Why are they going to a city?
I am loving the game so far but you really have to wonder about the logic of going to a city in a ZA. You would think that you would want to go to a place that had a small population prior to the outbreak. There must be smaller towns along the coast where you could pick up a boat.
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I don't know what to say if he's evil or not, he sounded evil, but then in the walkie talkie in the EP4 trailer he said "you need to get off the streets, NOW!"
Anyways, it was Kenny's idea to find a boat anyways, since Savannah has them.
1- This is the very start of the ZA, it would make sense that people would crowd there since cops and supplies would be more available
2- They clearly never read the comics
yea and plus even if Lily didn't take the RV, i remember Kenny says the Radiator is bad or something, you could only go about 20 miles with it.
It's not like it can go off the rails.
They're more likely to find a boat in Savvanah than anywhere else they could have gone. That still doesn't mean it's a smart idea though...
I think it's just a coincidence that the same train goes to Savannah.
They're three months in. Macon's uninhabitable, nobody wants to go anywhere near Atlanta. If there was civilisation left they'd have seen something from the government other than a handful of abandoned vehicles, three zombies in FRS jackets and one in a flight suit (speaking of which, is the FRS from the comics). All I can think of is that Kenny's dead set on a boat, and getting one in Savannah is a Hail Mary play.
Lol, that's for sure.
This answers the original question. Seriously, they have no choice.
Kenny is NOT An idiot.
You must love him.
Where we're going we don't need rails!