BUNNIES aren't just cute like everyBODY supposes! THEY GOT those hoppy legs and TWITCHY LITTLE NOSES! And WHAT'S with ALL THE CARROTS?!?! WHAT DO THEY NEED SUCH GOOD EYESlGHT FOR ANYWAY?!?!
i think alot of people miss out on a very important point.
This game is a very linear game. Whatever you do, the outcome is the same.
This is not a rpg game like KOTOR where your choices matter this or that way.
This is not a FPS game.
What carry this game is the characters in it. Or atleast for my part it is. What telltale did is take them all away except for Kenny and Clem.
This is like one of those movies where in a sequel they take out the entire cast and replace them with new people. Since when did that ever turn out to be a good thing?
What we have been discussing on this forum since pretty much day 1 has all been taken out in 10 minutes.
I think most of us knew it was a matter of time before Carley was gonna get it and Lilly was gonna leave.
But telltale should have waited untill episode 5 if they wanted a mass slaughter. Otherwise they should have taken them out one at the time.
Now, for alot of people playing episode 4 will be like starting over. And ill do it, but the enthusiasm for the game is gone.
I am not curious what episode 4 will bring because i dont see how it can top episode 3.
That's a bit harsh isnt it? Starting over? You and Clem are the story, everyone else are just support actors- the bodycount is the same. If you mean starting over emotionally, like bonds and friends? this is the za I just need my health and a nice blunt weapon
I feel your pain. Still, I bought this game because I wanted a Zombie game that I can play instead of freaky ones like Left for Dead / Resident Evil. I have no interest in any of the other games offered on the website though - just this one.
In any case, I was a little bit sad at how easily characters were killed off or just conveniently left the episode. Apart from Clem, we are not allowed to have any real relationship in-game - everything is transient.
Episode 1
Killed - Doug / Carly, Shawn, Chet (sp?), Mad Woman
Left the group - Glenn
Episode 2
Killed - Teacher, Ben's friend, Larry, Mark (I LIKED him!), Jolene
Episode 3
Killed - Doug / Carly, Kaatja (No! Just... no!), Duck
Left the group - Lilly
Now we have only Kenny, Ben, Chuck, Omid and Christa for company - and I think most of them will be gone by Episode 4.
That's a bit harsh isnt it? Starting over? You and Clem are the story, everyone else are just support actors- the bodycount is the same. If you mean starting over emotionally, like bonds and friends? this is the za
In any case, I was a little bit sad at how easily characters were killed off or just conveniently left the episode. Apart from Clem, we are not allowed to have any real relationship in-game - everything is transient.
I've never posted until now, but I feel I must because I believe you two seem to be among the few that have worked it out. Anyone who's read the comic should be able to draw the parallel immediately.
In the comic, the main character is Rick Grimes. His defining purpose is to protect his family, no matter the cost. Even if it means everyone else dies.
In the game, it's no different, and I think that's what people should have taken away from this episode. This is exactly the reaction that was intended. You were emotionally invested in those characters, and you felt their loss. What happened to the others is a tragedy, but as Lee said, he and Clementine are a team. No matter what happens, they'll have each other. Lee's fighting for Clementine, because she's all he has left. And it's precisely that fact that makes me terrified of what's to come.
I feel bad for people who werent prepared for this TWD based on Kirkmans world.
It seems like everyone here was expecting some kind of Meet'n'Greet but with zombies.
I was expecting lots of tension and death. Not looking to make friends, but was looking for able bodies for my group.
It's not like you didn't expect people to die, it's the apocalypse, the people are more dangerous than the walkers.
Please, let the women be dead. You only knew her for 3 1/2 episodes, there's 2 whole episodes to connect with all the new people, that's plenty of time when you realize how long you actually knew Carly.
I feel bad for people who werent prepared for this TWD based on Kirkmans world.
It seems like everyone here was expecting some kind of Meet'n'Greet but with zombies.
I was expecting lots of tension and death. Not looking to make friends, but was looking for able bodies for my group.
And if you look on your left, you will find a walker. Wave hi, everyone. Sorry, no photos ma'am. I don't care where you work. Does that camera even have power? Now, we'll continue our tour through Woodbury. Here is the scene of the great pillow fight where the zombies constructed a blanket fort and sieged the town of pillows. I hear there was lots of bruises, but we - as always - have trained medical professionals with us at all times.
And if you look on your left, you will find a walker. Wave hi, everyone. Sorry, no photos ma'am. I don't care where you work. Does that camera even have power? Now, we'll continue our tour through Woodbury. Here is the scene of the great pillow fight where the zombies constructed a blanket fort and sieged the town of pillows. I hear there was lots of bruises, but we - as always - have trained medical professionals with us at all times.
The Governors smile scares me though...It's so angry
And if you look on your left, you will find a walker. Wave hi, everyone. Sorry, no photos ma'am. I don't care where you work. Does that camera even have power? Now, we'll continue our tour through Woodbury. Here is the scene of the great pillow fight where the zombies constructed a blanket fort and sieged the town of pillows. I hear there was lots of bruises, but we - as always - have trained medical professionals with us at all times.
Everyone, please keep your name tags nice and high so everyone can see them.
Just a little further now, and we'll have some food and beverages a bit further along the tour. And we're walking.
That's a bit harsh isnt it? Starting over? You and Clem are the story, everyone else are just support actors- the bodycount is the same. If you mean starting over emotionally, like bonds and friends? this is the za I just need my health and a nice blunt weapon
May be that Lee and Clem is the story. But then it is a really bad story.
And your skills with a blunt weapon doesnt matter, because you dont get to use it unless telltale write it into the script.
In the comic, the main character is Rick Grimes. His defining purpose is to protect his family, no matter the cost. Even if it means everyone else dies.
I think comics fans are missing the point there. Many people play this game not because it's based on comics. So any suggestions 'you should have read comics to know what to expect' are, well, wrong. They should have advertise the game as 'how you read Kirkman's comics matter', not 'what choices you make matter'.
And Clementine is not very appealing character, whooping 25% plays would prefer Lee surviving over Clementine. I for one honestly don't get this children stuff.
Oh, and this game is not about "surviving in the zombie world."
Because your gonna survive no matter what you do, and if you die, you go back 2 steps and try again.
And ya, the "raising a child" in the zombie apocalypse is not very appealing.
And the "Lee and Clem are partners and got eachothers back" is not very appealing either.
This game starts over in episode 4, and the 3 episodes doesnt matter. Everything you did before does not matter, the decisions you made died along with the characters who died or left.
And if you do find Clems parents and they want her back. Well, of course they do. And your job is done. Anything else would be outrages.
Oh, and this game is not about "surviving in the zombie world."
Because your gonna survive no matter what you do, and if you die, you go back 2 steps and try again.
And ya, the "raising a child" in the zombie apocalypse is not very appealing.
And the "Lee and Clem are partners and got eachothers back" is not very appealing either.
Speak for yourself. I actually find it pretty appealing.
This game starts over in episode 4, and the 3 episodes doesnt matter. Everything you did before does not matter, the decisions you made died along with the characters who died or left.
So you're saying that you could have started at Episode 4 and been fine? I'm sorry, but I've just noticed how bitter you are in general with this whole thing. I can understand that things may not have gone as you wanted, and even that the freedom of choice may have been played up a bit. But in the end, when everyone you know is dead, it doesn't particularly matter what you said to them, or what you chose to do for/to them. All you have is their memory.
Life is about the experience. The fun's in the journey, not the destination. On top of that, the journey's not even over. We have two episodes to go.
And that's what the point is. It isn't any one thing, be it survival, choices, raising a child, etc. It's all about the narrative, the story. You can be as bitter as you want that your choices "don't matter" or that your choices "died with the characters." But in the end, this is someone else's story. You simply can't have total creative freedom in someone else's narrative.
Am I saying that it's perfect? Far from it. But this is the type of game that you take away exactly what you put in it. If you look at it as a game, then you'll treat it as a game, and take away only the gameplay.
I look at it as a story. I feel for the characters, I'm saddened by their loss, their hardship. I'm simply not thinking about the gameplay or the promises that were made about it. I think you'd enjoy it a lot more if you can separate the two.
So you're saying that you could have started at Episode 4 and been fine? I'm sorry, but I've just noticed how bitter you are in general with this whole thing. I can understand that things may not have gone as you wanted, and even that the freedom of choice may have been played up a bit. But in the end, when everyone you know is dead, it doesn't particularly matter what you said to them, or what you chose to do for/to them. All you have is their memory.
Life is about the experience. The fun's in the journey, not the destination. On top of that, the journey's not even over. We have two episodes to go.
And that's what the point is. It isn't any one thing, be it survival, choices, raising a child, etc. It's all about the narrative, the story. You can be as bitter as you want that your choices "don't matter" or that your choices "died with the characters." But in the end, this is someone else's story. You simply can't have total creative freedom in someone else's narrative.
Am I saying that it's perfect? Far from it. But this is the type of game that you take away exactly what you put in it. If you look at it as a game, then you'll treat it as a game, and take away only the gameplay.
I look at it as a story. I feel for the characters, I'm saddened by their loss, their hardship. I'm simply not thinking about the gameplay or the promises that were made about it. I think you'd enjoy it a lot more if you can separate the two.
Sorry for running this way off-topic.
This is how I look at the game as well. I do love the story and characters (that's why it was so heartbreaking for me to see Carly die that way) and to those that say they don't find the babysitter theme appealing, well that's your opinion. I personally love it.
Especially since Sweet Pea is the only thing keeping my Lee going now.
I think comics fans are missing the point there. Many people play this game not because it's based on comics. So any suggestions 'you should have read comics to know what to expect' are, well, wrong
We suggest you read the comics so you can all stop complaining about the deaths, it's the ZA, people die. I honestly consider the deaths in the game as characters getting off easy compared to what is actually happening to people in this post apocalyptic world full of bandits, rapist, crazy warlords, and cults. The suggestion to read the comics is far from wrong, it's the same world, same results...no one is safe and how someone dies doesn't matter, they're dead.
Oh, and this game is not about "surviving in the zombie world."
Because your gonna survive no matter what you do, and if you die, you go back 2 steps and try again.
And ya, the "raising a child" in the zombie apocalypse is not very appealing.
And the "Lee and Clem are partners and got eachothers back" is not very appealing either.
This game starts over in episode 4, and the 3 episodes doesnt matter. Everything you did before does not matter, the decisions you made died along with the characters who died or left.
And if you do find Clems parents and they want her back. Well, of course they do. And your job is done. Anything else would be outrages.
Speak for yourself. I actually find it pretty appealing.
I was just going to say the exact same thing. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean we all shouldn't. I am really enjoying myself with the game.
We suggest you read the comics so you can all stop complaining about the deaths, it's the ZA, people die. I honestly consider the deaths in the game as characters getting off easy compared to what is actually happening to people in this post apocalyptic world full of bandits, rapist, crazy warlords, and cults. The suggestion to read the comics is far from wrong, it's the same world, same results...no one is safe and how someone dies doesn't matter, they're dead.
It's the wrong suggestion. It's the game on it's own, not some accompanying product. I don't see 'read comics before playing this game' line in the beginning of an each episode.
It's the wrong suggestion. It's the game on it's own, not some accompanying product. I don't see 'read comics before playing this game' line in the beginning of an each episode.
How about "Please grow up before playing this game"? People die, it's brutal. You'd get that if you read the comics or had a handle on the tone of the series. They're not going to Sugarcandy Mountain at the end of this. If you don't expect Lee or Clem to die still, you really need to switch to something more optimistic of a universe.
How about "Please grow up before playing this game"? People die, it's brutal. You'd get that if you read the comics or had a handle on the tone of the series. They're not going to Sugarcandy Mountain at the end of this. If you don't expect Lee or Clem to die still, you really need to switch to something more optimistic of a universe.
How about "Please read some the thread before replying"?
Sooo? People die not only in TWD. I have already wrote out there: L dies, Aeris dies, Carley dies, that's not what the problem to me. The problem for me is not that Carley dies but is that she dies unbelievably. Please refer to 'Limited Choice Discussion' thread where I state my choice in more details.
I'm an avid fan of the books. Given that the producers intended for the game to be adhere to canon as opposed to the television series, it's helpful for people to read the books first or along side. It is doesn't mean they have to read them to enjoy the game. If TT wants people to get a feel of the books from playing the game, that's cool, but let those who've only played the game come to that place at their own pace. They may find that Kirkman's vision is not for them. They may appreciate the game aspects, the RPG-lite stuff, more than the grim worldview of the books. No point in crucifying those who have a different vision of a ZA from those of us who've bought into Kirkman's view.
(and even though I like the books I haven't bought into Kirkman's vision completely)
Sorry, pal. Lumped you in with other parts of the argument, Lars I think. My point is more a blanket statement about people turned off by death in media.
If TT wants people to get a feel of the books from playing the game, that's cool, but let those who've only played the game come to that place at their own pace. They may find that Kirkman's vision is not for them.
This isn't meant to imply that we should change the tone until everyone is ready to be in the universe that was advertised, is it? Because I'd hate to compromise that world for those people who think this is the same zombie atmosphere as L4D2.
(Yes, I like L4D2, but the tone is a world away from Walking Dead.)
How about "Please grow up before playing this game"? People die, it's brutal. You'd get that if you read the comics or had a handle on the tone of the series. They're not going to Sugarcandy Mountain at the end of this. If you don't expect Lee or Clem to die still, you really need to switch to something more optimistic of a universe.
So anyone who disagree or have another opinion than you need to grow up?
Actually, this game is sugarcandy mountain. I dont see Clem or Lee being chewed up.
What happens in this "game" is out of your controll. You select dialouge options and thats it. This game is very linear for being released in 2012.
RPG games being released 10 years ago offered more options than TWDG does.
Glenn def wont be back lol
Only if Anya from Buffy is back too.
Dont forget Old Yeller; Bambi's mom and Capt Ahab
ya I know but I cant be bothered googling popular dead chars or going into unrecognizable icons, bear with me lol
BUNNIES aren't just cute like everyBODY supposes! THEY GOT those hoppy legs and TWITCHY LITTLE NOSES! And WHAT'S with ALL THE CARROTS?!?! WHAT DO THEY NEED SUCH GOOD EYESlGHT FOR ANYWAY?!?!
I was my line first.
you cant unshot Old Yeller?
cause ya I did get that from you
This game is a very linear game. Whatever you do, the outcome is the same.
This is not a rpg game like KOTOR where your choices matter this or that way.
This is not a FPS game.
What carry this game is the characters in it. Or atleast for my part it is. What telltale did is take them all away except for Kenny and Clem.
This is like one of those movies where in a sequel they take out the entire cast and replace them with new people. Since when did that ever turn out to be a good thing?
What we have been discussing on this forum since pretty much day 1 has all been taken out in 10 minutes.
I think most of us knew it was a matter of time before Carley was gonna get it and Lilly was gonna leave.
But telltale should have waited untill episode 5 if they wanted a mass slaughter. Otherwise they should have taken them out one at the time.
Now, for alot of people playing episode 4 will be like starting over. And ill do it, but the enthusiasm for the game is gone.
I am not curious what episode 4 will bring because i dont see how it can top episode 3.
I feel your pain.
In any case, I was a little bit sad at how easily characters were killed off or just conveniently left the episode. Apart from Clem, we are not allowed to have any real relationship in-game - everything is transient.
Episode 1
Killed - Doug / Carly, Shawn, Chet (sp?), Mad Woman
Left the group - Glenn
Episode 2
Killed - Teacher, Ben's friend, Larry, Mark (I LIKED him!), Jolene
Episode 3
Killed - Doug / Carly, Kaatja (No! Just... no!), Duck
Left the group - Lilly
Now we have only Kenny, Ben, Chuck, Omid and Christa for company - and I think most of them will be gone by Episode 4.
I've never posted until now, but I feel I must because I believe you two seem to be among the few that have worked it out. Anyone who's read the comic should be able to draw the parallel immediately.
In the comic, the main character is Rick Grimes. His defining purpose is to protect his family, no matter the cost. Even if it means everyone else dies.
In the game, it's no different, and I think that's what people should have taken away from this episode. This is exactly the reaction that was intended. You were emotionally invested in those characters, and you felt their loss. What happened to the others is a tragedy, but as Lee said, he and Clementine are a team. No matter what happens, they'll have each other. Lee's fighting for Clementine, because she's all he has left. And it's precisely that fact that makes me terrified of what's to come.
It seems like everyone here was expecting some kind of Meet'n'Greet but with zombies.
I was expecting lots of tension and death. Not looking to make friends, but was looking for able bodies for my group.
Please, let the women be dead. You only knew her for 3 1/2 episodes, there's 2 whole episodes to connect with all the new people, that's plenty of time when you realize how long you actually knew Carly.
Oh, how i wish there was a like button.
The Governors smile scares me though...It's so angry
Everyone, please keep your name tags nice and high so everyone can see them.
Just a little further now, and we'll have some food and beverages a bit further along the tour. And we're walking.
May be that Lee and Clem is the story. But then it is a really bad story.
And your skills with a blunt weapon doesnt matter, because you dont get to use it unless telltale write it into the script.
I think comics fans are missing the point there. Many people play this game not because it's based on comics. So any suggestions 'you should have read comics to know what to expect' are, well, wrong. They should have advertise the game as 'how you read Kirkman's comics matter', not 'what choices you make matter'.
And Clementine is not very appealing character, whooping 25% plays would prefer Lee surviving over Clementine. I for one honestly don't get this children stuff.
Because your gonna survive no matter what you do, and if you die, you go back 2 steps and try again.
And ya, the "raising a child" in the zombie apocalypse is not very appealing.
And the "Lee and Clem are partners and got eachothers back" is not very appealing either.
This game starts over in episode 4, and the 3 episodes doesnt matter. Everything you did before does not matter, the decisions you made died along with the characters who died or left.
And if you do find Clems parents and they want her back. Well, of course they do. And your job is done. Anything else would be outrages.
Speak for yourself. I actually find it pretty appealing.
So you're saying that you could have started at Episode 4 and been fine? I'm sorry, but I've just noticed how bitter you are in general with this whole thing. I can understand that things may not have gone as you wanted, and even that the freedom of choice may have been played up a bit. But in the end, when everyone you know is dead, it doesn't particularly matter what you said to them, or what you chose to do for/to them. All you have is their memory.
Life is about the experience. The fun's in the journey, not the destination. On top of that, the journey's not even over. We have two episodes to go.
And that's what the point is. It isn't any one thing, be it survival, choices, raising a child, etc. It's all about the narrative, the story. You can be as bitter as you want that your choices "don't matter" or that your choices "died with the characters." But in the end, this is someone else's story. You simply can't have total creative freedom in someone else's narrative.
Am I saying that it's perfect? Far from it. But this is the type of game that you take away exactly what you put in it. If you look at it as a game, then you'll treat it as a game, and take away only the gameplay.
I look at it as a story. I feel for the characters, I'm saddened by their loss, their hardship. I'm simply not thinking about the gameplay or the promises that were made about it. I think you'd enjoy it a lot more if you can separate the two.
Sorry for running this way off-topic.
This is how I look at the game as well. I do love the story and characters (that's why it was so heartbreaking for me to see Carly die that way) and to those that say they don't find the babysitter theme appealing, well that's your opinion. I personally love it.
Especially since Sweet Pea is the only thing keeping my Lee going now.
We suggest you read the comics so you can all stop complaining about the deaths, it's the ZA, people die. I honestly consider the deaths in the game as characters getting off easy compared to what is actually happening to people in this post apocalyptic world full of bandits, rapist, crazy warlords, and cults. The suggestion to read the comics is far from wrong, it's the same world, same results...no one is safe and how someone dies doesn't matter, they're dead.
It's the wrong suggestion. It's the game on it's own, not some accompanying product. I don't see 'read comics before playing this game' line in the beginning of an each episode.
How about "Please grow up before playing this game"? People die, it's brutal. You'd get that if you read the comics or had a handle on the tone of the series. They're not going to Sugarcandy Mountain at the end of this. If you don't expect Lee or Clem to die still, you really need to switch to something more optimistic of a universe.
How about "Please read some the thread before replying"?
Sooo? People die not only in TWD. I have already wrote out there: L dies, Aeris dies, Carley dies, that's not what the problem to me. The problem for me is not that Carley dies but is that she dies unbelievably. Please refer to 'Limited Choice Discussion' thread where I state my choice in more details.
(and even though I like the books I haven't bought into Kirkman's vision completely)
Sorry, pal. Lumped you in with other parts of the argument, Lars I think. My point is more a blanket statement about people turned off by death in media.
This isn't meant to imply that we should change the tone until everyone is ready to be in the universe that was advertised, is it? Because I'd hate to compromise that world for those people who think this is the same zombie atmosphere as L4D2.
(Yes, I like L4D2, but the tone is a world away from Walking Dead.)
So anyone who disagree or have another opinion than you need to grow up?
Actually, this game is sugarcandy mountain. I dont see Clem or Lee being chewed up.
What happens in this "game" is out of your controll. You select dialouge options and thats it. This game is very linear for being released in 2012.
RPG games being released 10 years ago offered more options than TWDG does.