even if she lived she could only live a few hours and all of that would be spent gargling blood and gasping for air.
and even if it was the luckiest shot in the world and ricochet off her gold tooth she would still have a hole in her face and she would be alone unarmed and injured.
but what the hell,
Maybe Doug survived his attack at the pharmacy and transformed into Rambo Doug, he hones his skills of brutal zombie killing and field medicine for a few months until out of pure luck he finds Carley, she spits out her lucky gold tooth and says "Doug! I should have said this earlier, but i love you, will you be my Rambo Doug husband "
Doug says "the first known case of a gold tooth is reported to be in 1593"
"DOUG!!" Carley snaps
"oh, yeah.. of course i will be your Rambo Doug husband" he smiles
and they all lived happily killing zombies ever after
You know...I am really beginning to hate this excuse. "It's The Walking Dead. Characters are going to die." and yes I do expect people to die during the ZA and some of the characters that have met their end (Larry, Duck, Khatja, Mark) met it in circumstances that couldn't have been controlled or helped.
But we all saw Lilly going for her gun before she shot Carly (at least I did) and they gave us no choice but to watch her get murdered. No control and no possible way to save her. A choice that could of affected the game was taken from us that could have done what the game was advertised to do.
Back to my first point, if all the characters that we meet are going to die, then why bother caring about them? Why bother learning about them or making any form of connection with them? TellTale, in the next episode, can you please give players the option to leave the group and just let Lee and Clem go on their own?
We, as the player, saw her reaching for her gun. None of the characters in the game, including Lee, saw that. He's not a Jedi, he doesn't ahve some inane danger sense.
I'm gonna use this image as often as I can when it comes to Carley fans whining over her death. I really thought the whole ordeal had been swept to the side of the road.
Trace the trajectory of that bullet, because I doubt it's going to shatter or get lodged anywhere from that distance. That is surely going straight through her cheekbone and out the back of her head. As much as it pains me to say it as well, she ain't coming back.
I am sincerely sorry. I've been unobservant, and the ever returning Iranian Carley necrophile who is in his 16th account now has obviously made a travesty of this thread with a ludicrous spree of posts. Please understand that while removing his posts, I also have to delete the ones answering to the guy. Thanks for your understanding, POST REPORT in the future please and for the love of God please stop responding to the guy.
/edit: All right, the hilarious pictures will stay.
I am sincerely sorry. I've been unobservant, and the ever returning Iranian Carley necrophile who is in his 16th account now has obviously made a travesty of this thread with a ludicrous spree of posts. Please understand that while removing his posts, I also have to delete the ones answering to the guy. Thanks for your understanding, POST REPORT in the future please and for the love of God please stop responding to the guy.
/edit: All right, the hilarious pictures will stay.
sorry, i guess the chance that is was someone who was genuinely confused or in denial got the better of me
Yeah I am pretty mad about it, but I am not gonna whine and I understand she is dead. But what telltale really should do is release an alternate version where she lives, and our options seem to actually impact things. "This game is affected by what options you choose" yeah bullshit no matter what certain things happen like Carleys death. I want a walking dead special edition where she lives, I rest my case.
Hey i am really annoyed about carley being shot when it happend i didnt even want to carry on playing anyway maybe they could bring carly back she could have just been grazed by the bullet.No one even checked to she if she was dead the group could meet up with her again.I wont be buying anymore episodes unless carly comes back my friends also said the same.
Please say in the comments that you want carly back and make a thread about this and then maybe telltale games will see that we want carly back.
ya it is possible that she didnt die it could of missed her brain and just shot her eye it happend pretty fast but i think it is very possible that she lived
You're gonna stop playing a game because a character died?
People will die, and just because they do doesn't mean you should quit playing, especially if it's a game like The Walking Dead, where you should EXPECT death.
even though carley (and doug) was an awesome character bringing her back from the dead would be too horrible for her because she would have to travel for an insane distance and when she found out that katjaa,duck (and maybe ben) were dead,lee had been bitten and clemmy stolen by the "crazy fucker on the radio" she would probably put the bullet in her head herself because ultimatly lily prevented her from seeing those horrors i do miss carley though
Why did you have to kill carly😭. Doing this honestly made me cry in real life. Carley became my favourite character in any video game! I just wish that there was a way to save her but you guys pretty much ruined the best game I've ever played. But I'm still gonna finish the game because I bought all of the episodes at once. I just wish that you could of saved her somehow or that the bullet misses her brain and she somehow lives. I was even only Lily's side until this happened but once she shot Carley, Kenny And Clementine became the only people left that I can trust and Kenny Seems to hate me because I sided with Lily. Well you can probably guess I decided to leave Lily behind and will kill Ben if I get the chance.
Seriously Carley is dead as sad as that is to say. There should have been an option to save her and still have Lilly leave in order for the comic canon. Unfortunately she is dead or a 99.5% chance of being dead.
What I would like is an alternate version of Season one where you can make additional choices. E.g you can pour all your affection into Lilly at the cost of Kenny's but in doins so you can persuade her not to shoot Carley/Doug. But she still leaves seeing as she threatened the group. So it still makes the game hard as Kenny still hates you but you can save Carley/Doug . If they made this I would easily buy it as I loved this game until Carley died.
Seriously Carley is dead as sad as that is to say. There should have been an option to save her and still have Lilly leave in order for the comic canon. Unfortunately she is dead or a 99.5% chance of being dead.
What I would like is an alternate version of Season one where you can make additional choices. E.g you can pour all your affection into Lilly at the cost of Kenny's but in doins so you can persuade her not to shoot Carley/Doug. But she still leaves seeing as she threatened the group. So it still makes the game hard as Kenny still hates you but you can save Carley/Doug . If they made this I would easily buy it as I loved this game until Carley died.
It would be cool if they added some dlc for alternate outcomes for Carley and other characters
No. Check alternative ending thread to see why. Could someone lock this thread? Carley is 1000000000% dead and no news for her seem to released.
That's hardly fair. Just because there's nothing new on a character doesn't mean any discussion about them should be forbidden. Otherwise every thread here would be locked excepting season 2 discussion.
That's hardly fair. Just because there's nothing new on a character doesn't mean any discussion about them should be forbidden. Otherwise every thread here would be locked excepting season 2 discussion.
You are right. But seeing another suggestion for alternative endings, well that sent me in Rage Mode. I tend to get mad easily, just like Larry. (Alas my head shall be smashed.)
I like how this thread manages to find its way back to the front page every once in a while. It just goes to show that the character was well written and well received, and new players are getting a chance to vent months after episode 3 has been done.
I guess people just miss certain characters and would have wanted to have them in the game more. I mean Carley was a fan-favorite to a lot of people just like Kenny and Lilly were to some. I guess what I am saying is it wasn't essential to kill Carley/Doug at that point in the game seeing as Duck and Kat die soon after. Carley could have lived a bit longer and if she was going to die then have her die in episode 5. Because for me I felt like there was going to be a lot more moments with her in the game e.g romance with Lee. But sadly that was taken away. No harm in wanting a DLC/patch to experience more with characters and providing more content over all.
I have just played episode three up to the point where Carly is killed,it really upset me and turned me off on the game,not only I won't be playing the rest of the game,I won't be buying anymore games from telltale ever,telltale sucks'i really love Carly and they ruined the game for me
I have just played episode three up to the point where Carly is killed,it really upset me and turned me off on the game,not only I won't be playing the rest of the game,I won't be buying anymore games from telltale ever,telltale sucks'i really love Carly and they ruined the game for me
Wow, probably the most stupid reason to stop playing a game I've heard lately... So if an actual apocalypse breaks out, and the crawlies get someone you care about, you won't avenge them? Won't keep going? You'll just move a gun up to your head and end it?
Don't say "Telltale sucks" because they have the balls to do something other companies couldn't, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in the apocalypse. It's dust, devastation, despair, death, depression, the 5 D's
Wow, probably the most stupid reason to stop playing a game I've heard lately... So if an actual apocalypse breaks out, and the crawlies get someone you care about, you won't avenge them? Won't keep going? You'll just move a gun up to your head and end it?
Honestly, I would... Who would want to live in a world without your computer, friends, family and you're just stuck in a little camp. No Food. No water. No Meds. No nothin.
lol simple but effective
a quick picture as a counter argument
The Troll Petting Zoo - Where biting the hand that feeds you is both expected and encouraged.
the next time people are passionately deluded about something to the point were it gets insane, i may be inspired to draw more diagram doodles
Oh please do. This stuff is gold!
But we all saw Lilly going for her gun before she shot Carly (at least I did) and they gave us no choice but to watch her get murdered. No control and no possible way to save her. A choice that could of affected the game was taken from us that could have done what the game was advertised to do.
Back to my first point, if all the characters that we meet are going to die, then why bother caring about them? Why bother learning about them or making any form of connection with them? TellTale, in the next episode, can you please give players the option to leave the group and just let Lee and Clem go on their own?
Um... Players always have the option to leave the group and let Lee and Clem go on their merry way, just DON'T PLAY. Done.
No tingly spidey senses?
I'm gonna use this image as often as I can when it comes to Carley fans whining over her death. I really thought the whole ordeal had been swept to the side of the road.
Trace the trajectory of that bullet, because I doubt it's going to shatter or get lodged anywhere from that distance. That is surely going straight through her cheekbone and out the back of her head. As much as it pains me to say it as well, she ain't coming back.
/edit: All right, the hilarious pictures will stay.
sorry, i guess the chance that is was someone who was genuinely confused or in denial got the better of me
People will die, and just because they do doesn't mean you should quit playing, especially if it's a game like The Walking Dead, where you should EXPECT death.
But I had 2 saves with Carley and Doug on each, obviously that's went to pot now.
But after the motel talk it was a tough loss for Lee.
What I would like is an alternate version of Season one where you can make additional choices. E.g you can pour all your affection into Lilly at the cost of Kenny's but in doins so you can persuade her not to shoot Carley/Doug. But she still leaves seeing as she threatened the group. So it still makes the game hard as Kenny still hates you but you can save Carley/Doug
It would be cool if they added some dlc for alternate outcomes for Carley and other characters
No. Check alternative ending thread to see why. Could someone lock this thread? Carley is 1000000000% dead and no news for her seem to released.
That's hardly fair. Just because there's nothing new on a character doesn't mean any discussion about them should be forbidden. Otherwise every thread here would be locked excepting season 2 discussion.
You are right. But seeing another suggestion for alternative endings, well that sent me in Rage Mode. I tend to get mad easily, just like Larry. (Alas my head shall be smashed.)
Who knows? I only know that i dont want s2 to be like heroes post season 1.
Wow, probably the most stupid reason to stop playing a game I've heard lately... So if an actual apocalypse breaks out, and the crawlies get someone you care about, you won't avenge them? Won't keep going? You'll just move a gun up to your head and end it?
Don't say "Telltale sucks" because they have the balls to do something other companies couldn't, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in the apocalypse. It's dust, devastation, despair, death, depression, the 5 D's
Honestly, I would... Who would want to live in a world without your computer, friends, family and you're just stuck in a little camp. No Food. No water. No Meds. No nothin.
- MOO! -