So is it just a given the US wouldn't stand a chance? The country that spends the most on defense and has armed citizens wouldn't make it? Is that what's happening here? lol
So is it just a given the US wouldn't stand a chance? The country that spends the most on defense and has armed citizens wouldn't make it? Is that what's happening here? lol
America is just so big and full of people, killing every zombie in America would take years (bombing not being an effective method) even with most of the military intact, smaller island countries would be easier to clear and then evacuate people from dangerous areas/countries to the island, if it was a world wide ZA countries and cultures would be meaningless, it would all be about the easiest way to survive, so leaving big countries would be a good idea
Sorry but I bet loads of us Brits (infected or not) will flee to Ireland if things go wrong. We will realise it has a low pop and food, and overrun it leading to its collapse.
Sorry in advance.
Suuure. We definitely won't let you endure starvation like you did for us during the famine or anything...
Payback is a bitch!
Joking though, I don't think Britain would be too bad.
Suuure. We definitely won't let you endure starvation like you did for us during the famine or anything...
Payback is a bitch!
Joking though, I don't think Britain would be too bad.
Depends on how quickly we act and how many infected we have before we realise what is going on. If we have major outbreaks in huge cities like London and Edinburgh and Glasgow, then its pretty safe to say that people will freak out. With few guns and little information, combined with some looting and chaos and you got a nice little apocalypse. Not to mention, we would have to recall quite alot of soldiers from abroad and people will flee to Britain from mainland Europe. You guys would get a couple million new mouths to feed and are going to have to keep the refugees and you're own zombies under control.
Im half Irish anyway so it would be a pretty sucky payback. Least i got relatives to mooch food from when i arrive :P
I'm sorry, but I think the US has the best chance. We have a great military and the citizens are armed. You can't say that of most countries.
To argue it has a large population isn't an argument at all. So what? It will take too long to kill all the zombies so we won't survive? I wasn't aware there was a time limit.
These little countries you mention would fall. They don't have weapons to defend themselves. Most don't, at least, and their military is laughable.
The US is a large country whose greatest density of population exists only on the coasts. Outside of a small group of US federal government officials, the east and west coasts would fall. Many small local governments from interior states like Idaho, North Dakota, Iowa, etc would get word fast enough to survive and coordinate with the remnants of the federal government. The interior states also have the most gun wielding US citizens. I think the US has just a good a shot as any other country. Emergency preparations setup during the Cold war would guarantee the survival of the US federal government in the case of a zombie apocalypse.
I think the issue of climate is more important to the survivors than the walkers because walkers, we have learned, only die (again) from destroying the brain. Without electricity we would have to resort back to simple agricultural societies which makes me think that Eastern countries would make out better. Anywhere with too high of a population density will be overwhelmed too quickly so I think maybe a country with few borders (no landlocked countries) and ability to adapt quickly when isolated.
The one with the most guns. We don't even know if the cold affects them at all.
Asian countries would go down first. High Populace crammed into small cities for the most part. They wouldn't have a hope of surviving.
Countries like England, same thing. By the time they got it together, it would be too late, they would be swarmed.
Coastal areas next. 80% of the world's population lives within 100 miles of the coast. So they'd be Zombie Snacks pretty quick. Again, it's a matter of being swarmed before they can organize.
I'm sorry, but I think the US has the best chance. We have a great military and the citizens are armed. You can't say that of most countries.
I think TWD proves that having guns is as much a liability as it is a bonus. Gunfire attracts zombies from afar. You are much better off with other basic means of killing people. (I'm from the Netherlands, a country with barely any guns, and even here most people still have stuff like fire axes and pitchforks in their sheds for gardening work).
The strong military is also, again, as much a liability as it is a strength. A military as big as the USA's needs constant supplies. Once the infrastructure of those supplies dries up, so does the military strength. And the US military has been made to mostly depend on the private sector for supplies.
I think the USA has a chance, but is surely not the most likely.
My most likely? Finland. Very low population density, long and cold winters, but with a people used to surviving these hardships. The better climates of southern europe will pull the zombies in those directions, so herds will take many years before migrating back north again. And Finland also has a military set up specifically to fit it's own unique terrain and country.
There are also huge areas with natural wildlife left. Enough to basicly feed humans from hunting alone for many, many years. Also, many people have their own private distilleries to brew their own alcohol there already. So the skills to do this are present. And as soon as clean water becomes a problem, knowing how to brew so you can keep moisture drinkable for many months becomes a very much needed skill.
Strict Firearm laws leave your country wide open to a quick take down, IMO. The ones that survive will be the ones who were already resourceful enough to survive outside the cities though, and there should be quite a few of those.
It's really about who survives the initial onslaught. What percentage of a country's population is going to break down in the very beginning. Once the beginning is over those who are left were either lucky, prepared for anything, used someone else as a meat shield to get away (IE: A Sociopathic coward), etc.
I think the more fun question is do YOU have the knowledge and skill-set to survive something like this?
YOU=Meaning anyone reading this.
Densely populated areas will go down the hardest and fastest, just because of the proximity. The people who have a little breathing room will fare better because they will have more time to react.
Though honestly I don't think the military would break-down as quickly as Robert Kirkman thinks, but he seems to believe that any disaster means total social breakdown and anarchy.
Greenland or iceland, Iceland is very small compared to greenland and closer to europe, so if the virus is dominant on europa and america, Iceland would likely fall, but greenland still is likely to survive.
People could say that greenland and iceland would die from cold, but the inuit people of greenland have lived there sense forever and they fared just fine--industrialisation may have ruined any hope of that survival now, though. as for iceland? they can fish and their population is rather small and intellectual how it is.
This. I play those "virus" games where you try to wipe out the population of the World- and these two countries are the hardest to completely take out. For one it would be tough getting the virus over there, then you don't have a massive amount of population to have to deal with. Since they are surrounded by water, you won't have to deal with incoming threat as much as other places. Yes, some may arrive by boat- but as I said- trying to infect those two countries, air and by a very hard thing to do.
I think Australia would do alright. We may not have many firearms, but there's no shortage of axes, knives etc and we have a pretty low population for the land mass.
One of UK's islands, because once all walkers were killed, I'd be left with a ton of stuff to live with, and then move to another island when's all finished up.
Pretty much any of them with an actual military (i.e. one that includes aircraft, armor, and artillery, which are the real killers in warfare, and which walkers can't do crap against) particularly if the infection has to actually spread from Patient Zero onward... as opposed to the vast majority of ZA fiction where the starting point is that damn near everybody is automagically infected to begin with.
Iran would probably do pretty well. Mountainous terrain, fairly large, population density isn't too high, and pretty much every village maintains an armory and has a couple of guys to train the citizenry so they have a ready-made insurgency in the event somebody invades. Plus, their soldiers are a lot more competent than the average in that part of the world.
Doesn't really matter, guns kill walkers. A guy can pop off quite a few aimed shots in the time it takes a walker to slowly shamble a hundred meters or so. They start getting close? Back off. It's even worse when you add in motorized transport - shambler zombies are totally helpless against even the most basic shoot and scoot.
The fact they're attracted by sound is actually one of the worst things going for them; it means they can be lead where you want them to go. Need them to putz into a minefield or an artillery free-fire zone where you don't need to worry about too many civilian casualties, etc.? They'll obligingly follow you there.
Hell, in an urban area you could probably bomb out the middle of a nice tall highway to make a good sized gap, lead them up one side, plop a one-man band on the other side via helicopter and they'll plummet to their deaths trying to reach the guy. There's probably more effective ways to handle it, but few more hilarious
Most definitely not the US. Although, the walkers would be all fat and dumb. So, all the Canadians, and Mexicans and fellow North Americans would have an easy time passing through the US. My bet is on Bhutan. Have you seen their leader?
I know its not a country but Venice would be pretty zombie impregnable without having to do any work at least until it sank to the bottom of the sea, but my point still stands
Doesn't really matter, guns kill walkers. A guy can pop off quite a few aimed shots in the time it takes a walker to slowly shamble a hundred meters or so. They start getting close? Back off. It's even worse when you add in motorized transport - shambler zombies are totally helpless against even the most basic shoot and scoot.
The fact they're attracted by sound is actually one of the worst things going for them; it means they can be lead where you want them to go. Need them to putz into a minefield or an artillery free-fire zone where you don't need to worry about too many civilian casualties, etc.? They'll obligingly follow you there.
Hell, in an urban area you could probably bomb out the middle of a nice tall highway to make a good sized gap, lead them up one side, plop a one-man band on the other side via helicopter and they'll plummet to their deaths trying to reach the guy. There's probably more effective ways to handle it, but few more hilarious
Yea, but then there's also the factor that the sound of pistols/guns/whatever can make hearing loss which isn't a good thing.
Vision and Audio two of the most important things for a human to have, if one phases out, it won't be easy to deal with, though when he/she gets used to it it may be "OK".
By the way, somewhere where has doors of metal and that it can be locked down, it's ideal for this kind of emergency.
Yea, but then there's also the factor that the sound of pistols/guns/whatever can make hearing loss which isn't a good thing.
Vision and Audio two of the most important things for a human to have, if one phases out, it won't be easy to deal with, though when he/she gets used to it it may be "OK".
By the way, somewhere where has doors of metal and that it can be locked down, it's ideal for this kind of emergency.
Hearing loss is hardly an issue, particularly short term. Hell, military radios have their volume set to "louder than nearby gunfire", and that's in a situation where all the participants can use guns. It's not like we all come from overseas with hearing aids.
Ofcourse North Korea would be in the top five list of countries to survive the longest.
*You have to take into consideration global movements like plane travel
Countries that are closed off to the world will have a longer survival rate and slower infection rate from outside sources
Cuba, Mynamar, burma, antarctica, greenland and other remote or isolated countries would be the safest bet.
Personally i'd try my best to heat to a remote tropical island (small) which has self sustainability with some rocky areas for fresh drinking water and the ability to grow fruits and veggies year round while not freezing to death.
Saw China mentioned a few times in this thread, and I think it would be interesting to see how things would play out there. While it seems straightforward their large population is what will do them in during a ZA, the Chinese government also has really powerful security forces to keep civil unrest in check. When I visited a couple years ago, the security presence was really in your face: civilian police, military police, soldiers, etc. in the cities. A Chinese friend also said there's a lot of plain clothes agents patrolling the streets to look for troublemakers. These measures would give them a much faster response time than compared to, say, Atlanta which had to ship in SWAT teams from outside as we saw in the first episode.
And if Tiananmen Square taught us anything, it's the Chinese are quite willing to drive tanks over the living who threaten Communist rule. I bet they won't give two cents about doing the same to the infected. And like Rommel49 said, any country bringing out the big guns will pretty much destroy the walkers. Combined with the Chinese government's measures due to constant vigilance and willingness to use force against any unrest , it seems they have a fighting chance despite its large population.
Rocktopia. I will establish my settlement on Mars and bring a select few with which to continue the human race, and we shall shelter on the Red Planet. Any space shuttles/transports ferrying survivors toward my new planet will be blown out of the sky. Any vessels that succeed in landing shall be quarantined, followed by a swift and efficient purge of any crew members and/or passengers aboard, living or dead. Anyone who has the same idea, and escapes the auto-targeting anti-space craft laser cannons surrounding my colony, and the death squads patrolling the surface and subterranian areas within 150 square kilometers of our home shall be offered a reprieve and be allowed to join us.
Shortly after coaxing them/you out of their/your hiding area, they/you will be brutally and quickly executed in my throne room for my entertainment. Following the execution, you would be allowed to reanimate, whereupon you would be killed once more to ensure the safety and happiness of Survivor Colony Bravo Alpha Charlie Oscar November. Survivor Colony B.A.C.O.N. shall ride out the end of the world in style, and establish our own NEW world far away from the ashes of the old one.
Sign up now and recieve a free can of Cherry Coke at the beginning of the first large scale outbreak.
I have to agree with Greenland being a pretty safe place, but I'm going to come with some good ones about my country, Norway.
Norway have a very small population considering it having decent size and an easy connecting to the rest of Europe. We have for some time said that our population is over 4 millions as a rule of thumb, but a good flow of immigrants the latest years have almost pushed the population to 5 millions. Our capital, Oslo, have fewer than 1 million in population and that is very little for an European capital.
Then where is the population? Scattered all over. You can find small towns and rural communities everywhere, and the longer north you go the further there is between these places. During an ZA there would be easy for the local police to block or control the usually two or one roads in, should we take such an action to control the spread of infection. There would be plenty of time to get in control due to long distances between people.
One weakness Norway would have is the lack of guns. Few people have them, the police don't wear one and you need a license to have one, but again our small population saves the day. Melee weapons are in easy access, though.
Our nature would really be of help during an ZA as well. We have plenty of hills, mountains, forests and islands to retreat to. We also have good access for game should we run out of food. There are plenty of vegetation to expand in farming and due to lack of wolves the Norwegian moose needs to be hunted every year to keep the population. Having a long coastal line is a mayor source of food. Plenty of fish and other animals such as whale due to good quota. The coastal line is also very helpful in case of escaping to smaller islands. Or wealth comes from oil so we should have that resource in abundance. Up north we have plenty of reindeer due to the Sami which is known as our indigenous people.
And last but not least we have cold winters as well
I mean, have you SEEN some of the people there?
I live in a small town in Scotland (where we don't have extreme Scottish accents) and everyone is compassionate, protective, and fit - yet would our defense tactics be our advantage or our downfall? Hmmm...
I don't know where it is easier to survive, but I know that in Russia survive in ZA, just impossible. You know why? Because we have no weapons at all (of the civilian population) sale of weapons is prohibited and is a very big problem in ZA
Texas. Everyone owns a gun and nobody really has much hesitation about shooting them. There are only a few major urban areas with long stretches of desert in between scary rural communities.
America is just so big and full of people, killing every zombie in America would take years (bombing not being an effective method) even with most of the military intact, smaller island countries would be easier to clear and then evacuate people from dangerous areas/countries to the island, if it was a world wide ZA countries and cultures would be meaningless, it would all be about the easiest way to survive, so leaving big countries would be a good idea
Suuure. We definitely won't let you endure starvation like you did for us during the famine or anything...
Payback is a bitch!
Joking though, I don't think Britain would be too bad.
My bet would be on an island country with little travel from other countries to bring it (zombies) in.... So maybe Cuba, or someplace like Palau?
Depends on how quickly we act and how many infected we have before we realise what is going on. If we have major outbreaks in huge cities like London and Edinburgh and Glasgow, then its pretty safe to say that people will freak out. With few guns and little information, combined with some looting and chaos and you got a nice little apocalypse. Not to mention, we would have to recall quite alot of soldiers from abroad and people will flee to Britain from mainland Europe. You guys would get a couple million new mouths to feed and are going to have to keep the refugees and you're own zombies under control.
Im half Irish anyway so it would be a pretty sucky payback. Least i got relatives to mooch food from when i arrive :P
To argue it has a large population isn't an argument at all. So what? It will take too long to kill all the zombies so we won't survive? I wasn't aware there was a time limit.
These little countries you mention would fall. They don't have weapons to defend themselves. Most don't, at least, and their military is laughable.
The aftermath of Hurricane Sandy could be considered a rehearsal (minus the zombies).
No, but I'm going to look it up. I love movies from Spain.
Also I saw [•REC] and the remake.. both were pretty good.
Asian countries would go down first. High Populace crammed into small cities for the most part. They wouldn't have a hope of surviving.
Countries like England, same thing. By the time they got it together, it would be too late, they would be swarmed.
Coastal areas next. 80% of the world's population lives within 100 miles of the coast. So they'd be Zombie Snacks pretty quick. Again, it's a matter of being swarmed before they can organize.
I think TWD proves that having guns is as much a liability as it is a bonus. Gunfire attracts zombies from afar. You are much better off with other basic means of killing people. (I'm from the Netherlands, a country with barely any guns, and even here most people still have stuff like fire axes and pitchforks in their sheds for gardening work).
The strong military is also, again, as much a liability as it is a strength. A military as big as the USA's needs constant supplies. Once the infrastructure of those supplies dries up, so does the military strength. And the US military has been made to mostly depend on the private sector for supplies.
I think the USA has a chance, but is surely not the most likely.
My most likely? Finland. Very low population density, long and cold winters, but with a people used to surviving these hardships. The better climates of southern europe will pull the zombies in those directions, so herds will take many years before migrating back north again. And Finland also has a military set up specifically to fit it's own unique terrain and country.
There are also huge areas with natural wildlife left. Enough to basicly feed humans from hunting alone for many, many years. Also, many people have their own private distilleries to brew their own alcohol there already. So the skills to do this are present. And as soon as clean water becomes a problem, knowing how to brew so you can keep moisture drinkable for many months becomes a very much needed skill.
So yes, finland.
They call Ghostbusters.
I say Japan. It is country on the large island afterall. It means that their borders are easily secured against the zombies due the water.
Strict Firearm laws leave your country wide open to a quick take down, IMO. The ones that survive will be the ones who were already resourceful enough to survive outside the cities though, and there should be quite a few of those.
It's really about who survives the initial onslaught. What percentage of a country's population is going to break down in the very beginning. Once the beginning is over those who are left were either lucky, prepared for anything, used someone else as a meat shield to get away (IE: A Sociopathic coward), etc.
I think the more fun question is do YOU have the knowledge and skill-set to survive something like this?
YOU=Meaning anyone reading this.
Densely populated areas will go down the hardest and fastest, just because of the proximity. The people who have a little breathing room will fare better because they will have more time to react.
Though honestly I don't think the military would break-down as quickly as Robert Kirkman thinks, but he seems to believe that any disaster means total social breakdown and anarchy.
This. I play those "virus" games where you try to wipe out the population of the World- and these two countries are the hardest to completely take out. For one it would be tough getting the virus over there, then you don't have a massive amount of population to have to deal with. Since they are surrounded by water, you won't have to deal with incoming threat as much as other places. Yes, some may arrive by boat- but as I said- trying to infect those two countries, air and by a very hard thing to do.
Noise attracts walkers, remember.
Iran would probably do pretty well. Mountainous terrain, fairly large, population density isn't too high, and pretty much every village maintains an armory and has a couple of guys to train the citizenry so they have a ready-made insurgency in the event somebody invades. Plus, their soldiers are a lot more competent than the average in that part of the world.
Doesn't really matter, guns kill walkers.
The fact they're attracted by sound is actually one of the worst things going for them; it means they can be lead where you want them to go. Need them to putz into a minefield or an artillery free-fire zone where you don't need to worry about too many civilian casualties, etc.? They'll obligingly follow you there.
Hell, in an urban area you could probably bomb out the middle of a nice tall highway to make a good sized gap, lead them up one side, plop a one-man band on the other side via helicopter and they'll plummet to their deaths trying to reach the guy. There's probably more effective ways to handle it, but few more hilarious
People would start turning against one another, and kill each other before the zombies can get to them =.=
Yea, but then there's also the factor that the sound of pistols/guns/whatever can make hearing loss which isn't a good thing.
Vision and Audio two of the most important things for a human to have, if one phases out, it won't be easy to deal with, though when he/she gets used to it it may be "OK".
By the way, somewhere where has doors of metal and that it can be locked down, it's ideal for this kind of emergency.
Hearing loss is hardly an issue, particularly short term. Hell, military radios have their volume set to "louder than nearby gunfire", and that's in a situation where all the participants can use guns. It's not like we all come from overseas with hearing aids.
*You have to take into consideration global movements like plane travel
Countries that are closed off to the world will have a longer survival rate and slower infection rate from outside sources
Cuba, Mynamar, burma, antarctica, greenland and other remote or isolated countries would be the safest bet.
Personally i'd try my best to heat to a remote tropical island (small) which has self sustainability with some rocky areas for fresh drinking water and the ability to grow fruits and veggies year round while not freezing to death.
And if Tiananmen Square taught us anything, it's the Chinese are quite willing to drive tanks over the living who threaten Communist rule. I bet they won't give two cents about doing the same to the infected. And like Rommel49 said, any country bringing out the big guns will pretty much destroy the walkers. Combined with the Chinese government's measures due to constant vigilance and willingness to use force against any unrest , it seems they have a fighting chance despite its large population.
P.S. I will forward my resume if you are accepting applications for Executive Vice President of Meat on a Stick Development
Norway have a very small population considering it having decent size and an easy connecting to the rest of Europe. We have for some time said that our population is over 4 millions as a rule of thumb, but a good flow of immigrants the latest years have almost pushed the population to 5 millions. Our capital, Oslo, have fewer than 1 million in population and that is very little for an European capital.
Then where is the population? Scattered all over. You can find small towns and rural communities everywhere, and the longer north you go the further there is between these places. During an ZA there would be easy for the local police to block or control the usually two or one roads in, should we take such an action to control the spread of infection. There would be plenty of time to get in control due to long distances between people.
One weakness Norway would have is the lack of guns. Few people have them, the police don't wear one and you need a license to have one, but again our small population saves the day. Melee weapons are in easy access, though.
Our nature would really be of help during an ZA as well. We have plenty of hills, mountains, forests and islands to retreat to. We also have good access for game should we run out of food. There are plenty of vegetation to expand in farming and due to lack of wolves the Norwegian moose needs to be hunted every year to keep the population. Having a long coastal line is a mayor source of food. Plenty of fish and other animals such as whale due to good quota. The coastal line is also very helpful in case of escaping to smaller islands. Or wealth comes from oil so we should have that resource in abundance. Up north we have plenty of reindeer due to the Sami which is known as our indigenous people.
And last but not least we have cold winters as well
I mean, have you SEEN some of the people there?
I live in a small town in Scotland (where we don't have extreme Scottish accents) and everyone is compassionate, protective, and fit - yet would our defense tactics be our advantage or our downfall? Hmmm...
The hippies would be the first to die as they struggle to find their jamba juice and hash pipes.