IDEA, MAYBE THE GUY WHO HAS SHOWN TO BE A NICE GUY HATES BEING TREATED BADLY!. SO GUESS WHAT GENIUS ITS YOUR FAULT NOT RALPH'S. Then there's finally when Ralph breaks Felix out. Felix is angry at Ralph for leaving and said that Ralph has no idea how it feels to be rejected and treated badly. (sigh) Are you serious? Was everyone being scared when Ralph just wants to come to a party for a game he's a big part of, not enough of a hint? Maybe him saying that he was sick of being treated badly in front of everyone not enough of a hint? Felix how stupid do you have to be to not see Ralph is sick of everyone in his game rejecting him?
Anyway that was the only part of the movie i hated
Other than that it was a pretty good movie in my opinion, characters were likeable and i loved the cameos and story. For people wondering my favourite moment of the film was when
The King Candy/Turbo Cy-Bug fights Ralph and grabs him and says its game over for him,Venellope, and the arcade and Ralph says that its only game over for him and he frees himself and says the bad guy speech as hes about to save everyone and Vanellope saves him.
On another note i really liked the credits where the characters going through classic games like Sonic 2 and Street Fighter.
I got the impression with the Nicelanders that they didn't want him around because Ralph has a penchant for destroying things. So even though he's being super nice and stuff, he'd just end up breaking everything just by virtue of being there. Like, there was this feeling that they used to invite him to this sort of thing, but he kept on blundering around and accidentally ruining things that they stopped asking him.
Felix seemed to be still okay with letting him in, but it felt like he was doing so because he could easily fix any of the damage Ralph caused.
The main thing I learnt from that Movie is that all Good guys are actually pretty horrible...
It is better to be a villain any day over some jumped up arrogant super hero
I'm pretty sure The Nicelanders were always assholes to Ralph, He pretty much says at the start that ever since the start he was always treated badly because he was the villain of the game while in real life he was a nice guy. But it just disgusts me how they can be so blind and stupid. Even after Ralph explains he just wanted to be treated a bit more kindly. I mean look at the cake, Everyone of them is shown in the spotlight while of course Ralph is left alone in the mud while the mud is chocolate a flavor he does not like while everyone else got their favourite flavor. Say what you want about the Sugar Rush racers but they had an actually reason for being the way they were. King Candy
Basically erased Vanellope and everyone's memories of her and Vanellope's role so much that even Vanellope could not know she was princess. In a way Taffyta and the other racers while being assholes did protect her because if Ralph had not come then it is possible that Vanellope could have glitched out and thrown herself into danger. King Candy/Turbo also most likely tricked the citizens of Sugar Rush into thinking if Vanellope raced then the game would be shut down. Also when Vanellope does turn into a princess and everyone's memories are restored they all say sorry to Vanellope right after remembering her.
The Nicelanders had completely no reason to hate Ralph and then once everything goes to shit of course its Ralph's fault but its not. If the nicelanders would have been nice to Ralph in the first place then Ralph would have no reason to have gone in search of a metal. But then again i do like how everything turns out in the end.
Because had Ralph not stopped Turbo then it could be possible that he could invade more games and take over the lead character turning the lead into a glitch.
The morale of the story is to go beyond your programming.
Everyone in the film did that by the end. Ralph did that by choosing to sacrifice himself for Vanellope. Vanellope did that by choosing to be a racer at the end, rather than a princess (and the Sugar Rush townsfolk went beyond their programming as well by allowing her to do so). The Nicelanders, including Felix, went beyond their programming by treating Ralph (and the forgotten characters) like a friend.
The whole point of the movie, though, is that it's hard to go beyond your programming, but beneficial to everyone when you do so to help other people.
That's why the Nicelanders kept treating Ralph like dirt, because they were programmed to do so. When they went beyond their programming, everything was better for everyone.
I can never watch that movie again.
(I love Christopher Loyd as the villain. Infact I love almost everything with Chrsitopher Loyd in. I wish he was my Granfpa!
...Go watch the NC review.
Oh using Team Fortress 2 references? Well two can play at that game. now go eat a Sandvich and rewatch some NC reviews.
Bonk! .....nope
Edit:I'm still pissed off that i can't see this until 2013.
Why would anybody do that. Most of them are pretty bad.
This is basically what I've been telling everyone since I got back from seeing it last week. It's right up there as one of my favourite movies ever, and I'm insanely picky, not liking a lot of movies that come out. It's a rare case where I see a movie that I want to turn around and watch a second time right afterwards, but this I'd love to if money weren't so scarce.
Nearly every videogame movie I've seen has been disappointing or just awful. This took that and broke it to smithereens, exceeding all my expectations. The amount of cameos was awesome and I'm sure I missed some despite trying to see everything going on. It's a movie where you're going to miss stuff in the background the first time through, like some other movies I've loved.
I also really like the J-Pop theme to Sugar Rush by AKB48, and the original orchestrated theme by Henry Jackman is really good too. There's some fun chip-tune style songs, and some orchestration with electronic sounds, it's really neat to listen to.
But I am in the sad predicament of living in Europe, so I won't get to see this movie in a long time and that makes me a sad panda. And when it finally get's here it might suffer from the same curse that Rise of the Guardians has right now. Every showing in every cinema is only on Danish... If there is one thing I don't want anymore, is watching animated movies translated to danish. I wan't to watch them in their native language.
But when it finally does get here, I will hunt down the even most obscure cinema to get an English showing. I can't wait as it looks really good.
Agree with most of this. I thought it got boring as soon as they went to the Halo world. And those story beats of "big dumb protagonist can't do anything right and screws absolutely everything up before finally turning things around at the end thanks to love" are so damn annoying.
The soundtrack was good enough that I got it the minute I got back from the theater.
It was rumored that Sora did get a cameo in it. I read it on the KH Wiki and the cameo is hard to see but the wiki said its during the Tapper scene when Ralph is talking to Tapper and he says he has to serve someone and it goes into the 8-bit screen showing the arcade machine, it says Sora is one of the people to walk in. But it was proven to just be a cowboy that looks like Sora.
Wreck-it Ralph wiki which says it was proven false:http://wreckitralph.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_cameos_in_Wreck-It_Ralph
I'm serious. It is my favourite Disney film. Not Pixar but just normal Disney. I enjoyed the cameos and actually did come back a few times and noticed ones i didn't notice like when Ralph
Also its not like it happened over some stupid misunderstanding and they think they hate each other, its done well, Ralph flat out admits his reasons why he did why he did and Vanellope got angry most likely knowing that King Candy was telling Ralph bullcrap.
There was actually one moment i hated about this movie and it was the nicelanders and Felix being so stupid until the last 20 minutes of the movie or so.
Other than that it was a pretty good movie in my opinion, characters were likeable and i loved the cameos and story. For people wondering my favourite moment of the film was when
On another note i really liked the credits where the characters going through classic games like Sonic 2 and Street Fighter.
Felix seemed to be still okay with letting him in, but it felt like he was doing so because he could easily fix any of the damage Ralph caused.
It is better to be a villain any day over some jumped up arrogant super hero
The whole point of the movie, though, is that it's hard to go beyond your programming, but beneficial to everyone when you do so to help other people.