The 'stuff Telltale said they'd do' list
There are a number of things over the years that Telltale have said they would do but for whatever reasons haven't gotten around to yet, so I thought it would be good to compile a list for easy reference. Hopefully, with mutterings and grumpiness, we can finally start seeing some of these things get done.
Things Telltale said they would do and haven't:
Release Sam & Max season 1 and Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures on Mac. [LINK]
Update the Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal download to the version with Earl Boen as LeChuck. [LINK]
Upgrade the forums.
Edit, stuff added:
Upgrade PC version of The Devil's Playhouse to include NutriSpecs. [LINK]
Release Puzzle Agent on WiiWare. [LINK]
Release Hector and Puzzle Agent 2 on PSN. [LINK1] [LINK2]
Release remaining The Devil's Playhouse episodes on iPad. [LINK]
Create official walkthroughs for Episodes 2-5 of The Devil's Playhouse.
Things Telltale haven't said they would do but should:
Fix Hector episode one subtitles.
Fix Jurassic Park frame rate issues.
Release Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse soundtrack (in physical or digital format).
Edit, stuff added:
Move support for their Playstation games.
Make SBCG4AP for iOS.
Release remaining Wallace and Gromit episodes on iPad.
Now, this thread is more about tying up current loose-ends than hoping for stuff in the future so I'm not going to put down, for example, Strong Bad season 2 or any other game season 2 under 'Things Telltale haven't said they would do but should'. There are other threads for those sorts of requests. I'm also going to refrain from adding snide remarks like 'add gameplay to BttF', because this isn't the place for that.
Now, the current list is just comprised of things off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more and I'll update the list as we go. For the 'Things Telltale said they would do and haven't' section it would be nice to have a link to where Telltale actually said they would do the thing in question. (I can't find a quote where they said they were going to upgrade the forums, but I know it's around.)
Things Telltale said they would do and haven't:
Release Sam & Max season 1 and Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures on Mac. [LINK]
Update the Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal download to the version with Earl Boen as LeChuck. [LINK]
Upgrade the forums.
Edit, stuff added:
Upgrade PC version of The Devil's Playhouse to include NutriSpecs. [LINK]
Release Puzzle Agent on WiiWare. [LINK]
Release Hector and Puzzle Agent 2 on PSN. [LINK1] [LINK2]
Release remaining The Devil's Playhouse episodes on iPad. [LINK]
Create official walkthroughs for Episodes 2-5 of The Devil's Playhouse.
Things Telltale haven't said they would do but should:
Fix Hector episode one subtitles.
Fix Jurassic Park frame rate issues.
Release Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse soundtrack (in physical or digital format).
Edit, stuff added:
Move support for their Playstation games.
Make SBCG4AP for iOS.
Release remaining Wallace and Gromit episodes on iPad.
Now, this thread is more about tying up current loose-ends than hoping for stuff in the future so I'm not going to put down, for example, Strong Bad season 2 or any other game season 2 under 'Things Telltale haven't said they would do but should'. There are other threads for those sorts of requests. I'm also going to refrain from adding snide remarks like 'add gameplay to BttF', because this isn't the place for that.
Now, the current list is just comprised of things off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more and I'll update the list as we go. For the 'Things Telltale said they would do and haven't' section it would be nice to have a link to where Telltale actually said they would do the thing in question. (I can't find a quote where they said they were going to upgrade the forums, but I know it's around.)
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NutriSpecs on PC.
If you can find me a link where they said that they will do that I'll post it
They didn't put in on the forum cos you know how jealous some people get.
...Dammit put the Season 3 soundtrack out.
Thread? We have whole forums.
As for serious things, Telltale said they would release Puzzle Agent 1 on WiiWare and never did.
Right now, you lazy bums!
The other guy sounds too much like Screech.
Hector and Puzzle Agent 2 on PSN
Remaining Devil's Playhouse and Wallace and Gromit episodes on iPad
Nutri-Specs on PC
Official walkthroughs for Episodes 2-5 of The Devil's Playhouse
Oh, and this last one only half-counts because it was never officially announced, but SBCG4AP on iOS. Poker Night's sound files contained Strong Bad repeating lines from SBCG4AP's tutorial with PS3/iOS controls. Sure enough, a PS3 port happened, but it seems the plans to put it on iOS fizzled out.
This reminds me, did Telltale ever finish releasing all the Wallace and Gromit episodes on 360? I remember they released one or two episodes and then just stopped.
Edit: Never mind, looks like they are all out on 360.
Releasing the soundtracks to their other games. I know they released one for Bone, but how about a soundtrack release for walking dead and Puzzle agent(and its sequel).
I wasn't going to go nuts asking for soundtracks. TDP feels like unfinished business though, what with the music in Sam & Max being so good and the fact that season's 1 and 2 had (much loved) soundtracks.
Did they? Well I missed that. The only difference I see is that spoiler tags are now black instead of white. I guess I was expecting something more... dramatic.
Wrong. This is still the same cobbled-together forum it's always been. I don't know what that scheduled downtime we had a few months ago was for, but the new site hasn't been rolled out yet.
TellTale, please keep not doing that. I don't think it would be fair to lose Adam Harrington's version.
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse soundtrack is a MUST, though.
That's what I thought. I mean weren't they saying that early this year they were going to do a complete site overhaul?
Edit: I can't find any link where Telltale says they plan to release all of Wallace & Gromit on iPad, only that they will release The Last Resort, which they have, so I've moved that into the 'Things Telltale haven't said they would do but should' list.
Make Tom a mod.
We don't want them to redo the whole thing.
The last word I remember hearing on that was that Android devices are too varied for Telltale to be looking into it right now. I'd find the forum post, but I can't remember who said it or where. I know it was more recent than that article, though.
Edit: Nope, guess I was wrong. Someone from TTG said it somewhere though.
A Scribblenauts-style program where you can write out fairy tales and it will show them happening.
We haven't heard anything about that since.