If there was a zombie apocalypse...



  • edited August 2012
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Yeah but as a paramedic, would you go into work knowing that it's the zombie apocalypse? Or would you refuse to believe that it could be zombies, and go into work anyway?
    What choice would a paramedic have at the time? His job is to help people that are still alive. As Nokando described, he would have taken a living person on board his ambulance...

    And really, who would get a real Zombie apocalypse at first? Everybody would think of a biological or chemical terrorist act.

    I'm sure, I would.
  • edited August 2012
    ...There's no "scream like a school-girl and run around in circles" option?
  • edited August 2012
    There is no complain on the forums about it option?
  • edited August 2012
    I'll login to The Walking Dead Telltale forum and ask you guys what to do..
  • edited August 2012
    Lucas_23 wrote: »
    I'll login to The Walking Dead Telltale forum and ask you guys what to do..

    yeah, i think it would be well into the apocalypse before i actually thought i would have to do anything, i would just be watching it on the internet waiting for it all to blow over, it wouldn't be until i saw a zombie eat a person or at least confirmed it happened in my area that i would actually take some action
  • edited August 2012
    What choice would a paramedic have at the time? His job is to help people that are still alive. As Nokando described, he would have taken a living person on board his ambulance...

    And really, who would get a real Zombie apocalypse at first? Everybody would think of a biological or chemical terrorist act.

    I'm sure, I would.
    True, even people who want a zombie apocalypse to happen, won't believe it at first.
  • edited August 2012
    I wonder how long the internet would last... a day?
  • edited August 2012
    ou7shined wrote: »
    I wonder how long the internet would last... a day?

    well that depends on the convoluted story to make the zombie apocalypse happen
  • edited August 2012
    ou7shined wrote: »
    I wonder how long the internet would last... a day?
    I guess as long as the powergrid would be up and running, providing the servers with power.

    From what I've read, the problem about that would be the power plants. Nuclear power plants shut off very quickly if there was no personnal around, coal powered plants would last longer as their safety measures aren't as tight.

    More interesting would obviously be wind, water and solar powered power plants. Those could keep on working for a very long time until they eventually break.

    Again there is a problem though, as the powergrid would shut down if it ran on undervoltage for too long. So as soon as all large nuclear and coal power plants went offline, there is not enough (calculated) power to be delivered to the customers and the grid would shut down. Now the wind, water and solar plants couldn't get rid of their power and eventually shut down as well, waiting for the power grid to leech their fully charged batteries. This would of course never happen, so that is (very simplified) when the internet would go down. ;)
  • edited August 2012
    i would find alot of food, go to my local mall head to game stop and wait for the zombie outbreak to be taken care of...so while i wait i play The Walking Dead Episodes 1-5.
  • edited August 2012
    i would find alot of food, go to my local mall head to game stop and wait for the zombie outbreak to be taken care of...so while i wait i play The Walking Dead Episodes 1-5.

    assuming the place has power/doesn't run out of power/ you have a portable generator/ the genny doesn't run out of gas/if you have a windup genny/you have the strength to wind the genny up/ you can find and install a solar panel/ the sun is out.

    and you assume ttg completes the game before a ZA...
  • edited January 2013
    bump :)
    Cheers, my friend. :cool:

    Hm, first action I'd do is go into my kitchen and get as many knives as possible. I might as well get my baseball bat out of the shed as well. I don't know if I'd go get my friends or board up my house though. If I'd survive long enough I could probably use my old elementary school as a base, of sorts. It'd literally be the perfect area come a zombie apocalypse, walkers would simply be incapable of getting me. The roof is just low enough that I could reliably get up and down but also just high enough that walkers couldn't get up. With all the houses that are around the school I could easily get supplies. Coincidentally there's also a field used to grow agricultural products that is situated very, very close to the school (literally right next to it). There's also a fence, although admittedly quite dinky, around the area. The inside of the school locks up well, the windows are all chained, and there's furniture for sleeping inside as well. Given time my group may be capable of going to the stores that are just 4-6 blocks down from there to get more supplies.

    Only problem would be the amount of walkers that might be there. Although with the right amount of people it would make an excellent spot for a more long term solution.

    Although with my parents they'd probably want to do something dumb that gets us all killed. It'd be similar to how in The Walking Dead everyone said to go to Atlanta to be safe. My parents would follow some dumb directions like those and we'll all die.
    Run around in a blind panic.
    Beatrice? Is that you?!
  • edited January 2013
    >Find Family and friends
    Too forever alone.

    >Go out and search for supplies.
    Too dangerous for now.

    >Lock all the doors and board up the windows.
    Best decision in my opinion.

    >Grab your rifle and go up onto the roof.
    Don't have one.

    >Get in your car and drive to the nearest military base.
    Will probably be crowded with desperate people thus a honeypot for walkers.
  • edited January 2013
    I'd probably rethink my life and choices and think: "Well, if zombies exist, there are probably gobllins and demons out there as well!"
    And then I'd probably become a Christian.
  • edited January 2013
    Find family and close friends first, then board up the house.
    Imagine all the teenagers losing it because there will be no internet for a LONG time xD
  • edited January 2013
    I live a few blocks from a national guard armory. I usually laugh when I drive by, thinking this is the first place I'm going. Lots of humvees and fitted jeeps sitting behind a fence, and I'd like to think its not the hardest place to break into- but my luck it would be. I have a go pack, survival pack complete with machette and axe, and a few weapons. I would grab these, stock my truck with water, check out the armory, and then head west for the mountains.
  • edited January 2013
    I would get everyone together and start forming a survival group. Everyone of them know practical skills to help in a zombie apocalypse. I would probably become even more violent than now in a zombie apocalypse.
  • edited January 2013
    Before encountering a zombie for the first time, It would be more likely that we saw the news report first. I'm kind of paranoid, so, just in case, i keep a Swiss Army knife in my room, and two sharp meat knives in the kitchen. If a zombie somehow appears out of the nowhere (Sandra), I could grab one of them and kill it. Besides, there's a lot of vases and plates i could smash in its head. I'd probably die if it grabs me, though.

    I live with my grandparents, mother, and housekeeper, and one of my cousins lives with his parents not too far away from our house (a a couple of distant great aunts & uncles live in the same city as well). There was an earthquake here three years ago, and we all ended up meeting at our place, I'm guessing the same would happen in a zombie apocalypse, or any other kind of zombie apocalypse.

    There are four supermarkets about ten blocks away from my home, and with the supplies we got in our larder, food wouldn't be a problem for the first week/s (My grandmother always keeps an emergency-larder with nonperishable like egumes and pastas, and some canned goods). Since we are faster, me and my cousin would go raid them, only if other people already started raiding, though. There's an awful lot of tiny stores that we could raid once there's nothing left in the supermarkets. Most of my neighbors are eldery, and have relatives in other cities, I'm pretty sure half of my neighbors wouldn't survive, or travel to somewhere else. My next door neighbors are frightened by everything, they won't make it past the first days without help.

    All of the first floor windows are protected with iron fences stuck to the wall, and there's a steady concrete fence surrounding our garden, depot and backyard. Blocking the fence gate might be a problem, since it isn't as steady as the rest of the fence; you can practically kick the fence open. There's also the fact that there's a hill right behind our house, it could get zombie-infested pretty fast, they still wouldn't be able to get in, though. In case our house gets surrounded by walkers, we could just go to other houses jumping fences without the walkers noticing.

    Seriously now, I'd die in the first days of the outbreak.
  • edited January 2013
    Well..My best friend,and also only friend who I can trust and who isn't a duckfacing freak,lives in another country. And my family (including me) would probably die within first 10 minutes of outbreak,but If I somehow survived,I'll just sit in my room and play GTA until power goes off..And then,I should hide under my blanket with my cats and bunny and hope it wont last long,or I'll probably end up like Fivel :)
  • edited January 2013
    cnaf wrote: »
    I live a few blocks from a national guard armory. I usually laugh when I drive by, thinking this is the first place I'm going. Lots of humvees and fitted jeeps sitting behind a fence, and I'd like to think its not the hardest place to break into- but my luck it would be. I have a go pack, survival pack complete with machette and axe, and a few weapons. I would grab these, stock my truck with water, check out the armory, and then head west for the mountains.

    Very bad idea during a potential or actual crisis, unless you actually belong there.

    I was part of the guard detail for our reserve center during the whole silly Y2K scare; we had a couple of MG's covering each entrance (including the motorpool) as well as quite a few guys with rifles out there. The guard armory next door did much the same. If somebody ignored the warnings and got too close to the building, our orders were to shoot them dead.

    That New Year's Eve sucked.
  • edited January 2013
    Find Family and friends < I suppose.

    Go out and search for supplies. < Not one of the first things I'd do.

    Lock all the doors and board up the windows. < I would, but somewhere where's more protection.

    Grab your rifle and go up onto the roof. < Don't have one.

    Get in your car and drive to the nearest military base. < Pretty far away.

    Overall, I'd get the one(s) that I most treasure to a safe place and keep them safe, in my best and theirs interest too.
  • edited January 2013
    Phil_TWD wrote: »

    Grab your rifle and go up onto the roof. < Don't have one.>

    I know it's pretty normal for Americans to have a gun in the house, even after the latest schoolshooting, but I think for most 'rich Western' countries it's usually the 'weird' people who own a gun or even have one in the house.
    The thought of owning a rifle is just crazy to me.
  • edited January 2013
    Lol I live in an apartment, the seventh floor and the entire building is filled with ex Military Soldiers and 3 State Generals lol. We would lock the building well and barricade the windows.
  • edited January 2013
    I live in a country where majority of houses have walls, barbed wire, electric fencing and that's on one property. Most houses have barred windows on all windows and many residents prefer to have security gates on their doors as well as solid wooden doors. How much worse could a zombie apoc get? :D

    Seriously though if by some miracle I survived my first encounter i'm heading home to leave a message painted on the wall in the code I have discussed with my brother, and then I'm getting to wherever the hell people are not to let the first wave of looting, rioting and murdering end. I'm more terrified of what normal people are capable of than being eaten by a zombie.
  • edited January 2013
    It could go 1 of 2 ways.

    1. Scream, FanGirling, Kidnap little girl and change her name to clementine.

    2. Scream, FanGirling, Freaks the **** out when actually sees Zombies, Dies.
  • edited January 2013
    I would throw doubt on the news story of the zombie outbreak, assuming it's a practical joke of some sorts, and freeze in terror upon laying eyes on a zombie for the first time, thus getting devoured on the first day.
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