I NEED HELP!! (spoilers for ep3)

edited August 2012 in The Walking Dead
okay so in the station, once you've 'thrown' clem over to open the door and the 2 walkers come out of no where and your suppose to back up and grab the wrench(?) ... i back up and i click on the weapon, then it zooms in on it and lee won't pick it up, i just get bitten everytime and its reaaaaally fustrating me now!!


oh i'm playing it on the pc as well if that changes anything?


  • edited August 2012
    When you see the two options to use the monkey wrench press two and then click on it.
  • edited August 2012
    Oh Graceef I feel your pain...I have seen Lee's intestines about 99 times
  • edited August 2012
    Please if anyone playing on PC has any help...Ive tried it everyway possible except right way. Ive played entire game until now strait thru but Ive played this one part Im not kidding over 40 times
  • edited August 2012
    Hover over the weapon when you're close enough. If you're too far, you'll only have a look option. Use the scroll wheel when a hand appears in the crosshairs to change from "look at" to "take". If your view is obscured, you might have to punch a zombie.
  • edited August 2012
    This scene has almost ruined the game for me. I expect some difficulty but having tried well over 50 times to complete and still no luck.

    This scene needs to be nerfed!
  • edited August 2012
    wminscoe7 wrote: »
    Oh Graceef I feel your pain...I have seen Lee's intestines about 99 times

    Same here :( Managed to get past it though
  • edited August 2012
    I had to walk away from this scene last night and i am again now..I have anxiety over this scene..I may go buy a ps3 to get thru scene and then take ps3 back.
    Thanks Master of Aeons..that makes sense and logical..I was backing up too slow I believe. I still cant make it though. I will one way or the other.
  • edited August 2012
    ZAHROC wrote: »
    ...tried well over 50 times to complete...!

    Objection your honor, he's clearly exaggerating.
  • edited August 2012
    figured it out finally!
    don't worry about hitting walkers, just walk backwards, get close to wrench, hover over wrench, scroll to hand and then whack away!
  • edited August 2012
    ZAHROC wrote: »
    figured it out finally!
    Don't worry about hitting walkers, just walk backwards, get close to wrench, hover over wrench, scroll to hand and then whack away!

    thank you!
  • edited August 2012
    Glad you figured it out lol
  • edited August 2012
    i actually give up. i've tried all of yesterday and all of this morning and afternoon and i still can't do it. the laptops gonna go straight through a window soon, its soooo frustrating why can't he just pick up the wrench, its the most (should be the most) simplest thing ever!!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2012
    That's strange. I didn't even die once at that part. Well, maybe it's one of those parts which you ace at first try, but which drives you bananas in a second playthrough. :confused:
  • edited August 2012
    how did you do it?
  • edited August 2012
    Im in same boat..Im fixing to throw my laptop out window as well. I have played this scene over and over..i havent died thru game yet and Ive died in this scene at every attempt. Any suggestions? Im not using mouse
  • edited August 2012
    Died several times over during that scene. It really did not seem clear what you had to do.
  • edited August 2012
    This is THIRD day I have been stuck at train station, I have done everything to get thru this. I played entire game without dying and have died in station 100+ times. Looks like a few others have had same issue playing on PC..anyone have a idea to help me out I would really appreciate it
  • edited August 2012
    Someone suggested to hit 2 on the keyboard before clicking on the wrench. That eventually worked for me. I'm on a laptop too.
  • edited August 2012
    I died once at that part. I didn't realize I could even back up, and just punched the walker in the face, only to be devoured. Once I learned I could back up, I just walked as far back as possible, until the option to pick up the, in my case spike remover. I grabbed it and went to town on those chumps.

    I guess the key is probably just backing up as far as possible, because I got it first try (once I knew I could back up).
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