The internet my friend. Within a matter of hours, I'm sure it will be available off illegal download sites and streaming on several websites.
I was hoping you'd say that! Anyway, it isn't REALLY that bad, I mean, other people in America get to watch it (I'm not sure for free or not) so why can't we?
I was hoping you'd say that! Anyway, it isn't REALLY that bad, I mean, other people in America get to watch it (I'm not sure for free or not) so why can't we?
No, it's not that bad. Because we'll just watch the episode illegally initially, but once it is broadcast in Australia, most of us will (I assume) re-watch them anyway.
So you guys have a site to watch it that isn't ridiculously slow? I guess I should've looked harder when the movies were coming out. (I'm not asking for a link)
And I watched every movie legally as soon as I was able to.
I won't feel bad about watching it illegally at first either, since it's a definite instant buy when the series is available for purchase. Just hope I find a decent quality download somewhere.
I've only ever watched one Futurama episode, but I'm still ridiculously excited by this announcement. I should probably add that I watched that one episode about five times.
I've only ever watched one Futurama episode, but I'm still ridiculously excited by this announcement. I should probably add that I watched that one episode about five times.
Go and watch them all, they are all brilliant! And, just out of interest, what was that 'one episode'?
I have always looked forward to Telltale producing their own original IP's - however, THIS is one franchise I would absolutely go nuts for if Telltale were to tackle it. Futuruma is perfect for Telltale!
Have you guys seen all the films? Ahhhh, I just love this cartoon series. It's such zany outer-space fun.
I have always looked forward to Telltale producing their own original IP's - however, THIS is one franchise I would absolutely go nuts for if Telltale were to tackle it. Futuruma is perfect for Telltale!
I totally agree. The jokes and writing in Telltale's games are very similar to the writing and jokes that you hear/see in Futurama.
I totally agree. The jokes and writing in Telltale's games are very similar to the writing and jokes that you hear/see in Futurama.
I sort of disagree with this -- I actually think the humor and writing on Futurama is both superior to Telltale's, and a whole lot nerdier (no offense to the Telltale guys, it's an impossible standard) -- but WOULD absolutely love Telltale to take on the franchise. It is one of the few where I have absolutely no doubts that it would work.
So far its good. I hope they don't mess it up from what I've seen so far. I'm watching it now.
These first two episodes are easily as good as some of the best from the old series. If they keep this standard up, I will be extremely happy!
The only thing I'm not sure about, is how they're going to continue the story with Fry and Leela actually dating. An important part of the way they interacted was the whole "unconsummated love" thing. I'm thinking that some kind of reset might happen at some point in the next few episodes so things can go back the way they were.
I honestly dont mind seeing them together and feel like its a refresher. I like it so far.
Yeah, it is nice seeing Fry get his dream after all that time!
But, in any long-running series where two main characters have that kind of sexual tension, it kind of ruins the whole dynamic if they ever actually get together.
So much of the humour and storylines have developed around Fry's desperate attempts to get together with Leela. It's just hard to see where the series is going if you take that element away.
But yeah, I'm also really happy for the kid and I'd be kind of upset actually seeing them break up now.
Why does it have to take anything away? LOL, it just changes things. I still think the show is entertaining and funny. They always liked each other, always will, I would be extremely annoyed if they reverted back to the old ways...
I think it's fine that they changed it a little bit, like I said it's refreshing for me. There's new stories to tell now and I think that even though they had episodes where they clearly weren't BF and GF, they had episodes where they were already very good friends and acted lovingly of each other.
So really not much has changed. You got your opinion but the show's back go tto get back to watching!
OMG! Second episode, not finished yet!
EDIT: spoiler
I really don't like it that Leela had sex with Zapp.
Yeah, I totally agree. It's just this classic trap that TV shows have fallen into in the past, where two main characters finally get together and suddenly everything falls flat. If you think about it, there's been this massive story arc since the beginning of the whole series, which is a love story between Fry and Leela. Now they're actually together, that story is basically over, so they need to find new things to do with it and new stories to tell. If anyone can pull it off successfully, the Futurama writers can, and I really hope that they do!
The second episode might trouble you slightly ...
Edit: Lol, I just saw your edit. That's exactly what I thought might trouble you!
Yeah, I don't gear like that, I didn't go for that. I hope future episodes focus on new things and don't play off of older ones like that. I mean it's good to have a base and be daring and go beyond what you did before, catch us by surprise...
But I don't think we need to chew it all up like a dog's wet blanket.
I hope they keep it real. You're right, let's hope these writers can pull it off.
I'm glad to hear that it's good (enough). What I initially heard about the new episodes weren't positive words.
Critics are so naive. Look at STTNG one of the greatest shows ever created. It had a horrible start. Look at Enterprise, the first episodes flopped but towards the end of the series it was really good.
We get over rated mumble jumble movies and shows that really really aren't that great. Enterprise was replaced by a shit reality TV series...about buses.
Just because something is flawed in it's birth it doesn't mean that you have to see negative things so critically. There's room for growth and the series has potential.
To be honest I enjoyed most of the new 2 episodes. When is it on next in the US?
I'm glad to hear that it's good (enough). What I initially heard about the new episodes weren't positive words.
Ouch! The background image of that website hurts my eyes and nearly made me pass out :eek:
But in general I totally disagree with most of that review. It's very easy to look back on the early seasons with rose-tinted spectacles, but in reality it has always featured a lot of cheap gags and one-liner comedy, and confusingly mixed-up plots, which seem to be the main things he's complaining about. For me and my friends and housemates, both new episodes had us constantly in stitches, which is surely what counts. And yet there were much deeper elements to the characters, humour, and storylines, which is why Futurama is so great; and he seems to have completely missed out that part!
Ouch! The background image of that website hurts my eyes and nearly made me pass out :eek:
But in general I totally disagree with most of that review. It's very easy to look back on the early seasons with rose-tinted spectacles, but in reality it has always featured a lot of cheap gags and one-liner comedy, and confusingly mixed-up plots, which seem to be the main things he's complaining about. For me and my friends and housemates, both new episodes had us constantly in stitches, which is surely what counts. And yet there were much deeper elements to the characters, humour, and storylines, which is why Futurama is so great; and he seems to have completely missed out that part!
Critics are so naive. Look at STTNG one of the greatest shows ever created. It had a horrible start. Look at Enterprise, the first episodes flopped but towards the end of the series it was really good.
Yes, it is still in its [re]birthing process, the writers and the rest of the team will soon [re]find their groove.
To be honest I enjoyed most of the new 2 episodes. When is it on next in the US?[/QUOTE]
Were they better or worse than the feature-length, direct-to-DVD films?
...and to answer your question from the previous page, Highway, I think that the air date must have been changed in the lead-up to 'Rebirth', because I could swear that June 10th was the initial air date. Or, I could be wrong, but I'm quite sure that I had the correct date. Oh well, either way, Futurama is here now, and that's all that matters
Today, I finally started to watch Futurama (from the beginning). I can't believe it took me so long to get to this show. This weekend is officially a Futurama marathon for me.
I was hoping you'd say that! Anyway, it isn't REALLY that bad, I mean, other people in America get to watch it (I'm not sure for free or not) so why can't we?
No, it's not that bad. Because we'll just watch the episode illegally initially, but once it is broadcast in Australia, most of us will (I assume) re-watch them anyway.
And I watched every movie legally as soon as I was able to.
Go and watch them all, they are all brilliant! And, just out of interest, what was that 'one episode'?
One of the better shows in my opinion, The Simpson's is ok, but I like Futurama more.
It was the one with the MASH parody. I love MASH and so I thought that parody was brilliant.
'War Is The H-Word' I believe is the title of it. Good episode, you should watch the rest of them!
It's been my intention to watch the rest for a few years now, but now I have a lot more motivation (new season!) and a lot more time (summer!).
I can't disagree with that, Dr. Zoidberd is a really funny character.
He is one of my favourites, right after Bender.
Have you guys seen all the films? Ahhhh, I just love this cartoon series. It's such zany outer-space fun.
I totally agree. The jokes and writing in Telltale's games are very similar to the writing and jokes that you hear/see in Futurama.
These first two episodes are easily as good as some of the best from the old series. If they keep this standard up, I will be extremely happy!
The only thing I'm not sure about, is how they're going to continue the story with Fry and Leela actually dating. An important part of the way they interacted was the whole "unconsummated love" thing. I'm thinking that some kind of reset might happen at some point in the next few episodes so things can go back the way they were.
Yeah, it is nice seeing Fry get his dream after all that time!
But, in any long-running series where two main characters have that kind of sexual tension, it kind of ruins the whole dynamic if they ever actually get together.
So much of the humour and storylines have developed around Fry's desperate attempts to get together with Leela. It's just hard to see where the series is going if you take that element away.
But yeah, I'm also really happy for the kid
I think it's fine that they changed it a little bit, like I said it's refreshing for me. There's new stories to tell now and I think that even though they had episodes where they clearly weren't BF and GF, they had episodes where they were already very good friends and acted lovingly of each other.
So really not much has changed. You got your opinion but the show's back go tto get back to watching!
OMG! Second episode, not finished yet!
EDIT: spoiler
I really don't like it that Leela had sex with Zapp.
The second episode might trouble you slightly ...
Edit: Lol, I just saw your edit. That's exactly what I thought might trouble you!
But I don't think we need to chew it all up like a dog's wet blanket.
I hope they keep it real. You're right, let's hope these writers can pull it off.
oooh.... harsh...
Critics are so naive. Look at STTNG one of the greatest shows ever created. It had a horrible start. Look at Enterprise, the first episodes flopped but towards the end of the series it was really good.
We get over rated mumble jumble movies and shows that really really aren't that great. Enterprise was replaced by a shit reality TV series...about buses.
Just because something is flawed in it's birth it doesn't mean that you have to see negative things so critically. There's room for growth and the series has potential.
To be honest I enjoyed most of the new 2 episodes. When is it on next in the US?
Ouch! The background image of that website hurts my eyes and nearly made me pass out :eek:
But in general I totally disagree with most of that review. It's very easy to look back on the early seasons with rose-tinted spectacles, but in reality it has always featured a lot of cheap gags and one-liner comedy, and confusingly mixed-up plots, which seem to be the main things he's complaining about. For me and my friends and housemates, both new episodes had us constantly in stitches, which is surely what counts. And yet there were much deeper elements to the characters, humour, and storylines, which is why Futurama is so great; and he seems to have completely missed out that part!
It's on every Thursday. For the next 3 months. Yay!
I totally agree with your review.
Tell me about it. After reading this, I just had to rush off to find other reviews that conflicted the views put forward in this one.
Yes, it is still in its [re]birthing process, the writers and the rest of the team will soon [re]find their groove.
To be honest I enjoyed most of the new 2 episodes. When is it on next in the US?[/QUOTE]
Were they better or worse than the feature-length, direct-to-DVD films?
Oh, and to answer your question, next week.
...and to answer your question from the previous page, Highway, I think that the air date must have been changed in the lead-up to 'Rebirth', because I could swear that June 10th was the initial air date. Or, I could be wrong, but I'm quite sure that I had the correct date. Oh well, either way, Futurama is here now, and that's all that matters
Fair call, actually.