That exact text appears a couple of times in the game, actually. Not because of any undead, but because you also occasionally knock people unconcious and the graphics don't show the difference. (Leaving corpses lying around is bad enough, but if you try to move a body that isn't dead, it might wake up and kill you.) And also because of its unique brand of humor, yes. I love this game.
I guess i've never played this one although the person in jeans and with the jacket somehow reminds me of Flight of the Amazon Queen or Teenagent but this one has a different interface and i also can't remember such a scene. Amiga or PC? Looks like something from 90-95 or so.
It came out for both Amiga and PC. Not 100% sure which version this screenshot is from. And I'll confirm for the record that it's neither Flight of the Amazon Queen nor Teenagent..
Hmm, seems I'm holding up this thread. Since I don't want to be the death of it, I'll post some more screenshots to jolt your memory. If it turns out no one else here has ever played this game I'll be sad; it's one of my favorites! Maybe I'll post some dead giveaways this evening..
In these shots we see the tried-and-true method of extreme close ups in dialogue.
Mission Critical! Wooohoo! Not that I played it or even knew of it before, I only guessed it thanks to my leet internet skills.
OK so it's my turn I guess - this is a fantastic old adventure from back in the day. Very dark theme and quite controversial with its pixelated sex scenes and violence.
In these shots we see the tried-and-true method of extreme close ups in dialogue.
How would something like a moongate from Ultima be called in a SF scenario - six letters?
And no, it's not 25th Anniversary.
i had it on my old 3.1 laptop (i'm old school)
im pretty sure it was this at least
Let me go find a screenie.
Edit: Sorry it's small.
I'll have to think of an obscure one now.
Oh well.
Someone else can take my turn.
Edit: No, it was Zack & Wiki for Wii.
never finished this one or even really started
OK so it's my turn I guess - this is a fantastic old adventure from back in the day. Very dark theme and quite controversial with its pixelated sex scenes and violence.
So many memories of this game...
Hmm, maybe now I can take my turn.
If you don't know what this is, you fail.
I fail, don't I? :<