So what did you do with the season 1 dvd / case file / soundtrack / goodies

edited August 2007 in Sam & Max
I put all my stuff on top of the big whiteboard that I have in my office, my colleague doesn't get what all the fuss is about, but I like it! :)


I'm wondering, now that most people have received the dvd, soundtrack, case file and more stuff, what did you do with it? Put it away in a dusty place, or...


  • edited August 2007
    Still in shipment since the 13, I hope it's very long because I'm in France (and as there is no real tracker, can't really know ^^) but when i'll get it, I think it will cover my little computer desktop (except for the magnet, who'll go on the fridge, and maybe the Alien Love Triangle which will be like in your pic, under the magnet ^^)
  • edited August 2007
    I'm waiting for mine to be shipped, but I'll let you know. :)

    Probably put the magnet on my fridge holding up the postcard and/or Alien Love Triangle Times. Not sure about the other stuff from the Case File. Soundtrack will probably go with my CDs, and the game will go with my... you guessed it, games! :D
  • edited August 2007
    Both sketchbooks are now part of my artist morge for refferances on design should I need inspiration (which I do now more than ever, apparently)...

    the case file is still in it's original bag awaiting to be put into either my collection (PKA "The drawer that rarely opens") or actually put on display somewhere. Unfortunately, my room does look like Sam & Max's office, so if I put it anywhere, it will get lost fast...

    The CDs are on my iTunes and my "gettho" iPod...

    And the DVD is currently sitting in my game drawer on the top of a stack containing mostly PS1 games that I've forgotten I own.
  • edited August 2007
    The buttons on my Max & Crossbones hat, the magnet's on the fridge, and all of the other case file stuff is in the bag that I keep in the DVD case. The case is right here on top of my tower, and the disc is in my DVD player.
  • edited August 2007
    Well, the DVD is in ther computer room as is the CD, and the case file w/ all the goodies (cept the magnet) are in the DVD case. The magnet is on the refrigerator. :D
  • MelMel
    edited August 2007
    I like that jos! It looks very stylish up there. :)

    Right now, I have everything (sans button/badge) in the DVD case. It'll get put out at some point (when I've cleaned).
  • edited August 2007
    All of my stuff is in with my telltale/purcell collection in a glass display case in my den.. if its a poster it awaiting framing and matting .. this costs ALOT. Now that I have my collection pieces.. think its ok to order again and get the ones for just use? I didnt want to order a lot and have some not get stuff...but I do want more.... maybe I should wait and hope purcells new line comes out via your store? WINK WINK .. common hats n shirts OORah!

    Ps woulda loved to see the art for the soundtrack.. anyone even have a picture of the sketches purcell was doing at the san diego con for that?
  • edited August 2007
    DVD: DVD shelf.
    Fridge Magnet: Fridge.
    Rest of Case File: Bookshelf.
    Soundtrack: Next to sound system.
    Poster Print: Sitting on a dresser, placement pending.
  • edited August 2007
    I built an altar, of course, and am worshipping every day.;)
    Oh and how many days in a row can I wear the Max-Shirt?

    Just kidding, everything is where it belongs (Soundtrack with the other music, DVD with the games, books with their fellow books, shirt worn..). Well, mostly. I haven't put the print in it's frame and can't figure out where to put the case file. It's to big for the DVD case.
  • edited August 2007
    my dvd, case file, signed print, and effigy mound are in a box for now. I'm planning on getting the print framed
  • edited August 2007
    The magnet is on the fridge with the dr who ones.. in fact, the bear is fighting K9 (ANd winning damnit!)
    The rest of the casefile is carefully inserted into the dvd case to keep it safe. The dvd itself is currently in my huge box o games waiting for shelving to be put up so they can all sit proudly on display alongside my toys.
    The sketchbook in on the bookshelf with my other comic related thingies.
  • edited August 2007
    Quuux wrote: »
    my dvd, case file, signed print, and effigy mound are in a box for now. I'm planning on getting the print framed
    I enquired about getting the 12"x18" print framed and they told me it'd cost AU$80! Mind you I only asked just that 1 store, I could try photographic departments *sighs*. Telltale really needs an option to frame it especially those of us who are getting it autographed

    Since I didn't know whether or not I could afford to frame it, I've ordered only the soundtrack, Season 1 DVD and sketchbooks last week for now. I'll think about purchasing the print once the Sam&Max Graphic Novel comes out. Any idea when that'll be coming out this year? Weeks? Months? 'Duke Nukem Forever'?
  • edited August 2007
    backslash wrote: »
    I enquired about getting the 12"x18" print framed and they told me it'd cost AU$80! Mind you I only asked just that 1 store, I could try photographic departments *sighs*. Telltale really needs an option to frame it especially those of us who are getting it autographed

    The one problem with getting it framed by telltale is that postage would go up incredibly...a framed picture takes up more space than a non-framed orders would be a nightmare...

    Im sure you could get it framed for less than that...might be the frame you chose or just the people you tried being annoying...;)
  • edited August 2007
    [QUOTE='-=[The_Razgriz_Ace]Im sure you could get it framed for less than that...might be the frame you chose or just the people you tried being annoying...;)[/QUOTE]
    Yeah, I read somewhere on this forum that a guy got his done for $35 - no idea what currency though. And I suppose Telltale framing it would make it more expensive to ship because of the size and weight involved. Sometimes you just can't win..

    Guess I'll have to do some research
  • edited August 2007
    I didn't buy the case file. But when I find a space worthy of what I purchased I'll place it there. Until then, they are stored and my DVD is shelved.
  • edited August 2007
    The button is on my jacket and the rest is still in de DVD case.
    My magnet is a bended so i won't stay on my fridge, maybe i will iron it later or something.

  • edited August 2007
    Woah, Matt Damon plays Sam and Max? :p
  • edited August 2007
    tobar wrote: »
    Woah, Matt Damon plays Sam and Max? :p

    European matt damon
  • edited August 2007
    Im gonna put mine in my new room! Its gonna be stuffed full of fun like merchandise
  • edited August 2007
    I can't find any where to put my stuff... There's too much around my computer: a surround sound system, a Burger King toy of Gandalf, a map of Lost Heaven from Mafia, three Aston Martin diecast models, a hydralisk, a headcrab plushie, models of a Soviet T-80 tank and a British Challenger II tank, a poster of Ayrton Senna and a WWII Home Defence Medal. I got the print advert art thing with the sketch book framed, that's sitting below Senna's poster, but where am I suppoesd to put the rest of this stuff!? The badge is the easy one: jacket.
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