Remember idiots, all the supposed information about names in the novels is something someone posted to a wiki. If you trust the information posted to a wiki, i got ocen front property to sell you here in Kansas. THis is all b***sh*t speculation until the novel has come out, and any nmaes used is confirmed.
I'm sure my original theory about game gans pissed with telltale for delays etc
Trolling kirkman (who has nothing to do with the game) so he just decided to distance himself from the game...
I read the first chapter of the new novel and it tells a part of the the background story of Lilly. It's complete different as we know it from the game. So... Now, it looks like the game isn't canon.
I read the first chapter of the new novel and it tells a part of the the background story of Lilly. It's complete different as we know it from the game. So... Now, it looks like the game isn't canon.
The game is still canon but Lilly isn't,as she was originally meant to be,
it's two different woman who happen to share the same name.
I doubt Kirkman is the type of person who reacts to trolling cry babies,it's probably more to do with him and his co-writer wanting to have more creative freedom when they decided to write about Lilly's backstory themselves(even though Kirkman originally gave Telltale the go ahead with Lilly!).
Yeah I am disappointed too because I thought that the book would pick up Lillies story after we leave her in the game. Instead she has a totally different personality and father and story. I like the video game version better, she is a strong female leader and doesn't take shit and her dickhead dad was interesting too. Spoiler alert!!! In the book she is a sterotypical female babysitter (so far) that is afraid of everything and needs protection and her dad was some nice guy who sacrificed himself by putting her on a bus as he was being eaten by zombies (kind of a cliche). I really want to like this book like I did the last but it really is really a disappointment now that either the game is not cannon now (which it totally should be because it fits in perectly in that universe and was really well done) or the books are not and that would be a shame too. Game Lilly is way more interesting (so far) then book Lilly and someone really dropped the ball here. I was really hoping the books and games and comics would all tie into the same universe and create one big walking dead story now I don't know what think. Seems like a slap in the face to the creators of the game that did such a good job with bringing even more people into the walking dead that maybe hadn't paid attention to the show or comics. I guess they could keep the game cannon by making the two Lillie's different people, that would suck but I guess thats the only way. I thought I remebered seeing a trohpy for the game that said off to woodbury or something like that and then I think it was changed to hit the road whwere game Lilly leaves. I thought I imagined it but now it makes sense. Oh well I guess, it's not going to stop me from reading the books or playing the game but I do wish it was consistant.
It can't possibly be a coincidence that Woodbury Lilly has a boyfriend named Lee and a father named Everett, nor can you chalk it up to Kirkman recycling a first name, considering they are both named Caul.
Kirkman consulted closely with Telltale in the beginning, at no doubt the same time he was writing the book. In my opinion, the book is Kirkman flipping the bird to the game fans to generate exactly this kind of discussion.
I'm sure my original theory about game gans pissed with telltale for delays etc
Trolling kirkman (who has nothing to do with the game) so he just decided to distance himself from the game...
I would have done the same thing.
You do realize Kirkman gets just as much trolling from the ACTUAL comic right? He gonna distance himself from that too? What about the tv show? That gets a lot of crap too from what I've seen.
Lilly is mentally unstable at the point we ditch her/leaves, she could have made up stuff to other survivors, I mean does this really sound right if you were to explain it to other survivors? "Oh, my dad had a heart attack in a meat locker with other people inside of it, he was killed with a salt lick. I used to be with a group, until i shot a girl in the face/guy in the back of his head in cold blood." Yeah, thats def going to get her places. Also her father could have gone by two names, Everett Ray could be his real name but he could have changed his name OR could have liked to be called "larry"/lied about his name to lee & co.
OR they really are different characters, in which lilly died because i left her behind .
Lilly is mentally unstable at the point we ditch her/leaves, she could have made up stuff to other survivors, I mean does this really sound right if you were to explain it to other survivors? "Oh, my dad had a heart attack in a meat locker with other people inside of it, he was killed with a salt lick. I used to be with a group, until i shot a girl in the face/guy in the back of his head in cold blood." Yeah, thats def going to get her places. Also her father could have gone by two names, Everett Ray could be his real name but he could have changed his name OR could have liked to be called "larry"/lied about his name to lee & co.
OR they really are different characters, in which lilly died because i left her behind .
I guess for diehard fans of the game, pretending novel Lilly is just entirely delusional is the best way to solve the issue here. XD
However, Lilly is also a very different character from what I've read. Makes sense from what has (or could have, if you are not playing the delusional card) happened to her, but if I were to have never played the game, I would not like this character of Lilly.
Canon is really important to me and I consider Lily to be the Lily in the comics so I guess the excuses that Larry is a nickname and Lily made up her dad's death (him sacrificing himself to save her) was just to cover for his real death which she didn't want to admit. That's good enough for me.
Yeah in the game titles they changed "road to woodbury" to "hit the road." I think kirkman probably told them to go ahead but in the end didn't like the lily TTG created or something and wanted to try something new. So they tried to make them 2 seperate people.
Of course, the novel about lily caul could be the same lily as the game who just made shit up, as the lily in the comics seems to be very similar in attitude to the video game with how emotional and how much of a lit cannon she was. I like video game lily though
It can't possibly be a coincidence that Woodbury Lilly has a boyfriend named Lee and a father named Everett, nor can you chalk it up to Kirkman recycling a first name, considering they are both named Caul.
Was the game Lilly's last name ever revealed? What are the last names of any characters besides Lee?
Canon is really important to me and I consider Lily to be the Lily in the comics so I guess the excuses that Larry is a nickname and Lily made up her dad's death (him sacrificing himself to save her) was just to cover for his real death which she didn't want to admit. That's good enough for me.
Haven't read it but I heard when its going over her backstory she's not talking anyone.
Haven't read it but I heard when its going over her backstory she's not talking anyone.
Ugh that is so dumb. Telltale already had her backstory done and Kirkman is so stubborn he can't let them have just this one? It's a great link to the comics and interesting to see how your actions led to what she did in the comics. I never plan to read Road to Woodbury and to me, it doesn't exist.
Trolling kirkman (who has nothing to do with the game) so he just decided to distance himself from the game...
I would have done the same thing.
The game is still canon but Lilly isn't,as she was originally meant to be,
it's two different woman who happen to share the same name.
I doubt Kirkman is the type of person who reacts to trolling cry babies,it's probably more to do with him and his co-writer wanting to have more creative freedom when they decided to write about Lilly's backstory themselves(even though Kirkman originally gave Telltale the go ahead with Lilly!).
It's either a tribute or some kind of mockery...
or maybe it's just a massive coincidence?
Kirkman consulted closely with Telltale in the beginning, at no doubt the same time he was writing the book. In my opinion, the book is Kirkman flipping the bird to the game fans to generate exactly this kind of discussion.
You do realize Kirkman gets just as much trolling from the ACTUAL comic right? He gonna distance himself from that too? What about the tv show? That gets a lot of crap too from what I've seen.
OR they really are different characters, in which lilly died because i left her behind .
I guess for diehard fans of the game, pretending novel Lilly is just entirely delusional is the best way to solve the issue here. XD
However, Lilly is also a very different character from what I've read. Makes sense from what has (or could have, if you are not playing the delusional card) happened to her, but if I were to have never played the game, I would not like this character of Lilly.
Of course, the novel about lily caul could be the same lily as the game who just made shit up, as the lily in the comics seems to be very similar in attitude to the video game with how emotional and how much of a lit cannon she was. I like video game lily though
Was the game Lilly's last name ever revealed? What are the last names of any characters besides Lee?
Haven't read it but I heard when its going over her backstory she's not talking anyone.
Ugh that is so dumb. Telltale already had her backstory done and Kirkman is so stubborn he can't let them have just this one? It's a great link to the comics and interesting to see how your actions led to what she did in the comics. I never plan to read Road to Woodbury and to me, it doesn't exist.