Episode download ERROR!!

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
i finished my episode 1 but i cannot download the rest of the episode. every time they said that it is a connection error and this is very frustrating!!!:mad:


  • edited October 2012
    I got episode 2 to download by giving the game window a few rapid clicks every few minutes, thinking that would keep the game from becoming inactive or whatever causes the download to be dropped. That seemed to work. I ran the game in windowed mode instead of full screen and I was playing on the net between clicks, so I wasn't staring at the download screen for the whole duration.

    For the next episode, in Windows 7 I opened the game by right-clicking the shortcut and selecting "Run as Administrator". I didn't have any issues with it downloading. I can't be sure if it worked because of that or if I was just lucky that time. But you may give that a try first, and if it doesn't work try the other.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Take a look into this thread:

    It's an inofficial fix (two, actually) by fellow moderator DjNDB for any download problems. I really hope it helps!
  • edited October 2012
    For those with apple devices (iOS). If an episode isn't downloading, close all apps including walking dead, fully switch the power off the device, turn the phone/iPad back on. After it is turned back on straight away go on walking dead app and download purchased epidode right away. If it still doesn't work, switch off wifi, repeat process and switch back on. If it still doesn't work then use some elses wifi (eg. Family, friends, McDonald's :)) just keep trying and hopefully it will work.
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