Which country is most likely to survive a ZA?
Which country do you guys think is best suited for a ZA right now. This means a countrys geography, economy, military and even political system all coming into play? And by survive, I mean the actual government and/or many or even most of the citizens surviving.
I personally think Israel would tank the ZA. A large amount of the civilian population has had military training, they have a ready military and badas special forces all covering a fairly low population.
I personally think Israel would tank the ZA. A large amount of the civilian population has had military training, they have a ready military and badas special forces all covering a fairly low population.
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A lot of parts of Canada and Russia come next. Not a chance for the zombie population.
:eek: has it happened ???
With all that, the solution for the ZA doesn't seem to stop with killing zombies.
People could say that greenland and iceland would die from cold, but the inuit people of greenland have lived there sense forever and they fared just fine--industrialisation may have ruined any hope of that survival now, though. as for iceland? they can fish and their population is rather small and intellectual how it is.
Yeah but are Icleandic people cut off from the rest of civilisation entirely? Don't they rely on electricity and imports from other countries for a varied diet as well as medicine? And wouldnt a flood of refugees head to those areas with the same idea? Could their army hold them off?
We kill anyone who steps up, even if that means killing them again.
And given all the wasted spending... I'd imagine they wrote up "rules and regs for surviving a ZA" within a day of Night of the Living Dead's initial release... because... you never know... it could happen....
Shortly after coaxing them/you out of their/your hiding area, they/you will be brutally and quickly executed in my throne room for my entertainment. Following the execution, you would be allowed to reanimate, whereupon you would be killed once more to ensure the safety and happiness of Survivor Colony Bravo Alpha Charlie Oscar November. Survivor Colony B.A.C.O.N. shall ride out the end of the world in style, and establish our own NEW world far away from the ashes of the old one.
Sign up now and recieve a free can of Cherry Coke at the beginning of the first large scale outbreak.
"That's 11 votes to save that person, with 9 against."
"I wanna change my vote to against."
"God DAMN it, not again."
Reminds me of planet Democratus in the game Anachronox...
walkers would take three days just to get in my house.:
Don't forget how quickly they will rot into nothing but bones because of the heavy rains.
I'm at odds about China because they have some bad ass people there, but they have way too many people. If the ZA started in China, there'd be too many zombies to deal with - it would spread too quickly. But those Asian mobs are pretty bad ass. xD
I think that the US would be one of the least equipped countries to deal with it. Also, England, Scotland, maybe some of Canada and similar countries that have a lot of laws about personal safety (hard to or can't own guns, citizens are forced to rely on local and federal police and military to keep them safe, so on) would be screwed.
I know that, even though I'm from Texas, there's a lot of negative stereotypes about self sufficiency. If a group of friends is self sufficient, they're considered militants. It's just really discouraged. Too many people I know buy into those stereotypes, too, thinking badly of people who have survival skills.
That's why I think that we'd be screwed here lol.
In the first case such as the one in the walking dead the main problem is the humans not the zombies, so an abundance of guns among the crowds would be detrimental instead of positive.
In the second case every1 is pretty much screwed anyways.
I believe Canada would be pretty good seeing as the population denisty is pretty low and the amount of food and health equipment in the country is high.
I do however wish to believe that my native country, Norway, would do pretty well itself. It is cold, low population density, has alot of mountains and uneven terrain, it has alot of medical equipment and there is an abundance of food due to a good economical stability.
Stereotypes, duh lol.
Ireland is known for ILA. I say "extremist" because whenever Ireland is mentioned in international news, it's painted like a bad thing. But from what I understand, it's a "militant" group, with strong support from the citizens. What that tells me is that there are a lot of self sufficient people in Ireland, who would be more than ready, willing, and able to take care of business.
Also, though Germany is a nice place and I know many people with duel citizenship who visit there frequently who are very friendly and nice, it does have a reputation for having rougher people. And it'll sound bad, but I will still say it and not dance around it - the whole Nazi thing did happen there. I know a lot of people didn't agree with it, but any country that can do that, get "defeated" and keep on trucking, must be built on a foundation of great citizens.
The friends I have from Germany talk as if the people there are very self sufficient, well trained, prepared for anything. Even though their gun laws are very strict, allowing most people to only have one gun, the guns there are very, very good.
That would translate into "extremist" in most people's view, because it's not their country and the people are "scary".
I truly didn't mean any offense, if offense was taken. :P
Stereotypes... yep...
I am German myself, and I can tell you that there is no law allowing any citizen to carry a gun (not even one per person). The only way to make that happen legaly is being a member of a gun club, and even then, you are only allowed to take your gun from your home safe to the shooting range(in a secured case) and back. There is no way anyone in Germany carries his gun around legaly - with the exeption of hunters of course, but the laws are very similar there. Safe -> car -> hunting fields -> and back.
The Nazi thing! Yes, it did happend here, around 70 years ago, just as many other bad things happend elsewhere at other times. You must understand that our generation is not THAT generation anymore.
I actually like your typo about Ireland, ILA (supposedly the Irish Lad Army
I'm not judging you, or anyone else, just trying to give the effort to read a book, or at least google, next time you post something like this.
We know our stuff.
My knowledge of Germany comes from what friends have said. I'm not in the habit of researching what they tell me to argue with them later. :P I knew it was/is hard to get and carry a gun in Germany, but like you said, it's not illegal.(And yes, my friends are the type that do have guns. I've only heard from their point of view.)
And that is actually my point exactly. Usually turmoil and bad press like that could make a country lose itself. I'm saying that I think the people of Germany are strong because of what they've overcome. If you honestly think that I was trying to insinuate that all Germans are Nazis, or even that it's still a relevant view point, you're seriously misreading my intentions.
Also, if I were still worried about Nazis, I think I would have left the US by now, as there are plenty of rumors that CIA and whatnot used to be highly populated by them. lol
As for IRA/ILA, I've heard it called Republic/Republican and Liberation. I'm actually sad to hear that it's not what it used to be, as, from what I have heard, it used to be something grand. I've also heard more about it from a political, not religious, point of view.
While I don't think you're judging me, I do think that you've missed my points entirely.
I still stand by what I said before. I don't need a book or google to tell me my opinion. I think countries that have overcome strife and/or have "violent" or "extremist" citizen groups would fair best in the ZA.
Although I guess I should have added, to the previous post and to this one, that I don't consider the countries violent or extreme. I just have heard of them referred to that way in a negative light. I don't consider civil rights or preparedness to be negative, however. I guess I should have said that from the start lol. I really didn't mean any offense.
Yeah, I grew up with people telling me 13 years of school how much we should be ashamed of our ancestors. I got over it, but ask my parents... they weren't even born then, still... say JEW, my mom (born 1950) SHRINKS... not because she hates them, but because she feels guilty. She wasn't even born... don't think the whole war didn't leave its social marks, and don't tell us how to think about our past, please.
It was plainly religious... catholics vs. protestants.
Not at all. That is where you didn't get me. I grew up partially in asia and in a workers suburb in Sydney. You won't believe what I had to go through to not being a Nazi, not being a puff, not being a ... hey what did you call me? *smack*
"YOU 8-BIT will spend the big pause on the footsteps!"
(Great thing for an 11 year old... just 90 minutes to go, because I defended myself)
So the United States of A should be right up there, I guess... so many "Urbans" ...
Lol I actually wouldn't put it past them to be doing it illegally, as they do it here illegally, as well. I'm sorry that you had your hardships just because you're German, but I wasn't trying to step on your toes. I like you and enjoy chatting with you, as well as the other Germans I know. :P I even edited my last post because I realize it sounded rude and didn't quite convey what I was trying to say.
As for USA, I don't think we'd fair as well as other countries due to several reasons. We rely too heavily on our government and police for protection. We think too little about what would happen if our government failed. We have poorer health than a LOT of other countries, and are one of the fattest nations. Also, too few people think that self preparedness is good. As I said before, a lot of people here think that survivalists are extremists and militants. It's really discouraged through social pressure.
I think the US would be overrun by zombies and that only a very small percentage of people would survive - too few to take care of the newly found pest problem of zombies - and that of that very small percentage, those who went bad would go realllll bad.
Again, I really didn't mean any offense. I was just stating my opinion. :P
As an Australian, (so, perhaps with bias) I feel the same way. Not sharing a border with a different country is a very useful defense. Also our natural wildlife (snakes, spiders) might help to delay the zombies. Otherwise, I'm sure the flies will be useful for distraction! :P
I think our main concern would be military power and available guns. (According to Wikipedia we have 81,000 people in the military to protect 22 million people. Can't find statistics on police numbers at the moment.) But I think with the way our cities are planned, it shouldn't be too difficult to distribute the 81,000 people for protection.
I like the cold more than the heat.
Or can walkers swim?
On the other hand smaller countries, but ofcourse even then, Denmark here is a small country but still 6 million people, eventhat is crazy if you take like 95% zombie rate or something.
The major downside is that many big countries have people packed so tight, like in china, new york, where you have so many people close together, that would be primal hunting grounds for zombies.
Ideel place is somewhere out in the open, where you can see for miles all the way round. Zombies from what we know seem to have this ability to sneak up on people.
Lets just all pray that if real zombies could happen, they arent like in Left 4 dead, because then we are all fucked no matter where you are lol. Because they are like zombie apes that can climb anything and run super fast.
I was goin to say Aus too, (yes im aussie also lol), but I think NZ and Hawaii are more isolated than we are. Although they dont have the population isolation that we do. In that sense you're right, just head inlands, Coober Pedy, go live underground, they'd never find you lol.
If that is the way a misunderstanding turns out to be, I'd love to have many more!
And they all have exactly one gun, as far as I know.
Wouldn't that classify them as zombies not survivors.