How Did You Get Here?

edited August 2012 in General Chat
Hi everybahdee! I want to know how you all came to Telltale and what game brought you to the company. Did you come here long ago or just learn of Telltale through The Walking Dead? Did you play Bone and now dislike the new direction? Have you played Sam and Max but prefer the streamlined new interactive experience?


  • edited August 2012
    Heard of Telltale first in 2009 when they released Tales of Monkey Island. Being a huge fan, I played the series. Then tried out some of the Sam & Max games (I still don't understand the hype about them.)

    I generally like how they are trying out different things, like, trying out a more action based adventure (Jurassic Park) or developping the "tailored story by player's choices" technique in Walking Dead.

    As long as they're not gonna stick 100 % to the "M for mature" or "you can actually die in the game" philosophy but also go back to making funnier and "lighter" games, I'm sure I'll keep on enjoying their titles in the future.
  • edited August 2012
    I voted for ToMI, even though I got acquainted with TellTale via the first season of S&M. I enjoyed it (and Season 2 too), but it's ToMI that made me join these forums and buy directly from TellTale instead of the local retail (I lived in Europe at the time). And I think ToMI is actually the first game that I've pre-ordered. Ever. I didn't pre-order games before, because, well... that's a risky investment. But with ToMI I just didn't care, I trusted TellTale and wanted more Monkey Island :D
  • edited August 2012
  • edited August 2012
    Loved Homestarrunner and was glad to see Strong Bad in game form. Didn't really have a good PC at the time, so I didn't care for the rest of their games, but fell in love with Sam and Max when it was ported over to Wii.
  • edited August 2012
    I first heard of Telltale from the X-play reviews of the Sam and Max games. I didn't play them then, sadly. My first Telltale Game was actually Bone, but at the time I had no idea it was Telltale.

    I kept hearing about Telltale for a while. SBCG4AP was announced and I watched all of the trailers for those and they looked awesome. Then I saw Wallace and Gromit and ToMI being announced. In the end the first Telltale game I played was Tales of Monkey Island. I've loved them ever since.
  • edited August 2012
    I just kind of showed up...I was playing S&M Season 1 through Gametap and was like oh snap this is telltale games and I kind of stayed.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited August 2012
    I heard of Telltale when they were first formed, before any game was released, and followed them through the news at the International House of Mojo and the Telltale blogs.

    I skipped Telltale Texas Hold'em and bought Bone: Out from Boneville when it was first released (but I later bought both boxed and digital versions of Telltale Texas Hold'em later).

    As for the forums, I'm not sure whether I joined the forums before or after Bone was released. My oldest posts aren't connected to my account, but are listed as a guest (as are a lot of the posts by the earliest members here).
  • edited August 2012
    Remolay wrote: »
    I first heard of Telltale from the X-play reviews of the Sam and Max games. I didn't play them then, sadly. My first Telltale Game was actually Bone, but at the time I had no idea it was Telltale.

    I kept hearing about Telltale for a while. SBCG4AP was announced and I watched all of the trailers for those and they looked awesome.

    Mine is identical to this point, but then I played SBCG4AP and SaM and Wallace and ToMI and BTTF and PA. So I guess technically I'll put SBCG4AP down (although I've had interest in Sam and Max since I first saw it)
  • edited August 2012
    I was introduced to TT by JP the game. I figured it was a cool change of pace playing, well, interactuve movies & didn't realize the frustration of waiting till TWD lol. it made me think of tv shows that should have new episodes every week but take a month break:D
  • edited August 2012
    Tales of Monkey Island. After the cliffhanger at the end of chapter 4, I needed to talk to someone about it, so I came here. For some odd reason, I stuck around.
  • edited August 2012
    oh, I forgot to mention the forums. My brother & I wanted to know when TWD episode 3 was comming out . I had purchased the game ironically around the time episode 2 came out for the PS3... when he got it on XBOX, we both wondered why it wasn't out yet so I surfed the web going from playing dead too ign & finally stumbled upon these forums & made my self comfortable :D
    EVERY DAY IT's "Heard annything?"
  • edited August 2012
    I came here via the Chaps Brothers' ads for SBCG4AP, but bought that and Sam and Max for the Wii. It wasn't until Tales that I joined the forums, and I stayed ever since.
  • shammackshammack Former Telltale Staff
    edited August 2012
    I played Bone when it came out because I had read the comics and was interested in seeing how the episodic thing would work, but then I sort of forgot about Telltale until I got Sam and Max Season 1 for Wii. Then I went to the Poker Night panel at PAX East 2011 and thought it sounded like a cool place to work, so I went home, applied for a job there, and registered for the forum because I thought I might post something in the "we are so hiring" thread (but I never did).
  • edited August 2012
    I showed up probably the first day that Tales was announced, or not long after. One of the happiest moments of my nerdy life was that announcement, and it did not disappoint.
  • edited August 2012
    I was excited when I saw that Steve Purcell had licensed out Sam & Max to someone else after the LucasArts agreement expired. I posted all about it at the time in some other forum. I just went and looked up the date, and that was in September 2005! So that wound up being my first Telltale game, and the source of my username on these forums, though I didn't actually get around to creating a forum account 'til May 2008, as you can see to the left there.

    I've bought several of the older games, none of the bigger new ones yet (just Puzzle Agent and Hector). I might someday, but for now, I'm just hanging around 'til I find out what King's Quest is going to look like. Or they announce Sam & Max Season 4.
  • edited August 2012
    Okay, I first heard of them with Bone, I first played S&M1, I came to the site around S&M3, and finally, I made this account and my first post was during BttF I think.
  • edited August 2012
    Started right in the middle of Sam and Max 1, but I only got involved in the community about 2 years ago.
  • edited August 2012
    I don't remember. Hang on, lemme check my join date...

    EDIT: Huh. Probably around the time of Tales then. God I feel old. I seem to recall posting in Forum Games for a while before getting bored and sticking to this bit, but beyond that, the early days here are a blur.
  • edited August 2012
    the early days here are a blur.
    It's the root beer. It's killing your braincells.:D
  • edited August 2012
    I played Bone back in the day, but didn't really get into the company until Sam and Max. I've bought every game since with pretty few exceptions. Strong Bad is the only game I think they shouldn't have made.
  • edited August 2012
    I played Bone back in the day, but didn't really get into the company until Sam and Max. I've bought every game since with pretty few exceptions. Strong Bad is the only game I think they shouldn't have made.

    What the ßü§%?
    It's the best and funniest game they ever made and you say it's worse than Jurassic Dildo: The Movie: The QTE? You cannot be serious.:p
  • edited August 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    It's the root beer. It's killing your braincells.:D
    I can think of no tastier way to kill them. :p
  • edited August 2012
    Only if the Brain cells where ghosts.
  • edited August 2012
    Tales of Monkey Island. I lurked for nearly a year before posting and now you can't get me to shut up. Such is the way of things.
  • edited August 2012
    I lurked for nearly a year before posting and now you can't get me to shut up. Such is the way of things.

    Same... now it looks like I showed up because of BttF. Woe is me.
  • edited August 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    Only if the Brain cells where ghosts.
    They're giving up the ghost... does that count?
  • edited August 2012
    I found Telltale because of Sam & Max. When I heard about there being new Sam & Max in the middle of 2007 I had to look into it and with all episodes of the first season being out already I got them. A few months later and the second season started and around that time I joined the forums. I think it was to look for a solution to a technical problem. I can't remember, but I don't think I posted then. I think my first post was around the release of SBCG4AP but I'm not sure.
  • edited August 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    What the ßü§%?
    It's the best and funniest game they ever made and you say it's worse than Jurassic Dildo: The Movie: The QTE? You cannot be serious.:p

    It came way too long after I liked Strong Bad. Now I just find everything he does annoying. Jurassic Park was okay; SBCG4AP had a direct link to my aggression gland.
  • edited August 2012
    I came for Sam & Max Save the World about a month after it was released in 2006. It wasn't until ToMI i joined the forums though.
    It came way too long after I liked Strong Bad. Now I just find everything he does annoying. Jurassic Park was okay; SBCG4AP had a direct link to my aggression gland.

    I initially didn't get SBCG4AP because I stopped frequenting Homestar Runner years earlier. It wasn't until I got a free episode I realised how awesome the game is and went ahead and bought the rest of the season. I find it hard to understand how anyone can think it's not among the best games TTG has made, but you're entitled to your opinion if you've given it a fair chance.
  • edited August 2012
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