Im just makeing my observation clear so that in later episodes or seasons this will not come by great surprise....
(Brief Observation before Carleys death)
The system is still tracking if carley will remember certain stances taken by the the player such as "Carley is Trustworthy" in the RV a minute prior to carley getting put down like a shotgun faggot spamming in call of duty
(The science)
I'm going to go out on a limb here and preemptively say, without any calculations, that theoretically a bullet does have enough energy to knock over a person but in practice it won't usually happen if the bullet works the way it is supposed to. Handgun cartridges can generate several hundred ft-lbs of energy at the muzzle, which I would think is sufficient force to at least push an average sized person by some amount. However, a bullet works by causing a disturbance to internal organs and tissue (leading to tissue damage and blood loss, etc.) If all of the bullet's energy went into pushing the person or knocking him back, I would suspect that it would not do a good job of disturbing vital tissue. Therefore, I think it is safe to say that most of a bullet's energy goes into disrupting tissue rather than knocking the person down. I'm sure a fair amount of energy is lost in "pushing," and that it is possible for someone to be knocked down, but I think most of the time the person will just fall after enough tissue/nerve damage or loss of blood or blood pressure.
(The point)
Carley may have sustained a fatal blow from the She-Devil. But according to science there may be a 10-35% chance the bullet was directed at a time at which carley was shifting body momentum to turn around lessening the damage of the handguns bullet. (Possible Survival) Theres some hope you fanboy faggoteers, just be happy it wasnt a shotgun in call of duty. I did like carley in my group but I have to say her getting blasted and coming back would be better. Minus the hole in her cheek.. The END...
(Brief Observation before Carleys death)
The system is still tracking if carley will remember certain stances taken by the the player such as "Carley is Trustworthy" in the RV a minute prior to carley getting put down like a shotgun faggot spamming in call of duty
(The science)
I'm going to go out on a limb here and preemptively say, without any calculations, that theoretically a bullet does have enough energy to knock over a person but in practice it won't usually happen if the bullet works the way it is supposed to. Handgun cartridges can generate several hundred ft-lbs of energy at the muzzle, which I would think is sufficient force to at least push an average sized person by some amount. However, a bullet works by causing a disturbance to internal organs and tissue (leading to tissue damage and blood loss, etc.) If all of the bullet's energy went into pushing the person or knocking him back, I would suspect that it would not do a good job of disturbing vital tissue. Therefore, I think it is safe to say that most of a bullet's energy goes into disrupting tissue rather than knocking the person down. I'm sure a fair amount of energy is lost in "pushing," and that it is possible for someone to be knocked down, but I think most of the time the person will just fall after enough tissue/nerve damage or loss of blood or blood pressure.
(The point)
Carley may have sustained a fatal blow from the She-Devil. But according to science there may be a 10-35% chance the bullet was directed at a time at which carley was shifting body momentum to turn around lessening the damage of the handguns bullet. (Possible Survival) Theres some hope you fanboy faggoteers, just be happy it wasnt a shotgun in call of duty. I did like carley in my group but I have to say her getting blasted and coming back would be better. Minus the hole in her cheek.. The END...
This discussion has been closed.
There was even one exact same thread just like that.
Shouldn't any mod like clear it a bit and combine all those same topics in one?
But, as I stated on a near identical thread, is that it wouldn't be disrespectful to the series to bring back Carley. Sure most people want her alive, but who in their right mind fully expects her to return? I for one would be happy to see her come back, and frankly want her to, but I know for damned sure that she isn't.
So, in that vein, it would be entirely out of left field for her to actually come back. And cinematically, something coming out of left field as such can be handled correctly, so long it isn't over the top. It would be a great and welcome device if they used to to bring a candle into the dark abyss that the series is plunging down.
It would break my suspension of disbelief far less for her to come back, than for this series to continue to try and be darker and darker without a glimmer of hope. If it continues to be darker, you can bet that they'd have to do something to lighten it at least a little, or people will see through the story as just trying to go for darkness and be a death-and-despair-fest. For something to lighten that up, bringing Carley back would be a big thing, and would surely be a nice beacon of light, that not all is lost.
Now, there is surely a right and wrong way to handle her coming back. They for one can't at all allude to her survival, until the exact moment she strolls up, and for two, it can't be over the top. Don't even explain it, or do so very briefly, let the mere fact of her survival, and her showing up be all the explanation, until later, when the dramatic tension is lifted, in a conversation with her.
In all, it is highly unlikely that we'll see anymore of her, but I don't see her coming back as a step in the wrong direction by any means.
Lee: "OMG! Carley! You're alive!"
Carley (face half bandaged) "You f**kers left me for dead!!!"
Lee: You got shot IN THE FACE!
Carley: "Does checking for a pulse ring a bell?"
If they didn't have that, then some may have picked up on that, and it would have foreshadowed her untimely death, which is counterproductive. By simply still putting up the 'will remember that', it made the whole thing very unexpected.
So her chances are pretty herself.
So + 1 for the New Vegas Reference, - 2 for not referencing the Walking Dead comic book character that actually survived a bullet to the head...
Why does that surprise you?
People have the ability to remember things before they die. It's useless what she thought of you because she died.
Honestly, go on youtube now, and watch people who did commentaries on their playthrough.
Almost everyone, and I literally everyone who saved either Doug or Carley are just bumped about Lilly killing them. This is no longer a "This is The Walking Dead, people aren't gonna be safe" thing, you can clearly how deeply affected each character is towards their death. TTG might have made something brilliant but they've gone to the point where what they do backfires. I get negative reputation? Damn it...
But then I never read the comic or watched the series.
They are actually enough people in fiction who survived a bullet to the head, also in real life. But I do not think that Carley is going to be one of them.
But even then...she would have a gaping wound, and(if you leave lilly) you see walkers approching the even if she survived, I would think not for long.
Rick- idiot
Carrol- idiot
Carl- idiot
Lori- idiot
T-Dawg- who cares
Glenn- hes a smart man hooking up with the farmers daughter
Darrel- makes everyone else look dumber than owl shit
Like I said in another thread. This is not a TV show or a book that you are reading where you are outside looking in. This is a game and you are in the center of it all. You are interacting with the characters and forming relationships with them within the story. You become attached to them and if something bad happens to them it hurts. You are not reading about Lee Everett who just lost Carley to a gunshot. You ARE Lee Everett who just lost Carley to a gunshot.
Seriously? I actually feel really bad for having Lilly gone. She was one of the best characters in the game. Amazing story, intricate, deep and tragic. Carley, however, was one of the worst written characters. She did nothing for 3 episodes, failed to participate in any major conversations and was missing for like 80% of the time. Duck & Katjaa's death felt so much worse than hers.
Everybody are crying for Carley because people apparently have a very soft spot for a girl that kissed them on the cheek. Get a hold of yourself please.
This is a survivor game, not Sims.
Lilly was a survivor, a great leader and a totally badass chick and I'm really, really happy that her story will continue in The Walking Dead book 2 - The Road to Woodbury.
Carley is a flat character that wasn't developed enough. She looked very promising in episode 1 but that was it.
I can get why some of you are upset bur crying about this in every single thread is just damn annoying. Telltale kills your crush and you all storm with hundreds of "Telltale, you sick people, bring Carley back" topics.
She is dead and ain't coming back. Get over it.
Sorry bro, but the bolded statement right there, you'll have to attribute it Telltale's laziness.
And unfortunately, if you're not happy with how so many people are ranting about bringing Carley/Doug back, you might as well refrain yourself from posting in the thread, that or you probably should stop being a prick in everybody else's wound.
We get it that it isn't Sims, but Carley was one of the characters who affected Lee up to a certain point, maybe not Lee, but the players. That goes to show how big a role Carley played. That is what determinant characters do. If Lilly died, nobody'd gave a shit, why ? Because she was a familiar face that we all see about 80% of the time. Put in a determinant character and we'd all be wondering what happened to them, because each offered a different storyline that would gradually impact the players.
Again, I will stick to my statement. Saying that this is Le Walking Dead will not justify any of the reasons to kill fan favorite characters. That alone isn't convincing. Robert Kirkman may have an established fanbase for doing so, but you bet there are thousands of people who disagrees to it as well. That is how it is.
Lilly's story is intricate, deep and tragic ? I agree with you. But her personality came to the point where nobody wants her around. No matter how a good a character's story you can pen about, if players don't wanna relate to her, she's just going to be a someone that the "minority" can relate to. Heck, if it was so deep, Robert Kirkman would have probably continued on her character in the comics :S.
That is my point.
I'm not saying it is based on a TV show perspective.
My very point is that, this is not something that is happening within the Telltale Game community.
Carley's death is felt everywhere by every players, who feels the same as we did.
What I'm trying to prove is that tons of players are affected.
And what would make better proof than showing that most of us outside of Telltale game forums are affected as well
The ratings are not going down because carly died, noone and I mean noone (ok maybe 1 or 2 people) are going to stop playing the game ebcause of carlys death.
As you said, I would honestly do anything to anybody except clem for her to still be alive and with the group. However she is not and tt made that really clear. I think we are even missing the point of why tt decided to off carly and doug, that being to save money and A LOT of time developing. If carly were to come back, everyone who picked doug would feel pretty ripped off.
Not to mention, tt hasnt made many, or certainly not any big ones, plot holes. If lilly, carly, or whomever is deceased or left (glenn) comes back, it would make it unrealistic for me. Maybe lilly because she knew where we were going..MAYBE, but they would have to do some great writing for that.
Im not familiar with the comic but I am familiar with the show and the walking dead franchise hasnt done anything yet storyline wise that seems implausible. If carly were to :
1) Survive the bullet wound to the TEMPLE than
2) Survive the walkers, which were if you left lilly in the woods right away
3) Some how find a way to Savanah all x+ miles away
4) Some how find the group all while there still there
well i think I made my case that it wont happen. Once again not saying I dont want her to come back, and Im not being pessimistic for her outcome Im just saying unless the writers decide to throw a monkey wrench into the storyline she is not coming back period
Thinking about it, they could do DLC of the Characters right before the outbreak occurred (or when it happened) so you get to see and play other characters perspectives. This would actually be awesome.
Carley was one of my closest allies.
And I loved her character.
But if she ever came back. If anyone from a situation similar ever came back.
I would wash my hands of this game and likely stop playing.
She died to serve the narrative. And that is the most important thing.
shut up
I admire the thread starter's imagination though. I'm not sure what it is motivated by though... The fact that Carley was a character of so much potential and the opportunity for her and her relationship with Lee is lost, or that the character was killed off due to the limitations of this type of game. Either way, it's a painful realisation.
Man, unfortunately it's you Carley fans that have created 200 topics about her, and posted "Bring Carley back" in every youtube video. I may be a Lilly fan but I don't go around posting in threads that do not concern her. I usually talk about her when somebody mentions her. Isn't that part of the discussion as well?
So I'm a prick for having a different opinion? If that's true you should all be pricks in my eyes then, since you've spammed every thread.
It seems Lilly is deep since her story continues in the book "The Road to Woodbury".
After all this is Robert Kirkman's franchise and he does whatever he wants to with it. Believe me this is not the first popular character that has died! She wasn't even that popular before that. Kirkman isn't going to change his story just to please you, nor he is going to bring Lilly back in the game just to please me. That's how life is and it's fair.
Kirkman has always said that he doesn't care about fan favourite characters and I back him up on that. Keeping boring characters around just because they are fan's favourite isn't the way this franchise will go. If you do not like it well find something that suits you. I love this franchise but I do not want to change it...
You got to be prepared cause many more fan favourite characters are not gonna make it. It's your choice whether you wanna stick around or not.
Didn't you start a Lily Appreciation thread? yeah, but you only talk about her when brought up, haha.
I did. Was there any other Lilly thread around here?
Want me to point out how many "Omg Carley is dead, bring her back" threads was there prior to this one?
My point is don't lie and say that you only talk about her when brought up, when you clearly brought her up.
Reading comprehension my friend. You are just nitpicking.
What I mean, obviously, is that I do not go around randomly posting "Bring Lilly back" in threads that do not concert her and nobody has mention her. I don't actually ever post "Bring her back comments".
I have my own right to create a thread about her if I want to.
Next time better double-check before you call somebody a liar.