TWD OSX Episode 3 stuck at 99.50% - HELP



  • edited September 2012
    After downloading for 6 hours (on a connection which usually downloads with 3 mb/s) my download is stuck at 95,50% too.
    Is it going to take another few weeks before we can play episode 3 on Mac?
  • edited September 2012
    Hi, mine has finally completed. Mine was windowed, high quality settings so it may not be related to settings. I did t yesterday morning in the UK and the download was really really fast which is unlike previous attempts.
  • edited September 2012
    I've had exactly this issue, notably I have checked activity monitor and the walking dead is the only app doing anything AND the data rate stays constantly at over 300 KB / sec regardless of rate of progress. This bug seems to also be wasting telltale's server bandwidth for that reason.

    I even went nuclear and SHUT OFF the INTERNET while stuck at 99.50%, it does not affect the game, and when I restart the internet it resumes downloading useless data at the same rate as before.

    PanicProne wrote: »
    I have tried for 5th time now. Lowering all graphics etc, (even turning sounds off!). For my 1st and 2nd attempt I did none of these thing. At that time the download went at a slow, steady pace, taking bout 4hours to reach 99.50%. Since lowering everything (attempt 3-5) it goes suuuuper fast (in about 10minutes) to 70-ish percent and then slows down eventually doing 0.01% every three seconds. When it gets to 99.50% it stops, and stays there. Will try go the other route (in other words, not the "download content"-route) and see if it works. Otherwise I'll just have to wait til TellTale gets us a fix. Have had no problems whatsoever with the game before so a bit bummed, but hey, as long as they get it fixed.
  • edited September 2012
    Celebrated Labor day by trying again after seeing a few posts that someone had success. reinstalled the application, download took 35 minutes. Then spent well over 4 hours reaching 99.50%, was over 60% in the first hour. Seriously? No help at all guys?
  • edited September 2012
    kgruscho wrote: »
    Celebrated Labor day by trying again after seeing a few posts that someone had success. reinstalled the application, download took 35 minutes. Then spent well over 4 hours reaching 99.50%, was over 60% in the first hour. Seriously? No help at all guys?

    PM me and I'll get you sorted.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2012
    To those who haven't seen it, here's a workaround.
  • edited September 2012
    what I did to get it working:
    went to ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Temp and deleted every file inside this folder

    woosh, finally 100% :D
  • edited September 2012
    mi-Ka wrote: »
    what I did to get it working:
    went to ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Temp and deleted every file inside this folder

    woosh, finally 100% :D

    I can confirm this also worked for me.

    My folder was hidden - if you can't find your folder launch terminal and use the following command:
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

    Then restart Finder with this command:
    killall Finder

    And your hidden files should show up.

    If you want to hide your hidden files again use:
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

    And then:
    killall Finder
  • edited September 2012

    for those who can't find the Telltale games folder, well, neither could I.

    Saw in another thread about using the "Go To" function and googled it. so yea here's the steps:

    1. Open Finder

    2. Press "Cmd + Shift + G" to open Go To function.

    3. Copy in "~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Temp" as stated above by mi-KA.

    4. Delete the files.

    5. Open game, get downloading and be amazed at the lightning speed. Got Ep. 3 in around 7mins.

    Hope it works for you! :)
  • edited September 2012
    Hope Telltale are taking notes. You see, Telltale? This is how you get shit done.
  • edited September 2012
    what if that didnt work :(
  • edited September 2012
    Does anyone else find this absolutely ridiculous? I paid for the game and episode 2 will not even download. Now I have to go through all this other crap to get the thing to work? Really? I waited over 14 hours to get the download to freeze at 99.5%. Why can't Telltale get their act together, provide some real support, and get this problem fixed? Absolute joke.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm having the same problem on my Macbook, just like you guys said it is so frustrating to get to 99.5 and have it crash over and over.
  • edited September 2012
    Please if anybody else can find a solution to this problem it would be greatly appreciated since telltale doesn't give a fuck it seems like. I've failed 5 times now trying to download episode 2 and just like you guys say it gets stuck at 99.5 percent every time! it's so frustrating:mad:
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