Interactive Walking dead scenes [new video up]



  • edited September 2012
    Plagiarism is a dish best served cold.

    It's funny because he's a chef... Oh wat, that's the joke.
  • edited September 2012
    Way to go, Panda!

    Thank you. You're far too kind.
  • edited September 2012
    Geez too many people argumenting here :P still,thanks for the support.
    If TTG dosen't like the videos i will take them down.
    I will never have the time to make whole episodes, so it won't in anyway spoil the gaming experience.
    I'm just about done adding annotations to the Lee vs Keny scene and that single scene is over 20min with all the outcome.
    So if you don't like the idea/videos just... Don't watch them :)

    Thanks <3
  • edited September 2012
    Great message board you've got here, guys.
  • edited September 2012
    Red Panda wrote: »
    And Cyreen, when I was saying you had no credibility because you're a Canadian and not a lawyer...

    By in passing, I meant non-specific. Did I say I was a lawyer? For all you know, I'm packing a gun. The legal profession offers of wide selection of careers, but then you're good a making assumptions and running off at the mouth, aren't you? I don't require credibility to make that judgment.
  • edited September 2012
    How about we just wait and see if anything happens. Arguing about it won't help much at all.
  • edited September 2012
    Red Panda wrote: »
    Cyreen, if we keep this up people will start getting ideas about us. ;)
    Red Panda wrote: »
    My lack of intelligence makes it hard for me to understand, Cyreen :(
  • edited September 2012
    Red Panda wrote: »
    In America, when we say "in passing" it means it was mentioned fortuitously.
    Red Panda wrote: »
    My lack of intelligence makes it hard for me to understand

    Obviously, you mental midget. Fortuitously means "by accident", while "in passing" means in the course of doing something else. Maybe you should go look up "vicariously" again while you're at it.

    Not worth contemplating, I don't do ugly and he is so eager to censor everyone else, yet he's the one that got banned.
  • edited September 2012
    At least you beat someone at something, for once... ;)
  • edited September 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    Obviously, you mental midget. Fortuitously means "by accident", while "in passing" means in the in the course of doing something else. Maybe you should go look up "vicariously" again while you're at it.

    Not worth contemplating, I don't do ugly and he is so eager to censor everyone else, yet he's the one that got banned.

    Cyreen, how you flirt with me so publicly is making me embarrassed :o
  • edited September 2012
    At least you beat someone at something, for once... ;)

  • edited September 2012
    You do like that GIF shit, don't you? ... jeez...
  • edited September 2012
    This is turning into Tumblr.

  • edited September 2012
    Hmm... the reporters surname is Ellenbogen, which means elbow in german... strange... detektiv-smilies-0003.gif
  • edited September 2012
    Finally done with Lee verus Kenny!

    Youtube link

    Any suggestions of future interactive videos? :)

    PS. could a mod edit the title of the topic to 'Interactive Walking dead scenes [new video up]'?
  • edited September 2012
    yes warning get your thread back on topic..

    it's funny since i've not been here as much, (amazing i know !) red panda takes it upon himself to take over the forums and effectivley become a mini mod which is ironic cos he complained a fair bit about me doing it before ep3 came out..

    and you till haven't learned how to edit posts to avoid double posting, you see it is such a simple thing to do you copy the second post and you paste it in the previous post you then delete the second.....(irony)

    so to say you are giving your opinion, but when people make it moot you start with borderline insults ?

    'slow hand clap'
  • edited September 2012
    Ermm... shouldn't 'slow hand clap' mean "raise the glass again" in this case... ?

    You must have been drinking... too much as well.
  • edited September 2012

    Don't let this be you. Knock it off.
  • edited September 2012
    Red Panda wrote: »
    He's a chef, not a marketer hired by TTG. It's not an advertisement.

    None of you are lawyers and some of you aren't even Americans. How do you know the law? Simple: you don't. You probably aren't even familiar with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

    Yet, you still have an opinion. Guess what? It's worthless. It means nothing, especially in a court of law.

    The only way he doesn't get in trouble is if TTG lets it go. It's probably not worth suing over b/c he is probably broke but they might have it taken down. I can see that.

    Anyway, keep giving your worthless non-legal opinion. If he listens then it's his own fault for listening to people no smarter than he when it comes to copyright law and deserves what he gets.
    But he got the PERMISSION from telltale, so what the heck is your problem??
    And where I live this would go under fair usage and thus is not illegal by law. The EULA does not legally mean shit in most countries with exception of USA.

    I think telltale is smart enough to see it more as free advertisment than piracy. If it was not for let's plays, i would never have discovered telltale and their games.

    Also there is absolutely no way he can implement the actual gameplay mechanics over youtube.
  • edited September 2012
    Thanks for the support everyone :) and red panda, give up? I don't care what you say :)
  • edited September 2012
    Warning__3 wrote: »
    Thanks for the support everyone :) and red panda, give up? I don't care what you say :)

    I imagine it must've taken a long time for the editing...thanks for this, Warning!
  • edited September 2012
    Whatever. I'm getting cheese fries.
  • edited September 2012
    hmmm if he doesn't gain money from the clips TTG wont bother with any legal action. lawyers cost a lot and if there is no money to be gained they wont even bother. it could be considered violation of copy right laws and a jury would determine if it was indeed a crime. that's asumeing there isn't already a case law on this subject already. i haven't bothered to find out if there is a case law about it yet but i can if i ever get time. most likely however it probably is illegal but its probably one of those one people ignore like jay walking and what not. if its not an issue it will be ignored.
  • edited September 2012
    I am puzzled by how hostile this thread has become.
  • edited September 2012
    Red Panda wrote: »
    They don't have to hire lawyers. They just have to contact Youtube and say he's infringing on their copyright. They take the video down and it's on him to make the argument that he's not.

    Google has been sued so much over copyright material that they always play it safe. A lawyer is going to go after the biggest pay day, which is Google. Why sue some broke user? They sue Google for hosting the material b/c Google is worth billions of dollars. That's a nice payday.

    So Google, not likeing being sued, takes things down quick and it's not easy to make the case that it's no infringment. They tons of money if they're wrong so they don't play around when it comes to claims of copyright infringement.

    Still don't care :) (<- yes it was a smiley)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2012
    Stop the hostility, the off topic and the legal discussion, we've had enough of it. Seriously, we've had ENOUGH.

    Telltale has never ever objected to Let's Plays. Mark (Darin) and Jake (Rodkin) have repeatedly encouraged and fostered Let's Plays and fan art of any kind. There is of course a legal vulnerability in what Warning_3 does - as with all recording of game material - but Telltale has always deeply understood how the fans' efforts in creating this helps support their franchises. warning_3 just brings half an inch of the (comparatively vast) interactivity of TWD into his videos. I bet my fucking modship that he will never ever get into trouble for this. That's easy for me to say because I (a) know that it's the case and (b) should Telltale ever change this central policy of theirs, I probably just would not want to spend my free time on this forum to help any more.

    @all: Here's a SDCC 2012 panel about fan art/ legal implications. I think it's quite interesting - and applicable here.

    p.s. I might kill off some of the off topic posts here. They just serve to ruin the original thread, and I find that communicative strategy disgusting. I might also choose to merge this thread into the already existing "Let's play" sticky though, but we'll see.
  • edited September 2012
    Here is the answer i got from Telltale themselves:
    MattP wrote: »

    We are not opposed to you making fan videos, as long as you are not making them for profit. However, we do ask that you impose reasonable limits on the level of interactivity in your videos and the overall amount of content used. If the videos too closely resemble actual gameplay, that would violate our Terms of Use.
  • edited September 2012
    Yeay! :)
  • edited September 2012
    Anyone has any scene they would like me to do? :)
  • edited September 2012
    Surprise us. ;)
  • edited September 2012
    Actually, a good one to do with be all the way back in the first episode when you have the choice to leave Clem's house in daylight or at night. I doubt most people have played it both ways.
  • edited September 2012
    There are plenty of good ones to do. A few off the top of my head:

    - The st. john dinner table
    - Talking to people in the drug store or the barricade
    - The meat locker

    Those are the ones that stand out most to me
  • edited September 2012
    zgamer wrote: »
    There are plenty of good ones to do. A few off the top of my head:

    - The st. john dinner table
    - Talking to people in the drug store or the barricade
    - The meat locker

    Those are the ones that stand out most to me

    I've been thinking about the dinner table to :D i think i might do that one tomorrow ;) it's not as hard as the fight scene so it shouldn't take too long :)
  • edited September 2012
    Dinner table one seems like a good idea.
  • edited September 2012
    Sweet! I look forward to it. The videos have been great so far.
  • edited September 2012
    Very cool! I love it! :D
  • edited September 2012
    Maybe the dinner scene with the St. John's? It's one of the few scenes where shit happens to fast to really think about what to say. I always enjoy the "It's.... people!" line, cracks me up every time lol.
  • edited September 2012
    i dunno it's asking for trouble to do too many of them, also why not just play the game yourselves ??
  • edited October 2012
    i dunno it's asking for trouble to do too many of them,

    This has been covered by the devs and mods....Please move on.
    also why not just play the game yourselves ??

    I don't feel like playing for however long to see 2 seconds of speech. There is no skip feature that I'm aware of in the game so....
  • edited October 2012
    'The Dinner Table' is uploaded and done! :)

    Click here to watch it!
This discussion has been closed.