How many of you guessed the whole thing out?
I "guessed" the whole thing
So 2 guys are coming down the road. And they don't exactly look threatening.. They just want some gas and they're offering food in exchange.
Considering the only thing the group was missing - or at least the #1 ergency- was food, sure let's make a deal. BUT
why should anyone from our group leave to go to the farm? You go back to your farm, bring some food and we give you the gas. We don't know these people, maybe there is no farm at all or they have no food. Right there it was a deal breaker and bad news for me. But all the rest of the group was like let's get going.
And then you go towards the farm and you see the bandits. For a minute there I thought I figured it all wrong and that the 2 guys were bandits as well.
But anyway we get at the farm. They don't let you see the barn before you check the fence (fine), but they also don't let you in the house;
Now why i said "guess" instead of guess. It's a scenario that I have seen before in media, for example the movie
Now that I laid these out I'm thinking that they could have avoid making you so suspicious. I mean why not let you in the house when you arrive? Mark is not hurt, no other victim is in there... why not..? It didn't had to be the whole house either, just 1 room. With these in place, the locked door is just the confirmation. You don't even have to open it, you're sure these people are bad news and you know exactly the kind..
I "guessed" the whole thing
So 2 guys are coming down the road. And they don't exactly look threatening.. They just want some gas and they're offering food in exchange.
Considering the only thing the group was missing - or at least the #1 ergency- was food, sure let's make a deal. BUT
why should anyone from our group leave to go to the farm? You go back to your farm, bring some food and we give you the gas. We don't know these people, maybe there is no farm at all or they have no food. Right there it was a deal breaker and bad news for me. But all the rest of the group was like let's get going.
And then you go towards the farm and you see the bandits. For a minute there I thought I figured it all wrong and that the 2 guys were bandits as well.
But anyway we get at the farm. They don't let you see the barn before you check the fence (fine), but they also don't let you in the house;
Now why i said "guess" instead of guess. It's a scenario that I have seen before in media, for example the movie
the road
Now that I laid these out I'm thinking that they could have avoid making you so suspicious. I mean why not let you in the house when you arrive? Mark is not hurt, no other victim is in there... why not..? It didn't had to be the whole house either, just 1 room. With these in place, the locked door is just the confirmation. You don't even have to open it, you're sure these people are bad news and you know exactly the kind..
This discussion has been closed.
then mark was no where to be found brenda fobbed me off..
I didn't guess they were cannibals, though, until right up when Mark says not to eat the dinner. I thought the lady's "dead" husband was in the house, and they were stealing organs or something for him. When I saw the box with old clothes and IV bags in it, I thought they were stealing blood for the husband. I still don't quite get why they would even have needed IV bags, I guess to keep people alive as long as possible to get more meat?
Btw, for cannibals, these people were stupid. As the group is.
We send 2 people and there's 3 of them. They should have divided Mark & Lee, take them down and have a feast. The rest of the group has no idea were the farm is; And even if they send someone to scout and found the farm, make some bs excuse, invite them in and repeat the routine.
They only eat those that are dieing anyway, or something like that.
Oh yeah, the part where they visit the old couples house right. That reminded me of it.
Just because of the nature of the game I had red flags coming up as soon as the St. John's came to the motel. I think I started suspecting something was off when Brenda said all the farmhands left, and after talking to Danny after he shot Jolene, and Brenda's refusal to let me see Mark, I guessed that it could be an possible explanation. It wasn't until the bloody room that I was 100% sure the St. John's were cannibals.
Plus when people start acting ridiculously nice and speak in creepy voices you can't help but get the jitters.
Well that's what they said they do but:
1) How was Mark dying? If I remeber right he only got an arrow near the shoulder area, correct? I doubt that one could die from this. It's not like he was shot in the chest area. And they even had medical supplies (just for the wrong reasons)
2) They don't seem to have a problem killing someone (Jolene). And he was like 'nice that I got to use the gun today' on top of it.
3) They are so creepy when talking about the food and how awesome it will
So yeah.. I don't buy it
The cannablism was sooo easy to predict.. as soon as she wouldn't let me go in the house to check on Mark I figured he was going to be up there legless (I'm sure the comic readers *SPOILERISH* remember what happened to Dale!), and that's what was gonna be for dinner. My little trip with weird gun brother (honestly I didn't bother remember which was Danny and which was Andy lol) just confirmed my suspicion of them, and I kept wondering when I was going to get the option to just get my group the fuck out of there! They gave us so many hints, only a dimwit would stay there! I tried being up-front about it. "What's in the barn?" "Do you have a screw driver?" so on so on lol
When you get to the farm, its obviously "too good to be true" (and so it probably is.) I wondered immediately how they could "trade" enough for the gas they needed.
I guessed they were cannibals as soon as I spoke to the mother -- I mean, the *very first time* (I was certain as I could be without experiencing the rest of the story.) I didn't like her face either.
The rest of what happened was just confirming what I knew (or "suspected", to be technically precise). What the bandits were yelling when they attacked you: "Give us our food", the mother's refusal to let you see Mark, the crazy lady: "I KNOW what you are!" and so on and so forth.
I enjoyed myself, but I was expecting better after episode 1. And I wished they hadn't
IV bags make bleeding victims die faster.
-I could not see Mark
After I ended up shooting the woman in the forest:
-Found the bloody clothes in the barn
-Leaving the conversation with Danny:
---Lee: I'll go and wait for supper
---Danny: It'll be a good one *THAT STARE*
Then it just clicked and i understood what was going on.
1) The guys tried to kill you (by turning on the fence)
2) The crazy lady implies they're hiding something
"You can't see Mark right now, you have to take my word for it, he's fine and needs to rest" "the diner will be ready soon"
and of course the thing that sold it for me was Danny saying with an evil smile on his face "be ready, the super is gonna be REAAAAAL good".
So before you break into the barn, you know that : they are murderers, there will be something special about the diner, Mark had a ridiculous injury and yet can't be seen
I thought we would find him without his arm off (since he was shot in it) and was kinda surprised it ended up being the legs.
probably would have been a better twist if they weren't cannibals; and actually wanted gas in trade of food.
Either of those things would have resulted in him not even being able to walk like he does and the ruptured aorta especially would be death in minutes. They were going to eat you and turned on the fence to arrange your deaths. Their "They were going to die anyway" line pretty much refers to their belief that "Well, you will probably get killed eventually anyway and since you were all starving you were gonna die..." It's bollocks in short, an excuse that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Their whole plan lacks an endgame too, they were just focusing on surviving at the expense of anyone else.
I did play around with the idea the bandits were the farmhands.
he was just shot in the shoulder, it wasn't that serious. he probably could have pulled it out and survived. i assume they took him upstairs, got him completely drugged off morphine; fixed his arrow wound, then cut off his legs.
Enough to defend ourselves
Hearing about their deals with the bandits also made me quite alert.
In the wood, when the other guy shoot the crazy woman, I knew that they're up to something. And when the lady didn't let me see Mark, I wanted to grab a gun and shoot them all, but the game didn't allow it.
So ... I thought that they might be dangerous at the beginning and then my suspicions just grew stronger. But I didn't expect what they were doing, until I've seen the slaughterhouse in the barn. That was really quite surprising.
But in the end I didn't kill the brothers. I thought that the walkers or bandits would get them as wounded as they were. That seemed to be a good solution and you don't make your hands dirty in front of the kids and can actually play the good guy.
That's why I stayed away from the forums before the release of Ep. 2. Sucks that you have to read them though.
But I knew there would be a twist somewhere - it was too good to be true that there is a thriving farm in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. I thought perhaps they might have been killing people off to prevent competition in terms of food sources, hence the traps and the bloody clothes in the barn. There was a slight suspicion that they kill people for sport. Very slight, mind you - the whole set-up reminded me of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I didn't think they would actually EAT poor Mark, and kept him alive to do so! That was a shocker. I knew they were creepy, but I didn't see that part coming at all.
1. The family wanting to feed everyone in our group was suspicious. As if the group was going to be fattened up for eating.
2. I thought the suggested abundance of food was strange. This was a dairy farm, not a crop or meat farm.
3. The bandits making references to trades, but not specifically mentioning gasoline made me think that people must have been traded.
Also, analyse the general story. There was a famine, a giant house in a forest clearing, a welcoming larger mother figure and the promise of food. Hansel and Gretel anyone? :P Even Katja was kept separate from Lee's group, like Gretel and Hansel. And, although not in chronological order, there was a bird and bread in the beginning of the story.
All the questions about camp security, number of people in the group, who's in charge, etc. didn't help. Likewise for the fact they wanted us to go back to the farm with them.
Then of course there's the fact the Dairy's operational and able to produce enough food to feed everybody with only one cow, that was another big red flag, likewise for the fact that the only survivors on the farm belong to one family.
Then there's the outright lie about turning on the fence "oh, I heard you yell and give me the all clear", the fence turned on right before the bandit attack, not after... and at the instant Lee and Mark were on the other side of it to boot.
Not being able to go into the house to see or help with the dinner preparation, visit Mark, or go near the barn unsupervised kinda clinched it for the "they're eating people" theory.
- I wasn't suspicious about dinner cause I'd seen all their crops out back and thought we'd just be eating vegetables.
- I didn't key in to what Jolene was rambling about, just thought she was crazy and I was a bit focused on the crossbow.
- I didn't notice Danny was sitting by the swing and didn't get to have that creepy conversation with him.
- Andy's explanation for the bloody tool room seemed like it could have had merit.
- I haven't read the comics and so I'm not quite conditioned to the "if its too good to be true it isn't nature".
And personally I think that made it better for me. I imagine keying into it alongside Lee felt way creepier and atmospheric than guessing it from the start.
With Kenny being somewhat irrational I didn't even make Lee check the barn. I was going to, had Andy outside, got the mulit-tool and everything.
Then I thought maybe it was all a misunderstanding, and I was going to screw everything up for the group and boy was I wrong. That will teach me to second guess my instincts.