She was not just grazed by the bullet. The bullet entered her skull through her forehead and left her skull at the back. There is simply no way for Carley to walk something like this off. Point blank penetration of skull is fatal, since brain is mostly liquid-like matter, that is keeping its volume through thick membrane and being enclosed in skull. If the bullet lodges itself in the brain, then there is slight chance of survival, but again, point blank penetration of skull is fatal. So yeah, without any further ado - Carley brain was blown out and spilt on the ground. She is dead, time to move on.
It would be lovely to see her with an eyepatch or headband covering half her face coming to the rescue! Lee is saved once again by Carley
It was very obvious since episode 1 that both Carley and Doug (no matter your choice) would die pretty soon.
It is a money issue. If they let them live they had to make story/cutscenes/voice etc. for both and branch them out. Just letting them die is a cheap,easy solution.
It is lame I know, but they don't want to bother with making content that get's only viewed by 50% of the players (if even that).
On the one hand, I can understand. On the other hand, it is lame. Because again, choices don't seem to matter AT ALL.
Whether you choose carley or doug in EP1 makes absolutely zero (ZERO... NONE! NADA NIENTE) difference. Both have the exact same role, do the exact same things, the story continues the exact same way.
It didn't matter who you choose. It is kind of lame... tbh.
Of course we all wished for our choices to matter but in this game it just isn't the case.
Telltale don't wanna invest any money in making branches of story. So they simply kill the characters that your choices influenced. Lame? Yes. But they wanna save money...
I have no problem with it whatsoever, if only they didn't advertise and claim that your choices actually mattered, because after 3 episodes (60% of the game) with several different savegames and complete different choices I can't tell a difference between any of the savegames.
I hated Carley's death. There was nothing emotional or brilliant about that scene, just a cruel punch to the gut if you cared about her. You don't even have time to grieve, just exchange a few lines with Clem and Kat and she's nearly forgotten. It dampened my love for this game any excitement for episode 4. Carley's gone and she can't be brought back except maybe in a dream or flashback. I would like to think the pistol that Lee's uses towards the end is Carley's.
I hate Carley's death. There was nothing emotional or brilliant about that scene, just a cruel punch to the gut if you cared about her. You don't even have time to grieve, just exchange a few lines with Clem and Kat and she's nearly forgotten. It dampened my love for this game any excitement for episode 4. Carley's gone and she can't be brought back except maybe in a dream or flashback. I would like to think the pistol that Lee's uses towards the end is Carley's.
That is Carley's gun...isn't it????? or is it Lily's???
That is Carley's gun...isn't it????? or is it Lily's???
i say carley's. you know they should have just killed off doug. (sorry doug fans, are there doug fans?) but that way we could still have carly the storys could differ and they would not have to have 2 voice actors. best of both worlds
i say carley's. you know they should have just killed off doug. (sorry doug fans, are there doug fans?) but that way we could still have carly the storys could differ and they would not have to have 2 voice actors. best of both worlds
Right...but if its Carley's...then what about for the Doug version? He has to be carrying Lily's....especially when he tells Lily to drop the gun and we see the gun being dropped...but we never see Lee picking it up from Carley's dead body
Right...but if its Carley's...then what about for the Doug version? He has to be carrying Lily's....especially when he tells Lily to drop the gun and we see the gun being dropped...but we never see Lee picking it up from Carley's dead body
yeah but if you choose to take lily with you i think lee gives ben lilys gun. ben sure as hell better not get carleys gun, or he is going to die slow.
I hated Carley's death. There was nothing emotional or brilliant about that scene, just a cruel punch to the gut if you cared about her. You don't even have time to grieve, just exchange a few lines with Clem and Kat and she's nearly forgotten.
It was emotional for me. It wasn't brilliant, it was cruel, and it happened fast. Nothing in this game so far has made me feel so shocked, angry, and close to Lee as Carly's death. I knew it was probably coming, but that didn't stop me from choking up in that RV. I probably would have ended up in complete tears if I didn't learn of some more pressing matters with Duck not too long after.
Well, it's not like Lee controls everyone's actions 100% of the time or anything. Lilly is Lilly, Kenny is Kenny, and Kenny treats Lilly and everything else also effects her as much, or more than how you treat her. In my game I was wondering if it was my fault Carley died because I helped Kenny off Larry in the last episode. I really cared about Carley. I hate to see her go, and hate Lilly so much more. But hey, in reality we're not in control of anything or anyone but ourselves, so that's how I see the game. We only control Lee, and try to influence the people and things around us as much as we can. But the people with us are their own people, and the things that happen, happen. That's even what I said to Lilly about the supplies, "We'll deal with shit as it happens." That's kind of all that we can do now, right?
When I seen Lily taking out her gun, I knew what was about to happen and was like, "Nooo!"
To all those who say the deaths weren't good enough... Welcome to the world of "The Walking Dead" where people die suddenly and there is no time for any goodbye's (For example at the end of the prison arc, for any comic readers). It's more realistic this way, and more true to The Walking Dead universe.
When I seen Lily taking out her gun, I knew what was about to happen and was like, "Nooo!"
To all those who say the deaths weren't good enough... Welcome to the world of "The Walking Dead" where people die suddenly and there is no time for any goodbye's (For example at the end of the prison arc, for any comic readers). It's more realistic this way, and more true to The Walking Dead universe.
Well, but that wasn't like the end of the prision arc, they could have put Carley body to the RV, drive a little bit and then have some time to say goodbye.
A friend told me their friend was able to get Lilly to shoot Ben instead of Carley in the roadside confrontation... But we all know how reliable that sounds. Has anyone managed to do this by accusing Ben?
You say that, but I have read a couple of other people making claims that the dev's said there is a method of keeping her alive. Maybe there is a way, but it does seem rather unlikely.
I have played three times now and never managed to get Lilly to shoot Ben.
save1: Carley, supported Lilly with the search, Went neutral/passive on the accusations on Ben -> Carley get's shot
save2: Carley, supported Lilly all the way, accused Ben all the way, Carley get's shot
Save 3: Doug, did not support Lilly with the search, did not support her with accusations-> Doug dead.
I doubt it's possible for any of your actions to actually matter on the income, because that has been the case for the last 3 episodes.
If TTG had such a money issue with developing 2 characters for 1 they could have introduced only 2 new faces this episode or something.
What sucks though, is that, aside Clem, we are left with the lamest members of the group now.
What sucks though, is that, aside Clem, we are left with the lamest members of the group now.
That was the part that ground on me the most really. This episode saw some amazing and shocking moments, but we lost the internal feud between Kenny and Lilly, we also lost Lilly as a character, Carley/Doug also perished seemingly randomly which also destroyed the nearest the game has come to a romance (one of the parts of the human experience that the game hasn't shown us), whilst also offing the irritating Duck and the underdevelopped Katjaa. Leaving us with Clem, Kenny who is pretty decent, and the very wet Ben... as well as a very stereotypical and ultimately dull hobo, and a couple of random characters who felt... well, to me, they felt like cannon fodder for the next episode.
It just goes to prove my theory that this game only offers the illusion of choice, it rail-roads you to a linear path, what you do in the game doesn't really effect anything in the subsequent episodes as, for instance, saving Doug or Carley in Ep1 doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things as both will eventually be killed by Lilly... As others have said, it kills the replay value.
Well it is Walking Dead right. Don't beloved characters die all the time in the comics, with no regards to anything? I mean, I really really liked Carley. She was a great support, a great character and everything. Her death was the first thing that really really freaked me out...but it was a great scene. And it has to be done. We have to be reminded that people we care for can die at any given moment.
the only problem I really have with this is that one of the selling points of this game is that you are nurtering relationships and making lasting decisions in the story. Yet there are so little people still remaining from episode 1 or 2 that I'm like: "What was the point of most of it?"
the only problem I really have with this is that one of the selling points of this game is that you are nurtering relationships and making lasting decisions in the story. Yet there are so little people still remaining from episode 1 or 2 that I'm like: "What was the point of most of it?"
I think that is kinda the point. I mean they still gave you all the hints that "Carley will remember that..." 15 seconds before she is dead. You really do not know if there will be a consequence or someone dies before that. I think that is actually more interesting. In most games which feature stuff like that, you KNOW that it will bite you in the ass or will be helpful later on. Here? Everyone can die at any given moment or just leave the group or get seperated, whatever.
I mean there were probably many gamers out there that liked Lilly as well and would have forgiven Lilly that she got crazy, and given her a second chance. But it is not about what the player wants. Even if you want to go with her, she lefts you with the group. Good or bad Relations. Sometimes stuff like that does not matter.
Well, yeah, but I already picked every option that benefitted her figuring I would be stuck with her for the entire game...
...alright I can't pretend it's just a game mechanic, I'm doing everything for her because I care for her as a character. (and if you ever dare to kill her TTG I would be very upset, so you are totally planning that aren't you?)
but I still stand by my comment that at this point all the decisions seem to be more about themselves then making an actual impact on the story (besides Clementine) I expected first episode things to come back and haunt me. I guess they have still have 2 episodes to prove otherwise, but if it turns out that 80% of the game was just the illusion of consequences it would diminish the value of this game.
edit: @Cloudchaser: Yeah, I get that is part of the charm and I'm not completely against that. I also get that killing her off made for some good drama which I appreciate, but I just don't want this game to turn into a "unless you were lucky enough to pick clem's and kenny's options all the time episode 5 will get a lot harder"
It's a zombie apocalypse, I think finding a reason to keep moving is sort of the moral of the story, particularly when everyone you care about is gone. Do you keep going or "punch your own ticket"?
I liked Carley, but she did kinda push Lilly who was unquestionably unstable. I don't care if Ben was guilty, you don't try to put down a 17-year-old boy for stealing (poor Doug).
It's a zombie apocalypse, I think finding a reason to keep moving is sort of the moral of the story, particularly when everyone you care about is gone. Do you keep going or "punch your own ticket"?
I liked Carley, but she did kinda push Lilly who was unquestionably unstable. I don't care if Ben was guilty, you don't try to put down a 17-year-old boy for stealing (poor Doug).
Arguing with someone doesn't give them permission to shoot you in the face.
the only problem I really have with this is that one of the selling points of this game is that you are nurtering relationships and making lasting decisions in the story. Yet there are so little people still remaining from episode 1 or 2 that I'm like: "What was the point of most of it?"
I think this might be a problem for the future of this game. You invest time with a group of characters and slowly coming around to care and even desiring to have one to become a love interest. Then all you can do is watch them die and not be able to prevent it in a RPG game of all things.
I know some players are not as invested in the characters as others might be but I care too much and I happened to care for Carley.
Unlike other fans, i didnt even care for the delay, well i really didnt care i like games, and i enjoy playing dont care for the rest, but there is something i dont get at all, one of the only possible reasons for the delay on episodes would be the ONLY change In-game we could make, carly or doug but they simpli eliminated that problem on the start of the episode so, why did they took so long with it?!
I remember earing on a video someone saying they would make in the end of the releases a CD game release for colectors but, do they realy think that giving the twints on the game anyone will want that?! if anyone purchases the rest of the episodes now is entirely for not ending up with an half played game.
Has for me, well has soon as i saw Carly die i paused the game, came to the internet and saw that no mather what we do she dies, i just got depressed and uninstaled the game, dont even care for ending it now. Gess that Telltale is olny another business company, numbers before anything else.
Unlike other fans, i didnt even care for the delay, well i really didnt care i like games, and i enjoy playing dont care for the rest, but there is something i dont get at all, one of the only possible reasons for the delay on episodes would be the ONLY change In-game we could make, carly or doug but they simpli eliminated that problem on the start of the episode so, why did they took so long with it?!
I remember earing on a video someone saying they would make in the end of the releases a CD game release for colectors but, do they realy think that giving the twints on the game anyone will want that?! if anyone purchases the rest of the episodes now is entirely for not ending up with an half played game.
Has for me, well has soon as i saw Carly die i paused the game, came to the internet and saw that no mather what we do she dies, i just got depressed and uninstaled the game, dont even care for ending it now. Gess that Telltale is olny another business company, numbers before anything else.
Telltale killed Carley ---> Telltale only cares about money.
The definition of non-sequitor means "does not follow". This definition's application to your post does however flow logically. What the hell are you talking about?
Bad decision, poor writing, cheap trick, clumsily handled or disservice to a beloved character are all descriptive options I can understand. Saying it proves they only care about money is just nonsense.
Uninstall it if the scene soured your experience. But don't bring that wacky line of reasoning around here. We got our hands full already.
It would be lovely to see her with an eyepatch or headband covering half her face coming to the rescue! Lee is saved once again by Carley
It was very obvious since episode 1 that both Carley and Doug (no matter your choice) would die pretty soon.
It is a money issue. If they let them live they had to make story/cutscenes/voice etc. for both and branch them out. Just letting them die is a cheap,easy solution.
It is lame I know, but they don't want to bother with making content that get's only viewed by 50% of the players (if even that).
On the one hand, I can understand. On the other hand, it is lame. Because again, choices don't seem to matter AT ALL.
Whether you choose carley or doug in EP1 makes absolutely zero (ZERO... NONE! NADA NIENTE) difference. Both have the exact same role, do the exact same things, the story continues the exact same way.
It didn't matter who you choose. It is kind of lame... tbh.
Of course we all wished for our choices to matter but in this game it just isn't the case.
Telltale don't wanna invest any money in making branches of story. So they simply kill the characters that your choices influenced. Lame? Yes. But they wanna save money...
I have no problem with it whatsoever, if only they didn't advertise and claim that your choices actually mattered, because after 3 episodes (60% of the game) with several different savegames and complete different choices I can't tell a difference between any of the savegames.
That is Carley's gun...isn't it????? or is it Lily's???
I will vomit if Lee is using the weapon that killed Carley. The pistol he is currently carrying is Carley's and that will be my version of things.
i say carley's. you know they should have just killed off doug. (sorry doug fans, are there doug fans?) but that way we could still have carly the storys could differ and they would not have to have 2 voice actors. best of both worlds
Right...but if its Carley's...then what about for the Doug version? He has to be carrying Lily's....especially when he tells Lily to drop the gun and we see the gun being dropped...but we never see Lee picking it up from Carley's dead body
yeah but if you choose to take lily with you i think lee gives ben lilys gun. ben sure as hell better not get carleys gun, or he is going to die slow.
It was emotional for me. It wasn't brilliant, it was cruel, and it happened fast. Nothing in this game so far has made me feel so shocked, angry, and close to Lee as Carly's death. I knew it was probably coming, but that didn't stop me from choking up in that RV. I probably would have ended up in complete tears if I didn't learn of some more pressing matters with Duck not too long after.
To all those who say the deaths weren't good enough... Welcome to the world of "The Walking Dead" where people die suddenly and there is no time for any goodbye's (For example at the end of the prison arc, for any comic readers). It's more realistic this way, and more true to The Walking Dead universe.
Well, but that wasn't like the end of the prision arc, they could have put Carley body to the RV, drive a little bit and then have some time to say goodbye.
You say that, but I have read a couple of other people making claims that the dev's said there is a method of keeping her alive. Maybe there is a way, but it does seem rather unlikely.
save1: Carley, supported Lilly with the search, Went neutral/passive on the accusations on Ben -> Carley get's shot
save2: Carley, supported Lilly all the way, accused Ben all the way, Carley get's shot
Save 3: Doug, did not support Lilly with the search, did not support her with accusations-> Doug dead.
I doubt it's possible for any of your actions to actually matter on the income, because that has been the case for the last 3 episodes.
What sucks though, is that, aside Clem, we are left with the lamest members of the group now.
That was the part that ground on me the most really. This episode saw some amazing and shocking moments, but we lost the internal feud between Kenny and Lilly, we also lost Lilly as a character, Carley/Doug also perished seemingly randomly which also destroyed the nearest the game has come to a romance (one of the parts of the human experience that the game hasn't shown us), whilst also offing the irritating Duck and the underdevelopped Katjaa. Leaving us with Clem, Kenny who is pretty decent, and the very wet Ben... as well as a very stereotypical and ultimately dull hobo, and a couple of random characters who felt... well, to me, they felt like cannon fodder for the next episode.
The group dynamic has been lost, sadly.
I fell in love with Carley then.
I know right
Lily had to live. She has to go to Woodbury and work for the Governor. End of story.
So watch out for Clem.
I think that is kinda the point. I mean they still gave you all the hints that "Carley will remember that..." 15 seconds before she is dead. You really do not know if there will be a consequence or someone dies before that. I think that is actually more interesting. In most games which feature stuff like that, you KNOW that it will bite you in the ass or will be helpful later on. Here? Everyone can die at any given moment or just leave the group or get seperated, whatever.
I mean there were probably many gamers out there that liked Lilly as well and would have forgiven Lilly that she got crazy, and given her a second chance. But it is not about what the player wants. Even if you want to go with her, she lefts you with the group. Good or bad Relations. Sometimes stuff like that does not matter.
...alright I can't pretend it's just a game mechanic, I'm doing everything for her because I care for her as a character. (and if you ever dare to kill her TTG I would be very upset, so you are totally planning that aren't you?)
but I still stand by my comment that at this point all the decisions seem to be more about themselves then making an actual impact on the story (besides Clementine) I expected first episode things to come back and haunt me. I guess they have still have 2 episodes to prove otherwise, but if it turns out that 80% of the game was just the illusion of consequences it would diminish the value of this game.
edit: @Cloudchaser: Yeah, I get that is part of the charm and I'm not completely against that. I also get that killing her off made for some good drama which I appreciate, but I just don't want this game to turn into a "unless you were lucky enough to pick clem's and kenny's options all the time episode 5 will get a lot harder"
It's a zombie apocalypse, I think finding a reason to keep moving is sort of the moral of the story, particularly when everyone you care about is gone. Do you keep going or "punch your own ticket"?
I liked Carley, but she did kinda push Lilly who was unquestionably unstable. I don't care if Ben was guilty, you don't try to put down a 17-year-old boy for stealing (poor Doug).
Arguing with someone doesn't give them permission to shoot you in the face.
Well of course not, but arguing with an armed nutcase is practically an engraved invitation.
I think this might be a problem for the future of this game. You invest time with a group of characters and slowly coming around to care and even desiring to have one to become a love interest. Then all you can do is watch them die and not be able to prevent it in a RPG game of all things.
I know some players are not as invested in the characters as others might be but I care too much and I happened to care for Carley.
Sad? No. Annoyed? Yes.
I remember earing on a video someone saying they would make in the end of the releases a CD game release for colectors but, do they realy think that giving the twints on the game anyone will want that?! if anyone purchases the rest of the episodes now is entirely for not ending up with an half played game.
Has for me, well has soon as i saw Carly die i paused the game, came to the internet and saw that no mather what we do she dies, i just got depressed and uninstaled the game, dont even care for ending it now. Gess that Telltale is olny another business company, numbers before anything else.
Telltale killed Carley ---> Telltale only cares about money.
The definition of non-sequitor means "does not follow". This definition's application to your post does however flow logically. What the hell are you talking about?
Bad decision, poor writing, cheap trick, clumsily handled or disservice to a beloved character are all descriptive options I can understand. Saying it proves they only care about money is just nonsense.
Uninstall it if the scene soured your experience. But don't bring that wacky line of reasoning around here. We got our hands full already.