Telltale Games Forums Secret Santa 2.5 - The Summer-ing LE BIG REVEAL!



  • edited July 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    I wanted to send my target Secret Of The Magic Crystals at first but then I remembered that it actually is a really good and addicting game that I had to stop playing before the accumulated playtime would stain my Steamaccount in the eyes of others.

    I have something else in mind for that user. But that will have to wait for a flashsale (I doubt it will get a daily deal).

    Two people already had me send out that game as a gag actually.
  • edited July 2012
    Two people already had me send out that game as a gag actually.

    These people should reconsider that. Behind the ponies and unicorns lies a realy good game.
    Not like Bad Rats or the game I am going to send out. :cool:
  • edited July 2012
    Dream Journal - 1971(Sun)

    February 5th, 1971

    Last night I fell out of bed twice. Waves fell gently on some faraway beach. The moon started pulling me towards it. I became the sun, swimming lazily across the sky. I was a star - everyone loved me. I saw my heart leave my body. I wonder what tomorrow night will bring me?

    February 6th, 1971

    Night terrors again! This one was quite bad. I was a star - everyone loved me. In my dream the sun was blindingly bright. I saw a pale laughing moon. Waves fell gently on some faraway beach. I was a heart, beating inside a stranger's body. I can't tell the difference between dream and reality anymore.

    April 9th, 1971

    Last night's dream left a bad taste in my mouth. Something knocked me out - I could see stars. I was a heart, beating inside a stranger's body. The ocean was still - not a wave in sight. I strongly recall something odd about the moon. As I wandered further, the sun started to set. I have to say, it feels better having written this down.

    April 10th, 1971

    I swear my dreams are getting stranger! My heart was racing, I couldn't stop it. The stars turned on me. Suddenly a wave formed, out of thin air. I remember that the sun had a strange tint of blue. The moon was there but the rest of the sky was missing. Promising results so far. I look forward to my journey.

    April 13th, 1971

    Last night I stumbled into a nightmare world. I saw a tiny, grey boulder: the remnants of my fossilized heart. A great wave rose from deep below. I saw a laughing gibbus moon with rotten maggot teeth. I was a star - everyone loved me. In my dream a gigantic sun swallowed the earth. I'm sure I'm on the threshold of virgin territory.

    May 13th, 1971

    I had a foreboding dream last night. In my dream the sun was blindingly bright. My heart was racing, I couldn't stop it. I walked across the face of a star. The waves of dream had taken me too far. Suddenly the moon fell from the sky. I can't tell the difference between dream and reality anymore.

    June 15th, 1971

    I'm stil shaken up from last night's dream. Suddenly the moon fell from the sky. The ocean was still - not a wave in sight. A single star shone over a house. My heart was racing, I couldn't stop it. I was frightened by the fact that the sun was missing. I tremble the thought of these unholy dimensions.
  • edited July 2012

    Anno 2070 Collection
    Alter Ego
    Still Life Collection
    Post Mortem
  • edited July 2012

    Dream Journal - 1971(Sun)


    Damnit, Dashing!

    must.... resist.... Steam Wallet... so full.....

    Somehow held out again.
  • edited July 2012
    Dream Journal - 1971(Sun)
    Are you still puzzled? :D
    writing down the whole book may not even be that helpful.
    You found something though.
  • edited July 2012


  • edited July 2012

    It wasn't. I got it in like 5 minutes.:D
  • edited July 2012
    Dream realm! Okay! I know what I'm supposed to do, what with the whole circumventing the normal laws of geographic space and all! Fixed some hearing, fixed some speaking, eyesight is proving to be a bit of a problem. Not sure why he cares so much about being able to see things, considering he's dead, but whatever.
  • edited July 2012
    Oh! I solved that one.

    You need to look for some lenses.

    (Also stamps and paper helped me solve the problem you were on Dashing! XD)

    The second clue

    Try to remember what you did for the nail

    The two puzzles after this one are quite tough.
    (I had to get help on the last puzzle of the chapter. But its obvious once explained! XD (I had the idea there, but I missed something blaringly obvious staring in my face!)

    EDIT: I'm quite badly stuck on chapter 3.
    Its the sort of puzzle I'm not great at.
    I'm sure I'll figure it out tonight (or tomorrow), though.

    I will have to say, this is a good adventure game. Not legendary but the visual art style and refreshing puzzles make it an enjoyable romp.
    (It could do with being just a little more slower-paced, a little deeper (character development-wise) and more developed and longer, but its episodic and its still very well made, so I honestly can't complain! XD)
  • edited July 2012

    Still Life Bundle
    The Dream Machine
    Payday: The Heist
    Portal 2
    Portal 2: Final Hours
    Breath of Death VII
    Cthulu Saves the World
    Gotham City Impostors
    Civ III
  • edited July 2012
    Santa was very good to me this summer! I got:


    Thank you very much Santa. I look forward to playing each of these games soon!
  • edited July 2012
    That's a lot of money that was put in those games.
  • edited July 2012
    My Santa got me Civ 3 and Gotham City Imposters. Thanks!
  • edited July 2012

    I was being REALLY dumb. I knew that the puzzle revolved around
    getting the lenses out of the glasses
    , but I didn't realize that I could just
    LOOK at the them and pop the lenses out
    , so I ended up using them on everything in the dreamscape before finally going through. After that, I had trouble subverting the laws of geographical reality because I didn't realize that everyone had to have their senses fixed first, and I had ripped the innards of the father's ear out trying to figure out the eyesight puzzle. Not sure why the broken rules of dream geography break even more when Dad can't hear, but whatever. Once I gave him his ear back, I found my way to Morton.

    A bunch of exposition and a puzzle I'd figured out in Chapter 1 later and....




    Top left, top left, bottom left, bottom right, bottom right, top right.






  • edited July 2012






    This one... this one was mean. Good luck finding that one out.
    If you see it you'll shit bricks.

    @ Retro: no real hints this time unless Rather asks for them.
  • edited July 2012
    I got nothing from my santa yet...
  • edited July 2012
    I got nothing from my santa yet...

    Well we are in the same boat then.:D
  • edited July 2012

    Dragon Age Origins
    Legend of Grimrock
    Gotham City Impostors

    I'm sensing a trend...
  • edited July 2012
  • edited July 2012
    *Somebody* is happy.

    By the way, I got my gift- the Indie Pack #2. Super excited for Botanicula.
  • edited July 2012
    Aaaaand... Assassins Creed Brotherhood sent.
  • edited July 2012
    I got nothing from my santa yet...

    Yours was sent on day 1. Check your Gmail account that you gave me to sign up for the Santa.
  • edited July 2012
    I just got my gifts. OH MAH GAWD!!! Thank you kind mysterious person, thank you so much!!
  • edited July 2012
    I just got my gifts. OH MAH GAWD!!! Thank you kind mysterious person, thank you so much!!

    Ooh,what did you get?
  • edited July 2012
    Dragon Age: Origins & Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I'm very: happy!
  • edited July 2012
    Dragon Age: Origins & Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I'm very: happy!

    Wow, you got a great santa!!
  • edited July 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    Wow, you got a great santa!!

    Tell me about it!
  • edited July 2012
    Yours was sent on day 1. Check your Gmail account that you gave me to sign up for the Santa.

    *checks and facepalms* got it. Indie bundle 2...nice.
  • edited July 2012

  • edited July 2012
    Is it too late to join in?
  • edited July 2012
    TentuZero wrote: »
    Is it too late to join in?

    Yup, sorry. Try again during Secret Santa 3 this December, though!
  • edited July 2012
    It's 5 am over here but I could not be happier.


    I just got the Borderlands GOTY edition from my Secret Summer Sale Santa (TM).
    I would have never bought it my self because that would have given me a horribly censored version of the game.

    Thank you.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 2012
    I received my gifts, and I'm extremely happy with them. :D Thank you very, very much secret santa!
  • edited July 2012
    Botanicula is AMAZING. DANKE!!!!
  • edited July 2012
    Botanicula is AMAZING. DANKE!!!!

    As of right now, it's my GOTY. Also, judging by your spontaneous use of German, was your Santa ketzer, by chance?

    On a completely unrelated note, my friends and I do a completely unrelated Secret Santa and I got a copy of the Dream machine. I'm completely baffled, but it's very satisfying.
  • edited July 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    As of right now, it's my GOTY. Also, judging by your spontaneous use of German, was your Santa ketzer, by chance?
    Yes. I was. Not so secret though.
    ted12 wrote: »
    On a completely unrelated note, my friends and I do a completely unrelated Secret Santa and I got a copy of the Dream machine. I'm completely baffled, but it's very satisfying.
    and it looks amazing.
  • edited July 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Yes. I was. Not so secret though.

    and it looks amazing.

    On the plus side, I was able to solve the book puzzle Dashing was stuck on reasonably quickly. The only thing that held me up was finding the ink and the stamp.
  • edited July 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    On the plus side, I was able to solve the book puzzle Dashing was stuck on reasonably quickly. The only thing that held me up was finding the ink and the stamp.
    I actually found those quite quickly. I had everything in my inventory and all the books and everything, but I was so stuck on trying to find a pattern or code in the books that I didn't realize that
    the stamped paper provided the solution.
    I don't even know WHY the answer was there, it doesn't really make much logical sense to me.
  • edited July 2012
    Well it's the adventure rule #1 combine everything.
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