Episode 3 "near future"
What do you think, "near future" means in the latest blog by TellTale on August 22, 2012?
Post below!
EDIT: Do not use the poll or post on this thread anymore, if you don't already know, Episode 3 for The Walking Dead is coming out August 28th for the PS3 at 3PM EST in North America. It is also coming out for the PC/Mac and Xbox Arcade on August 29th. Looks like the pollers (includind me) who voted for 4-7 days will be its release were correct! *YAY* Anyways, I hope all of you enjoy playing Episode 3!
Post below!

EDIT: Do not use the poll or post on this thread anymore, if you don't already know, Episode 3 for The Walking Dead is coming out August 28th for the PS3 at 3PM EST in North America. It is also coming out for the PC/Mac and Xbox Arcade on August 29th. Looks like the pollers (includind me) who voted for 4-7 days will be its release were correct! *YAY* Anyways, I hope all of you enjoy playing Episode 3!

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i know but that one is pretty old
Aww screw that, that would mean it falls on the day when I start having my exams -_-.
You go to school later than that!? n:eek: And thanks for posting!
actually I Start college on October 15th. No problemo
same here but i say early September
same man
(Starts 12 minutes in) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuEk48WIiuc&feature=g-all-u
thats fucking great
hahahahaha that is amazing.
Posting this on Facebook right now
Remember to credit him
Nope we have every right to quote something if we feel like it. i quoted on it because i liked it and wanted to post it on Facebook. the other people quoted because they like it, if you got a problem with this then dont bother looking at the thread or posts within the thread. simple as that
i posted it but idk whats ur facebook if you have one.
gaming dragon chill the fuck out...
Remind me when the states is in 24th, lulz.
hahahahahahahahaha I LOVE IT! Do you mind if I steals it?! I'll credit you of course
looks like 2 to 3 is the same..
facebook is satans tit
Why? They're not his drawings...
trust me im not those freaks that update their status every second. i use it for posting my youtube videos and talk to friends i dont get to meet anymore
Thanks. Well, at least something's consistent!
Because it's using his creativity, his wording.
That's like saying the author shouldn't be credited for the writing in a comic simply because they didn't illustrate it.
you got some nice content in your youtube btw subbed
It's been the 24th here for 4 hours and 22 minutes.
I thought he did draw it...my bad, plagiarise that shit!
mfw idiots