Interactive Walking dead scenes [new video up]
Hello guys 
I have been thinking about making an interactive series of one of the episode of The Walking Dead, so i decided to give one scene a try before doing anything more
Please comment what you think about it!
Thank you
Lilly stealing the RV
Lee versus Kenny
The Dinner Table
To Saw or Not To Saw

I have been thinking about making an interactive series of one of the episode of The Walking Dead, so i decided to give one scene a try before doing anything more

Please comment what you think about it!
Thank you

Lilly stealing the RV
Lee versus Kenny
The Dinner Table
To Saw or Not To Saw
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That is neat, like the Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to read as a kid. How do you do that?
PS. any other scene you guys would like to see?
I'm making the Kenny vs. Lee scene
That's the idea
I sent them a email asking
Otherwise TellTale's gonna remove all your vids
You and me both! :O
Well obviously you have a law degree and years of experience with copyright law.
Who am I to argue with you?
I never said that :O
Sorry, I just assumed since you feel so confident you're not violating any copyrights or piracy laws.
You even went as far as quoting and interpreting the Terms of Use! Who could think of such a brilliant, legally airtight argument but a lawyer?
If you have to know i'm a chef
Plagiarism is a dish best served cold.
why buy the game if you can play the entire thing on youtube, choices included?
Yes, and a let's play of literally every other Telltale game would be the same as playing it, but that's ok. Besides that, Red Panda appears to just be doing random scenes at this stage, I'd hate to see what person would think that is "essentially allowing people to play the game on Youtube"
No, there's a difference between hosting footage and hosting footage in a way that allows people to simulate the choices of the game. Panda's right, this is too far.
So if he simply showed the footage in several different videos everything would be alright? Listen to yourselves. Theres obviously people posting their playthroughs...This guy is doing the same but condensing the videos.
If the entire game experience can be "stolen" by a video then perhaps its time to rethink the game experience? I see no reason to take it out on this guy....
Telltale has said it's okay to host the video content of your playthroughs. If someone wants to fish around on Youtube to simulate the game experience with their choices, that's on them. Setting it up so that its meant to be viewed that way is when it goes too far. I think the biggest problem is that he's advertising it as a way to recreate the game. It doesn't seem unintentional. I wouldn't "take it out" on him if he seemed to be doing it obliviously.
Still, I've been surprised what Telltale has okayed. It's up to them to stop him, if he doesn't do it himself.
Seems to me all he is doing is posting his play throughs....He just happens to be a bit more creative and is bundling the branches of a decision he liked or wanted to see all the outcomes of.
Honestly I can't see telltale having any room to dispute this if they've already ok'd play throughs. All this information is already out there....If the problem here is that the video comes too close to actual gameplay what does that say about the gameplay?
Warning__3 even stated that he asked for permission to do this, which means Telltale Games are at least aware of his actions and haven't reacted in a negative way until now. Why would they actually, there is someone out there willing to work for free, giving them some free adverts.
I really don't get why people feel like they need to bark out loud at a new member who only tries to do some good to the community and that in a creative way. Is it cool, trying to scare people off? Not in my world...
Good on ya Warning__3
(a fellow chef)
and as long as he only does a small part of the game it is just an advert..
like the lets play/walkthroughs...which have choices (the same in some cases) these shoudl also be removed and legal action taken... but since ttg have said they are ok with it..
all this legal bollocks is just chest beating/pissing in the wind
Am I describing the game or his video?
It's one thing to watch people play and comment. It's another thing to mimic the game mechanics and post it for free.
so why get butt hurt?
If the team gave this advert the green light, I don't see why anyone should get their panties in a twist over this issue.
Dude... sounding a little hysterical. Step down off the soapbox and take a deep breath. The OP has contacted Telltale, the ball's in their court. For the moment, no harm, no foul.
Well... probably somewhat closer than you considering I work in the legal profession.
It's not your problem, you're not his mother, nor are you Telltale's Freelance Police. The OP posted the video on Telltale's forum, with Telltale moderators and Telltale team members. It's not like he's hiding. If they have an issue, they can pull the video.
so i think if the entire game was on youtube like this and i had played it a few times, i don't think i would buy it or feel like i needed to play it, and that is why its different from all the other simple recordings of the "lets plays" and why its against the spirit of how and why they are made.
I doubt I'm that lucky.
The only time I've "chimed in" was in response to your ranting, my profession was only mentioned in passing again in response to your comments and as we both agree it's not your problem, I can only assume you're done (although, I doubt any of us are that lucky).