C'mon guys... Who could be so crazy to put Marx and Lenin in an adventure game?
Hint: they also made a film in 1983 bearing the same name. This game is from 1997.
C'mon guys... Who could be so crazy to put Marx and Lenin in an adventure game?
Hint: they also made a film in 1983 bearing the same name. This game is from 1997.
It has something to do with Indians!
Hmm... did they ever make a graphical version of Oregon Trail?
/Grasping for straws.
//95% sure I'm on the wrong track altogether.
The link Scott posted is dead as well, so anyone trying to guess will have only a crummy little thumbnail to look at. So yeah, I suggest we move on.
The picture loads up fine in my window. The link shouldn't lead to a better version, the image should just load right into the forum post. Anyway lets move on. I had to search far and wide to find a game to stump you guys so I am going to sit back and enjoy it.
Definitely looks more like a Myst clone to me. Maybe one of the RHEM games?
EDIT: I'm going to go ahead and say RHEM 2, since that's the one released in 2005 and the URL of that image contains "2005".
Here's a classic to revive this thread:
Attachment not found.
/Has no idea what he's talking about.
No idea what the game is tho
I don't know that game, but I'm 120% sure that it isn't a Gabriel Knight game.
I've never played it, but I know it's really gross-looking and the main character is a cockroach.
Next one:
The MFI in the corner was a dead giveaway.
Not unless the person who is answering is 100% sure what the right answer is.
Attachment not found.
I just gave that name to the picture. Play this crazy game and you'll know why.
Hint: they also made a film in 1983 bearing the same name. This game is from 1997.
Live organ transplants, anyone?
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
Hope this one hasn't been posted yet.
Hmm... did they ever make a graphical version of Oregon Trail?
/Grasping for straws.
//95% sure I'm on the wrong track altogether.
No one has been able to guess my last image. If no one knows it I am declared winner and someone else can post an image.
The picture loads up fine in my window. The link shouldn't lead to a better version, the image should just load right into the forum post. Anyway lets move on. I had to search far and wide to find a game to stump you guys so I am going to sit back and enjoy it.
EDIT: I'm going to go ahead and say RHEM 2, since that's the one released in 2005 and the URL of that image contains "2005".
So... What on earth is this game?
Could that be that terrible game that was based on the movie Congo?
It is called Tale of Two Kingdoms.
Believe it or not, this previous game, A Tale of Two Kingdoms, was published in 2007!??!
What's this?
Attachment not found.